Verify physical item with pgp key online by decrypting the private key - cryptography

I want to sell some of my collectable items that I have been collecting over the years. But I don't want to just sell it, I want to add a QR code to the item (back of the painting, on the deck of cards etc.) and have that link to a website that can verify the item is the real thing.
I was thinking of using pgp-keys (public/private) to verify the item.
Is there already a way to do this or would I have to write something to decrypt the private key for validation? What language would be able to do this, can I do it in python?

This depends on what you are actually seeking to do.
You could embed a message that you sign with your private key, which can then be verified to be authentic with your public key.
If you want the message to be encrypted, you will need to pass a private key to the buyer and encrypt the message with the corresponding public key.
Generally, you don't need the private key unless you are doing encryption or signing. There are libraries for PGP in essentially all programming languages, python has python-gnupg for this.


How to use crypto hardware wallet to sign CSR (without the private key leaving the hardware)

Any hardware crypto wallet supports signing a transaction without the private key leaving the hardware, so theoretically it should be possible to sign a CSR as well. Is this true? If so, how can I do that?
PS I am also wondering if this is a good way to store the private key of a root CA offline, and maybe also splitting the private key into a couple of hardware wallets, say any 2 of 3 keys can recover the private key.

Human readable way to represent PGP keys (Decentralized client authentication)

I'm working on a distributed application, and we need a way to authorize clients. Every client has a PGP keypair associated with them, and we require them to enter their private key (which is not stored) through which their pubkey is derived and used to identify clients and modify their fields on the distributed database.
Now, considering user experience, entering a private key on a website whenever you need to do something is troublesome. But we also cannot maintain a central database for username/password based authentication as that creates a single failure point (not what the distributed application is meant to do)
I am hoping there is some way to get an easier to remember human readable descriptor of the private key which can be used to authenticate if something like that exists. Any other ideas are appreciated too.
I'll throw a bunch of ideas to clarify the question:
Are you certain that PGP is suited for your needs?
I feel like you should provide some more details to be sure:
- How are the private and public keys used exactly? I understand the following : user inputs its private key, information is decrypted and modified, public key is deduced from private and used to encrypt the updated information.
- How is this different from using a regular password and being able to authenticate the user and encrypt data?
- You seems to send private keys on the network, and they should remain private.
How you could use a regular password:
User has a password, your application uses a function (e.g sha256, KDF,...) to make it usable by classical encryption algorithms (e.g AES). With the same (not stored) key, you can then encrypt and decrypt datas. You just have to make sure that decryption is valid, by adding a known value at the beginning of the data (e.g a part of the key).
Quick example:
password: "WeakPassword"
key: sha256("WeakPassword"+"MySalt") = 493e3ae...b2eec8ef
clearData = "493e3ae{123;456}" //valid, because you can check the beginning
Advantages: usable passwords, faster symmetric encryption
Use a QR code
If you stick to PGP and have a camera available it is pretty handy.
You could also use hexadecimal, base64, ... but for a 2048 bits RSA key, that still gets you hundreds of characters.

How is the process of signing and verifying a release and why apache says that the signature file signed by a public key?

I have started learning GPG and I am a bit confused about the infos I have found. The GnuPG documentation says that
A signature is created using the private key of the signer
But at the Apache's site, they say:
The signature file is a digest of the original file signed by a public key...
And on the same site, in another section, they say the following:
A digital signature is created from an original document using a private key.
Now I suppose that the process of signing involves signing the hash of a release using the private key of the holder and not the public one like Apache says in the second link I have posted, or am I wrong? Otherwise, how could someone be ever able to decrypt the hash of a release signed with a public key if he/she doesn't have the private key of the holder?
Then, could someone simply explain in what the processes of signing and verifying a signature consist and what are the passages, e.g. for a software release like Apache Maven?
TL;DR: There is a mistake in the documentation, your understanding of signatures is right.
The signature file is a digest of the original file signed by a public [sic, this is should be private] key...
Signing a document usually is performed by calculating the hash sum of the document (asymmetric cryptography is very slow for large amounts of data), which finally is encrypted using the private key, so anybody can decrypt it using the public key. If the decryption process results in the same hash sum as is calculated from the original document, it must have been encrypted using the private key - which is only known to the signer; thus the authorship is verified.
Encryption (leaving apart the aspect of hybrid cryptosystems like OpenPGP is, but the general concept stays the same) works the other way round; the public key is used for encryption, so only the private key can be used to decrypt the information.
I added a bug report for the documentation issue (closed/fixed since 2015-07-29).
Then, could someone simply explain in what the processes of signing and verifying a signature consist and what are the passages?, e.g. for a software release like Apache Maven -> ?
You need to fetch the public key used for signing the software (usually, you will download it from a keyserver using gpg --recv-key [key-id].
Verify the key's integrity, for example by speaking with the developers, your web of trust, the products HTTPs-encrypted website (depending on how paranoid you're at verifying the authorship).
Issue a signature to certify the key if it is not already verified through your web of trust, if you don't want to create a public one, there are also local signatures which are never transmitted to the key server network.
Finally, use gpg --verify to check that the signature was indeed issued by the product maintainer's key.

Why is public key cryptography used in sites like Google, Facebook (what is the need to encode data in these sites)?

The RSA algorithm is used for encryption (plain text to cipher text) and decryption (cipher text to plain text) of data. What is the need for using public keys in these sites; why is data encrypted as everything is viewed by everyone?
Why do we need to use public key cryptography in Google; how does it provide security?
What is the need for using public keys in these sites?
It is required to set up a shared secret (a big random number) that is used for further symmetric crypto. Public-private key crypto allows one to share a secret message (symmetric key material) even when each and every message is monitored and eavesdropped. See Hot does SSL works? for more info.
The problem with public-private key crypto is that it is dead slow, whereas symmetric crypto is dead fast. The benefit is that public-private key crypto uses two keys for encryption and decryption and this is what allows to securely share a secret through the insecure channel, whereas symmetric crypto uses a shared key for both operations and you need both parties to have the same shared key.
Why is data is encrypted as everything is viewed by everyone?
When data is encrypted all that an observer can see is pure random noise. An observer cannot understand anything from the encrypted communication. Unless storing encrypted communication, like NSA does, and later asking Google and other companies for their private key. In this way they can decrypt old communication.
Why do we need to use public key cryptography in Google; how does it provide security?
Many agencies would like to know what people search for: "how to make a bomb", political disputes, etc. Advertisers would like to know what people interested in so that they can bring relevant ads. If something is provided to you for free, you are the product. You sell your information (your interests) and when this is done on a global scale suddenly huge money become involved.
Public-private key crypto in this sense provides privacy. Only you and the server can understand the traffic, but no one else: no intermediate hubs, your ISP or government body.
Before Facebook switched to SSL-by-default, all traffic was indeed plain text. This made it possible to build a graph of connections on a truly global scale. The rational I guess was to possibly aid anti-terrorist forces to catch the bad guys. From the other side all population's activities were tracked. See PRISM for more info.

Store and retrieve private key from Mac keychain programmatically

In a Mac application, I have a requirement to store the private key sent from the server for logged in user in a secure way and retrieve it back whenever needed programmatically. I know that keychain is the best place to store the private key. Is there any sample code available to achieve this?
I am able to add the private key to the keychain using "SecKeychainItemImport" method of "Security.framework" but having issues retrieving back the private key from the keychain. I have tried using "SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData" and "SecKeychainItemCopyContent" methods for getting private key back from the keychain. But no luck so far.
I have also read in blogs mentioning private key storage inside ".ssh" hidden folder. But I feel that storing the private key inside the keychain provides one more level of security so that someone else can not have an easy access to the private key.
One purpose of the Keychain is to keep private keys protected by not exposing their data to the application. To prevent accidentally exposing a private key, these items are flagged CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE | CSSM_KEYATTR_SENSITIVE by default; i.e., it is only possible to get their data using SecKeychainItemExport, and only in a passphrase-protected format.
There are APIs in the Security framework that encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify etc. data using a supplied key item without ever putting the raw key data in the application's address space. (These operations are normally done by a separate, privileged process.)
If for some reason you do need access to the private key's raw bits, you need to prepare for this at the time you import the private key to the keychain. You need to set keyAttributes to CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE (i.e., without the sensitive bit) in the keyParams parameter of SecKeychainItemImport.
Yes, the Keychain is what you'd use here. You want to read the documentation first, then look at Apple's sample code.