Get nested data c.<type>.<type> in SQL Query? - sql

I've been searching everywhere for this seemingly simple action: I'd like to select only a certain few data type from a nested source.
The closest that I can get to the solution is this:
SELECT c.receipt_number, c.millitime,,, c.shipping, c.shipping_note, c.amount_paid, i.description, i.quantity
JOIN i IN c.line_items
WHERE c.millitime > 1627813253000
But this will create lots of duplicated data, like the receipt_number, email, etc in the example:
"receipt_number": null,
"millitime": 1627813377000,
"email": "",
"phone": "000000000",
"shipping": {
"address": {
"city": "Sydney",
"country": "AU",
"line1": "Test Street",
"line2": null,
"postal_code": "3000",
"state": "VIC"
"name": "New Cust"
"shipping_note": "Please knock on door.",
"amount_paid": 104,
"description": "Curry Chicken",
"quantity": 1
"receipt_number": null,
"millitime": 1627813377000,
"email": "",
"phone": "000000000",
"shipping": {
"address": {
"city": "Sydney",
"country": "AU",
"line1": "Test Street",
"line2": null,
"postal_code": "3000",
"state": "VIC"
"name": "New Cust"
"shipping_note": "Please knock on door.",
"amount_paid": 104,
"description": "Chicken Noodle",
"quantity": 8
Is there a way to create a nested result of c.line_items with just the desired data description and quantity? The final result should be similar to:
"receipt_number": null,
"millitime": 1627813377000,
"email": "",
"phone": "000000000",
"shipping": {
"address": {
"city": "Sydney",
"country": "AU",
"line1": "Test Street",
"line2": null,
"postal_code": "3000",
"state": "VIC"
"name": "New Cust"
"shipping_note": "Please knock on door.",
"amount_paid": 104,
"line_items": [
"description": "Chicken Noodle",
"quantity": 8
"description": "Curry Chicken",
"quantity": 1

I have created the same in
You can use distinct keyword to remove duplicates from the results.
Add c.line_items to your select list and change i.description, i.quantity to c.description, c.quantity to add view under line_items.
SELECT distinct c.receipt_number, c.millitime,,, c.shipping, c.shipping_note, c.amount_paid, c.line_items
JOIN i IN c.line_items
WHERE c.millitime > 1627813253000
Reference: Azure Cosmos DB SQL query - JSON items


Select data from Json array MS SQL Server

I have to select data from Json like this:
"id": 10100,
"externalId": "100000035",
"name": "Test1",
"companyId": 10099,
"phone": "0738003811",
"email": "",
"mainAddress": {
"county": "UK",
"province": "test",
"zipCode": "01234",
"city": "test",
"street": "test",
"gln": "44,37489331;26,21941193",
"country": {
"iso2": "UK",
"iso3": "UK"
"active": false,
"main": true,
"stores": [
"attributes": [
"attributeId": 1059,
"attributeName": "CH6 name",
"attributeExternalId": null,
"attributeValueId": 74292,
"attributeValueType": "MONO_LINGUAL",
"attributeValueEid": null,
"attributePlainValue": "Unknown"
"attributeId": 1061,
"attributeName": "BD",
"attributeExternalId": null,
"attributeValueId": 81720,
"attributeValueType": "MONO_LINGUAL",
"attributeValueEid": null,
"attributePlainValue": "Not assigned"
"daysSinceLastOrder": null
"id": 62606,
"externalId": "VL_LC_000190",
"name": "Test",
"companyId": 17793,
"phone": "44333424",
"email": "",
"mainAddress": {
"firmName": "test",
"county": "test",
"province": "test",
"zipCode": "247555",
"city": "test",
"street": "test",
"gln": "44.8773851;23.9223518",
"country": {
"iso2": "RO",
"iso3": "ROU"
"phone": "07547063789"
"active": true,
"main": false,
"stores": [
"attributes": [
"attributeId": 1042,
"attributeName": "Type of location",
"attributeExternalId": "TYPE_OF_DIVISION",
"attributeValueId": 34506,
"attributeValueType": "MONO_LINGUAL",
"attributeValueEid": "Small OTC (<40mp)",
"attributePlainValue": "Small OTC (<40mp)"
"attributeId": 17,
"attributeName": "Limit for payment",
"attributeExternalId": "LIMIT_FOR_PAYMENT_IN_DAYS",
"attributeValueId": 59120,
"attributeValueType": "NUMBER",
"attributeValueEid": null,
"attributePlainValue": "28"
"daysSinceLastOrder": 147
I know how to select data from simple json object using "FROM OPENJSON",
but now I have to select a
AttributeValueId, AttributeId and AttributeName, attributePlainValue and CompanyId for each Attribute. So I dont know how to select data from attributes array and then how to join to this CompanyId which is one level up.
Maybe someone knows how write this query.
As mentioned by #lptr in the comments:
You need to pass the result of one OPENJSON to another, using CROSS APPLY. You can select a whole JSON object or array as a property, by using the syntax AS JSON
from openjson(#j)
with (
companyId int,
attributes nvarchar(max) as json
) as t1
cross apply openjson(t1.attributes)
attributeId int,
attributeName nvarchar(100),
attributeValueId nvarchar(100),
attributePlainValue nvarchar(100)
) as t2;
For example, you can use code like this.
f1.metaData->"$.identity.customerID" = '.$customerID.'

How to get data from json column in mssql

I'm struggling to write a query that gets value from json column with some specific conditions. I have a table named Table1 with a column of type nvarchar(max) named Data that contains some json values. The json itself looks like this:
"Addresses": [
"ApartmentNumber": "1",
"City": "Rome",
"CountryCode": "IT",
"HouseNumber": "2",
"Post": "Rome",
"PostalCode": "11-111",
"Region": "Rome",
"Street": "Italian",
"StreetPrefix": "St.",
"TypeCode": "PERMANENT"
"ApartmentNumber": "11",
"City": "Madrid",
"CountryCode": "ES",
"HouseNumber": "22",
"Post": "Madrid",
"PostalCode": "11-111",
"Region": "Madrid",
"Street": "Spanish",
"StreetPrefix": "St.",
"Contacts": [
"TypeCode": "EMAIL",
"DefaultContact": false,
"Value": ""
"PersonData": {
"BirthDate": "1968-08-03T00:00:00",
"CitizenshipCode": "US",
"DeathDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"FirstName": "John",
"Gender": "M",
"LastName": "Jones"
I would like to get a value of CountryCode from the Addresses node where TypeCode is "CORRESPONDENCE". I tried to achieve that with combinations of JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY functions but I failed. Below are some examples of my trials:
SELECT JSON_QUERY(t.Data, '$.Addresses') AS Address FROM [Table1] t
"ApartmentNumber": "1",
"City": "Rome",
"CountryCode": "IT",
"HouseNumber": "2",
"Post": "Rome",
"PostalCode": "11-111",
"Region": "Rome",
"Street": "Italian",
"StreetPrefix": "St.",
"TypeCode": "PERMANENT"
"ApartmentNumber": "11",
"City": "Madrid",
"CountryCode": "ES",
"HouseNumber": "22",
"Post": "Madrid",
"PostalCode": "11-111",
"Region": "Madrid",
"Street": "Spanish",
"StreetPrefix": "St.",
or this:
select top 1 JSON_VALUE(t.Data, '$.PersonData.LastName') FROM [Table1] t where ISJSON(t.Data) > 0 and JSON_VALUE(pd.BusinessPartner, '$.PersonData.Gender') = 'F'
but when i to write similar query with Addresses as condition:
select top 1 JSON_VALUE(t.Data, '$.Addresses.CountryCode') FROM [Table1] t where ISJSON(t.Data) > 0 and JSON_VALUE(t.Data,'$.Addresses.TypeCode') = 'CORRESPONDENCE'
I get empty string as the result.
Thanks in advance
From SQL Server 2016, you can query on JSON column. See the documentation : Work with JSON data
The interesting part for you it's Analyze JSON data with SQL queries.
This done :
select Id, PostalCode
from Address
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (Address.Data, N'$.Addresses')
TypeCode varchar(50) '$.TypeCode',
PostalCode varchar(50) '$.PostalCode'
) AS AddressesJsonData

How to process payments with service fee being deducted in Visa Cybersource Payments API?

I have an app that I would like to add payment processing similar to Amazon payment processing into it where sub-merchants get paid by customers with service fee being deducted, I can see in the following request body but there is no field in request body to specify a service fee:
"clientReferenceInformation": {
"code": "TC588171_3"
"processingInformation": {
"commerceIndicator": "internet"
"aggregatorInformation": {
"subMerchant": {
"cardAcceptorID": "1234567890",
"country": "US",
"phoneNumber": "650-432-0000",
"address1": "900 Metro Center",
"postalCode": "94404-2775",
"locality": "Foster City",
"name": "Visa Inc",
"administrativeArea": "CA",
"region": "PEN",
"email": ""
"name": "V-Internatio",
"aggregatorID": "123456789"
"orderInformation": {
"billTo": {
"country": "US",
"lastName": "VDP",
"address2": "Address 2",
"address1": "201 S. Division St.",
"postalCode": "48104-2201",
"locality": "Ann Arbor",
"administrativeArea": "MI",
"firstName": "RTS",
"phoneNumber": "999999999",
"district": "MI",
"buildingNumber": "123",
"company": "Visa",
"email": ""
"amountDetails": {
"totalAmount": "102.21",
"currency": "USD"
"paymentInformation": {
"card": {
"expirationYear": "2031",
"number": "5555555555554444",
"securityCode": "123",
"expirationMonth": "12",
"type": "002"
Is there a way or a workaround to get a service fee deducted?
Service fees go in the orderInformation block. Like this:
"orderInformation": {
"amountDetails": {
"totalAmount": "102.21",
"currency": "USD",
"serviceFeeAmount": "3.00"
There are a few prerequisites to using service fees. One of which you must be using First Data as your processor. For more details check this documentation.

Add virtual column for order by it but does not return it

I have an entity which has a point (postgis) property.I need to return a collection of that entity ordered by the distance between coordinates of user and the point of entity.
For this, Im adding an aggregate function for calculate that distance and add it in ORDER BY, but I dont want to return it. I only need that return and array of objects of entity.
Without order by, the result is:
"user": "/api/users/1",
"id": 1,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-05T11:03:03+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T11:34:06+02:00",
"birthdate": "1991-05-13T08:02:32+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "Miami"
"user": "/api/users/3",
"id": 2,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-05T13:59:30+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T10:57:40+02:00",
"birthdate": "1999-04-05T11:48:46+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "New York"
"user": "/api/users/7",
"id": 3,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-11T11:11:03+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T11:11:03+02:00",
"birthdate": "1991-05-13T08:02:32+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "New York"
When I add the next code for ORDER BY disntace (calculated between coordinates of user and the point)
->addSelect("ST_Distance(o.point, ST_Point(:longitude,:latitude)) AS distance")
->addOrderBy("distance", "ASC")
->setParameter("longitude", $longitude)
->setParameter("latitude", $latitude)
I get:
"0": {
"user": "/api/users/1",
"id": 1,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-05T11:03:03+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T11:34:06+02:00",
"birthdate": "1991-05-13T08:02:32+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "Miami"
"distance": "106496.35623204"
"0": {
"user": "/api/users/7",
"id": 3,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-11T11:11:03+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T11:11:03+02:00",
"birthdate": "1991-05-13T08:02:32+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "New York"
"distance": "109073.2944295"
"0": {
"user": "/api/users/3",
"id": 2,
"gender": "MALE",
"createdAt": "2019-04-05T13:59:30+02:00",
"updateAt": "2019-04-11T10:57:40+02:00",
"birthdate": "1999-04-05T11:48:46+02:00",
"deletedAt": null,
"town": "New York"
"distance": "285892.32591062"
I need to the result seem like the 1st json. It is possible to add ORDER BY but remove/hide the distance property?
As of doctrine 2.2, Scalar mappings can now be omitted from DQL result,
using the HIDDEN keyword, so to omit the computed field from the result:
->addSelect("ST_Distance(o.point, ST_Point(:longitude,:latitude)) AS HIDDEN distance")
DQL select expressions documentation
DQL examples

Post carrier to Bigcommerce Shipments API

When an item ships via FedEx I want the end customer to see a FedEx tracking number. How do I indicate the carrier? Do I put "FedEx" in the shipping_method field?
The shipping carrier can only be set during the initial POST and not with subsequent PUT requests. When creating a shipment and you want to denote the shipping carrier, you should send a POST request with a json body such as:
"id": 1,
"order_id": 115,
"customer_id": 0,
"order_address_id": 16,
"date_created": "Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:17:10 +0000",
"tracking_number": "111222333444",
"shipping_method": "None",
"shipping_provider": "fedex",
"tracking_carrier": "fedex",
"comments": "A sample shipment for order 115",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Louise",
"last_name": "Dean",
"company": "Skiptube",
"street_1": "147 Meadow Vale Way",
"street_2": "",
"city": "Fullerton",
"state": "Rhode Island",
"zip": "74674",
"country": "United States",
"country_iso2": "US",
"phone": "7-(086)085-9448",
"email": ""
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Louise",
"last_name": "Dean",
"company": "Skiptube",
"street_1": "147 Meadow Vale Way",
"street_2": "",
"city": "Fullerton",
"state": "Rhode Island",
"zip": "74674",
"country": "United States",
"country_iso2": "US",
"phone": "7-(086)085-9448",
"email": ""
"items": [
"order_product_id": 16,
"product_id": 0,
"quantity": 1
Yes, "shipping_method" is the correct property to use for the carrier name.