'Camunda > Admin > Authorization' changes requires restart to take effect - bpmn

I have created a spring-starter project with camunda 7.15.0. In addition for demo purposes, I configured and integrated Apache DS for users and groups. I am able to get users and groups.
Further, I removed the default group camunda-all and used AD groups from the screenshot. So,
HMS Victory was able to access only Cockpit
HMS Bounty was able to access only 'Tasklist'
HMS Lydia had no access to the system
This works too and gives expected result.
However, any change to 'Camunda > Admin > Authorization' requires restart to take effect. Otherwise the changes do not take effect. Any change required to make AD Group changes take effect at run time ? Below is my Groups configuration.

This seems to be application behavior. When you logout from Camunda Webapp, the URL does not go back to Welcome page. When I closed the browser tab, or used the default url http://localhost:8080 then it worked. For more details, use default url to login to Camunda


access_token pull issue after salesforce login in react-native. ( redirect_uri not working )

We have 2 domain in salesforce:
1-) https://gablesinsurancerecovery.my.salesforce.com
2-) https://gableinsurancerecovery.force.com
and we have 2 user:
developer#cloudspade.com mail work with success on 1. domain but not work on 2. domain.
Likewise, communitytest#cloudspade.com mail work with success on 2. domain but not work on 1.domain.
Its not a problem. Problem is:
2.domain is important to us. Because we have a react-native project by forcereact and we want work with community domain. ( 2. domain ). We setup with successfully this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zxMUrayFZ8&t=1634s
We was work with perfectly with the video in the link for login.salesforce.com or 1. domain but doesn't work for 2. domain.
Error is:
error image
As seen in the photo we was see a page. But our expectation was that it would working we send redirect_uri. The redirect_uri we sent was to return "girApp://success" with an access_token and instance_url at the end. But we encounter a screen as you can see in the photo. Redirect is not working. Our goal is to access the access_token with redirection within the application after login and authorize.
Lots to unpack here.
***.my.salesforce.com is your main domain, for internal users. ***.force.com is for Customer/Partner Experience Cloud (formerly known as Communities, formerly known as Portal).
developer#cloudspade.com mail work with success on 1. domain but not
work on 2. domain
Out of the box Salesforce is perfectly fine with internal users logging in to community or even 1-click switching over from internal SF to community. Collaboration and all that. Your administrator probably marked only certain profiles / permission sets as community members, you'd need to check config. But it's possible to use the community login page, you guys just chose not to.
communitytest#cloudspade.com mail work with success on 2. domain but
not work on 1.domain
Yes. Community members must use community login page. They can't use generic login.salesforce.com, test.salesforce.com or your branded ***.my.salesforce.com
works perfectly with (...) login.salesforce.com or 1. domain but
doesn't work for 2. domain
That's because most of the time the community login url must be full. Just the domain might not be enough for login because you can have up to 100 communities under same domain. You probably saw the example when you were enabling communities (Setup -> Digital Experiences -> Settings)
Go to Setup -> Digital Experiences -> All sites and write down the url you'll see there. It'll probably be something like ***.force.com/myportal. That means that for API login you might have more luck with ***.force.com/myportal than ***.force.com.
Stop reading this answer now and go read Sitecore - How to get User ID if the user was logged in using external identity provider (Salesforce SSO). Play with that OpenId Heroku app, once you get this to work with community user in the browser - you'll know which url to put in your react app. React developer might "like" this link too: https://gablesinsurancerecovery.force.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
It's kind of written in this article's footer: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.remoteaccess_oauth_endpoints.htm&type=5
Instead of using login.salesforce.com, you can also use the My Domain,
Experience Cloud site, or test.salesforce.com (sandbox) domain in
these endpoints. For hostname, use the My Domain, Experience Cloud
site, or custom URL

Sonarqube 5.2, LDAP plugin 1.5: users losing privileges at their next login?

I have installed SonarQube 5.2 and the LDAP plugin 1.5 a few hours ago. I am really happy about the easy configuration of the LDAP plugin in an Active Directory domain.
But I experience something which looks like a huge problem.
1) An AD user loads the web page of the SonarQube instance
[behind the scenes] a user is being created (starting up from the headers of the HTTP request and the information present in the Active Directory)
2) An administrator of the platform (e.g. admin, default administrator of the platform) gives her some rights (e.g. add her to the sonar-administrators group)
the web interface shows an updated set of rights for this user
3) The user starts a new session
!!! The user has lost all of its rights. She doesn't belong anymore to the sonar-administrators group
(expected behavior) the user gets an updated interface, with the menus reserved to the sonar-administrators group
Am I missing some important part of the documentation?
You have configured SonarQube to use an external system to manage security, in this particular case Active Directory. So the default (and expected) behaviour is to delegate both the authentication and the authorizations to this system.
In your example, if you want the user to belong to some specific group, you have to configure this in your Active Directory. Next time the user logs in, he will be associated to this(those) group(s).
Note that the groups must exist in SonarQube otherwise this won't work (i.e. you have to manually add them in the "Security > Groups" ).
To elaborate on Fabrice's answer, when you have a user or group in the AD that you want to have administration permissions to the SonarQube instance, go to:
<your sq instance>/roles/global
and add the user or the group to the Administer System global permission.

Cannot log in to smart apps toolkit sample

I am following the link below to test the smart apps toolkit,
I can reach the "5. Create login screen" and see the login page with GRUNT SERVER running in the background. However, I have no luck to login with my account. I got my trial account from telstra-iot.com and my homepage is m2mone.telstra-iot.com.
I change the "demos.cumulocity.com" in hello-core-api/js/app.js to "www.telstra-iot.com" and still no luck.
I put in tenant: m2mone, user name: admin, password: xxxxxx. Did I miss anything?
You need to use https://m2mone.telstra-iot.com/ as baseUrl:
You can also set tenant there so you don't need to fill tenant in login page:
Now you can leave tenant field empty in login page and if you want, you can remove the tenant field from login page altogether.
By default the grunt server task leads to developer.cumulocity.com which will not work for you because you are on a different installation (telstra-iot).
You can define the host when executing the grunt task
grunt server --host=m2mone.telstra-iot.com

Start process as <interactive> to use NTLM token

I want to build a small application similar to Run As (Windows native) and DropMyRights.
A simple form with a text box which will hold the path to the program that i want to run, and a dropdown to select the account to impersonate (<system>, <interactive>, or "user NameLastname") when starting the child process.
Just in case this is not enough reason to point me to the right direction, here goes the answer to "why would you want to do that?"
I noticed that some of my applications, like Google Calendar Sync, Google Drive Sync and Chrome autoupdater (not chrome.exe), when run as <system> can't pass through the proxy (ISA/TMG).
I do not have access to the server config settings, so i have to do this client-side.
The goal is to have the child process running as <interactive>, and use the NTLM token.
How can i pass CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials or CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials to the process?
I can't pass username/password/domain because we authenticate on the domain using smartcard logon.
That means i don't even know my Active Directory password.
Answering questions:
It isn't clear what you mean by <system> and <interactive>. Please be
more specific. Do you mean you want to launch processes in your logon
session but have them run as SYSTEM? – Harry Johnston
By interactive i mean the logged on user credentials. Could be local, but in my case i need the domain credentials.
To be even more specific, i want to use the token already generated by the proxy.
I do not want to launch processes as system.
I want system processes to connect to the internet using my (already provided and approved by ISA/TMG) credentials.
More info about this here: What is Interactive Logon?
Hmmm. The Chrome updater isn't a normal application, it's a system
service. Are you trying to run system services in the logged on user's
context? – Harry Johnston
That's right. Exactly what i want to do.
But, Google Updater does not appear on the services list.
It's a scheduled task.
And changing the task to be executed with my credentials doesn't work. Still can not bypass the proxy.

Jenkins restrict access to only Google Apps Domain users using OpenID Authentication

Using the Jenkins OpenID plugin I'm able to configure Jenkins to use my Google Apps OpenID as a provider. Anonymous users are still able to access that application (they have read access only), but I want to have it so that users are forced to login using the Google App domain or they are denied access.
I'm currently using the Jenkins Authorization setting of "Logged in users can do anything", I've tried using the "Matrix based authentication" and denying anonymous users, assuming logged in users would still have permissions, is there a special group value I can use for "logged in users" in matrix based authentication?
It seems like "Matrix-based security" will only work for specific users when using Google Apps OpenID (I don't believe Google apps for domains has support for OpenIDTeam extension
Yes there is a special group you can use to do this but finding the information about how to do it isn't obvious.
If you hover over the 'Overall - Read' column on the Matrix-based security table you'll get the solution.
It states
The read permission is necessary for viewing almost all pages of Jenkins. This permission is useful when you don't want unauthenticated users to see Jenkins pages - revoke this permission from the anonymous user, then add "authenticated" pseudo-user and grant the read access.
I use the following technique in combination with the OpenID plugin which allows me to specify a Google Apps for Business domain to secure Jenkins with
Warning: Make sure you've got a backup of your installation before you start because if you get something wrong you may lock yourself out of your Jenkins. Unpicking the plugins and settings would take longer than just restoring from a backup.
Ensure your choice of OpenID provider is still working ok with your current 'Logged in users can do anything' setting
Select the 'Matrix based-security' mode for Authorization
Add a new 'authenticated' group (lower case 'a') to the Matrix-based security table.
Use the 'check all' icon at the right hand end of the new 'authenticated' row to tick all the permission boxes.
Use the 'check all' icon at the right hand end of the 'Anonymous' row to untick all the permission boxes.
Save the settings
Reload Jenkins
Now each time a user wants to see Jenkins they have to be already signed into their Google Account and no-one can get to see any Job names or views without login.
Hope this helps.