Create an exact copy of Analysis Services database with AMO - ssas

I'm trying to automate the creation of an exact copy of an Analysis Services database using Microsoft.AnalysisServices namespace. My code is:
using (var server = new Server())
var newDb = server.Databases.GetByName(dbName).Clone();
newDb.Name = newDbName;
newDb.ID = server.Databases.GetNewID();
However it seems it creates an empty database instead because from SSMS i'm not able to see any tables, datasources and similar (check my screenshot here).
Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

You need to clone the child Model object using Model.clone() method as well to make to make it work. You can add Model using code like below -
var connString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=asazure://";
var dbName = "AW Internet Sales";
var newDbName = "CloneDb";
using (var server = new Server())
var newDb = server.Databases.GetByName(dbName).Clone();
var newModel = server.Databases.GetByName(dbName).Model.Clone();
newDb.Name = newDbName;
newDb.ID = server.Databases.GetNewID();
newDb.Model = newModel;
Please find below the screenshot after the code run.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Renaming models in database with existing data when using RavenDb

Is there any 'easy' way to rename models in RavenDb when the database already has existing data? I have various models which were originally created in another language, and now I would like to rename them to English as the codebase is becoming quite unmaintainable. If I just rename them, then the data won't be loaded because the properties don't match anymore.
I would like the system to automatically do it on first load. Is there any best way how to approach this? My solution would be:
Check if a document exists to determine if the upgrade has been done or not
If upgrade has not been done, execute patch scripts to update fields
Update document to know that the upgrade has been done
I'd recommend you create new documents from the old documents.
This can be done pretty easily using patching via docStore.UpdateByIndex.
Suppose I had an old type name, Foo, and wanted to rename it to the new type name, Bar. And I wanted all the IDs to change from Foos/123 to Bars/123.
It would look something like this:
var patchScript = #"
// Copy all the properties from the old document
var newDoc = {};
for (var prop in this) {
if (prop !== '#metadata') {
newDoc[prop] = this[prop];
// Create the metadata.
var meta = {};
meta['Raven-Entity-Name'] = newCollection;
meta['Raven-Clr-Type'] = newType;
// Store the new document.
var newId = __document_id.replace(oldCollection, newCollection);
PutDocument(newId, newDoc, meta);
var oldCollection = "Foos";
var newCollection = "Bars";
var newType = "KarlCassar.Bar, KarlCassar"; // Where KarlCassar is your assembly name.
var query = new IndexQuery { Query = $"Tag:{oldCollection}" };
var options = new BulkOperationOptions { AllowStale = false };
var patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest
Script = patchScript,
Values = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ nameof(oldCollection), oldCollection },
{ nameof(newCollection), newCollection },
{ nameof(newType), newType }
var patchOperation = docStore.DatabaseCommands.UpdateByIndex("Raven/DocumentsByEntityName", query, patch, options);
Run that code once at startup, and then your app will be able to work with the new name entities. Your old entities are still around - those can be safely deleted via the Studio.

How to Create table in database using XSD file

I have XSD schema file i want to create sql server table using xsd file.
In c# console application there is any solution? please provide me.
I have searched several sites but don't get any perfect solution for that please help me.
This is the code I'm using
public void BulkLoadData() {
loader.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=SourceDB;Integrated Security=True";
loader.SchemaGen = true;
loader.SGDropTables = true;
loader.BulkLoad = false;
The error I get is
Connection string not found

Update Document with external object

i have a database containing Song objects. The song class has > 30 properties.
My Music Tagging application is doing changes on a song on the file system.
It then does a lookup in the database using the filename.
Now i have a Song object, which i created in my Tagging application by reading the physical file and i have a Song object, which i have just retrieved from the database and which i want to update.
I thought i just could grab the ID from the database object, replace the database object with my local song object, set the saved id and store it.
But Raven claims that i am replacing the object with a different object.
Do i really need to copy every single property over, like this?
dbSong.Artist = songfromFilesystem.Artist;
dbSong.Album = songfromFileSystem.Album;
Or are there other possibilities.
I was a bit too positive. The suggestion below works only in a test program.
When doing it in my original code i get following exception:
Attempted to associate a different object with id 'TrackDatas/3452'
This is produced by following code:
originalFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Lookup the track in the database
var dbTracks = _session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>().WhereEquals("Query", originalFileName).ToList();
if (dbTracks.Count > 0)
track.Id = dbTracks[0].Id;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("UpdateTrack: Error updating track in database {0}: {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
I am first looking up a song in the database and get a TrackData object in dbTracks.
The track object is also of type TrackData and i just put the ID from the object just retrieved and try to store it, which gives the above error.
I would think that the above message tells me that the objects are of different types, which they aren't.
The same error happens, if i use AutoMapper.
any idea?
You can do what you're trying: replace an existing object using just the ID. If it's not working, you might be doing something else wrong. (In which case, please show us your code.)
When it comes to updating existing objects in Raven, there are a few options:
Option 1: Just save the object using the same ID as an existing object:
var song = ... // load it from the file system or whatever
song.Id = "Songs/5"; // Set it to an existing song ID
DbSession.Store(song); // Overwrites the existing song
Option 2: Manually update the properties of the existing object.
var song = ...;
var existingSong = DbSession.Load<Song>("Songs/5");
existingSong.Artist = song.Artist;
existingSong.Album = song.Album;
Option 3: Dynamically update the existing object:
var song = ...;
var existingSong = DbSession.Load<Song>("Songs/5");
Where you've got some code like this:
// Inside Song.cs
public virtual void CopyFrom(Song other)
var props = typeof(Song)
.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(p => p.CanWrite);
foreach (var prop in props)
var source = prop.GetValue(other);
prop.SetValue(this, source);
If you find yourself having to do this often, use a library like AutoMapper.
Automapper can automatically copy one object to another with a single line of code.
Now that you've posted some code, I see 2 things:
First, is there a reason you're using the Advanced.DocumentQuery syntax?
// This is advanced query syntax. Is there a reason you're using it?
var dbTracks = _session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>().WhereEquals("Query", originalFileName).ToList();
Here's how I'd write your code using standard LINQ syntax:
var escapedFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Find the ID of the existing track in the database.
var existingTrackId = _session.Query<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>()
.Where(t => t.Query == escapedFileName)
.Select(t => t.Id);
if (existingTrackId != null)
track.Id = existingTrackId;
Finally, #2: what is track? Was it loaded via session.Load or session.Query? If so, that's not going to work, and it's causing your problem. If track is loaded from the database, you'll need to create a new object and save that:
var escapedFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Find the ID of the existing track in the database.
var existingTrackId = _session.Query<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>()
.Where(t => t.Query == escapedFileName)
.Select(t => t.Id);
if (existingTrackId != null)
var newTrack = new Track(...);
newTrack.Id = existingTrackId;
This means you already have a different object in the session with the same id. The fix for me was to use a new session.

One-Way sync of data without changing schema of source database

I Have a database that we want to partially sync data out of into another database (on Azure).
I have been looking at Sync Framework 2.1 and believe it can solve the problem, however i cannot figure it out from the online documentation.
We have the restraint that we cannot change the schema of the database however we are on SQL 2008 R2 which means that we can use track changes.
I am looking for some advise on how this might be achieved.
currently i have a SyncOrchestrator
var orch = new SyncOrchestrator
LocalProvider = new SampleServerSyncProvider(),
RemoteProvider = new SampleClientSymcProvider(),
Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.Upload
and then a sync provider
public class SampleServerSyncProvider : DbServerSyncProvider
private String SQLLocalConnection = "valid connection string";
public SampleServerSyncProvider()
SqlConnection serverConn = new SqlConnection(SQLLocalConnection);
Connection = serverConn;
var cmTableSyncAdapter = new SqlSyncAdapterBuilder
Connection = serverConn,
ChangeTrackingType = ChangeTrackingType.SqlServerChangeTracking,
SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional,
TableName = "my table"
Currently i am getting an error that talks about initializing the connection. But I cannot find an initialize method on any of the objects
System.InvalidOperationException : Cannot create a SyncAdapter for table 'My table' by using
SqlSyncAdapterBuilder because the connection to the server has not yet
been initialized. Initialize the Connection property of the
SqlSyncAdapterBuilder before you call any of the SqlSyncAdapterBuilder
SQL Change Tracking is only supported on the older offline providers (SqlClientSyncProvider/DbServerSyncProvider/SyncAgent). The newer providers you're trying to use (SqlSyncProvider/SyncOrchestrator) requires a custom change tracking. You cannot mix and match the database sync providers.
have you looked at using SSIS instead?

Error when trying add data to RavenDb

I'm using autofac and the interfaces are correctly resolved but this code fails with "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
using (var store = GetService<IDocumentStore>())
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new Entry { Author = "bob", Comment = "My son says this", EntryId = Guid.NewGuid(), EntryTime = DateTime.Now, Quote = "I hate you dad." });
Here is the registration
builder.Register<IDocumentStore>(c =>
var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8081" };
return store;
When I navigate to http://localhost:8081 I do get the silverlight management UI. Although I'm running a Windows VM and vmware and Silverlight5 don't play together. That's another issue entirely. Anyways does anyone see what I'm doing wrong here or what I should be doing differently? Thanks for any code, tips, or tricks.
On a side note, can I enter some dummy records from a command line interface? Any docs or examples of how I can do that?
Thanks All.
Just curious, are you switching RavenDB to listen on 8081? The default is 8080. If you're getting the management studio to come up, I suspect you are.
I'm not too familiar with autofac but, it looks like you're wrapping your singleton DocumentStore in a using statement.
using (var session = GetService<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession())
As far as dummy records go, the management studio will ask you if you want to generate some dummy data if your DB is empty. If you can't get silverlight to work in the VM, I'm not sure if there's another automated way to do it.
Perhaps using smuggler:
But you'd have to find something to import.