Rest assured is giving 502 in return - api

I have simple get API
when i hit in browser I receive 200 OK but when i send request using rest assured it gives 502 in return.
Below is the code I am using
RestAssured.baseURI = "";
RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();
Response response = request.queryParam("route", "efg/api/jkl").
Someone please look into this
Note: URL shared is dummy URL but format is same as per my project

I think the problem is in base url and endpoint url:
which gives together "", so one slash character "/" is redundant. Try to remove it either for base url or endpoint url and it should work.


Variable Path Param for GET request in Jmeter

I'm testing a GET request using Jmeter, this request has path parameter:
I'm trying to send the parameter in two different locations
Send Parameters With the Request
And I insert a "User Parameters" as productSku and the value.
I noticed the code response is 200, but the body response is "[]", but when I send it using Postman the response body has a lot of information.
If I change the path in the request like this:
I noticed the code response is 404. Can you help me?
Use "//" instead of "/".
Correct URL will be : rest/V1/autobusca/marketplace/product//${productSku}

in Karate DSL, is there a way to have redirects perform a POST request instead of a GET request? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Post method gets converted to GET after redirection
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have the following Karate script that by default has redirects turned on.
Scenario: First Test
Given path 'somePath'
And request ''
And header Content-Type = 'text/html'
And param _csrf = csrf
And param username = 'username'
And param password = 'password'
When method post
Then status 200
The issue is after getting a 302 from the API, the next request automatically submits a GET request. I would like it to submit a POST request instead.
in cURL, there is an existing parameter that allows users to do that. see below.
--post302 Do not switch to GET after following a 302
is there anyway to do that in Karate DSL?
Yes please read the docs for configure folowRedirects. There is also an example on how to read the Location response header to manually make the request you want.
Scenario: get redirects can be disabled
* configure followRedirects = false
Given path 'redirect'
When method get
Then status 302
And match header Location == demoBaseUrl + '/search'
* def location = responseHeaders['Location'][0]
Given url location

Difference between UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects and UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute - Status Code Pages in core

I am using UseStatusCodePages Middleware to show status code pages on my application but it shows plain text on UI without any other information,
I want to show UI with Status Code Information along with some other helpful information like Customer Support Number with more user-friendly page.
I found out we can use two extension methods to do that which is UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects and UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute. Only Difference I found out from Microsoft Docs is,
UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects : Send 302 to Client.
UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute : Send Original Status Code and Executes handler for redirect URL.
Is that the only difference?
I think that the main difference is that UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects is redirecting you to error controller action method while UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute is just rendering page with out redirecting
Controller actions
public IActionResult Error404(int code)
return View("Error404");
public IActionResult Error(int code)
return StatusCode(code);
Startup Cinfigue
Case 1 (404 Error)
Url : https://localhost:5001/notexits_page
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/error/404
We see Error404 page
2) UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute
Url is: https://localhost:5001/notexits_page
We see Error404 page
Case2 (401 Error)
Url : https://localhost:5001/admin/users
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/error/401
We stack in infinity loop
1) UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects
Url is: https://localhost:5001/admin/users
We see default browser error page for 401 error
When Using app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/Error/{0}") and invalid request(lets say "/abc/xyz") is raised then;
Status Code 404 is issued, app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/Error/{0}") intercepts the request and 302 status code is issued(which means URI of the requested resource has been changed temporarily)
As 302 is issued another get request is issued which results in change of the url from
"/abc/xyz" to "/Error/404".
As the request is redirected to the specific error controller the status code for the request is 200 ok in the browser developer tool.
But When Using app.UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute("/Error/{0}") and invalid request(lets say "/abc/xyz") is raised then;
app.UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute("/Error/{0}") middleware intercepts the 404 status code and re-executes the pipeline pointing it to the URL
As the middleware is re executing the pipeline the original URL "/abc/xyz" in the address bar is preserved. It does not change from "/abc/xyz" to "/Error/{0}".
Also the original status Code(404 in this case) is preserved in the developer tool.

Akka http redirect but change method from POST to GET

I have endpoint using POST method ( registering token for example ), after job done I want to redirect client to "/" url, but using GET not POST.
How to achieve this ?
For now I have:
redirect("/", StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
What you want in this case is not a redirect with status code PermanentRedirect, but rather SeeOther (303). So you would have instead: redirect("/", StatusCodes.SeeOther)
You can check in RFC 7231, section 6.4.4: 303 See Other that this guarantees the behavior you describe.

API: Custom 404 not found error response structure

Considering this url:
How can I correctly define structure of my 404 response, showing which item is not found? user, post or likes?
You can send an HTTP status code using the header() function, by starting the header with the status code number, followed by the message to send to the user.
header("404 " + $message);
The code that processes the parameters can determine which item isn't found, and put that into $message.