" replaced by "" - sql

redshift unload command is replacing " by "".
example :
UNLOAD($$ select '"Jane"' as name $$)
TO 's3://s3-bucket/test_'
iam_role arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/xxxxxx'
The output looks like : ""Jane""
If I run the same command with select 'Jane' as name , the output shows without quote at all like Jane. But I need the output to be "Jane"

You are asking for the unloaded file to be in CSV format and CSV format says that if you want a double quote in your data you need to escape it with another double quote. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4180
So Redshift is doing exactly as you requested. Now if you just want a comma delimited file then you don't want to use "CSV" as this will add all the necessary characters to make the file fully compliant with the CSV specification.
This choice will come down to what tool or tools are reading the file and if they expect an rfc compliant CSV or just a simple file where fields are separated by commas.
This is a gripe of mine - tools that say they read CSV but don't follow the spec. If you say CSV then follow the format. Or call what you read something different, like CDV - comma delimited values.


How to escape double quotes within a data when it is already enclosed by double quotes

I have CSV data separated by comma like below which has to be imported into snowflake table using copy command .
"1","2","3","2"In stick"
Since I am already passing the parameter OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '"' to copy command I couldn't escape the " (double quotes) within the data ("2"In stick") .
The imported data that I want to see in the table is like below
1,2,3,2"In stick
Can someone please help here ? Thanks !
If you are on Windows, I have a funny solution for that. Open this CSV file in MS Excel. Excel consumes correct double quotes to show data in the cellular format and leaves the extra in the middle of a cell (if each cell is separated properly by commas). Then choose 'replace' and replace double quotes with something else (like two single quotes or replace by nothing to remove them). Then save it again as a CSV. I assume other spreadsheet programs should do the same.
If you have an un-escaped quote inside a field which is surrounded by quotes that isn't really valid CSV. For example, here is an excerpt from the RFC4180 spec
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote
appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
For example:
I think that whatever is generating the CSV file is doing it incorrectly and needs to be fixed before you will be able to load it into Snowflake. I don't think any file_format option will be able to solve this for you since it's not valid CSV.
The CSV row should either look like this:
"1","2","3","2""In stick"
or this:
"1","2","3","2\"In stick"
I had this same problem, and while writing up the question, I found an answer:
Import RFC4180 files (CSV spec) into snowflake? (Unable to create file format that matches CSV RFC spec)
Essentially, set:
Column Separator
Row Separator
New Line
Header lines to skip
{you have to decide what to put here}
Field optionally enclosed by
Double Quote
Escape Character
Escape Unenclosed Field
Here is my ALTER statement:
As I mention in the answer, I don't know why the above works, but it is working for me. Go figure.

How to clear txt file having different Delimiter using SSIS package?

I have text file which is having ^(CAP) and ,(Comma) as a delimiter and after clearing i need to load to sql . I have tried my best to clear a source file
But still file is not cleaned as expectation .
Please find the below picture i have tried to correct the source file
But still file is not cleared as expected . Please find below uncleared file .
You have a variety of issues here.
You have identified the header row delimiter as a comma. A row delimiter is the, usually invisible, delimiter than indicates a row's worth of data has happened. Traditionally, this is an Operating System specific value but it's a Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF) or Carriage Return/Line Feed.
Your source data is not a comma delimited file with caret/circumflex/cap text delimiters. You have a comma-space delimited file which SSIS doesn't support in the editor. However, if you hand edit the dtsx file as I outlined in How to read a flatfile with lowercase thorn as the delimiter to specify that it should use comma space ColumnDelimiter="_x002C__x0020_"
Given a truncated version of your source data
ListCode, CAS, Name
^216^, ^^, ^Coal Dust^
^216^, ^7782-24-5^, ^Graphite (Natural)^
^216^, ^^, ^Inert or Nuisance Dust^
and the comma (0x2C) space (0x20) edited into the raw dtsx connection manager, I was able to pull data as I believe you are expecting
You might also run into additional issues given your selection of code pages and not checking the Unicode button but that's beyond my ability to generate matching source data from an image.
Just replace the ^, ^ with ^,^
It looks like your source
CAS, SubName, ListCode, Type, CountryCode, ListName
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^447^,^Chemical Inventory^,^EU^,^ECICS Custom Tariff Codes^
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^0^,^^,^NN^,^SPHERA Global Substance List^
Then edit your connection manager with below details
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
It will work .
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0x89k.png

Custom delimiter while exporting Google Cloud SQL to CSV

I've been successfully exporting GCloud SQL to CSV with its default delimiter ",". I want to import this CSV to Google Big Query and I've succeed to do this.
However, I'm experiencing a little problem. There's "," in some of my cell/field. It causes Big Query import process not working properly. For Example:
"Budi", "19", "Want to be hero, and knight"
My questions are:
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
If not, how to make above sample data to be imported in Google Big Query and become 3 field/cell?
Is it possible to export Google Cloud SQL with custom delimiter e.g. "|"?
Yes it's, See the documentation page of BigQuery how to set load options provided in this link
You will need to add --field_delimiter = '|' to your command
From the documentation:
(Optional) The separator for fields in a CSV file. The separator can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. To use a character in the range 128-255, you must encode the character as UTF8. BigQuery converts the string to ISO-8859-1 encoding, and uses the first byte of the encoded string to split the data in its raw, binary state. BigQuery also supports the escape sequence "\t" to specify a tab separator. The default value is a comma (,).
As far as I know there's no way of setting a custom delimiter when exporting from CloudSQL to CSV. I attempted to introduce my own delimiter by formulating my select query like so:
select column_1||'|'||column_2 from foo
But this only results in CloudSQL escaping the whole result in the resulting CSV with double quotes. This also aligns with the documentation which states:
Exporting in CSV format is equivalent to running the following SQL statement:

How to make Postgres Copy ignore first line of large txt file

I have a fairly large .txt file ~9gb and I will like to load this txt file into postgres. The first row is the header, followed by all the data. If I postgres COPY the data directly, the header will cause an error that data type do not match with my postgres table, so I will need to remove it somehow.
Sample data:
15,53568419,89734,219906,15,2011-05-11 00:00:00,0,0,90720,2915,NonProfit,POLICY,230,3,1,0
16,84141863,87936,164657,243,2011-03-10 00:00:00,0,0,48362,2523,NonProfit,POLICY,1507,5,1,0
16,81442028,86632,15181625,243,2011-01-19 00:00:00,0,0,11501,2115,NonProfit,POLICY,1508,2,1,0
While the COPY function for postgres has the "header" setting that can ignore the first row, it only works for csv files:
copy training from 'C:/testCSV.csv' DELIMITER ',' csv header;
when I try to run the code above on my txt file, it gets an error:
copy training from 'C:/testTXTFile.txt' DELIMITER ',' csv header
ERROR: unquoted newline found in data
HINT: Use quoted CSV field to represent newline.
I have tried adding "quote" and "escape" attributes but the command just won't seem to work for txt file:
copy training from 'C:/testTXTFile.txt' DELIMITER ',' csv header quote as E'"' escape as E'\\N';
ERROR: COPY escape must be a single one-byte character
Alternatively, I thought about running java or create a seperate stagging table to remove the first row...but these solutions are expansive and time consuming. I will need to load 9gb of data just to remove the first row of headers... are there other solutions out there to remove the first row of a txt file easily so that I can load the data into my postgres database?
Use HEADER option with CSV option:
\copy <table_name> from '/source_file.csv' delimiter ',' CSV HEADER ;
Specifies that the file contains a header line with the names of each column in the file. On output, the first line contains the column names from the table, and on input, the first line is ignored. This option is allowed only when using CSV format.
I've looked up docs at https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/sql-copy.html
written about HEADER is not only true for CSV, but TSV also!
My solution was this in psql
\COPY mytable FROM 'mydata.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;
(in addition mydata.tsv contaned header row which I excluded from copying to database table)

How to output data from iSQL to csv file _with_ headings?

I'm trying to query a Sybase ASA 8 database with the iSQL client and export the query results to a text file in CSV format. However the column headings are not exported to the file. There is no special option to specify that, neither in the iSQL settings nor in the OUTPUT statement.
The query and output statement looks like this:
SELECT * FROM SomeTable;
OUTPUT TO 'C:\temp\sometable.csv' FORMAT ASCII DELIMITED BY ';' QUOTE ''
The result is a file like
while I'd like to have
Any hints?
I would have suggested to start with another statement:
OUTPUT TO 'C:\\temp\\sometable.csv' FORMAT ASCII DELIMITED BY ';' QUOTE '';
and add the APPEND option on your query... but I can't get APPEND to work (but I'm using a ASA 11 engine).
Try this one
OUTPUT TO 'C:\\temp\\sometable.csv' FORMAT ASCII DELIMITED BY ';' QUOTE '';
Simply add the option
to your statement and it adds a header line with the column names.
The complete statement is therefore:
See sybase documentation.
I am able to use the isql command to output quoted CSV.
$ isql $DATABASE $USERNAME $PASSWORD -b -d, -q -c
select username, fullname from users
gives the result:
"jdoe","Jane Doe"
"msmith","Mark Smith"
Command-line flags
(copied from the man page)
-b: Run isql in non-interactive batch mode. In this mode, the isql processes its standard input, expecting one SQL command per line.
-dDELIMITER: Delimits columns with delimiter.
-c: Output the names of the columns on the first row. Has any effect only with the -d or -x options.
-q: Wrap the character fields in double quotes.
Escaping Issue
You might run into problems if the query results contain double-quotes, though. The quotes aren't escaped properly, so they result in invalid CSV:
> select 'string","with"quotes' as quoted_string
You are already familiar with the OUTPUT options. There is no option that gives you what you want.
Ok, the problem is the receiving end does not accept standard CSV files, it needs semi-colons.
If you are scripting, then you are better off getting the output in the format that is closest to what you need, and then awk-ing the output file. Very fast and you can change anything you need. I think your best option is ASCII or default output format, which will provide Comma (not colon) Separated Values, in an ASCII character text file, and includes column Headers. Then use a single awk command to convert the commas to semi-colons.
Found an easier solution, Place the headers in one file say header.txt ( it will contain a single line "col_1|col_2|col_3") then to combine the header file and your output file run:
cat header.txt my_table.txt > my_table_wth_head.txt
isql -S<Server> -D<Database>-U<UserName> -s \; -P<password>\$\1 -w 10000 -iname.sql > output.csv
If you use the FORMAT EXCEL option, it will output the rows with the column name in the first row. Then once you get it into excel you can save it into another format if you need to.
OUTPUT TO 'C:\temp\sometable.xls' FORMAT EXCEL DELIMITED BY ';' QUOTE ''
Recently I needed to solve similar issue with some prehistoric ASA7 which does not support the WITH COLUMN NAMES for .CSV output.
The solution for me was the .DBF file, which has the columns structure in it and can be processed automatically, much better than .XLS
SELECT * FROM SomeTable;
OUTPUT TO 'C:\temp\sometable.dbf' FORMAT DBASEIII;