I get a number when I run the follwing MDX in my SSAS cube . Can someone enlighten me on what happens and why when I run this? - mdx

I keep getting a number when I run the following query, not sure what it means or how I am getting a number. Hoping someone can satisfy my curiosity.

You are getting a number for default measure in the cube. So when you don't specify any measure in the query it will show value for the default measure.


MDX query in cube calculation

I've created a simple cube calculation that sums two measures.I only want to sum, or to return data when both measures return a value.
When I use the calculation in an MDX query, it works as expected, however when I browse the cube via a pivot table I it display all results, and not what I need. It seems to me that I need to modify the cube calculation to get the same NONEMPTY behaviour as per the MDX query, but I just can't get the syntax correct, or know if this is indeed the correct approach. I'd be grateful for some pointers.
Sample of underlying data:
Cube calculation:
This MDX statement does exactly what I want it to:
The IIF function would be useful in this scenario
For e.g.,
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[RevalCombined]
AS IIF([Measures].[Reval]=0, NULL, [Measures].[Reval]) + IIF([Measures].[dReval]=0, NULL, [Measures].[dReval])

SSAS OLAP Cube - Sum measure only works when keys are present

(This is a mock of my actual setup to help me figure out the problem.)
I have one fact table and one dimension table, linked by an id field.
My goal is to make a measure that sums up all "thing_count" (integer) values in my cube.
If the user splits by nothing, it should show the total "thing_count" for all records in the fact table. If it's split by "category_name" from the dimension, it should show the total "thing_count" for each category.
I tried to achieve this by creating a SUM measure in my cube:
It works, but not in the way I intend it to
It always shows (null) unless I drag in the "id" field from the dimension.
Measure only:
Measure and category:
Measure, category, and id:
How can I make the measure show the value without keys needing to be present?
For GregGalloway's request (I've edited the names so the screenshots are easier to follow):
One common explanation for this behavior (no aggregation) is that you have inadvertently commented out the CALCULATE; statement in your MDX script in the cube. Please check that statement is still present.

Showing measure values as "not applicable" which are not related to dimensions

I have a requirement where report should show measures as "not applicable" if one selects a attribute which is not linked to that measure Group.
1) unrelateddimesnion= 'false' is not solving my problem because i have few default members.
2) I could able to show measure value as "not applicable " by Writing this MDX statement
([Customer].[customer name].[customer name], [measures].[sales forecast]) = 'not applicable'
but with this i have to repeat the same line for each and every attribute present in the dimension ( and also for each and every measure present in the measure Group)
can someone help me Writing the MDX for entire dimension instead for individual attribute. Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards
Bad news! An MDX script on your cube can't reference such a sub-cube in a simple way. You may have seen the LEAVES(dimension) function for a scope statement but that won't work when one attribute in a dimension has the [All] level and another has a selection. (That is to say the function returns the leaves of the dimension's key attribute). What you can do is use nested scope statements with the outer one filtering down to the list of measures you want to affect. That will at least save you typing a formula num_attributes * num_measures times. The scope statement may even accept the MEASUREGROUPMEASURES function. (When I last used that it only returned visible measures but that's probably what you want anyway.)
It may be easier to link measure group and dimension and let your data sit on the UNKNOWN member. (Or an explicit dummy member.) Then filters against or slices to real customer hierarchy values will exclude your [Sales Forecast] rows and show it as null. That's not something I've done and it'll have ramifications for error processing and you'll have to allow users sight of the unknown or dummy member. So recommend you play with the idea before you rely on it.
I hope this helps some.

How to deal with rows in fact table that don't have matching value in date dimension, ssas cube?

I a new to this site and to SSAS in general. I am currently doing some "on the job training" trying to put together an SSAS cube and I am experiencing some problems.
When I try to process the Cube it fails. This happens due to the fact that the Fact table used for the cube contains some 13 rows that have dates that are outside of the range of the Date dimension that I am using.
I am not sure what I should do to get around/fix this.
Exclude the rows?
Change the dimension?
I have tried to find an answer to this on my own, but it seems that my phrasing of the issue/problem has so far stopped me from finding relevant information.
Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

MDX Calculated Member SubCube

I am relatively new to this depth of MDX, but here is my dilemma. My goal is to implement a calculated member using a .Net Stored Procedure. The calculation (XIRR) will be based on a set of cash flow dates and cash flow amounts. Ideally this would be a calculation in my cube that is available as a measure to Excel/Browser users.
So to start simple I am just trying to implement my own COUNT calculated member/measure (not even using .Net) to say count the # of members in a given dimensions based on the current context. So lets say I have a dimensions Customer with a Customer Id Key. And let's say there are a total of 100 customers in my database. So Count(Customer.CustomerId.AllMembers) would be 100. Now when you start using the browser and say filter on Customer.CustomerId.&1, Customer.CustomerId.&2 (customer id 1 and 2) I would expect my count calculated member to return 2 but it returns the total 100 count. I have tried using exists. I am sure there is something that I am just fundamentally not understanding yet.
Hopefully this makes sense, would hugely appreciate any help from someone that has a good understanding of SSAS/MDX and calculations. Thanks in advance.
You may have some issues here, I did when I tried to do a similar thing.
Your calculated member is not honouring the client sub-select, which is normal. What in theory you would do is create a dynamic set, and then use that in the calculated member to force the dimension count to be evaluated in the context of the subcube your filters have created. Mosha has a good article here: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/mosha/archive/2007/08/25/mdx-in-katmai-dynamic-named-sets.aspx
So you'd end up with something like:
CREATE DYNAMIC SET CurrentCube.Customers AS
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.Measures.CustomerCount AS
Now the real problem you'll have is a bug in SSAS https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/484865/calcuated-member-with-a-reference-to-dynamic-named-set-kills-the-cubes-performance so the code above, which will probably work just fine locally, will kill a production cube. This was an exciting learning experience for me.
See if you can get any of the workarounds to work, I couldn't.
I was able to get what I wanted, but I had to create query-scoped dynamic sets as part of the MDX query, I wasn't able to create it as a cube object:
MEMBER Measures.CustomerCount AS
FROM [Cube]
WHERE Customer.CustomerId.&[1]
Let us know how you get on.