When creating a BigQuery table I'm getting an error message about hive partitioning - google-bigquery

I'm creating a table from a CSV text file on my machine. I'm getting this message - Hive partitioned loads require that the HivePartitioningOptions be set, with both a sourceUriPrefix and mode provided. No sourceUriPrefix was provided.
How can I fix this?


Creating Table in dataset in BigQuery

I want to create a Table for my dataset in BigQuery. I want to upload CSV file. When I upload it and clicked on "create table" it is saying:
unexpected error. Tracking number c986854671035387
What is this error and How can I solve this? (I also upgraded my BigQuery to 90 days free trial).
You need to check the data inside CSV. If it has column names and no faulty records.
you can download any sample CSV file from here and try

BigQuery Scheduled Data Transfer throws "Incompatible table partitioning specification." Error - but error message is truncated

I'm using the new BQ Data Transfer UI and upon scheduling a Data Transfer, the transfer fails.
The error message in Run History isn't terribly helpful as the error message seems truncated.
Incompatible table partitioning specification. Expects partitioning specification interval(type:hour), but input partitioning specification is ; JobID: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Note the part of the error that says..."but input partition specification is..." with nothing before the semicolon. Seems this error is truncated.
Some details about the run:
The run imports data from a CSV file located in a GCS Bucket on a nightly basis. Once successfully ingested the process will delete the file. The target table in BQ is a partitioned table using the default partition pseudo column (_PARTITIONTIME)
What I have done so far:
Reran the scheduled Data Transfer -- which failed and threw the same error
Deleted the target table in BQ and recreated it with different partition specifications (day, hour, month) -- then Reran Scheduled Transfer -- failed and threw same error.
Imported the data manually (I downloaded the file from GCS and uploaded it locally from my machine) using the BQ UI (Create Table, append the specific table) - Worked perfectly.
Checked to see if this was a known issue here on Stack Overflow and only found this (which is now closed) -- close, but not exactly the issue. (BigQuery Data Transfer Service with BigQuery partitioned table)
What I'm holding off doing since it would take a bit more work.
Change schema of the target BQ table to include a specified column specific for partitioning
Include a system-generated timestamp in the original file inside of GCS and ensure the process recognizes this as the partitioning field.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a known issue?
Alright, I believe I have solved this. It looks like you need to include runtime parameters into your target table if the destination table is being partitioned.
Specifically this section called "Runtime Parameter Examples" here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/gcs-transfer-parameters#loading_a_snapshot_of_all_data_into_an_ingestion-time_partitioned_table
They also advise that minutes cannot be specified in these parameters.
You will need to append the parameters to your destination table details as shown below:

error loading table on bigquery dashboard but queries works fine

I clicked a table on bigquery dashboard, got this error:
However, I can get data when I do a select on this table. (That means the table does exist)
I already have the highest admin privilege so it shouldn't be a permission issue.
I created this table with python script, which collects data, writes into a csv file, and upload the csv file to bigquery everyday. After I created the table I once changed the schema both in the script and on the dashboard. Not sure if that's the cause, but the table loading error occurred several days after I changed the schema.
If you have Addblock extensions, this might be the root cause of this issue. Thus, try disabling it, then try running your query again.
Hope it helps.

Error while reviewing file after inserting data in redshift table

I have a table in Redshift in which I am inserting data from S3.
I viewed the table before inserting the data and it returned a blank table.
However, After inserting data in Redshift table, I am getting below error while doing select * from table.
Command to copy data in table from S3 runs successfully without any error.
com/amazon/jdbc/utils/DataTypeUtilities$NumericRepresentation error in
what could be the possible cause and sol for this?
I have faced this error : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when the JDBC connection properties are set incorrectly.
If you are using postgres driver then ensure using postgres://
eg : jdbc:postgresql:// HostName:5439/
Let me know if this works.

how to check if load into hive statement executed successfully or not?

We have LOAD DATA Statement in hive and impala where we load data from HDFS to hive or impala table. My question is what if there is an issue in the file (may be there are less number of columns in file than that of in table or there is data mismatch for one of the columns) in such scenario whether file will get loaded or it will not load and show any error.