How do I disconnect Vuetify v-intersect observer in component beforeDestroy hook? - vue.js

I'm using v-intersect to modify the NavBar content based on the scrolling event. The data is then recorded to Vuex Store. Problem is when navigate to a different route, v-intersect fire the event and modify the Store which changed the NavBar content unexpectedly. v-intersect.once is not applicable to my use case, but I'd like to know how to disconnect v-intersect observer from the beforeDestroy hook?
<div v-intersect="intersect" />
import { mapFields } from 'vuex-map-fields'
export default {
computed: {
methods: {
intersect(entries, observer) {
this.isIntersecting = !!entries[0].intersectionRatio

Directive instance is supposed to be destroyed and so disconnected when a parent is destroyed, this is the only proper way for a directive to work.
To stop receiving events, v-if can be used, or events can be conditionally processed. The second option is applicable if there's race condition on destroy, so the behaviour needs to be applied immediately:
beforeDestroy() {
this.isIntersectionInactive = false;
intersect(entries, observer) {
if (this.isIntersectionInactive)
this.isIntersecting = !!entries[0].intersectionRatio


Vue3 - router push to another page only renders top part of the page - not scrollable

I am experiencing an issue that I actually already have had for quite some time.
My setup is Vue3 and Vuetify 3.
Whenever I change the page after some kind of calculation:
router.push({ name: 'AnotherPage', params: { id: index, variable: x} });
The page is redirected to 'AnotherPage' but the page is not scrollable, so only the part of the page that fits on the page is rendered.
After doing an F5 refresh, the complete page is rendered and scrollable.
I only noticed this behavior when I was looking into redirecting to a certain section on a page, using anchors, and found that it was not working.
scrollToElement() {
if (this.$route.hash) {
const targetId = ref(this.$route.hash.replace('#', ''));
const eal = document.getElementById(targetId.value);
if (eal != null) {
This works when I load the page from scratch, but it doesn't when I use the aforementioned router.push method. There is no error though, so the component is able to find the element linked to the requested anchor tag.
Another thing is that when I perform a hardcoded router.push from a button click, it works!
In vuejs there is a parent-child dependency between elements. It is not clear from the question if views are used, but I assume so, because that's a best practice.
router.push is for history manipulation: so if you do that from the parent main-view it will work, and inform automatically a child-view to re-render (because of the change itself)
but if you do the calculation deeper in the page, in a child, and want to update the entire page, you have to use the emit component event (the child informs the parents about the change of values and for a re-render)
See this example for a demo:
To put it together: having a update function in the mainView, which wants to be called from a RouterLink in a childView. This is started by updateParent - so there a emit event prev-next-click is defined.
<script setup>
import { RouterLink } from 'vue-router'
export default {
emits: ['prev-next-click'],
methods: {
updateParent: function(c, d) {
// on button click update from fixture
// emit a call from subView (child) to run the update in main App (parent)
this.$emit("prev-next-click", c, d);
to: function (c=this.category, {
return { name: 'quote', params: { category: c, day: d }}
created() {
this.updateParent(this.$route.params.category, this.$;
<RouterLink class="button prev" :to="to(category,prev)" #click="updateParent(category,prev)">click</RouterLink>
And the mainView glue it together with RouterView (not the name of the view!)
<script setup>
import { RouterLink, RouterView } from 'vue-router'
export default {
methods: {
update: function (c, d) {
console.log("update c", c, "d", d);
<RouterView #prev-next-click="update"/>
Update to the comment:
A problem I had to solve with the code above, was that the childView wasn't rendered properly when initialized. That's why childView always call updateParent once directly during creation by the created hook.
See vuejs lifecycle for all other hooks - maybe the updated fits in your case.

(VueJS) Update component whenever displayed

I want a way to run a function (which talks to the backend) whenever a component is re-displayed.
I understand that the mounted hook will fire if the component is re-added to the DOM by a v-if directive. But, if the component is hidden and re-shown via a v-show directive, this will not fire. I need to update the component regardless of what directive is in control of it's visibility.
I looked at the updated hook but this seems to not be the indented use case.
How do I run a function whenever a component is displayed (not only for the first time)?
updated fires whenever data passed to your component changes. Therefore it will work if you pass in whatever condition controls your v-show, as a prop.
Generic example:
Vue.config.devtools = false;
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.component('child', {
props: {
shown: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
template: '<div>{{shown}}</div>',
mounted() {
console.log('child mounted');
updated() {
// runs whenever any prop changes
// (optional condition) only run when component is shown
if (this.shown) {
console.log('child updated');
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
showChild: true
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<label><input type="checkbox" v-model="showChild" /> Show child</label>
<child v-show="showChild" :shown="showChild" />
Now updated hook works properly, because it fires everytime :shown changes its value, which maps precisely on your show/hide logic.
maybe you can achieve it in two ways
1.use :key
whenever you want to rerender your component whether it is shown, change the value of key can rerender it.
<h1 :key="key">Text</h1>
export default{
return {
getRandomString(length = 32) {
  let chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678';
  let max_pos = chars.length;
  let random_string = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    random_string += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * max_pos));
  return random_string;
// communicate with backend
let data = await axios.get(...);
this.key = this.getRandomString();
use vm.$forceUpdate()
// communicate with backend
let data = await axios.get(...);
you could implement this in a couple of ways. However since you would like to got the v-show way, here is how I would suggest you go about it.
v-show (v-show, watcher):
The v-show is definitely dependent on a variable (data, or computed). Create a watcher, to watch that data/computed property change. Depending on the value of the data/computed property, execute whatever function you intend to on the watcher.

How to dynamically mount vue component with props

Scenario / context
I have an overview component which contains a table and an add button. The add button opens a modal component. When i fill in some text fields in the modal and click the save button, a callback (given as prop) is called so the parent component (the overview) is updated. The save button also triggers the model toggle function so the model closes.
So far works everything like expected but when i want to add a second entry, the modal is "pre-filled" with the data of the recently added item.
Its clear to me that this happens because the model component keeps mounted in the background (so its just hidden). I could solve this by "reset" the modals data when the toggle function is triggered but i think there should be a better way.
I have a similar issue when i want to fetch data in a modal. Currently i call the fetch function in the mounted hook of the modal. So in this case the fetch happens when the parent component mounts the modal. This does not make sense as it should only (and each time) fetch when the modal is opened.
I think the nicest way to solve this is to mount the modal component dynamically when i click the "add" (open modal) button but i can't find how i can achieve this. This also avoids that a lot of components are mounted in the background which are possibly not used.
Example code
// mount of my modal component
:toggleConstant = modalToggleUuid
:submitHandler = submitHandler />
// The overview component HTML is here
export default {
data() {
return {
modalToggleUuid: someUuid,
someList: [],
mounted() {
methods: {
showModal: function() {
submitHandler: function(item) {
<input v-model="item.type">
<input v-model="">
<input v-model="item.location">
export default {
data() {
return {
modalToggleUuid: someUuid,
item: {},
mounted() {
// in some cases i fetch something here. The data should be fetched each time the modal is opened
methods: {
showModal: function() {
submitHandler: function(item) {
What is the best practive to deal with the above described scenario?
Should i mount the modal component dynamically?
Do i mount the component correctly and should i reset the content all the time?
You are on the right way and in order to achieve what you want, you can approach this issue with v-if solution like this - then mounted() hook will run every time when you toggle modal and it also will not be present in DOM when you are not using it.
// mount of my modal component
// The overview component HTML is here
export default {
data() {
return {
isShowModal: false,
modalToggleUuid: someUuid,
someList: []
mounted() {},
methods: {
showModal: function() {
this.isShowModal = true;
submitHandler: function(item) {
this.isShowModal = false;

Communicate between two components(not related with child-parent)

component 1
component 2
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('event', () = {
I am trying to alert "fired" of comonent 2 from component 1. But this is not happening. what i am doing wrong. Should i have to add something on main js?
Other than the small typo in your $on, it's not clear what you're doing wrong, as you haven't provided enough context, but here's a working example of exactly what you're trying to do (send and receive an event via the $root element, without instantiating a separate eventbus Vue instance). (Many people do prefer to do the message passing via a separate instance, but it's functionally similar to do it on $root.)
I included a payload object to demonstrate passing information along with the event.
Vue.component('sender', {
template: '<span><button #click="send">Sender</button></span>',
methods: {
send() {
this.$root.$emit('eventName', {
message: "This is a message object sent with the event"
Vue.component('receiver', {
template: '<span>Receiver component {{message}}</span>',
data() {return {message: ''}},
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('eventName', (payload) => {
console.log("Received message", payload)
this.message = payload.message
new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Personally I don't tend to use this pattern much; I find it's better to handle cross-component communication from parent to child as props, and from child to parent as direct $emits (not on $root). When I find I'm needing sibling-to-sibling communication that's generally a sign that I've made some poor architecture choices, or that my app has grown large enough that I should switch over to vuex. Piling all the event messaging into a single location, whether that's $root or an eventbus instance, tends to make the app harder to reason about and debug.
At the very least you should be very explicit in naming your events, so it's easier to tell where they're coming from; event names such as "handleClick" or just "event" quickly become mysterious unknowns.
So what you are looking for is an event bus (global events)
I'd advise considering using vuex anytime you have the need to implement an event bus.
Let's get back to the problem.
Create a file event-bus.js this is what's going to be capturing and distributing events.
import Vue from 'vue'
const EventBus = new Vue()
export default EventBus
Now in your main.js register your event bus
import Vue from 'vue'
import eventBus from './event-bus'
//other imports
Vue.prototype.$eventBus = eventBus
new Vue({
Now you can:
listen for events with this.$eventBus.$on(eventName)
emit events this.$eventBus.$emit(eventName)
in this example i'll bring event from child to parent component with $emit
Child Component:
Vue.component('Child component ', {
methods: {
getMyProfile: function() {
this.$emit('me-event', 'YUP!')
template: `
<button v-on:click="getMyProfile">
Emmit Event to Parrent
Parent Component:
Vue.component('Parent component ', {
methods: {
getEventFromChild: function(event) {
template: `
<Child-component v-on:me-event="getEventFromChild" />
for example when you have data flow one way from parent to child and you want to bring data from child to parent you can use $emit and bring it from child.. and in the parent you must catch it with v-on directive. (sry form my english)
If component 2 is the parent of the component 1 you could do:
for componant 2 componant like
<componant-2 #myevent="dosomething" ...></componant-2>
and in componant two
methods: {
dosomething() {
console.log('Event Received');

How to set keyup on whole page in Vue.js

Is it possible to set a v-on:keyup.enter on the whole page, not only for an input element in javascript framework Vue.js ?
Perhaps a better way to do this is with a Vue component. This would allow you to control when you listen to events by including or not including the component. Then you could attach event listeners to Nuxt using the no-ssr component.
Here is how you create the component:
export default {
created() {
const component = this;
this.handler = function (e) {
component.$emit('keyup', e);
window.addEventListener('keyup', this.handler);
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handler);
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
div {
display: none;
Then on the page you want to use that component you'd add this HTML:
<keyboard-events v-on:keyup="keyboardEvent"></keyboard-events>
And then you'll have to add your event handler method:
methods: {
keyboardEvent (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
// run your code
Short answer is yes, but how depends on your context. If you are using vue-router as I am on a current project, you would want to add to the outer-most element you want that applied to. In my case I'm using the actual app.vue entry point's initial div element.
There is one catch that I believe is a hard requirement, the element has to be within the potentially focusable elements. The way I'm dealing with that is setting a -1 tabindex and just declaring my super-hotkeys (mostly for debug purposes right now) on the parent element in my app.
As a side note, I also added a touch of additional configuration to my vue-router to make sure the right element is focused when I transition pages. This allows the pageup/pagedown scrolling to already be in the right section based on the content area being the only scrollable section. You'd also have to add the tabindex="-1" to the app-content element as well.
router.afterEach(function (transition) {
and the basis of my app-content component:
<div id="app-content" tabindex="-1">
I created a small npm module that takes care of global keypress events in Vue, hope it makes someone's life easier:
My simplest approach:
Add into your root Vue component (or any other component):
new Vue({
created() {
window.addEventListener('keypress', this.onKeyPress);
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('keypress', this.onKeyPress);
methods: {
onKeyPress(e) {
console.log('KEYPRESS EVENT', e)
//... your code
In Vue 3 composition API, you can do it with a composable:
import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from "vue";
export function useKeyupEvent(handler) {
onMounted(() => document.addEventListener("keyup", handler));
onUnmounted(() => document.removeEventListener("keyup", handler));
and then in your component setup:
useKeyupEvent( event => console.log(event))