Hi guys I am having trouble finding a solution on my problem because I want to navigate to another page but here's the problem
function NewOrderPopUp({id, services, name, rating, accepted, destinationPlaceName, userPlaceName, driverName, driverContactNumber, driverRating, driverTrackingNumber})
async function toggleAcceptBooking()
await firestore()
accepted : !accepted,
driverName: 'Sample Driver',
driverContactNumber: '09123456789',
driverRating: '4.9',
driverPlateNumber: 'NFT-2020',
driverTrackingNumber: GenerateTrackingNumber(),
return (
export default NewOrderPopUp;
And I am calling the NewOrderPopUp Page in another file.
like this
import NewOrderPopUp from "../../components/NewOrderPopUp";
const HomeScreen = () => {
//... codes here
return (
contentContainerStyle={{paddingHorizontal: 30}}
keyExtractor={(item) => item.id}
renderItem={({item}) => <NewOrderPopUp {...item}/>} />
export default HomeScreen;
What I wanted is that if I click the toggleAcceptBooking it will nagivate to another page like
Can someone enlighten me please . Thank you.
Do it by passing navigation down as a prop.
do the following steps.
handle navigation prop in HomeScreen
const HomeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
pass navigation as a prop to NewOrderPopUp
renderItem={({item}) => <NewOrderPopUp navigation={navigation} {...item}/>} />
handle navigation prop in NewOrderPopUp and use it to navigate.
function NewOrderPopUp( {navigation, ...} ){
async function toggleAcceptBooking(){
await ...
Greeting everyone,
I'm writing a React Native application and have stumbled into something interesting.
This is the simplified version of my code:
//import statements
const Profile = (props) => {
<Text>Hey {props.name}!</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.goBack();}>Go back</TouchableOpacity>
export function ScreenOne({ navigation }) {
<Profile name="HUFF">
export function ScreenTwo({ navigation }) {
//blah blah blah
export default function App(){
//rest of the code
So basically, I'm trying to use react-navigation to navigate between screens of my App. But the button inside of my Profile component doesn't work.
Consider that I navigate from ScreenTwo to ScreenOne
Thanks in Advance.
React navigation has useNavigation hook
import { useNavigation } from '#react-navigation/native'
// if you are not using react-navigation 5 or 6
// then there is package https://github.com/react-navigation/hooks
const Profile = (props) => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
<Text>Hey {props.name}!</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.goBack()}>Go back</TouchableOpacity>
For this, you might have to specify navigation via props on the Profile JSX tag, so it can access the parent's navigation inside the component. E.g.:
//import statements
const Profile = (props) => {
<Text>Hey {props.name}!</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => props.navigation.goBack()}>Go back</TouchableOpacity>
function ScreenOne({ navigation }) {
<Profile name="HUFF" navigation={navigation}>
function ScreenTwo({ navigation }) {
//blah blah blah
export default function App(){
//rest of the code
OK, so I got a bit further. I made it work, but it's ugly and buggy :)
What I want to do - I'm trying to share a search field between two screens. Almost identical to the way Yelp works, actually. The first screen is the map with the search field on top. When you click the search field, it should move into the second search screen where you type the search term or select some default search category.
I have an expo app with bottom tab navigator (TS). Let me paste only the important parts:
export default function BottomTabNavigator() {
return (
<BottomTab.Navigator initialRouteName="Search">
and then
const SearchStack = createStackNavigator<SearchParamList>();
function SearchNavigator() {
return (
<SearchStack.Navigator headerMode="none">
<SearchStack.Screen name="SearchScreen" component={SearchScreen} />
<SearchStack.Screen name="SearchFocusScreen" component={SearchFocusScreen} />
const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState('');
// If we returned from the second search screen with a search term, set it in state.
useEffect(() => {
if (route.params) {
}, [route]);
const searchRef = useRef(null);
const onFocus = () => {
// If we have a search term, pass it to screen 2, then blur the input so we don't loop back.
if (route.params) {
navigation.navigate('SearchFocusScreen', { searchTerm: searchQuery });
} else {
return (
<MapView ... />
onSubmitEditing={() => {
initSearch({ searchQuery, region });
Second search screen
const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState('');
const searchRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (route.params) {
}, [route]);
return (
onChangeText={(query) => setSearchQuery(query)}
onSubmitEditing={() => {
navigation.navigate('SearchScreen', { searchTerm: searchQuery }); // Pass the search query back to Search page 1
Does it work? Yes. But it feels wrong. Also - there's an issue that when I type with an error into the search field in search screen 2, I get auto-correct suggestions. If I then quickly click Search, it auto corrects the typo after sending the error to search screen 1. And it's visible.
If you guys have a better strategy to achieve this, please do share.
Because navigate is an object, useEffect only compares the reference value. If you would like changes to that object to trigger a useEffect, I would look at https://github.com/kentcdodds/use-deep-compare-effect
So what I'm trying to do is fetching data from an API (works well), that has this autocomplete function.
Link to example: https://autocomplete.aws.dk/
Link to the guide: https://autocomplete.aws.dk/guide2.html
What is hard for me, is that the guide is HTML, and this is suppose to work in React Native.
So far I made an input field, that can detect when writing minimum two letters will show a list of addresses.
What I want is when the address is clicked, it takes that value and places it in the input field.
Heres my code:
The API fetch:
import React from "react";
import url from "./url";
export default class DawaFetch extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = {
options: {},
minCharacters: 2,
state = {
value: "",
suggestions: [],
handleChange = ({ target: { value } }) => {
this.setState({ value });
if (this.props.minCharacters <= value.length) this._fetch(value);
_fetch = (value) => {
url("https://dawa.aws.dk/adresser/autocomplete", {
q: value,
["per_side"]: 100,
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => this.setState({ suggestions: json }))
.catch((err) => console.error("parsing failed", err));
render = () =>
this.props.children({ ...this.state, handleChange: this.handleChange });
And here is my view:
{({ value, suggestions, handleChange }) => {
return (
{suggestions.map((suggestion) => (
<NormalText key={suggestion.adresse.id}>{suggestion.tekst}</NormalText>
Tried different solutions by making it a FlatList with renderItem, and making an onPress function, but I could never make it work.
Hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction, I might been overthinking this.
React-Native TextInput onChange value is not available inside the target as it's available in HTML, Remove target from handleChange function like below, also it's not onChange it's onChangeText in TextInput.
handleChange = (value) => {
this.setState({ value });
if (this.props.minCharacters <= value.length) this._fetch(value);
You can achieve your desired functionality in a very simple manner.
Add this to your DawaFetch class.
this.setState({value: address})
Add this to your render Function
render = () =>
this.props.children({ ...this.state, handleChange: this.handleChange, OnItemSelection: this.OnItemSelection });
Then make these changes in your DawaFetch component
{({ value, suggestions, handleChange, OnItemSelection }) => {
return (
{suggestions.map((suggestion) => (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=> OnItemSelection(suggestion.adresse)}>
<NormalText key={suggestion.adresse.id}>{suggestion.tekst}</NormalText>
Edit:Here is Snack having solution
I have a header in my app that needs to render a different button depending on whether or not the user has notifications. This is how I currently have it set up in my pages:
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
title: 'My Profile',
headerRight: () => (
icon={() => <Icon
name={UserProvider.bNotifications ? 'bell' : 'bell-outline'}
color={UserProvider.bNotifications ? COLORS.WARNING : COLORS.WHITE}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications', null)}
The problem is, if UserProvider.bNotifications changes value, the header button doesn't update unless the page is changed / rerendered.
I want to switch to use the navigation property that is passed into those navigationOptions, but I don't no how to access it from outside the navigation stack. UserProvider is a static class (NOT a component) so I can't access the navigation prop through the usual manner (or by using the useNavigation hook).
I do have a NavigationProvider class that has access to the NavigationContainer for the app. I use it to trigger navigation without components. Is there some way I can set the params on the navigation property using that same reference?
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
let _navigator;
function getNavigator() {
return _navigator;
function setTopLevelNavigator(navigatorRef) {
_navigator = navigatorRef;
function navigate(routeName, params) {
function goBack() {
export default {
The ref is set like this in my top level App component:
ref={navigatorRef => {
EDIT - UserProvider
This is just the gist of my UserProvider class, but should convey how it works.
export default class UserProvider {
private static _bNotifications: boolean;
static get bNotifications(): boolean {
if (!this.hasInitNotifications)
return this._bNotifications;
static set bNotifications(bNotifications: boolean) {
this._bNotifications = bNotifications;
static initNotficationWatch() {
//Firebase listener on notification
this.bNotifications = true;
} else {
this.bNotifications = false;
How to set navigation params from outside navigation stack?
to do this you have to utilize the getParam method that comes from the navigation prop. the way I would di it would be to set a variable to a parameter that would equal to UserProvider.bNotifications.
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
let notifications = navigation.getParam('notifications')
return {
title: 'My Profile',
headerRight: () => (
icon={() => <Icon
name={notifications ? 'bell' : 'bell-outline'}
color={notifications ? COLORS.WARNING : COLORS.WHITE}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Notifications', null)}
you can set the param to an initial value by adding it as a second argument if needed navigation.getParam('paramName', 'param initial value')
To update the parameter you need to use the setParams method. For this you can use the useNavigation hook.
You can also do this inside of a functions instead of a element
// remember to const navigation = useNavigation()
title="Update param"
onPress={() => navigation.setParams({notifications: 'new value'})}
you can also initiate the value this way... but I would recommend to initialize the value inside your navigationOptions
I haven't tested the code but it should work
RN DOCS: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/2.x/headers/
Im building a chat app with React Native using Expo and I use a Flatlist as child of KeyboardAvoidingView to render the list of messages, the problem is I want to scroll to the bottom when the keyboard is triggered
So I used the Flatlist method ( scrollToEnd ) with useRef hook and my code looks like this :
const ChatBody = ({ messages }) => {
const listRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
Keyboard.addListener("keyboardWillShow", () => {
setTimeout(() => listRef.current.scrollToEnd({ animated: true }), 100);
return () => Keyboard.removeListener("keyboardWillShow");
}, []);
return (
keyExtractor={(item) => item.id || String(Math.random())}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Message {...item} />}
The code works just fine at the first render, but when I leave the screen and get back again and trigger the keyboard I get this error :
TypeError : null in not an object (evaluating 'listRef.current.scrollToEnd')
*The reason I added setTimout was because the scrollToEnd for some reason does not work when the keyboard event is triggered. adding setTimeout solved that issue.
The component tree is kinda like this :
StackNavigatorScreen => KeyboardAvoidingView => FlatList
You need to pass your event handler as a second parameter to Keyboard.removeListener. Since you're only passing in the first argument, your handler is run anyway and before your ref could be set.
const ChatBody = ({ messages }) => {
const listRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
Keyboard.addListener("keyboardWillShow", onKeyboardWillShow);
return () => Keyboard.removeListener("keyboardWillShow", onKeyboardWillShow);
}, []);
function onKeyboardWillShow() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
return (
keyExtractor={(item) => item.id || String(Math.random())}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Message {...item} />}
const listRef = useRef(null); <-- this line is the one causing the problem.
You need to assign an object, null in this case cannot be put there as it is not an object.