How to set tycho version number for eclipse plugin built - eclipse-plugin

I have a question about setting tycho version number before building your app.
I have set
this under my master pom file in my app,
and run
mvn tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.2.qualifier
I think that it is easy, but I got an error:
Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:2.2.0:set-version (default-cli) on project de.xxxx: Execution default-cli of goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:2.2.0:set-version failed: This Pom <project-path>\.polyglot.META-INF is in the Wrong Format: No root element found
I have googled all the time, but no solution found.
maybe you had also the same problem?


Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1,Cannot access javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe

I am upgrading the swagger and related versions to swagger2.
While doing maven clean install getting the below error.
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project : Compilation failure[ERROR] cannot access javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe.
plugin from POM.xml which is throwing exception:
I could see javax.annotation-api 1.3.1 maven dependency in my pom.xml. Still class file for javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe not found
Please don't suggest the solutions given in or any other stack overflow links. Since I have tried all but no progress.
Ok so after spending a full day to sort this out, I have found the systematic approach to it. Here it goes:
1. As we all know, class file not found error is when compiler is not able to find the class itself. So when you add some dependency, cross check in your repository jar, if class is present there or not(you will find on google that many dependencies claimed for the class, though it wasn't there in any)
2. To confirm if the class is present,
a. Go to the repository directory of the jar file.
b. And run command : jar tf {jar_file_name}.jar
c. It will list out the classes present in the jar file.
3. In this way you can add the exact desired dependency required.
Note: this solution is generic for all the class not found error.

tycho: missing org.eclipse.tycho.core.TychoProject

I try to run tycho in ubuntu, but I face this error.
Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.14.1:build-qualifier (default-build-qualifier) on project tychodemo.bundle: Execution default-build-qualifier of goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.14.1:build-qualifier failed: Unable to load the mojo 'build-qualifier' in the plugin 'org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:0.14.1'. A required class is missing: org.eclipse.tycho.core.TychoProject
I guess it's related to my framework, because I do the same in another computer and tycho run succesfully.Can you detect my problem?
thanks in advance!
Class loader errors for Tycho classes are typically caused by mixing multiple Tycho versions in the same reactor. Being a build build extension, there must only be one version of Tycho active at a time.
To do this, check that your reactor uses the same version for the Tycho build extension and the Tycho plug-ins, e.g. by using the variable ${tycho-version} as version and defining that version in your parent POM:
Also make sure that all your modules reference the same parent POM, and not an older version of the POM.

Unable to download the artifact maven-compiler-plugin from repository

I've created a maven project and wanted to change the java compiler version to 1.6 so I added the ff:
When I run any maven goal in eclipse, it works. But when I run in terminal I got the ff errors:
Project ID: maven-compiler-plugin:org.apache.maven.plugins
Reason: POM 'maven-compiler-plugin:org.apache.maven.plugins' not found in repository: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
from the specified remote repositories:
central (,
apache.repo (,
jboss.repo.deprecated (,
Any idea what's causing this issue?
I was able to solved this issue by updating to maven3. But my problem right now is although I specified maven-compiler-plugin version to be 2.4, I'm still seeing 2.3.2 in the log.
Your groupId and artifactId are reversed.
If Eclipse and the command line create different results, then they use different local Maven repositories. The default is in $HOME/.m2/repository/. So the first step is to find out which one (command line or Eclipse) uses a different local cache and why.
The next question is why the download failed. The usual reason is that Maven tried the download and got an error. Maven will remember the error and not try again. To force it to try again, you have to delete the folder $M2_REPO/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/2.3.2/.
Lastly, when you configure 2.4 but see 2.3.2 in the log, then you're either building the wrong project of one of the POMs of your build overwrites the version for the compiler plugin.
To avoid issues like this, use a parent POM where you keep all the versions in dependencyManagement (for dependencies) and pluginManagement (for plugins) elements. That way, you will never have to define a version in a module POM or in other projects which inherit from this one.
After installing maven 3 from a repository and added maven3 home in /etc/environment what I forgot to do is to reboot my machine, after that it worked.
My /etc/environment now looks like:
Here's how I uninstalled and install maven 3:

Attaching Build Number for binaries in Maven

I am running maven build and storing files in Artifactory. One issue I am facing is when ever I try a -snapshot version it overwrites the binary in Artifactory. I tried using the Maven build number plugin, but running in to issues.I reffered to this
Describing below What I did?
Updated the masterpom.xml with following line.
Now I update the pom of ear and webproject as below
When I ran mvn clean install, ear and war got generated but when i checked the war inside the ear I am finding it as some thing like war-1.0-SNAPSHOT-null.war. I believe the war and ear couldn't get the buildNumber parameter. I was able to successfully generate the files and was able to increment the number by running the buildnumber:create plugin. Here are my questions
What I am doing wrong here and why the buildNumber parameter is not picked.
Also I want to generate all the binaries including jars in the following format binary-version-Snapshot.${buildNumber}. So Do i need to update pom of each file or any other way to update this?
Also we are using Hudson builds for Continous Integration and we want to separate developers builds with Hudson Build number. How can we achieve this if we don't want to checkin the after the Hudson build.
To get unique snapshots use the uniqueVersion flag (see James Lorenzen's Blog). If you use the maven goal deploy:deploy-file the uniqueVersion flag is true by default. At my company we have the following policy. Only "official" snapshots go to the repository. A "official" snapshot is one that was build on our reference system (our Jenkins ci server). We don't need the unique feature for snapshots, since we let Jenkins archive the artifacts. This way we can always go back to a certain version if we would like too by using Jenkins. If the build breaks the snapshot will not be deployed to the repo.
To your 2nd question; my understanding is that you need to update every pom file. But since it is a one time change, it shouldn't be too much of a burden.
I am not completely understanding your 3rd question ("... separate developers builds with Hudson Build number..."). In case you want to add the build number for every build done by Hudson, you have several options.
You can add a string as classifier while deploying. Maven will add that classifier in the filename (artifactID-version-classifier.jar - e.g. The artifact will be retrieved by adding the classifier to the dependency.
add another parameter to your maven call - outputfilename (${}, see maven docu)
changing your version string to something like

Creating an archive of all jars and source jars for a multi-module project

I'm building a Maven project which has half a dozen modules.
I'm fine with importing it myself using either Maven or Ivy, but other teams would like to use those jars as well, but their practice is to commit the jars and source jars to version control.
I'd like to generate a zip/tar assembly of all modules and their sources which they can use however they like.
I've read Maven Assembly Plugin: Including Module Binaries but I'm shy of using it because:
The linked FAQ entry returns a 404;
I need to manually specify all modules.
Is there an alternative?
Update: I've tried using the built-in assembly descriptors
mvn assembly:assembly -DprojectModulesOnly=true
mvn assembly:assembly
and both failed with
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive bin: You must set at least one file.
right after all the module builds have run.
I think you're on the right lines, the moduleSets options of the assembly plugin handles what you're after.
If you're looking for some useful documentation, the Module Selection section of the Maven book covers it quite thoroughly, including how to configure includes and excludes, handle binaries and sources, and exclude external dependencies.
I had this problem, for me, the solution was NOT put / at the beginning of your <fileset><directory>
If you do that will work on Windows, not on Unix/Linux!
works whereas
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.3:single (execution-pluggin-assembly) on project test3: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive assembly: You must set at least one file. -> [Help 1]
Have a look at the How to use assembly:assembly using predefined descriptor ids. I think the bin and src pre-defined descriptor files are what you need.
Sounds like you need a build-server of some kind. I was at JavaZone 2009 this week and looked at Hudson CI
The server will create the artifacts you or other teams can use/download.