RabbitMQ Cluster operator - enabling MQTT plugin - ssl

While using https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator I have a working setup with TLS enabled for AMQP. Now I would need to enable MQTT, however I donot find any example of enabling plugins with this operator.
Can someone help with an example of enabling MQTT over RabbitMQ via the cluster operator?

As mentioned in Rabbit MQ Documentation, in order to enable mqtt plugin, we have to add the corresponding plugin name "rabbitmq_mqtt".


How to find the version of AMQP protocol used in ActiveMQ

Is there any way to check the version (1.0 or 0.9.1) of AMQP that is being used by ActiveMQ. I'm using ActiveMQ 5.16.3.
In the RabbitMQ console there is a way to view the version of AMQP protocol that is being connected. I want to check if there are any ways to verify the version of AMQP protocol that is being connected in the ActiveMQ web console.
ActiveMQ "Classic" (i.e. 5.x) only supports AMQP 1.0. See the documentation for more details.
There is no way to see the protocol version in the web console and really no need since only AMQP 1.0 is supported.

Kafka Zookeeper security

I am using Kafka Version Is there a way to secure communication between Zookeper Client i.e ZkClient and zookeper server with SSL. I found some way to do through SASL but i want it through SSL.
Zookeeper 3.5 includes SSL support but it is still in alpha so Kafka doesn't yet support it. The highest supported version is 3.4 which only includes sasl.
Ref: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-1000
This task can still be achieved by a simple workaround mentioned in the steps below;
Install zookeeper-3.5.1-alpha (to use the .jar files. version 3.5+ can be used)
Replace default zookeeper*.jar with /zookeeper-3.5.1-alpha/zookeeper-3.5.1-alpha.jar in <kafka-installation-folder>\libs
Copy /zookeeper-3.5.1-alpha/lib/netty-3.7.0.Final.jar into <kafka-installation-folder>\libs
Relevant changes to enable SSL on Zookeeper (https://cwiki-test.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/ZooKeeper+SSL+User+Guide)

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IBM Websphere MQ as a message broker, so we'd like to convert it away from RabbitMQ. However Websphere MQ doesn't support the STOMP protocol, which is spring-websocket's default. MQTT seems like the easiest supported protocol to use instead. Ideally our front-end web clients will continue to use STOMP, but I'm also OK with migrating them to MQTT if needed.
What classes do I need to overwrite to make spring-websocket interface with the broker via MQTT instead of STOMP? This article provides some general guidance that I should extend AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration, but I'm unclear where to begin.
Currently I'm using the standard configuration methods: registry.enableStompBrokerRelay and registerStompEndpoints in AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
Ryan has some good pointers.
The main work is going to be creating a replacement for StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler with an MqttBrokerMessageHandler that not only talks to an MQTT broker but also adapts client STOMP frames to MQTT and vice versa. The protocols are similar enough that it may be possible to find common ground but you won't know until you try.
Note that we did have plans for for MQTT support https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12581 but the key issue was that SockJS which is required over the Web for fallback support does not support binary messages.
Here's my stab at this after reviewing the spring-websocket source code:
Change WebSocketConfig:
Remove #EnableWebSocketMessageBroker
Add new annotation: #EnableMqttWebSocketMessageBroker
Create MqttBrokerMessageHandler that extends AbstractBrokerMessageHandler -- suggest we copy and edit StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler
Create a new class that EnableMqttWebSocketMessageBroker imports: DelegatingMqttWebSocketMessageBrokerConfiguration
DelegatingMqttWebSocketMessageBrokerConfiguration extends AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration directly and routes to MqttBrokerMessageHandler
Add this to server.xml on WebSphere Liberty:

ActiveMQ embedded with MQTT and Default MQ enabled, Possible to publish to both in one call?

I am using ActiveMQ embedded in Glassfish with both the default 61616 communication port and a port with MQTT enabled.
Is there a way to publish to both of these MQs in one call if ActiveMQ is configured a certain way?
If not, is the only way to connect to the MQTT server from the J2EE server through a 3rd party MQTT client?
If so, is there a MQTT lib that can take advantage of J2EE container's connection pools?
All protocols in ActiveMQ will share the same topics and queues.
You can subscribe and publish as you wish from java/JMS and the data will be accessible on the same topic using MQTT.
Of course, there will be some issues if you use JMS-only features, such as ObjectMessage and whatnot, but that is pretty obvious. Stick to text messages on topics and you should be fine.

Can I configure Apache ActiveMQ to use the STOMP protocol over UDP?

I'm developing a STOMP binding for Ada, which is working fine utilizing TCP/IP as the transport between the client and an ActiveMQ server configured as a STOMP broker. I thought to support UDP as well (i.e. STOMP over UDP), however, the lack of pertinent information in the ActiveMQ documentation or in web searches suggests to me that this isn't possible, and perhaps it doesn't even make any sense :-)
Confirmation one way or the other (and an ActiveMQ configuration excerpt if this is possible) would be appreciated.
this is not implemented in ActiveMQ at the moment as Stomp transport uses TCP only. It is possible to implement, so if you have a time to do it, give it a try.