Intelli: How to apply custom highlighting to the `await` keyword? - intellij-idea

I'd like to implement some custom coloring/highlighting of the await keyword in the Typescript project I'm currently working on.
I've looked in File | Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | TypeScript (and Javascript), but it seems you can only customise to the level of "Keyword", nothing finer grained than that.
How can I customise the look (bold, color, etc.) of only the await keyword?

For keyword highlighting could be used plugin
Here is the request to implement this in IDE:
It is shelved for now.


Sticky Scroll with custom language

In vscode, the new Sticky scroll doesn't seem to work out of the box with my custom language extension. Is there some interface my language needs to implement in order to support it?
The new Sticky Scroll feature seems to be based on the language elements (class/interface/namespace/function/method/constructor) being recognized, and available in the Outline view. This means your custom language must have a Language Server or any other tooling that provides such elements to the editor.
If your language does provide that, but is not being properly supported in the new Sticky Scroll feature, I suggest you to open an issue in VS Code repo. As you can see (, there are a few issues reported.
Hope this helps
That could change with VSCode 1.72 and issue 157165 "Add option to base Sticky Scroll on indent, not Document Symbols"
Basing Sticky Scroll on class/function/namespace etc. makes a lot of sense, but only as long as there is an active language server or language extension that provides good Document Symbols (Outline).
For all languages that either have no LSP (so, so many), whose LSP provides no Outline, whose LSP provide invalid Outline or which simply have no concept of functions/classes etc., Sticky Scroll can not be leveraged :-(
I'd argue that in many cases the respective context could be inferred from the indentation instead.
I realize this may not be desirable by default, so perhaps it should be either hidden behind a flag or configurable per language. For example, in a large JSON file, you might then get this context:
1 {
51 "a": {
52 "b": [
74 "current_line",
75 "..."
Personally, I'd like to have SS in CoffeeScript, Crystal, AutoHotkey, Markdown, JSON, and pretty much everywhere else except maybe plain text files.
This implemented with PR 159198;
When no document symbol provider use the folding model for the sticky scroll:
This is available in VSCode insiders today.

'fold up' sections of code - like when you close a control structure

I remember that there was a tag which made it possible to fold multiple lines.
e.g. like if you would fold down a for loop:
Is there a tag which makes this possible? Or is this an IDE specific tag?
Depends on the language and ide/editor.
In C# there are #region's that can be used for this. In some editors you can enable folding on all scopes (brackets). In some editors you can teach the editor to enable folding on comments with brackets in them ("//{" "//}").
In most cases this is an editor option that has to be enabled and configured.
What editor are you using? (and what language is this, JavaScript?)
For netbeans checkout the following: (You don't need to go past the first one) - Manual method - Code Template - Talks about the how they work.
Example from first article:
// <editor-fold>
Your code goes here...
// </editor-fold>

JetBrains Idea: exclude package & classes from autocomplete

How can I exclude some classes from autocomplete, but not from project?
I'm trying to develop on flash with starling library. The problem is that IDE always suggest me a built-in classes, which I probably don't want to use, even if I import another class.
I'm tried to exclude in a Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import, but it takes no effect on a autocomplete.
May be I can reorder autocomplete suggest, for placing the libraries classes on top?
I'm using idea 12.0.4
Does Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import -> Exclude from Import and Completion help you?
Now in Preferences | Editor | General | Auto Import
There are instructions at for disabling, but they didn't work for me until invalidating caches and restarting.
Pull up autocomplete, highlight the offending item, then option-return and exclude it, either at the class or method level. Then invalidate caches and restart.

Creating Dijit > Editor > Plugins

I have been googling this subject for hours. Does anyone have an examples of a custom plugin being deployed in Dijit's Editor. I'd be really interested to look at it because I have been following this without much success and of the few examples that exist out there none of them come with working examples :(
(I'm looking to create a pulldown menu like the one for font selection)
There's no difference between a custom plugin and a "builtin" plugin, so I suggest just looking at a small builtin example like TabIndent, and then move on to the font selection itself.

Intellisense for Objective-J?

My editor of choice for Objective-J Cappuccino development right now is Sublime Text 2. Unfortunately I haven't had any luck finding an Objective-J intellisense autocomplete plugin. It seems it should be doable, since Objective-J does have (optional/pluggable) types. So I think a plugin could definitely parse the code to find the expected type of the object you're trying to autocomplete on, and then look up its method list. Does anyone know of any other editors that support intellisense for Objective-J?
They is only one intellisense plugin for vim available.
You can find a little example video on youtube :
For Sublime Text 2 you can try, although it is not that "intelli" as vim plugin.
After installing you should be able to get autocompletion using Ctrl+Space.