oracle concurrent select for update and insert - sql

I have a table with two columns: k (primary key) and value.
I'd like to:
select for update by k, if k is not found, insert a new row with a default value.
with the returned value ( existent or new inserted row value) make some processing.
update the row and commit.
Is it possible to make this "select for update and insert default value if not found"?
If implement (1) as a select/check if found/insert if not found, we have concurrency problems, since two sessions could make the select concurrently on non existent key, both will try to insert and one of the instances will fail.
In this case the desired behavior is to perform atomically the select/insert and one of the instance perform it and the second one keep locked until the first one commits, and then use the value inserted by the first one.
We implement it always doing an "insert ... if not exist.../commit" before the "select for update" but this implies always trying to insert when it is a unlikely needed.
Is there any way to implement it on one sql sentence?

See if k is available
WHERE k = value
If no rows returned, then it doesn't exist. Insert it:
INSERT INTO table(k, col1, col2)
VALUES (value, val1, default))

select ... for update is the first step you should make; without it, you can't "reserve" that row for further processing (unless you're willing to lock the whole table in exclusive mode; if that "processing" takes no time, that could also be an option, especially if there are not many users who will be doing it).
If row exists, the rest is simple - process it, update it, commit.
But, if it doesn't exist, you'll have to insert a new row (just as you said), and here's a problem of two (or more) users inserting the same value.
To avoid it, create a function which
will return unique ID value for a new row
is an autonomous transaction
why? Because you're performing DML in it (update or insert), and you can't do that in a function unless it is an autonomous transaction
Users will have to use that function to get the next ID value. Here's an example: you'll need a table (my_id) which holds the last used ID (and every user who accesses it via the function will create a new value).
SQL> create table my_id (id number);
Table created.
SQL> create or replace function f_id
2 return number
3 is
4 pragma autonomous_transaction;
5 l_nextval number;
6 begin
7 select id + 1
8 into l_nextval
9 from my_id
10 for update of id;
12 update my_id set
13 id = l_nextval;
15 commit;
16 return (l_nextval);
18 exception
19 when no_data_found then
20 lock table my_id in exclusive mode;
22 insert into my_id (id)
23 values (1);
25 commit;
26 return(1);
27 end;
28 /
Function created.
Use it as
SQL> select f_id from dual;
That's it ... code you'll use will then be something like this:
SQL> create table test
2 (id number constraint pk_test primary key,
3 name varchar2(10),
4 datum date
5 );
Table created.
SQL> create or replace procedure p_test (par_id in number)
2 is
3 l_id;
4 begin
5 select id
6 into l_id
7 from test
8 where id = par_id
9 for update;
11 update test set datum = sysdate where id = par_id;
12 exception
13 when no_data_found then
14 insert into test (id, name, datum)
15 values (f_id, 'Little', sysdate); --> function call is here
16 end;
17 /
Procedure created.
SQL> exec p_test (1);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from test;
---------- ---------- -------------------
1 Little 04.09.2021 20:49:21
SQL> exec p_test (1);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from test;
---------- ---------- -------------------
1 Little 04.09.2021 20:49:21 --> row was inserted
SQL> exec p_test (1);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from test;
---------- ---------- -------------------
1 Little 04.09.2021 20:49:30 --> row was updated

Use a sequence to generate a surrogate primary key instead of using a natural key. If you had a real natural key, then it would be extremely unlikely for two users to submit the same value at the same time.
There are several ways to automatically generate primary keys. I prefer to use sequence defaults, like this:
create sequence test_seq;
create table test1
k number default test_seq.nextval,
value varchar2(4000),
constraint test1_pk primary key(k)
If you can't switch to a surrogate key or a real natural key:
Change the "insert ... if not exist.../commit" to a simpler "insert ... if not exist", and perform all operations in a single transaction. Inserting the same primary key in different sessions, even uncommitted, is impossible in Oracle. Although the SELECT won't cause a block, the INSERT will. This behavior is an exception to Oracle's implementation of isolation, the "I" in "ACID", and in this case that behavior can work to your advantage.
If two sessions attempt to insert the same primary key at the same time, the second session will hang, and when the first session finally commits, the second session will fail with the exception "ORA-00001: unique constraint (X.Y) violated". Let that exception become your flag for knowing when a user has submitted a duplicate value. You can catch the exception in the application and have the user try again.


is there a way to automatically update a column value when a new record is inserted into an oracle sql table

we have an api operation that enters a row into our table with a report_type=5, is there some sort of operation i can apply to the table to make it so whenever a record gets entered or pulled
with a report_id=12 it returns the report_type as 4?
As commented, trigger would do. Here's an example.
Sample table:
SQL> create table test
2 (report_id number,
3 report_type number);
Table created.
SQL> create or replace trigger trg_bi_test
2 before insert on test
3 for each row
4 when (new.report_id = 12)
5 begin
6 :new.report_type := 4;
7 end;
8 /
Trigger created.
SQL> insert into test (report_id, report_type) values (1, 13);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test (report_id, report_type) values (12, 99);
1 row created.
SQL> select * from test;
---------- -----------
1 13
12 4 --> I inserted report_type = 99, but trigger modified it to 4
--> because report_id = 12
It's not clear which value you want to be STORED in the database: 12 (as entered), or 4 (as translated).
A trigger as proposed by another commenter would certainly be able to translate the value on insert or update.
If you want the original value to be stored, you'd need to set up a different column, that is derived based on the original one. An example swiped from an Oracle publication:
create table PERSON (
(employee_id integer,
employee_id_disp computed by
SUBSTRING (CAST(employee_id + 100000 as VARCHAR (6)) from 2)
In your case, you might do something like
create table MYTABLE (
somekey varchar(20) not null,
entered_office int,
display_office computed by decode(entered_office,12,4,entered_office)
Then, anything that needs to display the office number would need to use the display_office field, not the entered one. Any tool that does an insert into the table would also need to insert the entered_office field, as display_office is not updateable.

Decrement oracle sequence when an exception occurred

I try to insert a new record in my database using pl/sql, so first of all I generate a new sequence like so:
select my_seq.nextval into seqId from dual;
And then i try to insert a new record using the generated seqId like this :
insert into myTable (id) values seqId ;
But when an error occurred during the insertion I want to decrement my sequence in an exception block. Does anyone have an idea please?
As you were already told, you shouldn't be doing this at all. Anyway, here's how you might do it.
Sample table and a sequence:
SQL> create table mytable (id number primary key);
Table created.
SQL> create sequence seq;
Sequence created.
SQL> set serveroutput on
Procedure which inserts seq.nextval into mytable and decrements the sequence in a case of a failure. I'm doing it in a simplest way - dropping it and recreating with the start parameter set to the last fetched value minus 1. DBMS_OUTPUT calls are here just to show what's going on in the procedure.
SQL> create or replace procedure p_test as
2 seqid number;
3 begin
4 seqid := seq.nextval;
5 dbms_output.put_line('Sequence number to be inserted = ' || seqid);
7 insert into mytable(id) values (seqid);
9 exception
10 when others then
11 dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
12 execute immediate 'drop sequence seq';
13 execute immediate 'create sequence seq start with ' || to_char(seqid - 1);
14 end;
15 /
Procedure created.
Let's test it: this should insert 1:
SQL> exec p_test;
Sequence number to be inserted = 1
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from mytable;
So far so good. Now, I'll manually insert ID = 2 so that the next procedure call violates unique constraint:
SQL> insert into mytable values (2);
1 row created.
Calling the procedure again:
SQL> exec p_test;
Sequence number to be inserted = 2
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.SYS_C007547) violated
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
OK; procedure silently completed. It didn't insert anything, but it decremented the sequence:
SQL> select * from mytable;
1 --> populated with the first P_TEST call
2 --> populated manually
SQL> select seq.nextval from dual;
1 --> sequence is decremented from 2 to 1
If I delete the offending ID = 2 and try again:
SQL> delete from mytable where id = 2;
1 row deleted.
SQL> exec p_test;
Sequence number to be inserted = 2
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from mytable;
SQL> select seq.nextval from dual;
Right; kind of works, but it's not worth the pain.
Besides, as you commented that there are 20 rows in a table. What will you do if someone deletes row #13. Will you decrement all values between #14 and 20? What if that's a primary key, referenced by some foreign keys?
Seriously, don't do it.
You can not decrement after the sequence is incremented (A sequence is either incremented or decremented not both) or reinitialize the sequence (start with ...) in Oracle. There is no way of doing that. Hope this helps.
However, if you want to continue this absurdity you can try this but you need to initialize your sequence first which is myseq.nextval;
then you can first try to insert currval and if succeeds then you can increment your sequence otherwise sequence will have its previous value.
currval pls_integer;
inc pls_integer;
select seq.currval into currval from dual;
insert into myTable (id) values (currval) ;
select seq.nextval into inc from dual;
when others then
do the exception handling;

How to add a unique constraint which complex conditions in Oracle?

There is a table t1. It has a uuid field (which cannot be made primary key) and a deleted_ts field.
Whenever a new record is going to be added, we should check if "select count(1) from t1 where uuid = [recourd.uuid] and deleted_ts is not null" is 0 or not. If it is not 0, the record should not be added.
The same thing should be done when updating an record.
I think I should use constraint or trigger... but I have investigated it for a while but still don't know how to do it. Any suggestion?
You probably want a unique function-based index
create unique index idx_uuid_uniq_or_del
on t1( case when deleted_ts is not null
then uuid
else null
end );
Note that your description seems odd to me. You seem to want to allow multiple "live" rows with the same uuid value but only one "deleted" row with that value. Normally, it would be the reverse-- you want to ensure that there is only one "live" row per uuid while allowing multiple deleted rows. If that's really what you want
create unique index idx_one_live_uuid
on t1( case when deleted_ts is null
then uuid
else null
end );
If you try to use a single trigger like #Littlefoot shows, that will work so long as you only ever do single-row insert ... values statements. As soon as someone comes along and does a multi-row insert (i.e. an insert ... select)
insert into test( uuid, deleted_ts, name )
select 2, null, 'a' from dual union all
select 2, null, 'b' from dual union all
select 2, 100, 'c' from dual;
the trigger will throw a mutating table exception. You could have a compound trigger with row- and statement-level sections (or a combination of row- and statement-level triggers) to get around the mutating table exception but you'd still have transaction control issues where two sessions are making changes that together violate your rule but neither session can see the violation because they can't see the other session's uncommitted changes. You could work around those transaction control issues by adding some additional locking but now we're getting into a pretty complicated bit of code that is going to be relatively easy for you (or some future developer) to make a mistake in and/or create support or scalability issues. A function-based unique index is much simpler and takes care of these issues automatically.
Would this be OK?
SQL> create table test (uuid number, deleted_ts number, name varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> create or replace trigger trg_biu_test
2 before insert or update on test
3 for each row
4 declare
5 l_cnt number;
6 begin
7 select count(*) into l_cnt
8 from test
9 where uuid = :new.uuid
10 and deleted_ts is not null;
11 if l_cnt > 0 then
12 raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error - uniqueness violated');
13 end if;
14 end;
15 /
Trigger created.
Testing (read comments):
SQL> -- OK, first row ever
SQL> insert into test values (1, null, 'a');
1 row created.
SQL> -- OK, as there's no row with a non-empty DELETED_TS
SQL> insert into test values (1, null, 'b');
1 row created.
SQL> -- OK, as this is the first non-empty DELETED_TS for UUID = 1
SQL> insert into test values (1, 100, 'c');
1 row created.
SQL> -- Error, as this is the 2nd non-empty DELETED_TS for UUID = 1
SQL> insert into test values (1, 200, 'd');
insert into test values (1, 200, 'd')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: Error - uniqueness violated
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRG_BIU_TEST", line 9
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRG_BIU_TEST'
SQL> -- OK, as this is the first non-empty DELETED_TS for UUID = 2
SQL> insert into test values (2, 300, 'e');
1 row created.

How to handle Oracle Error [ Unique Constraint ] error

I have a table named TABLE_1 which has 3 columns
row_id row_name row_descr
1 check1 checks here
2 check2 checks there
These rows are created through a front end application. Now suppose I delete the entry with row_name check2 from the front end and create another entry from front end with row_name check3, in database my entries will be as follows.
row_id row_name row_descr
1 check1 checks here
3 check3 checks
Now row_id if you observe is not a normal one time increment, Now my problem is i'm writing an insert statement to automate something and i don't know what i should insert in the row_id column. Previously i thought it is just new row_id = old row_id +1. But this is not the case here. Please help
Currently im inserting like this which is Wrong :
insert into TABLE1 (row_id, row_name, row_descr
) values ( (select max (row_id) + 1 from TABLE1),'check1','checks here');
row_id is not a normal one time increment.
Never ever calculate ids by max(id)+1 unless you can absolutly exclude simultaneous actions ( which is almost never ever the case). In oracle (pre version 12 see Kumars answer) create a sequence once and insert the values from that sequences afterwards.
create sequence my_sequence;
Either by a trigger which means you don't have to care about the ids during the insert at all:
Or directly with the insert
insert into TABLE1 (row_id, row_name, row_descr
) values ( my_sequence.nextval,'check1','checks here');
Besides using row_id as column name in oracle might be a little confusing, because of the pseudocolumn rowid which has a special meaning.
To anwser your quetstion though: If you really need to catch oracle errors as excpetions you can do this with PRAGMA EXCEPTION INIT by using a procedure for your inserts. It might look somehow like this:
value_allready_exists EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT ( value_allready_exists, -00001 );
--ORA-00001: unique constraint violated
* Do your Insert here
WHEN value_allready_exists THEN
* Do what you think is necessary on your ORA-00001 here
END myInsert;
Oracle 12c introduced IDENTITY columns. Precisely, Release 12.1. It is very handy with situations where you need to have a sequence for your primary key column.
For example,
SQL> DROP TABLE identity_tab PURGE;
Table dropped.
SQL> CREATE TABLE identity_tab (
3 text VARCHAR2(10)
4 );
Table created.
SQL> INSERT INTO identity_tab (text) VALUES ('Text');
1 row created.
SQL> DELETE FROM identity_tab WHERE ID = 1;
1 row deleted.
SQL> INSERT INTO identity_tab (text) VALUES ('Text');
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO identity_tab (text) VALUES ('Text');
1 row created.
SQL> INSERT INTO identity_tab (text) VALUES ('Text');
1 row created.
SQL> DELETE FROM identity_tab WHERE ID = 2;
1 row deleted.
SQL> SELECT * FROM identity_tab;
---------- ----------
3 Text
4 Text
Now let's see what's under the hood -
SQL> SELECT table_name,
2 column_name,
3 generation_type,
4 identity_options
5 FROM all_tab_identity_cols
6 WHERE owner = 'LALIT'
7 /
-------------------- --------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
999999999999999999999, MIN_VALUE: 1, CYCLE_FLAG: N
So, there you go. A sequence implicitly created by Oracle.
And don't forget, you can get rid off the sequence only with the purge option with table drop.
If you are not worried about which values are causing the error, then you could handle it by including a /*+ hint */ in the insert statement.
Here is an example where we would be selecting from another table, or perhaps an inner query, and inserting the results into a table called TABLE_NAME which has a unique constraint on a column called IDX_COL_NAME.
INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(TABLE_NAME(IDX_COL_NAME)) */
, col_1
, col_2
, col_3
, ...
, col_n)
, col_1
, col_2
, col_3
, ...
, col_n);
Oracle will blow past the redundant row. This is not a great solution if you care about know WHICH row is causing the issue, or anything else. But if you don't care about that and are fine just keeping the first value that was inserted, then this should do the job.
You can use an exception build in which will raise whenever there will be duplication on unique key
emp_count number;
select count(*) into emp_count from emp;
if emp_count < 1 then
insert into emp
values(1, 'First', 'CLERK', '7839', SYSDATE, 1200, null, 30);
dbms_output.put_line('Clerk added');
dbms_output.put_line('No data added');
end if;
when dup_val_on_index then
dbms_output.put_line('Tried to add row with duplicated index');

Creating a sequence for a varchar2 field in Oracle

I want to create a sequence for this varchar. It would have been easier had it been a number instead of varchar. In that case, I could do
seq_no := seq_no + 1;
But what can I do when I want to store next value in column as A0000002, when the previous value was A0000001 (to increment the number in the next varchar rowby 1)?
This can be done by
your example can be done by creating sequence in oracle
create sequence seq_no start with 1 increment by 1;
select 'A'||to_char(seq_no.nextval,'FM0000000') from dual;
Right now i have used in dual ..but place this
in your required query ..this will create sequence as you mentioned
Sequences are purely numeric. However, you need a trigger anyway, so simply adapt such trigger to insert the desired prefix:
If you're able I'd actually use a virtual column as defined in the CREATE TABLE syntax. It makes it more easily extensible should the need arise.
Here's a working example.
SQL> create table tmp_test (
2 id number(7,0) primary key
3 , col1 number
4 , seq varchar2(8 char) generated always as (
5 'A' || to_char(id, 'FM0999999'))
6 );
Table created.
SQL> create sequence tmp_test_seq;
Sequence created.
SQL> create or replace trigger tmp_test_trigger
2 before insert on tmp_test
3 for each row
4 begin
6 := tmp_test_seq.nextval;
7 end;
8 /
Trigger created.
SQL> show errors
No errors.
SQL> insert into tmp_test (col1)
2 values(1);
1 row created.
SQL> select * from tmp_test;
---------- ---------- --------------------------------
1 1 A0000001
Having said that; you would be better off if you did not do this unless you have an unbelievably pressing business need. There is little point to making life more difficult for yourself by prepending a constant value onto a number. As A will always be A it doesn't matter whether it's there or not.
If the format is always a letter followed by 7 digits you can do:
sequence = lpad(substr(sequence,2,7)+1,7,'0')