Synchronizing CALayer drawing - core-animation

A drawing application has multiple CALayers. One CALayer displays drawing objects, which are expensive to draw. An overlaid second CALayer displays hover effects - the drawing objects are highlighted on mousemove. This second CALayer is not expensive to draw.
When dragging drawing objects I call [CALayer setNeedsDisplay] on both of these CALayers. Each CALayer retrieves the current state of the drawing objects and displays them. As the drag goes on, the coordinates of the drawing objects change, but because the two layers are not drawn at the same time there's a coordinate mismatch. The difference is very visible in a fast drag.
Is there any CA way to synchronize drawing better between these two layers? It doesn't have to be perfect, but the lag needs to be much smaller. Making both a sublayer of another layer which is updated didn't work. Fiddling with asynchronous drawing didn't help either.

You could try to force the drawing right away by calling displayIfNeeded on the layer right after setNeedsDisplay.
For some reason just calling display did not work for me.


NSView drawrect flicker

I am using NSView as a digital display screen.
When I invoke
[display setNeedsDisplay:YES]
The view's drawrect function seems to entirely clear the view before redrawing it contents.
This results in what appears as a "blinking" or "flickering" display.
Is there any way to alleviate this behavior?
I read about the concept of NSView layers, placing the most changing portions in one layer, while drawing seldom changing in another layer, but I was unable to find any concrete example code using layers.
Desired behavior: drawrect draws contents without 1st clearing view. After drawing, clears previous contents that does not intersect with new contents.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Too many UIViews causes lag

I am creating an app for practice that is a simple drawing app. The user drags his/her finger along the screen and it colors in a 100px x 100px square.
I currently achieve this by creating a new colored UIView where the user taps, and that is working. But, after a little time coloring in, there is substantial lag, which I believe is down to there being too many UIViews as a subview of the main view.
How can I, and others who similarly create UIViews on dragging a finger reduce the lag to none at all, no matter how many UIViews there are. I also think that perhaps this is an impossible task, so how else can someone like me color a cube of the size stated above in the main view on a finger dragged along the screen?
I know that this may seem like a specific question, but I believe that it could help others understand how to reduce lag if there are a very large amount of UIViews where a less performance reducing option is available.
One approach is to draw each square into an image and display that image, rather than keeping around an UIView for each square.
If your drawing is simple enough, though, you can use OpenGL to do this, which is much faster. You should look at Apple's GL Paint Sample Code which shows how to do this in OpenGL.
If your drawing is too complex for OpenGL, you could create, for example, a CGBitmapContext, and draw each square into that context when the user drags their finger. Whenever you draw a new square into that bitmap, you can turn the bitmap into an image (via CGBitmapConxtextCreateImage) and display that image an a UIImageView.
There are two things that come to my mind:
1- Use Instruments tool to check if you are leaking any memory
2- If you are just coloring the views than instead of creating images for each of them, either set the background color property of UIView or override the drawRect method to do custom drawing
I think what you are looking for is the drawRect: method of UIView. You could create your custom UIView (you propably have that already) and override the drawRect method and do your drawing there! You will have to save your drawings in an array or another container and call the setNeedsDisplay method whenever the array content is changed.

cache drawing in a uiview

I have a UIView that allows the user to draw a line (myLine) on the screen. This UIView is directly above another UIView that has several shapes drawn with CGPaths. When the user taps on one of these shapes I need to erase any portion of myLine that is above one of these other shapes as if I was erasing the pixels with an eraser.
What would be the best way to approach this?
I need the light blue part of the line to be erased leaving the dark blue portion
1) (current approach partially works) I'm able to use the path shape from the bottom view as a mask in the top view but it is only masking the UIView. If I later need to change the mask location the vector strokes are still there. (I know this is because all off my lines are being redrawn in the drawrect of the view)
2) After I draw each line should I somehow cache the drawing as an image and THEN
slice out the parts inside the triangle?
3)Is there a better approach to this?
This link provided the answer:
Building a Simple Drawing App
I cache the drawing to a bitmap context and then clip out
the unneeded parts of the bitmap.

Best approach for drawing a graph of almost infinite size in a UIScrollView on iPad

I'm currently working on an app which needs to draw like a network graph. Unfortunately this graph can become very big with thousands of movable objects.
I tried to put a giant UIView inside a UIScrollView but soon noticed this won't work because of memory limitations.
So I tried another approach: currently I have a UIView which has exactly the size of the visible part of the UIScrollView. The scrollview is set to not handle the scrolling (only the pinching). Instead I handle the scrolling in the UIView. Everytime a user scrolls, all graphic objects (those graphic objects are currently just subclasses of NSObject, which contain custom drawing code) are moved, so it seems like the view is scrolling. In the drawRect I only draw the graphics that are currently visible.
Also I constantly add and remove sublayers if they are moved out/in the visible frame
This works very smooth even with thousands of objects.
Unfortunately this approach has some drawbacks:
I can't zoom out to see all the objects in the graph, instead the user can only see a part of it
I don't get the inertial scrolling the UIScrollView offers
Other approaches I tried, like the CATiledLayer, don't work either because all the objects in the graph are draggable by the user and it looks really ugly if I use a CATiledLayer...
Swapping out the UIView with other UIViews while the user scrolls may help with the inertial scrolling, but it makes everything more complicated and zooming out completely still won't work :-(
Do you know of any best practices to draw graphs that can be very big?
//edit: I ended up with a uiscrollview which has a subview which has a cascrolllayer which has many sublayers. While zooming in and out the frame of the uiscrollviews subview is constantly changed to the uiscrollviews bounds by view.frame = scrollview.bounds. While dragging the scrollview the cascrolllayer is always forced to scroll to the current offset of the scrollview.
I needed to subclass the uiscrollview and hack around in order to make the zooming work nicely, but it's working well now. This approach works very well and allows very big graphs with lots of draggable elements.
//edit: see my other answer below, the approach above didn't work out as well as I initially thought, especially the zooming part
CATiledLayer is definitely what you should use here—there’s not really another solution that’ll let you use Quartz/UIKit drawing on a huge zoomable canvas. For anything that needs to be interactive (dragged or animated or whatever), you can disable its display in the main tiled layer and overlay another view or layer on top of it that just contains the object being interacted with.

How should I wrap a custom NSView in an NSScrollView?

Cocoa's NSScrollView is horribly under-explained. I hope someone here knows what it's all about and can spare me a few seconds.
So I have a custom NSView. I implement -drawRect: for it to draw something, fill itself with colour, whatever. Then I have an NSScrollView wrapping it (set up through the interface Builder).
Now the inner, custom, view must have a size larger than that which fits in the outer scroll view—for it to scroll. That much I realise. I have incidentally configured it so that the scroll view adjusts to the surrounding window’s size, but that shouldn’t matter.
I override my inner view’s -frame method to return a frame sized at least 1000x1000.
- (NSRect)frame {
CGFloat w = 1000;
CGFloat h = 1000;
if (self.superview.bounds.size.width > w)
w = self.superview.bounds.size.width;
if (self.superview.bounds.size.height > h)
h = self.superview.bounds.size.height;
return NSMakeRect(0, 0, w, h);
Here’s the outcome, which I have trouble interpreting:
I can scroll when the scroll view encloses an area smaller than 1000x1000
The only area filled with colour (i.e. that my -drawRect: method has any effect on) is
as large as the scroll view’s bounds
located at (0,0. I use flipped, so that’s top left, and it ends up being outside the visible area after scrolling.
The visible area that lies outside this irrelevant rectangle is not painted at all.
I don’t know anything beyond this point. It seems like the rect for drawing is clipped to the scroll view’s position in the window, and size, or something—but it does not take the scrolled "location" into account.
It should be noted that I don't really expect anything else to happen. I feel I am missing a piece, but can't find which. Sorry for the wall of text, but I can’t explain better right now. I hope it is easier to answer than it is to ask.
Regards and hope,
Not Rick Astley
It's a very very very bad idea to overwrite -frame. There is so much that depends on the actual instance variable having a correct value. Instead try to set the frame to the one you want using setFrame:, that might fix all your problems if you're lucky...
I agree with Max's warning that you shouldn't override -frame. If you want to constrain the set frame, override its setter ( -setFrame: ) and the designated initializer ( -initWithFrame: ) and adjust the proposed frame as desired.
Regarding your overall problem, I wonder if your problem is conceptual. The argument for -drawRect: (the dirty rectangle you're asked to redraw) is useful if you're drawing something that you can redraw incrementally in parts (like a grid - any grid blocks intersecting dirtyRect can be redrawn and the rest can be ignored). If you're doing something that has to be completely redrawn, you should use [self bounds] and not the dirty rect passed at drawRect.
For example, if you have just a standard gradient background, it's difficult to tell from dirtyRect which part of the gradient to redraw and infinitely easier just to redraw the whole view with the gradient, ignoring dirtyRect altogether.
You're right in assuming that only the area of your view exposed by the scroll view's clip rect will normally be asked to redraw when scrolling. There're also interactions with the scroll view's -copiesOnScroll to consider.
I hope this helps.
Use of the NSScroller really relies on a solid understanding of the MVC paradigm. Apple's docs really focus on showing a photo and a set of text, but not much else. The use of NSScrollView is something that I've struggled with in the past.
First off, do not override frame. Use setFrame to tell the scrollView how large the working area is, and then just simply draw in the area the frame encompasses. As I understand it, a custom NSView and the encompassing NSScrollView takes care of the rest, such as what to draw where when. In other words, ignore the bounds of the rect passed into drawRect and instead draw within the bounds of the frame you sent to scrollView; don't worry about what is visible and what isn't because that is the job of the framework.
Here is where the MVC paradigm comes in: setFrame should be used when your Model is updated. So, if an object falls outside of the current bounds of the frame, then use setFrame to set the newly expanded bounds, and then draw within that area.