Why is Aws::String not extending std::string - conan

We previously built aws-sdk-cpp locally and designed a library around it. Now I'm upgrading to use Conan provided aws-sdk-cpp instead of a locally built one, but I'm getting errors from our library.
I call AWS functions such as the following,
std::string src_bucket;
// ...
but I get errors like this.
error: no matching function for call to 'Aws::S3::Model::DeleteObjectsRequest::WithBucket(const string&)`.
Has this function call changed to now allow std::string? Is there a way to make AWS methods accept std::string?

Is there a way to make AWS methods accept std::string?
Yes. These functions accept std::string if custom memory management is disabled:
If the compile-time constant is enabled (on), the types resolve to STL types with a custom allocator connected to the AWS memory system.
If the compile-time constant is disabled (off), all Aws::* types resolve to the corresponding default std::* type.
It looks like the former is what you get, and the latter is what you expect - perhaps you've switched from linking the SDK statically (default off) to linking the SDK dynamically (default on)?
In any case, you'll either have to somehow build the SDK with custom memory management disabled, use types like Aws::String yourself, or convert between Aws::String and std::string as needed.


Vulkan ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT support

I'm in the process of porting some rendering code to Vulkan. I've been using the SPIR-V cross-compiler to avoid the requirement of re-writing all my shaders, which has been working well in most cases, but now I've hit an issue I just can't get past.
I have a vertex shader being compiled to SPIR-V that uses SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex. This maps to ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT in SPIRV. The device I'm running on (an NVidia 3090 with latest drivers) supports the VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer extension (which is core in 1.2), and I'm explicitly enabling both shaderOutputViewportIndex and shaderOutputLayer in the VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features struct (chained off the vkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 which is in turn chained on pNext for the vkDeviceCreateInfo struct.
I've also added the line:
To the .hlsl source file, and verified the SPIRV being output contains the extension reference.
The validation layer is whining, with:
Validation Error: [ VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-01091 ] Object 0: handle = 0x1e66c477eb0, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xa7bb8db6 | vkCreateShaderModule(): The SPIR-V Capability (ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT) was declared, but none of the requirements were met to use it. The Vulkan spec states: If pCode declares any of the capabilities listed in the SPIR-V Environment appendix, one of the corresponding requirements must be satisfied
Is there something else I need to do to enable this feature on the device? Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.
(I can always drop the requirement to use this feature - realistically in my use case on DX12 it's not gaining me much if anything, but I'd rather figure this out!)

use of undeclared identifier 'git_diff_perfdata' with libgit2

I'm trying to write some code that uses git_diff_perfdata from the Libgit2 library.
git_diff_perfdata s;
However, when compiling on my Mac I get the error:
use of undeclared identifier 'git_diff_perfdata'
My understanding is that Libgit2 is meant to be used exclusively through the inclusion of git2.h. Is that correct?
git_diff_perfdata is defined in sys/diff.h and used in status.h
Should I be including sys/diff.h directly. If so, why? Alternatively, what errors might I be making? Looking at the header code I'm unable to see how sys/diff.h is included through anything that is included by git2.h.
Additionally, from what I can tell git_diff_perfdata isn't meant to be an opaque data type (i.e. only the pointer is defined).
I'm using the code downloaded from:
The headers in sys are part of the public API, but they're a bit lower level. You can think of them as internal implementation details that have been made public because they might be useful to application developers. If you want to use them, include them directly.

Objective-C Check if Structs is defined

My iOS application can use an optional external 3rd party library.
I thought of using this answer (Weak Linking - check if a class exists and use that class) and detect if the class exists before executing code specific to this library.
However, I found out that this external library is not written as Objective-C classes, but rather as C STRUTS and functions.
Is there a similar technique that would allow me to check if a C Strut or function exists? Or some better alternative to see if this library is present at runtime?
structs are compile-time artifacts. They tell the compiler how to lay out a region of memory. Once that is done, structs become unnecessary. Unlike Objective-C classes which have metadata, structs have no runtime presence. That is why it is not possible to detect them at runtime.
You can check if a dynamic library is present by calling dlopen, and passing its path:
void *hdl = dlopen(path_to_dl, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (hdl == NULL) {
// The library failed to load
char *err = dlerror(); // Get the error message
} else {
If dlopen returns NULL, the library cannot be loaded. You can get additional info by calling dlerror. You need to call dlclose after you are done.
AFAIK a classical C function has to exist. It is statically bound during the linking process and it is not, like Objective-C mehtods, dynamically bound on runtime.
So when the code compiles AND links without errors or warnings, then you should be fine.
The same for structs.

Is there a conventional URI scheme for referencing code in a library?

Is there a standard or conventional URI scheme, like file: or http: for referencing objects in a dynamic library?
For example, if I were to represent a function in a library in the form of a unique string that can be used to look up that function (by whatever reflective means), how might I do that?
Specifically I'm developing this in Objective-C, and I assume different languages/platforms will have different representations (I know .NET has its own), but I'm curious about this in a more general sense.
No, the name of the symbol is derived from its name in your code. In windows you will assuming C or C++
HMODULE module=LoadLibrary( [path to your dll] );
//If the exported name is foo.
Function foo=(Function)GetProcAddress(module,"foo");
//Call function
The exported name is compiler-dependent.
Acually such a naming scheme is quite useless. In C++ you can use something like (Note that you will have one FunctionCaller per function prototype)
Where the constructor of FunctionCaller loads the library, calls foo and frees the library. However it is not good because:
it may happen that the return value points to a resource inside the library and then will become useless
loading libraries and perform function look-up is slow relative to calling the function found
What you do is
Load the library
Load functions that you will need
Use your functions
Free the library
Here you would need to refer to more than one symbol at a time which would require a more complex scheme than uri.
EDIT: If you want to the convenience of calling functions like that you could have a surviving FunctionCaller object that keeps all loaded modules and contains a map from function name to address for each loaded library.

Why do we still need a .lib stub file when we've got the actual .dll implementation?

i'm wondering why linkers can not do their job simply by consulting the information in the actual .dll files that got the actual implementation code ? i mean why linkers still need .lib files to do implicit linking ?
are not the export and relative address tables enough for such linking ?
is there anyway by which one can do implicit linking using only the .dll without the .lib stub/proxy files ?
i thought the windows executable loader would simply do LoadLibrary/LoadLibraryEx calls on behalf of the program (hence the name implicit linking) which is the main difference to explicit linking. if that is true then doing it explicitly without .lib should indicate that it is doable without it implicitly, right ? or i'm just saying non sense?
I can think of a a few reasons.
Using .lib files mean you can build for a different version of a DLL than you have on your system, provided you just have the correct SDK installed.
Compilers & linkers need to support cross-platform compilations - You might be building for a 64-bit target on a 32-bit platform and vice-versa and not have the correct architecture DLL present.
.lib files enable you to "hide" certain parts of your implementation - you could have private exports that do not show up in the .lib but are discoverable via GetProcAddress. You can also do ordinal exports in which case they don't have a friendly name exported, but would have a friendly name in the .lib.
Native DLL's do not have strong names, so it may be possible to pick up the wrong version of the DLL.
And most importantly, this technology was designed in the 1980's. If it were designed today, it'd probably be closer to what you describe - for instance, .NET you just need to reference the target assembly and you have everything you need to use it.
I don't know of any way to do implicit linking solely with the DLL - A quick search revealed several tools, but I haven't used any of them.
In this case, I would create a separate source file with the functions you need to use, and dynamically load the DLL and bind them as needed. For example:
// using global variables and no-error handling for brevity.
typedef void (__stdcall * FooPtr)();
FooPtr pfnFoo = NULL;
INIT_ONCE initOnce;
BOOL CALLBACK BindDLL(PINIT_ONCE initOnce, PVOID parameter, PVOID context)
theDll = LoadLibrary();
pfnfoo = GetProcAddress(dll, "Foo");
return TRUE;
// Export for foo
void Foo()
// Use one-time init for thread-safe lazy initialization
InitOnceExecuteOnce(initOnce, BinDll, NULL, NULL)