What could be the reason for the decompiler program Snowman to crash? - decompiler

When uploading the binary file the program terminates immediately. Nocode.exe does the same. What could be the reasons?


How to resolve error 0xc0000139

I'm developing a program on Widows10 with Qt. If I run it from the command line, it exits silently, immediately. When I try to debug it, a dialog box is displayed saying "During startup program exited with code 0xc0000139."
I know this means that Windows failed to load one or more DLLs.
How do I find which DLLs they were?
Ideally, I would prefer not to download any additional utilities beyond what is provided by Windows10 and Qt.
For what it's worth I resolved my problem.
It turned out the the program I was trying to run hadn't been rebuild since my last set of changes. I'm unsure why that was so, clearly my own error but I'm not sure what, precisely.
For the benefit of anyone coming here trying to find an answer to the question at the top of the page, if you have cygwin or another Unix-alike on your system, ldd is a good program with which to start looking through the sharable images you link to.

Is it possible to use Imperas OVP simulator for riscV with assembly code?

I'm building a verification environment for a simple RiscV core design.
I generated an assembly file using the UVM generator from google and I want to use it with OVPsim but it works only with .c files.
Does anyone have experience with
I tried downloading and using the GNU compiler and couldn't compile it.
Link for google's env: (slide 17):
Has anyone worked with this before? is it possible to use Imperas's OVP simulator in this environment?
The Imperas/OVP simulator is a binary morph code engine, and has been the reference simulator as part of the Google DV flow for 2-3 years.
It is agnostic in terms of what is used to generate the in memory instructions, this could have been hand assembled, assembled or compiled.
The flow shown above expects an ELF file (not a C file) for loading into the simulator, but the source of that ELF can be anything, eg gcc clang
The simulator will simply perform an instruction fetch from memory, expecting to get a legal binary pattern of an instruction for execution.
so in summary to your question,
Is it possible to use Imperas OVP simulator for riscV with assembly code?
the answer is - yes, via an ELF input.

Kotlin/Native, mem leak hunting when valgrind dumps core

Valgrind, under Ubuntu 18.04lts goes and dies in fire (dumps core to /dev/null) when I try find where and why my K/N (kotlin/Native) cmdline app leaks mem (due companion object toRegex() 's, but not sure...). Any idea how to proceed when a robust tool goes and dies?
In most cases pure Native programs without interop or atomic references shall not leak. Good approach is to create minimal reproducer and report to JetBrains using issue tracker. As Valgrind shall not crash as well, report to Valgrind devs may help as well.

C++ executable crash

I tried to generate an executable code for my program but it always crashes. It was okay in release / debug mode. This is the only change I have done based on the website http://xoax.net/cpp/crs/visualcpp/lessons/CreateExe/
When choosing release configuration the run time library should be Multi-Threaded.
In debug configuration you should choose Multi-Threaded Debug.

Embedding mono - "Fatal error in GC": "Too many root sets"

I'm embedding mono in C++ application, and I'm linking it via dll library, which is then loaded into application via LoadLibrary.
When the application starts and the dll runtime linking happens, the mono runtime seems to fail to initialize itself with "Too many root sets" message. I'm unsure when and how the runtime itself is initialized (I thought it happens on mono_jit_init, but the error pops up before any call to any of the mono functions. It occurs exactly at LoadLibrary should I try load it manually instead of relying on mono.lib import library).
I succesfuly embedded it in standalone application, so I assume it is something specific to the way my dll is loaded by the application, but I don't know what exactly.
Any clues?
This may be a limitation of the way the Boehm GC works in windows: it hooks to the operating system at LoadLibrary time to get notifications of the created threads and loaded libraries (this is why you get the issue at LoadLibrary() time and not on mono_jit_init()).
Or it may be that you have really many threads and libraries loaded by the time the GC is initialized. If you link the app to mono directly, does the problem go away? If yes, that should be your current workaround.
In the future (or if building mono from git) you may be able to use the SGen GC which shouldn't suffer from this problem.