How to Truncate a large Integer in Python? - python-3.8

import uuid
class Bank:
def __init__ (self):
print("Account No: ",
Account No: 47957342272647865824751872785085784912
It gives a large Integer as Output but I only need the first 10. How do I remove the extra digits from the end?
I thought of doing something like this...
print("Account No: ",
But I was wondering if there's any other better way to do it.

you can convert it string (array of char) and slice it


Finding smallest dtype to safely cast an array to

Let's say I want to find the smallest data type I can safely cast this array to, to save it as efficiently as possible. (The expected output is int8.)
arr = np.array([-101,125,6], dtype=np.int64)
The most logical solution seems something like
np.min_scalar_type(arr) # dtype('int64')
but that function doesn't work as expected for arrays. It just returns their original data type.
The next thing I tried is this:
np.promote_types(np.min_scalar_type(arr.min()), np.min_scalar_type(arr.max())) # dtype('int16')
but that still doesn't output the smallest possible data type.
What's a good way to achieve this?
Here's a working solution I wrote. It will only work for integers.
def smallest_dtype(arr):
arr_min = arr.min()
arr_max = arr.max()
for dtype_str in ["u1", "i1", "u2", "i2", "u4", "i4", "u8", "i8"]:
if (arr_min >= np.iinfo(np.dtype(dtype_str)).min) and (arr_max <= np.iinfo(np.dtype(dtype_str)).max):
return np.dtype(dtype_str)
This is close to your initial idea:
np.result_type(np.min_scalar_type(arr.min()), arr.max())
It will take the signed int8 from arr.min() if arr.max() fits inside of it.

Django use StrIndex to get the last instance of a character for an annotation

I have a model with a key that's value is a file path, ie /src/code/foo. I need the file name so I want to get the sub string of foo for my annotation value. The logical way I was aiming to go about it was to get the index of the last / character. I was trying to do this via StrIndex & Substr but StrIndex only gives me the first index. Is there a way I can get the last index instead?
# this would give me `src/code/foo` but I want just `foo`
name=Cast(Substr("file_path", StrIndex("file_path", V("/"))), TextField())
You have to reverse the string in order to get the last occurence, but then you can use that with Right to get the tail. Subtracting 1 to get rid of the / itself from the string.
from django.db.models.functions import StrIndex, Reverse, Right
from django.db.models import CharField, F
last_occur=StrIndex(Reverse('file_path'), Value('/')),
name=Right('file_path', F('last_occur')-1, output_field=CharField())
You could do it all as a single annotation, with StrIndex within Right, but I think it's easier to follow with the steps separated out like this.

The best way to parse str to float in pandas

I got a money values columns erroneously displayed as string:
money value as string
I've tried to parse that column applying usual methods, unsuccessfully:
astype(float) and pd.to_numeric(df.col, errors=['coerce'])
Finally, I can only win if I use string manipulation techniques. As you see, too verbose:
apply split casting
So, what's happened here? There's no graceful way to solve this parsing?
ps: using pd.read_csv(path, dtype={'receita': float} I also got wrong

Convert an alphanumeric string to integer format

I need to store an alphanumeric string in an integer column on one of my models.
I have tried:
#result.each do |i|
hex_id = []
i["id"].split(//).each{|c| hex_id.push(c.hex)}
hex_id = hex_id.join
Model.create(:origin_id => hex_id)
When I run this in the console using puts hex_id in place of the create line, it returns the correct values, however the above code results in the origin_id being set to "2147483647" for every instance. An example string input is "t6gnk3pp86gg4sboh5oin5vr40" so that doesn't make any sense to me.
Can anyone tell me what is going wrong here or suggest a better way to store a string like the aforementioned example as a unique integer?
Answering by request form OP
It seems that the hex_id.join operation does not concatenate strings in this case but instead sums or performs binary complement of the hex values. The issue could also be that hex_id is an array of hex-es rather than a string, or char array. Nevertheless, what seems to happen is reaching the maximum positive value for the integer type 2147483647. Still, I was unable to find any documented effects on array.join applied on a hex array, it appears it is not concatenation of the elements.
On the other hand, the desired result 060003008600401100500050040 is too large to be recorded as an integer either. A better approach would be to keep it as a string, or use different algorithm for producing a number form the original string. Perhaps aggregating the hex values by an arithmetic operation will do better than join ?

Store an NSString as a fixed length integer?

having a bit of trouble finding a solution to this.
I want to take a large ordered text file of words and create - in the same order - a text file of fixed length numeric values.
For example:
Input File Output File
AAA -> 00000001
AAH -> 00002718
AAZ -> 71827651
Initially it seemed a hash function would do the trick. However they are one way. Also perhaps they are a bit "heavyweight" for this. After all, I don't need any cryptography. Plus, it's a reference file. It will never change.
Any compression is a bonus not essential. That said, I don't want the file to get any bigger than it already is. Which is why I don't just want to write out the words as text but with fixed lengths.
So, bottom line; input is a NSString of variable length, output is an integer of fixed length. And, I must be able to take the integer and figure out the string.
Any help much appreciated!
Well, this would be a bit of a brute force method, but here's my guess.
Start by making a custom function to convert one letter of text to an integer less than 100. (I'm not sure if such a function already exists, if so then great!) You might need to just go to stuff like "if ([input isEqual: #"a"]){ return 1;}
Then, run that function on each letter of text, and get the final integer by combining the previous results.
For example:
int myVal1 = [intConverter firstLetter];
int myVal2 = [intConverter secondLetter];
int myVal3 = [intConverter thirdLetter];
int finalValue =100^3 + 100^2*myVal1 + 100*myVal2 + myVal3;
Then, finalValue would be of the form 1(myVal1)(myVal2)(myVal3), which is what I think you're looking for.
To get back the original string, simply use the mod (%) and division functions to get the individual values back, then run the intConverter function backwards. (This would probably mean writing a new function that basically runs those if statements in reverse, but oh well.)
I hope this helps.