searching for a keyword in JSON having multiple fields - sql

"TaskType": "kkkk",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"jobID": "18056",
"DownloadFilePath": "https://abcd",
"accountId": "1234",
"customerId": "hhff"
This is sample data in message in notification table. I need to search for the keyword inside 3 or 4 fields out of 6 fields.
One way is to use multiple OR statements like:
SELECT message AS note
FROM notification
WHERE message::jsonb->'TaskType' LIKE '%1234%'
OR message::jsonb->'jobId' LIKE '%1234%'
OR message::jsonb->'Status' LIKE '%1234%';
The results are satisfactory, but is there a way to optimize the query in case I need to search in more fields.

you could just cast the message column to text and search inside the text:
SELECT message AS note
FROM notification
WHERE message::text like '%1234%'

You need to iterate through all key/value pairs:
select n.*
from notification n
where exists (select *
from jsonb_each_text(n.message) as m(key,value)
where key in ('TaskType', 'jobId', 'Status')
and value like '%1234%');
If you want to search in all values, just leave out the key in (..) part in the sub-select.
Searching in all values can be done using a JSON path operator in Postgres 12 or later:
select *
from notification
where message ## '$.* like_regex "1234"'
This assumes that messages is defined as jsonb - which it should be. If it's not, you need to cast it: message::jsonb


Using Athena to get terminatingrule from rulegrouplist in AWS WAF logs

I followed these instructions to get my AWS WAF data into an Athena table.
I would like to query the data to find the latest requests with an action of BLOCK. This query works:
from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000e0) AS date,
httprequest.clientip AS ip,
httprequest.uri AS request, as country,
FROM waf_logs
WHERE action='BLOCK'
LIMIT 100;
My issue is cleanly identifying the "terminatingrule" - the reason the request was blocked. As an example, a result has
terminatingrule = AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet
rulegrouplist = [
"nonterminatingmatchingrules": [],
"rulegroupid": "AWS#AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList",
"terminatingrule": "null",
"excludedrules": "null"
"nonterminatingmatchingrules": [],
"rulegroupid": "AWS#AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet",
"terminatingrule": "null",
"excludedrules": "null"
"nonterminatingmatchingrules": [],
"rulegroupid": "AWS#AWSManagedRulesLinuxRuleSet",
"terminatingrule": "null",
"excludedrules": "null"
"nonterminatingmatchingrules": [],
"rulegroupid": "AWS#AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet",
"terminatingrule": {
"rulematchdetails": "null",
"action": "BLOCK",
"ruleid": "NoUserAgent_HEADER"
The piece of data I would like separated into a column is rulegrouplist[terminatingrule].ruleid which has a value of NoUserAgent_HEADER
AWS provide useful information on querying nested Athena arrays, but I have been unable to get the result I want.
I have framed this as an AWS question but since Athena uses SQL queries, it's likely that anyone with good SQL skills could work this out.
It's not entirely clear to me exactly what you want, but I'm going to assume you are after the array element where terminatingrule is not "null" (I will also assume that if there are multiple you want the first).
The documentation you link to say that the type of the rulegrouplist column is array<string>. The reason why it is string and not a complex type is because there seems to be multiple different schemas for this column, one example being that the terminatingrule property is either the string "null", or a struct/object – something that can't be described using Athena's type system.
This is not a problem, however. When dealing with JSON there's a whole set of JSON functions that can be used. Here's one way to use json_extract combined with filter and element_at to remove array elements where the terminatingrule property is the string "null" and then pick the first of the remaining elements:
rulegroup -> json_extract(rulegroup, '$.terminatingrule') <> CAST('null' AS JSON)
) AS first_non_null_terminatingrule
FROM waf_logs
WHERE action = 'BLOCK'
You say you want the "latest", which to me is ambiguous and could mean both first non-null and last non-null element. The query above will return the first non-null element, and if you want the last you can change the second argument to element_at to -1 (Athena's array indexing starts from 1, and -1 is counting from the end).
To return the individual ruleid element of the json:
SELECT from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000e0) AS date, action, httprequest.clientip AS ip, httprequest.uri AS request, as country, terminatingruleid, json_extract(element_at(filter(rulegrouplist,rulegroup -> json_extract(rulegroup, '$.terminatingrule') <> CAST('null' AS JSON) ),1), '$.terminatingrule.ruleid') AS ruleid
FROM waf_logs
WHERE action='BLOCK'
I had the same issue but the solution posted by Theo didn't work for me, even though the table was created according to the instructions linked to in the original post.
Here is what worked for me, which is basically the same as Theo's solution, but without the json conversion:
from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000e0) AS date,
httprequest.clientip AS ip,
httprequest.uri AS request, as country,
element_at(filter(ruleGroupList, ruleGroup -> ruleGroup.terminatingRule IS NOT NULL),1).terminatingRule.ruleId AS ruleId
FROM waf_logs
WHERE action='BLOCK'
LIMIT 100;

Using Postgres JSON Functions on table columns

I have searched extensively (in Postgres docs and on Google and SO) to find examples of JSON functions being used on actual JSON columns in a table.
Here's my problem: I am trying to extract key values from an array of JSON objects in a column, using jsonb_to_recordset(), but get syntax errors. When I pass the object literally to the function, it works fine:
Passing JSON literally:
select *
from jsonb_to_recordset('[
{ "id": 0, "name": "400MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"},
{ "id": 0, "name": "1000MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"}
]') as f(name text);`
results in:
It extracts the value of the key "name".
Here's the JSON in the column, being extracted using:
from journal
where id = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g';
resulting in:
[ { "id": 0, "name": "400MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"},
{ "id": 0, "name": "1000MB-PDF.pdf", "extension": ".pdf",
"transferId": "ap31fcoqcajjuqml6rng"}
But when I try to pass jsonb#>>'{context,data,files}' to jsonb_to_recordset() like this:
select id,>>::jsonb_to_recordset('{context,data,files}') as f(name text)
from journal
where id = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g';
I get a syntax error. I have tried different ways but each time it complains about a syntax error:
PostgreSQL 9.4.10 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2, 64-bit
The expressions after select must evaluate to a single value. Since jsonb_to_recordset returns a set of rows and columns, you can't use it there.
The solution is a cross join lateral, which allows you to expand one row into multiple rows using a function. That gives you single rows that select can act on. For example:
select *
from journal j
cross join lateral
jsonb_to_recordset(>'{context, data, files}') as d(id int, name text)
where = 'ap32bbofopvo7pjgo07g'
Note that the #>> operator returns type text, and the #> operator returns type jsonb. As jsonb_to_recordset expects jsonb as its first parameter I'm using #>.
See it working at
jsonb_to_recordset is a set-valued function and can only be invoked in specific places. The FROM clause is one such place, which is why your first example works, but the SELECT clause is not.
In order to turn your JSON array into a "table" that you can query, you need to use a lateral join. The effect is rather like a foreach loop on the source recordset, and that's where you apply the jsonb_to_recordset function. Here's a sample dataset:
create table jstuff (id int, val jsonb);
insert into jstuff
(1, '[{"outer": {"inner": "a"}}, {"outer": {"inner": "b"}}]'),
(2, '[{"outer": {"inner": "c"}}]');
A simple lateral join query:
select id, r.*
from jstuff
join lateral jsonb_to_recordset(val) as r("outer" jsonb) on true;
id | outer
1 | {"inner": "a"}
1 | {"inner": "b"}
2 | {"inner": "c"}
(3 rows)
That's the hard part. Note that you have to define what your new recordset looks like in the AS clause -- since each element in our val array is a JSON object with a single field named "outer", that's what we give it. If your array elements contain multiple fields you're interested in, you declare those in a similar manner. Be aware also that your JSON schema needs to be consistent: if an array element doesn't contain a key named "outer", the resulting value will be null.
From here, you just need to pull the specific value you need out of each JSON object using the traversal operator as you were. If I wanted only the "inner" value from the sample dataset, I would specify select id, r.outer->>'inner'. Since it's already JSONB, it doesn't require casting.

Choosing row based on json value sql

I have a column which saves json values as text. I want to select columns in query based on a certain value contained in the text field.
To be clear, I have a column server_response which saves data as follows:
"Success": true,
"PasswordNotExpired": true,
"Exists": true,
"Status": "A",
"Err": null,
"Statuscode": 200,
"Message": "Login Denied"
How can i choose columns based on if the message was/or contained Login Denied in the where clause?
This should do the trick, at least this is what i understood you want:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE server_response LIKE '%Login Denied%'
I think you need a query like this:
FROM yourTable
WHERE server_response->>Message LIKE '%Login Denied%'
Note: source
The -> operator returns a JSON object.
The ->> operator returns TEXT.

Handling null or missing attributes in JSON using PostgreSQL

I'm learning how to handle JSON in PostgreSQL.
I have a table with some columns. One column is a JSON field. The data in that column has at least these three variations:
Case 1: {"createDate": 1448067864151, "name": "world"}
Case 2: {"createDate": "", "name": "hello"}
Case 3: {"name": "sky"}
Later on, I want to select the createDate.
TO_TIMESTAMP((attributes->>'createDate')::bigint * 0.001)
That works fine for Case 1 when the data is present and it is convertible to a bigint. But what about when it isn't? How do I handle this?
I read this article. It explains that we can add check constraints to perform some rudimentary validation. Alternatively, I could do a schema validation before the data is inserts (on the client side). There are pros and cons with both ideas.
Using a Check Constraint
CONSTRAINT validate_createDate CHECK ((attributes->>'createDate')::bigint >= 1)
This forces a non-nullable field (Case 3 fails). But I want the attribute to be optional. Furthermore, if the attribute doesn't convert to a bigint because it is blank (Case 2), this errors out.
Using JSON schema validation on the client side before insert
This works, in part, because the schema validation makes sure that what data comes in conforms to the schema. In my case, I can control which clients access this table, so this is OK. But it doesn't matter for the SQL later on since my validator will let pass all three cases.
Basically, you need to check if createDate attribute is empty:
WITH data(attributes) AS ( VALUES
('{"createDate": 1448067864151, "name": "world"}'::JSON),
('{"createDate": "", "name": "hello"}'::JSON),
('{"name": "sky"}'::JSON)
SELECT to_timestamp((attributes->>'createDate')::bigint * 0.001) FROM data
(attributes->>'createDate') IS NOT NULL
(attributes->>'createDate') != '';
2015-11-20 17:04:24.151-08
(1 row)
Building on Dmitry's answer, you can also check the json type with the json_typeof function. Note the json operator: -> to get json instead of the ->> operator which always casts the value to string.
By doing the check in the SELECT with a CASE conditional instead of in the WHERE clause, we also keep the rows not having a createdDate. Depending on your usecase, this might be better.
WITH data(attributes) AS ( VALUES
('{"createDate": 1448067864151, "name": "world"}'::JSON),
('{"createDate": "", "name": "hello"}'::JSON),
('{"name": "sky"}'::JSON)
CASE WHEN (json_typeof(attributes->'createDate') = 'number')
THEN to_timestamp((attributes->>'createDate')::bigint * 0.001)
END AS created_date
FROM data
"2015-11-21 02:04:24.151+01"
(3 rows)

Postgres SELECT * FROM Table where array has element

I am using Postgres 9.3.2 to make a database of contacts.
Example: If i have a row in my table that looks something like this.
firstName : "First name"
lastName : "Last name"
emails : ["", "", "]
PS: firstName, lastName and emails are columns in my db and the value associated is the value for that column for that specific row.
I want to be able to query the db so that if i query for the email "" the result is nothing but if i query for "" the result will be the above row entry.
I dont think the query
"Select * from contactTable where emails="""
will work. instead i want to do something like
"Select * from contactTable where emails contains """
any ideas on how to do this?
"Select * from contactTable where emails contains """
I think you want:
"Select * from contactTable where thejsonfield -> emails
Example setup, after fixing up your totally broken json:
"firstName" : "First name",
"lastName" : "Last name",
"emails" : ["", "", ""]
}'::json AS myjsonfield;
The following will work in PostgreSQL 9.4, but unfortunately does not in 9.3 due to the oversight of the missing json_array_elements_text function:
select *
from contacts,
lateral json_array_elements_text(myjsonfield -> 'emails') email
where email = '';
For 9.3, you have to use a clumsier method to scan the json array for matching values:
select *
from contacts,
lateral json_array_length(myjsonfield -> 'emails') numemails,
lateral generate_series(0, numemails) n
WHERE json_array_element_text(myjsonfield -> 'emails', n) = '';
You can't use the simple IN or = ANY constructs because (at this point) PostgreSQL doesn't understand that you might have a json array, so it'll fail with:
regress=> SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE '' = ANY (myjsonfield->'emails');
ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE '' = ANY (myjsonfi...
as it expects a PostgreSQL array, not a json array, and there's no convenient builtin to turn a json array into a PostgreSQL array yet.
Postgres has support for parsing JSON. Here is documentation: I can't give you more detailed answer since you didn't provide exact data and schema, but it's easy to find the right function in documentation.