I just tryed to transform my Component into a Composition API component and realised that the parameter for the exported function dosn't get updated.
this is my Component:
export default {
name: "ListItem",
components: {
type: Array,
required: true
type: Boolean,
required: true
type: Boolean,
default: false
type: Array,
default: []
type: Boolean
setup(props, context){
const buttonClicked = ref(false)
const editMode = ref(false)
const itemName = ref("")
const itemDescription = ref("")
const canDrag = ref(false)
const activeState = ref(true)
canDrag.value = props.dragable
itemName.value = props.item[0]
itemDescription.value = props.item[1]
const { dragStart, dragEnd, checkForDragging, isDragging, showPlaceholder} = useDragFunction(props.dragItem)
and this is my exported function:
import { ref, computed, watch } from 'vue';
export default function useDragFunction( dragItem){
const isDragging = ref(false)
const showPlaceholder = ref(false)
function dragStart(){
isDragging.value = true
function dragEnd(){
isDragging.value = false
function checkForDragging(){
if (dragItem.length >0){
showPlaceholder.value = true
showPlaceholder.value = false
so when the user starts dragging, the function "checkForDragging()" gets executed. Also the props of the component changes so that the draged Item is stored in the dragItem variable. if i write everything into the component it works fine. if i export it into that function it stopped working. i found out that the passed property "dragItem" is always "[]". the props value will not get updated. i literally tryed everything but i cant get it to work.
If a prop is expected to be changed, it should be passed not by value but by reference, i.e. as a ref:
const dragItem = computed(() => props.dragItem);
const {...} = useDragFunction(dragItem);
And used like:
if (dragItem.value.length >0){ ...
Depending on the case, checkForDragging is redundant, and showPlaceholder needs to computed from dragItem:
const showPlaceholder = computed(() => dragItem.value.length >0);
I can't get multiple components accessing the same store respond to updates, until I mess with a dom element to trigger new render.
In my Pinia store, I have an array, and an update method:
let MyArray: IMyItem[] = [
{ id: 1,
name: "First Item",
}, ....
let SelectedItem = MyArray[0]
const AddItem = ( n: string, ) => {
MyArray.push({ id: createId(), name: n, });
return { MyArray, SelectedItem, AddItem }
In one Vue component, I have text inputs and a button to call the store's method:
function handle() {store.AddItem(name.value));
In another Vue component, on the same parent, I use a for loop to display allow for selecting an item:
<div v-for="item in store.MyArray">
<input type="radio"...
No changes with these efforts:
const { MyArray } = storeToRefs(store);
const myArray = reactive(store.MyArray);
// also watching from both components...
watch(store.MyArray, (n, o) => console.dir(n));
// also... lots of other stuff.
const myArray = reactive(store.MyArray);
watch(myArray, (n, o) => console.dir(n));
I also experimented with <form #submit.prevent="handle"> triggering nextTick by adding a string return to the store's method.
I assume the reason clicking around makes it work is because I'm changing the the store's SelectedItem, and its reactivity calls for re-rendering, as it is v-model for a label.
The docs say Array.push should be doing it's job... it just isn't bound the same way when used in v-for.
What's needed to trigger the dom update? Thanks! π©
As comments pointed out, the main issue is your store state is not declared with the Reactivity API, so state changes would not trigger watchers and would not cause a re-render.
The solution is to declare MyArray as a reactive and SelectedItem as a ref:
// store.js
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import type { IMyItem } from './types'
import { createId } from './utils'
π π
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
export const useItemStore = defineStore('item', () => {
let MyArray = reactive([{ id: createId(), name: 'First Item' }] as IMyItem[])
let SelectedItem = ref(MyArray[0])
const AddItem = (n: string) => {
MyArray.push({ id: createId(), name: n })
return { MyArray, SelectedItem, AddItem }
If using storeToRefs(), make sure to set the ref's .value property when updating the SelectedItem:
// MyComponent.vue
const store = useItemStore()
const { SelectedItem, MyArray } = storeToRefs(store)
const selectItem = (id) => {
SelectedItem.value = MyArray.value.find((item) => item.id === id)
But in this case, it's simpler to use the props off the store directly:
// MyComponent.vue
const store = useItemStore()
const selectItem = (id) => {
store.SelectedItem = store.MyArray.find((item) => item.id === id)
I am using Quasar v2, using the Vue Composition API and vue-i18n, and I would like the site title to change display when the active language changes (via a drop down), but whatever I am trying does not result in the title language being changed. Any ideas?
Below is what I have right now (just the essentials):
import { defineComponent, ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { useMeta } from 'quasar';
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const { t: translate } = useI18n() as any;
const siteTitle = computed(() => translate('title.app') as string);
const pageMetadata = {
title: 'untitled',
titleTemplate: (title: string) => `${title} - ${siteTitle.value}`
The code I am using to switch languages:
async onChangeLanguage () {
try {
let locale = this.language;
if (this.language === 'en') {
locale = 'en-GB';
this.$i18n.locale = locale;
const quasarLang = await import(`quasar/lang/${locale}`);
if (quasarLang) {
} catch (error) {
According to the documentation, useMeta will not be reactive if you pass a simple object to it. Rather, you should pass a function that returns the desired value:
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const { t: translate } = useI18n() as any;
const siteTitle = computed(() => translate('title.app') as string);
useMeta(() => {
const title = 'untitled';
const titleTemplate = `${title} - ${siteTitle.value}`
return { title, titleTemplate }
I am writing an app with vuejs and I want to load data when component is mounted but setup returns data before onMounted loads data
My Code
I got the id from another component through props. then passed it through a function which contains an axios method.
The returns an array of data.
export default defineComponent({
props: {
courseId: {
type: String
return {
courseDetails: []
setup(props) {
let courseDetail = reactive([])
let sections = reactive([])
console.log("No details", courseDetail)
onMounted(() => {
// showLoader(true);
Course.getSectionAndSubsections("get-section-and-subsections", props.courseId).then(response => {
courseDetail = response.data.courses;
sections = response.data.sections;
console.log("leave my house", courseDetail)
// showLoader(false);
}).catch(err => {
// showLoader(false);
console.log("Course detail ", courseDetail);
How can I solve this problem?
I want to load data when component is mounted but setup returns data
before onMounted loads data
That's correct - before onMounted hook it should return default values. The problem is that your data is not reactive. You are using reactive like that:
let courseDetail = reactive([])
courseDetail = response.data.courses;
And that is incorrect, because you don't change couseDetail content. You assign a new object.
Probably ref would be a little better in this situation:
const courseDetail = ref([])
And then you can get value:
and assign a new one:
courseDetail.value = SOMETHING
What you did is:
let courseDetail = reactive([])
courseDetail = response.data.courses;
It can work but it should look like this:
let state = reactive({
courseDetail: []
state.courseDetail = response.data.courses;
Check my demo with two options: based on ref and based on reactive:
I have a store which is just an array of strings.
I am trying to watch it and do a search when it has changed.
Originally I had a computed value a bit like this:
const { value } = computed(() => {
const urls = store.getters.wishlist;
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
return useListProducts(page.value, filters.value);
which I returned like this:
return { ...value, skip, more };
This worked fine when loading the page the first time, but if another component adds/removes something from the wishlist I want the function to fire again.
For context, here is the whole component:
import {
} from "#vue/composition-api";
import Product from "#components/product/product.component.vue";
import {
} from "#/_shared/logic/list-products";
export default defineComponent({
name: "Wishlist",
components: { Product },
setup() {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const store = instance.proxy.$store;
const page = ref(1);
const skip = ref(0);
const filters = ref([]);
const { value } = computed(() => {
const urls = store.getters.wishlist;
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
return useListProducts(page.value, filters.value);
const more = () => {
skip.value += 12;
page.value += 1;
const request = createRequest(page.value, filters.value);
variables: { search: request },
updateQuery: (prev, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
if (!fetchMoreResult) return prev;
return {
search: {
__typename: prev.search.__typename,
hasMoreResults: fetchMoreResult.search.hasMoreResults,
total: fetchMoreResult.search.total,
facets: [...prev.search.facets, ...fetchMoreResult.search.facets],
items: [...prev.search.items, ...fetchMoreResult.search.items],
return { ...value, skip, more };
So I figured that the issue was that I wasn't actually watching anything, so I removed the computed method and instead decided to setup a watch. First I created a listProducts method:
const result = reactive({
result: null,
loading: null,
error: null,
fetchMore: null,
const listProducts = (urls: string[]) => {
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
Object.assign(result, useListProducts(page.value, filters.value));
And then I invoked that in my setup:
Then I setup a watch:
watch(store.getters.wishlist, (urls: string[]) => listProducts(urls));
What I expected to happen, was that when an item was added/remove from the wishlist store, it would then invoke listProducts with the new set of urls. But it didn't fire at all.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I believe the issue is with destructuring the reactive property, on destructuring you assign the properties to variables and no longer have a proxy to react to changes..try
return { value, skip, more };
and reference the property in your template
this question has to do with setup props but the same concept applies
Vue 3 watch doesnβt work if I watch a destructured prop
I would like to clear user data upon logout, so from auth module I dispatch an action which is defined in a module ride but I am getting an error:
[vuex] unknown local action type: clearUserData, global type: auth/clearUserData
This is my code:
export const namespaced = true
export const mutations = {
state.apiToken = null
state.signedIn = false
export const actions = {
logout({ commit, dispatch }) {
dispatch('ride/clearUserData', { root: true })
export const namespaced = true
export const state = {
data: []
export const mutations = {
state.data = []
export const actions = {
clearUserData({ commit }) {
import * as auth from './modules/auth'
import * as ride from './modules/ride'
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
loading: false
modules: {
What am I doing wrong?
Your usage of dispatch() is incorrectly passing { root: true } as the 2nd argument, which is intended for the payload. Options should be 3rd:
// dispatch('ride/clearUserData', { root: true }) // FIXME: options passed as payload
dispatch('ride/clearUserData', null, { root: true })
If you don't have payload to pass, then you need to send the second parameter as a null like:
dispatch('ride/clearUserData', null, { root: true })