Brace Delimiters with qq Don't Interpolate Code in Raku - raku

Sorry if this is documented somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it. When using brace delimiters with qq, code is not interpolated:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
say qq{"Two plus two": { 2 + 2 }};
say qq["Two plus two": { 2 + 2 }];
$ ./qq.raku
"Two plus two": { 2 + 2 }
"Two plus two": 4
Obviously, this isn't a big deal since I can use a different set of delimiters, but I ran across it and thought I'd ask.
As #raiph pointed out, I forgot to put the actual question: Is this the way it's supposed to work?

The quote language "nibbler" (the bit of the grammar that eats its way through a quoted string) looks like this:
|| <starter> <nibbler> <stopper>
|| <escape>
|| .
That is, until we see a stopper, eat whichever comes first of:
A starter (the opening { in your case), followed by some internal stuff, followed by a stopper (the }); this allows for nesting of the construct inside of the string
An escape (and closure interpolation is considered a kind of escape)
Any other character
This ordering in the grammar means that a nesting of the chosen quote starter/stopper will always win over an escape. This issue was discussed during the language design; we could, after all, have reordered the alternation in the grammar to have escapes win. On balance, however, it was felt that the choice of starter/stopper was the more local decision than the general properties of the quoting language, and so should take precedence. (This is also consistent with how quote languages are constructed: we take the base quoted string grammar and mix starter/stopper methods into it.)

Obviously, this isn't a big deal since I can use a different set of delimiters, but I ran across it and thought I'd ask.
You didn't ask anything. :)
Let's say you've got some text. And you want to use double quote processing to get interpolation, except you don't want braced text to be interpolated as code. You could write, say, qq:!c '...'. But don't you think it's a lot easier to remember, write, and read qq{ ... }?
Nice little touch, right?
Which is why it's the way it is -- it's a very nice touch.
And, perhaps, why it's not documented -- it's little, and, once you encounter it, obvious what you need to do.
That said, the Q lang escapes include ones to recursively re-enter the Q lang:
say qq{"Two plus two": \qq[{ 2 + 2 }] }; # "Two plus two": 4
Does that answer your question? :)


How to add a small bit of context in a grammar?

I am tasked to parse (and transform) a code of a computer language, that has a slight quirk in its rules, at least I see it this way. To be exact, the compiler treats new lines (as well as semicolons) as statement separators, but other than that (e.g. inside the statement) it treats them as spacers (whitespace).
As an example, this code:
local x = 5 / 0
catch (i)
print(i + "\n")
is proved to be equivalent to this:
try local x = 5 / 0 catch (i) print(i + "\n")
I don't see how I can express such a rule in EBNF, or specifically in Lark EBNF dialect. I mean in a sensible way. I probably could define all possible newline positions inside all statements, but it would be cumbersome and error-prone.
I wish to find a way to treat newlines contextually. Is there a proven method for this, preferably within Python/Lark domain? If I have to modify the parser for that purpose, then where should I start?
Or if I misunderstood something in this language in particular or in machine language parsing in general, or my statement of the problem is wrong, I'd also be happy to get educated.
(As you may guess, the language in question has a well proven implementation, but no officially defined grammar. Also, it is Squirrel, for all that it matters.)
The relevant quote from the "specification" is this:
A squirrel program is a simple sequence of statements.:
stats := stat [';'|'\n'] stats
[...] Statements can be separated with a new line or ‘;’ (or with the keywords case or default if inside a switch/case statement), both symbols are not required if the statement is followed by ‘}’.
These are relatively complex rules and in their totality not context free if newlines can also be ignored everywhere else. Note however that in my understanding the text implies that ; or \n are required when no of the other cases apply. That would make your example illegal. That probably means that the BNF as written is correct, e.g. both ; and \n are optionally everywhere. In that case you can (for lark) just put an %ignore "\n" statement and it should work fine.
Also, lark should not complain if you both ignore the \n and use it in a rule: Where useful it will match it in a rule, otherwise it will just ignore it. Note however that this breaks if you use a Terminal that includes the \n (e.g. WS or /\s/). Just have \n as an extra case.
(For the future: You will probably get faster response for lark questions if you ask over on gitter or at least put a link to SO there.)

Does mIRC Scripting have an escape character?

I'm trying to write a simple multi-line Alias that says several predefined strings of characters in mIRC. The problem is that the strings can contain:
which are all used in the scripting language to group sections of code/commands. So I was wondering if there was an escape character I could use.
In lack of that, is there a method, or alternative way to be able to "say" multiple lines of these strings, so that this:
alias test1 {
/msg # samplestring}contains_chars|
/msg # _that|break_continuity}{
Outputs this on typing /test1 on a channel:
<MyName> samplestring}contains_chars|
<MyName> _that|break_continuity}{
It doesn't have to use the /msg command specifically, either, as long as the output is the same.
So basically:
Is there an escape character of sorts I can use to differentiate code from a string in mIRC scripting?
Is there a way to tell a script to evaluate all characters in a string as a literal? Think " " quotes in languages like Java.
Is the above even possible using only mIRC scripting?
"In lack of that, is there a method, or alternative way to be able to "say" multiple lines of these strings, so that this:..."
I think you have to have to use msg # every time when you want to message a channel. Alterativelty you can use the /say command to message the active window.
Regarding the other 3 questions:
Yes, for example you can use $chr(123) instead of a {, $chr(125) instead of a } and $chr(124) instead of a | (pipe). For a full list of numbers you can go to The code for a dot is 46 so $chr(46) will represent a dot.
I don't think there is any 'simple' way to do this. To print identifiers as plain text you have to add a ! after the $. For example '$!time' will return the plain text '$time' as $time will return the actual value of $time.

ANSI escape codes in GNU Smalltalk

I'm trying to make a console-based program that makes use of ANSI escape codes with GNU Smalltalk. I can't seem to figure out how to go about printing a string object formatted with ANSI escape codes. I've tried the following.
'\x1b[31mHi' displayNl
This prints the entire string, including the escape code, without any formatting. I would have expected this to print "Hi" in red (and then everything else in the console after that, as I didn't reset the color.)
After googling a bit, I was able to find a couple issues on mailing lists where people were trying to produce things like newlines using "\n". Most of the answers were using the Transcript object's cr method, but I didn't find anything about colors in the textCollector class.
It looks like it shouldn't be all that hard to create my own module in C to achieve this functionality, but I'd like to know if there's a better way first.
I'm aware of the ncurses bindings, but I'm not sure that'd be practical for just making certain pieces of text in the program colored. So, is there a standard way of outputting colored text to the terminal in GNU Smalltalk using ANSI escape sequences?
Ended up getting an answer on the GNU Smalltalk mailing list. Looks like you can use an interpolation operator to achieve this.
For example ('%1[31mHi' % #($<16r1B>)) displayNl. would change the color to red, and ('%1[34mHi' % #($<16r1B>)) displayNl. would change the color to blue.
Basically, the % operator looks for a sequences that look like "%(number)" and replaces them with the objects in the array to the right of the operator. In our case, the array has one item, which is the ascii escape character in hexadecimal. So the "%1" in "%1[31mHi' is being replaced with the escape character, and then printed.
(This answer was stolen almost verbatim from Paolo on the GNU Smalltalk mailing list.)

In awk, is there a functional difference between putting conditions outside the brackets or inside?

As far as I can tell, this:
$2 > 50{print}
functions exactly the same way as this:
{if ($2 > 50) print}
When should I use one vs the other, or is it a matter of style?
2nd one is much more readable in my opinion (especially for non awk gurus who may have to maintain you code).
It's mostly style. The first example is canonical AWK. There are, of course, times when an if statement is required.
Consider that:
$2 > 50 {foo; print}
takes 20 characters versus 27 for the following:
{if ($2 > 50) {foo; print}}
If you remove spaces, it would be 16 versus 22 characters.
So the former is more desirable if you are interested in economy (both in terms of actual characters and visually).
As potong points out, the if form requires curly braces if there are more than one statement (as I have shown in my second example above). If there is only one statement, they are optional. This is the source of subtle bugs if it's written without and additional statements are later added without adding braces. Also, for the reader of a script, the intent is much clearer if the braces are included.
Yes, they are the same. As with most syntax alternatives, there are trade offs.
I mostly agree with John3136 that 2nd form has a higher likelyhood of being understood by someone with background in c, c++, C#, java, and others.
And as Dennis Williamson points out, there are times you have to use the if (...) form.
For one-lines, I think the first form is useful, acceptable, and helps reinforce the primary design of awk, i.e. [pattern]-[action] (being optional or providing a default behaviour).
If you look at comp.lang.awk, you'll see that the long-timers mostly prefer style 1.
Large blocks of code in style 1, to my eye, are difficult to read, but do have the look of lex code.
So.... depends ;-) .... are you writing code that will ultimately be maintained by likely non-awk experts? Then stick w style 2. Writing for yourself? Use both so you don't get rusty!
I hope this helps.
Yes they are the same.
On the first form, you can omit { print } because it's the default action. So, that works too:
$2 > 50

new line in squeak

i want to do something like this: Transcript show: '\n'. how?
Use the following:
Transcript cr
You can use it after a value via a cascade:
Transcript show: 123; cr
From my (long) experience, missing character escapes are one of the few things that are missing in Smalltalk. For streaming, solutions using cr, tab etc. are ok.
However, if you need a particular control character in a string, this may be ugly and hard to read (using "streamContents:", or "withCRs" to add a newLine). Alternatively, you may want to use one of the (non-standard) string expansion mechanisms. For example, in VisualWorks or Smalltalk/X, you can write (if I remember correctly):
'someString with newline<n>and<t>tabs' expandMacros
or even with printf-like slicing of other object's printStrings:
'anotherString<n><t>with newlines<n>and<t>tabs and<p>' expandMacrosWith:(Float pi)
I guess, there is something similar in Squeak and V'Age as well.
But, be aware: these expansions are done at execution time. So you may encounter a penalty when heavily using them on many strings.
The character itself can be reached as Character cr. So, you could also do this:
Transcript show: 'Bla! , Character cr asString.
But of course,
Transcript show: 'Bla!' ; cr.
is way more elegant.
What I do as a convenience is add a method "line" to the String class:
^self, String lf
Then you can just say obj showSomething: 'Hello world!' line.
Or call it newline, endl, lf, etc...