Ansible error when set the default in a replace task - variables

Hi there i have a problem with setting the default in a task. i have a separat file with my VELABX machines. If a machine is not listed then the task should use the default. but it wont work. so, the following task leads into the shown error at the bottom. what am i doing wrong? how can i solve the problem? thanks!
- name: Replace location for VELAB*
dest: /tmp/velab.txt
regexp: location
replace: "{{ thautest_inventory[inventory_hostname]['location']|
default(default_location) }}"
default_location: "text99.1"
The error message:
fatal: [velab170]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute u'velab170'\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/development/standalone/ansible/installation/thautest/ve2_thautest_cfg-specific.yml': line 42, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Insert location\n ^ here\n"}
[WARNING]: Could not create retry file '/development/standalone/ansible/installation/ve2_backup_create_thautest-
cfg.retry'. [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/development/standalone/ansible/installation


Lynis wont work, 'error: Unknown option 'ssl-certificate-paths-to-ignore' found (with value: /etc/letsencrypt/archive:)

How do I correct/get rid of the following error? It prevents me from executing any lynis commands.
Output of "Sudo lynis show version" or any lynis command:
"Error: Unknown option 'ssl-certificate-paths-to-ignore' found (with value: /etc/letsencrypt/archive:)".
Background: Installed lynis, but couldn't figure out how to use it - got stuck on changing the parameters following a guide. Tried using another guide (, which included installing lynis again, and got this error
Tried purging and removing lynis, but got this error again after reinstalling, because thought the error had occured when I had first tried to install and configure lynis.
During the purge got:
"Purging configuration files for lynis (3.0.8-100) ...
dpkg: warning: while removing lynis, directory '/etc/lynis' not empty so not removed
Purging configuration files for menu (2.1.47ubuntu4) ...".

Unable to execute the script file using ansible playbook for redislbas & jmeter

I am trying to install redislabs and jmter using ansible playbook, but unable to execute the script using playbook. Please find my playbook and error as well.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "stderr": "/home/ansibleadm/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1576768466.18-58336526997867/ line 109: /home/ansibleadm/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1576768466.18-58336526997867/jmeter: No such file or directory\n", "stderr_lines": ["/home/ansibleadm/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1576768466.18-58336526997867/ line 109: /home/ansibleadm/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1576768466.18-58336526997867/jmeter: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
Note: Below error for jmeter and getting same error for redislabs as well. like No such file or directory
cat jmeter.yaml
hosts: localhost
user: ansibleadm
connection: local
become: yes
become_method: sudo
name: creating jmeter directory
file: path=/home/ansibleadm/jmeter state=directory mode=0700 owner=ansibleadm group=ansibleadm
name: downloading jmeter tar file
dest: /home/ansibleadm/jmeter
name: untar the file
src: "/home/ansibleadm/jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.2.1_src.tgz"
dest: "/home/ansibleadm/jmeter"
name: executing file
script: "/home/ansibleadm/jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin/"
2: Please find the redislabs playbook and error:
hosts: redisgroup
user: ansibleadm
become: yes
become_method: sudo
name: creating a directory for redislabs
file: path=/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis owner=ansibleadm group=ansibleadm mode=0700 state=directory
name: defining a variable
redis_variable: "/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis"
name: copy the tar file from src to destination.
copy: src=/home/ansibleadm/redislabs-5.4.6-18-rhel7-x86_64.tar dest="{{redis_variable}}/redislabs-5.4.6-18-rhel7-x86_64.tar"
name: untar the file
src: /home/ansibleadm/redislabs-5.4.6-18-rhel7-x86_64.tar
dest: "{{redis_variable}}"
name: execute the file in remote server
shell: "{{redis_variable}}/ -y"
FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ -y", "delta": "0:00:04.792255", "end": "2019-12-20 02:33:32.430351", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2019-12-20 02:33:27.638096", "stderr": "/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 25: rlec_upgrade_tmpdir/ No such file or directory\ntouch: cannot touch ‘/var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log’: No such file or directory\nchmod: cannot access ‘/var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log’: No such file or directory\n/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 64: /var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": ["/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 25: rlec_upgrade_tmpdir/ No such file or directory", "touch: cannot touch ‘/var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log’: No such file or directory", "chmod: cannot access ‘/var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log’: No such file or directory", "/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 64: /var/opt/redislabs/log/install.log: No such file or directory"], "stdout": "/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 25: rlec_upgrade_tmpdir/ No such file or directory\n2019-12-20 02:33:27 [.] Checking prerequisites\n2019-12-20 02:33:27 [.] Checking hardware requirements...\n2019-12-20 02:33:27 [!] The node’s hardware does not meet the minimum requirements for a production system: \nThe node has 2 cores (minimum is 4) and 7 GB RAM (minimum is 15 GB). \nConsider upgrading your hardware in the case of a production system.\n================================================================================\n\u001b[1m\u001b[91mRedis\u001b[90mLabs\u001b[0m Enterprise Cluster installer.\n================================================================================\n\n2019-12-20 02:33:28 \u001b[92m[.] Checking root access\u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:28 \u001b[33m[!] Running as user root, sudo is not required.\u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:28 \u001b[92m[.] Updating\u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:28 \u001b[92m[.] Creating socket directory /var/opt/redislabs/run \u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:29 \u001b[92m[.] Deleting \u001b[1m\u001b[91mRedis\u001b[90mLabs\u001b[0m debug package if exist\u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:29 \u001b[92m[.] Installing \u001b[1m\u001b[91mRedis\u001b[90mLabs\u001b[0m packages\u001b[0m\n2019-12-20 02:33:29 \u001b[37m[$] executing: 'yum install -y redislabs-5.4.6-18.rhel7.x86_64.rpm redislabs-utils-5.4.6-18.rhel7.x86_64.rpm'\u001b[0m\n\u001b[90mLoaded plugins: enabled_repos_upload, package_upload, product-id, search-\n : disabled-repos, subscription-manager, tracer_upload\nNo package redislabs-5.4.6-18.rhel7.x86_64.rpm available.\nNo package redislabs-utils-5.4.6-18.rhel7.x86_64.rpm available.\nError: Nothing to do\nUploading Enabled Repositories Report\nLoaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager\n\u001b[0m2019-12-20 02:33:32 \u001b[91m[x] yum install failed\u001b[0m", "stdout_lines": ["/home/ansibleadm/remote_redis/ line 25: rlec_upgrade_tmpdir/ No such file or directory", "2019-12-20 02:33:27 [.] Checking prerequisites", "2019-12-20 02:33:27 [.] Checking hardware requirements...", "2019-12-20 02:33:27 [!] The node’s hardware does not meet the minimum requirements for a production system: ", "The node has 2 cores (minimum is 4) and 7 GB RAM (minimum is 15 GB). ", "Consider upgrading your hardware in the case of a production system.",
In the last step change script: to shell:.
The script tasks "uploads" the script to the target host and executes the uploaded one, but it is uploaded into a temporary directory (see the ansible-tmp-XXXXXXX in the error output). The script ( then tries to find jmeter in that directory but obviously it is not there. By using shell: instead it will just run the script from the proper place.

How can I fix this bug with ScyllaDB?

I'm trying to work through the ScyllaDB tutorial series here:
I've got a Docker container running (on Windows, using Powershell) and have cloned their repo, and run it with Docker Compose:
PS C:\repos\scylla-code-samples\mms> docker-compose up -d
mms_scylla-node3_1 is up-to-date
mms_scylla-node2_1 is up-to-date
Creating mms_scylla-node1_1 ... done
Trying to check its status with the nodetool returns a container restarting error:
PS C:\repos\scylla-code-samples\mms> docker exec -it mms_scylla-node1_1 nodetool status
Error response from daemon: Container c2940e14078fcdbbcf70f60392b05eb3d5c90273a15970c8575aad46cd797a02 is restarting, wait until the container is running
The logs show these unexpected end of file errors:
2019-03-05T09:39:36.882128500Z / line 36: syntax error: unexpected end of file
2019-03-05T09:40:38.038237500Z / line 4: $'\r': command not found
2019-03-05T09:40:38.038383700Z / line 36: syntax error: unexpected end of file
2019-03-05T09:41:38.922861400Z / line 4: $'\r': command not found
2019-03-05T09:41:38.923067400Z / line 36: syntax error: unexpected end of file
2019-03-05T09:42:39.801821900Z / line 4: $'\r': command not found
2019-03-05T09:42:39.802078500Z / line 36: syntax error: unexpected end of file
2019-03-05T09:43:40.696641100Z / line 4: $'\r': command not found
2019-03-05T09:43:40.696928800Z / line 36: syntax error: unexpected end of file
How can I fix this, preferably without writing code?
The \r is indicative of windows-style carriage returns, so maybe it is related to your Windows environment somehow. Advise is to try this on a Linux box, and in parallel open a bug with the scylla-code-samples.git project so that it can be fixed.
On windows, you can try using the Docker Toolbox which uses a Virtual Box based docker host rather than the one that's part of the new "Docker for Windows". This ensure that you are running on Linux without having a Linux box.
Even though it says "Legacy Desktop Solution" It still works well.

Apache2 module Filebeat

I'm following this documentation in order to connect an apache web server access log file using file beat to elasticsearch, everything was ok until I changed the path of apache2.yml I got the following error :
2018-09-22T14:21:55.791+0100 ERROR instance/beat.go:691 Exiting: 1 error: error
loading config file: invalid config: yaml: line 3: found unknown escape character
Exiting: 1 error: error loading config file: invalid config: yaml: line 3: found unknown escape character
this id apache2.yml configuration file :
- module: apache2
enabled: true
var.paths: ["‪C:\Program Files\filebeat-6.3.2-windows\logs\Apache\Access.log"]
If you are using double quotes in
"‪C:\Program Files\filebeat-6.3.2-windows\logs\Apache\Access.log"
you need to escape the backslash characters
"‪C:\\Program Files\\filebeat-6.3.2-windows\\logs\\Apache\\Access.log"
Use / instead of . \ is used to escape characters.
I had the same problem

Pig Hcatalog error

I am trying to run pig script in local mode on a single node cluster as given below.
hduser#ubuntu:~$ pig -x local -f "/home/hduser/ddsoft/pigscript/FirstUDF.pig"
But I am getting below error.
[main] ERROR - ERROR 101: file
does not exist.
how do I register the jar file mentioned in the error message. I tried updating the .bashrc, but it didn’t fix the error.