SQL for json array in column - sql

I have a SQL table with one of the column as jsonb datatype. Below is a json entry:
"size": -1,
"regions": [
"shape_attributes": {
"name": "polygon",
"X": [
"region_attributes": {
"Material Type": "wood",
"Color": "red"
"shape_attributes": {
"name": "polygon",
"X": [
"region_attributes": {
"Material Type": "metal",
"Color": "blue"
"filename": "filenam_1"
I am using PostgresSQL.
Given a search_string, how can I use SQL to select rows for the two cases-
Key is known
Key is not known, i.e. string anywhere in json
I have tried this
select *
from TABLE_Name
WHERE ‘wood’ IN ( SELECT value FROM OPENJSON(COL_NAME,'$.Material Type'))
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: function openjson(jsonb, unknown) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
WHERE value ='wood'
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "APPLY"

To find a key/value pair with a known key, you can use several different methods, using the contains operator is one of them:
select *
from table_name
where the_jsonb_column #> '{"regions": [{"region_attributes": {"Material Type": "wood"}}]}'
The equivalent of the mentioned openjson function (from SQL Server) would be jsonb_each() but that (just like openjson) will only expand the top-level key/value pairs. It doesn't do this recursively.
If you at least know the key is somewhere in the regions array, you can use a JSON/Path expression that iterates over all elements (recursively):
select *
from table_name
where (t.the_jsonb_column -> 'regions') ## '$[*].** == "wood"'

I think what you are doing isn't even possible at all, unless I don't know it. You could rather use a programming language, like Python or C# and execute the SQL Queries in the program. It is much more easier.


Average of numeric values in Postgres JSON column

I have a jsonb column with the following structure:
"key1": {
"type": "...",
"label": "...",
"variables": [
"label": "Height",
"value": 131315.9289,
"variable": "myVar1"
"label": "Width",
"value": 61085.7525,
"variable": "myVar2"
I want to query for the average height across all rows. The top-level key values are unknown, so I have something like this:
select id,
avg((latVars ->> 'value')::numeric) as avg
from "MyTable",
jsonb_array_elements((my_json_field->jsonb_object_keys(my_json_field)->>'variables')::jsonb) as latVars
where my_json_field is not null
group by id;
It's throwing the following error:
ERROR: set-returning functions must appear at top level of FROM
Moving the jsonb_array_elements function above MyTable in the FROM clause doesn't work.
I'm following the basic advice found in this SO answer to no avail.
Any advice?
jsonb_array_elements is not relevant until my_json_field is a json array at the top level.
You can use instead the jsonb_path_query function based on the jsonpath language if postgres >= 12 :
select id
, avg(v.value :: numeric) as avg
from "MyTable"
, jsonb_path_query(my_json_field, '$.*.variables[*] ? (#.label == "Height").value') AS v(value)
where my_json_field is not null
group by id;

how to use trino/presto to query redis

I have a simple string and hash stored in redis
get test
hget htest first
"first hash"
I'm able to see the "table" test, but there are no columns
trino> show columns from redis.default.test;
Column | Type | Extra | Comment
(0 rows)
and obviously I can't get result from select
trino> select * from redis.default.test;
Query 20210918_174414_00006_dmp3x failed: line 1:8: SELECT * not allowed from relation
that has no columns
I see in the documentation that I might need to create a table definition file, but I wasn't able to create one that will work.
I had few variations of this, but this is the one for example:
"tableName": "test",
"schemaName": "default",
"value": {
"dataFormat": "json",
"fields": [
"name": "number",
"mapping": 0,
"type": "INT"
any idea what am I doing wrong?
I focused on the string since it's simpler, but I also need to query the hash

How do I INSERT columns with nested name syntax (ie. "item.description")?

I'm trying to merge two databases with the same schema on Google BigQuery.
I'm following the merge samples here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax#merge_statement
However, my tables have nested columns, ie "service.id" or "service.description"
My code so far is:
MERGE combined_table
USING table1
ON table1.id = combined_table.id
INSERT(id, service.id, service.description)
VALUES(id, service.id, service.description)
However, I get the error message: Syntax error: Expected ")" or "," but got ".", and a red squiggly underline under .id on the INSERT(...) line.
Here is a view of part of my table's schema:
"name": "id",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "service",
"type": "RECORD",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "description",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "cost",
"type": "FLOAT"
How do I properly structure this INSERT(...) statement so that I can include the nested columns?
Syntax error: Expected ")" or "," but got "."
Looks like you are on the right direction, Note in the documentation how you need to insert value to a REPEATED column,
You need to define the structure to guide BigQuery what to expect, For example:
STRUCT<created DATE, comment STRING>
This is the full example from the documentation
MERGE dataset.DetailedInventory T
USING dataset.Inventory S
ON T.product = S.product
INSERT(product, quantity, supply_constrained, comments)
-- insert values like this
VALUES(product, quantity, true, ARRAY<STRUCT<created DATE, comment STRING>>[(DATE('2016-01-01'), 'comment1')])
INSERT(product, quantity, supply_constrained)
VALUES(product, quantity, false)
I've found the answer.
It turns out when referencing the top level of a STRUCT, BigQuery references all of the nested columns as well. So if I wanted to INSERT service and all of it's sub-columns (service.id and service.description), I only have to include service in the INSERT(...) statement.
The following code worked:
INSERT(id, service)
VALUES(id, service)
This would merge all sub columns, including service.id and service.description.

Get value from array in JSON in SQL Server

Let's say we have this json in our database table. I want to select value from tags. I already know how to get an array from this data but I don't know how to access array members. The question would be how do I get the first value from the array? Is there a function for this task?
"info": {
"type": 1,
"address": {
"town": "Bristol",
"county": "Avon",
"country": "England"
"tags": ["Sport", "Water polo"]
"type": "Basic"
Query I already have:
SELECT JSON_QUERY(MyTable.Data, '$.info.tags')
FROM MyTable
This returns me:
["Sport", "Water polo"]
How do I get
JSON_QUERY returns an object or array. You need JSON_VALUE to return a scalar value, eg :
SELECT JSON_VALUE(Data, '$.info.tags[0]')
from MyTable
Check the section Compare JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY in the docs for more examples

Error when running query in backand: not a valid constant

Hi when working in Backand I try to run the following query:
"object": "dr_persons",
"q": {
"person_type" : "4"
"fields": ["first_name", "last_name"]
person_type is a table in mysql db with "4" as a value.
When I run it I get this error:
Errors in Query
Please fix the following errors in the query:
not a valid constant for field person_type of object dr_persons
The only thing I can see is that when I sync my db it makes it a "float" which I can't change. Can anyone give me some direction on this?
The error message is due to the constant "4" being a string. According to the field type, float, it should be a number. Hence your query should be:
"object": "dr_persons",
"q": {
"person_type" : 4
"fields": ["first_name", "last_name"]