Cannot call 'operator >' with 'expr2'=series[bool]. The argument should be of type: float - operators

I want to create an alert for break out level. I want to get alert on 5 min chart by analysing data on daily time frame.
I am getting above subject error and not able to solve.
If I use "valuewhen" then error is not coming but my script is not producing any result.
study("Breakout", overlay = true)
var string day = "D"
vol = security(syminfo.ticker,day, volume[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
h1 = security(syminfo.ticker,day, high[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
l1 = security(syminfo.ticker,day, low[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
h2 = security(syminfo.ticker,day, high[2], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
l2 = security(syminfo.ticker,day, low[2], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
breakout = vol > 500000 and h1 - l1 < h2 - l2 and close > h1
bo = close > breakout
plotshape(series=bo, title="Long", style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0), text="Buy")

breakout is a boolean, close represents an asset's specific candle's price, hence when you try to compare close with breakout in the bo variable the compilation error occurs.
Either you declare a value to the breakout variable and then compare it with the asset's price, previous high value for example:
breakout = (vol > 500000) and (h1 - l1 < h2 - l2) and (close > h1) ? high[1] : na
bo = close > breakout
or use the breakout boolean as a series for your signal and plotshape() function:
breakout = (vol > 500000) and (h1 - l1 < h2 - l2) and (close > h1)
plotshape(series=breakout, title="Long", style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0), text="Buy")


Need to plot multiple values over each number of iterations (python help)

I'm trying to plot the multiple values one gets for 'f_12' over a certain number of iterations. It should look something like points with high oscillations when there is low iterations 'N' and then it converges to a rough value of 0.204. I'm getting the correct outputs for 'f_12' but I'm having a really hard time doing the plots. New to python here.
start = time.time()
# looking for F_12 via monte carlo method
# Inputs
# N = number of rays to generate
N = 1000
# w = width of plates
w = 1
# h = vertical seperation of plates
# L = horizontal offset of plates (L=w=h)
L = 1
h = 1
p_points = 100
# counter for number of rays and number of hits
rays = 0
hits = 0
while rays < N:
rays = rays + 1
# random origin of rays along w on surface 1
Rx = random.uniform(0, 1)
Rt = random.uniform(0, 1)
Rph = random.uniform(0, 1)
x1 = Rx * w
# polar and azimuth angles - random ray directions
theta = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(Rt))
phi = 2*np.pi*Rph
# theta = np.arcsin(Rt)
xi = x1 + h*np.tan(theta)*np.cos(phi)
if xi >= L and xi <= (L+w):
hit = 1
hit = 0
hits = hits + hit
gap = N/ p_points
r = rays%gap
if r == 0:
F = hits/ rays
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.plot(N, F, linewidth=2)
plt.xlabel("N - Rays")
f_12 = hits/ N
print(f"F_12 = {f_12} at N = {N} iterations")
# Grab Currrent Time After Running the Code
end = time.time()
#Subtract Start Time from The End Time
total_time = end - start
f_time = round(total_time)
print(f"Running time = {f_time} seconds")

Pinescript conditional line end/delete

I’m trying to create lines that auto plot at certain intervals using the function. So for example every new monthly open there will be lines plotted 5% and 10% above and beneath price. They’re then extended to the right indefinitely.
I then want to have the lines end once high/low has breached the line. I can’t seem to figure how to do this using the line.delete() function, although I doubt this is the correct path to take anyway due to the fact this deletes the entire line rather than just end it at breach point.
Due to the fact lines are extended indefinitely/until price has breached, there may be instances in which lines are never touched and are only removed once the 500 max line limit is reached. So I haven’t figured a way to use array references for lines to find a solution - and the 40 plot limit for pine plots isn’t really a sufficient amount of lines.
If this isn’t possible then just deleting the entire line upon breach is a backup option but I haven’t figure how to do this either!
Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance!
You can use additional arrays to track the price values and their crossed state more easily. Each element of the arrays corresponds to the values associated with the same line. We add, remove or modify them based on whether a particular line's price value has been crossed or the line limit has been exceeded.
indicator("Monthly Interval Lines", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500)
var float[] interval_prices = array.new_float()
var line[] interval_lines = array.new_line()
var bool[] intervals_crossed = array.new_bool()
new_month = timeframe.change("M")
if new_month
array.unshift(interval_lines, = bar_index, y1 = open * 1.05, x2 = bar_index + 1, y2 = open * 1.05, extend = extend.right, color =
array.unshift(interval_prices, open * 1.05)
array.unshift(intervals_crossed, false)
array.unshift(interval_lines, = bar_index, y1 = open * 1.10, x2 = bar_index + 1, y2 = open * 1.10, extend = extend.right, color =
array.unshift(interval_prices, open * 1.10)
array.unshift(intervals_crossed, false)
array.unshift(interval_lines, = bar_index, y1 = open * 0.95, x2 = bar_index + 1, y2 = open * 0.95, extend = extend.right, color =
array.unshift(interval_prices, open * 0.95)
array.unshift(intervals_crossed, false)
array.unshift(interval_lines, = bar_index, y1 = open * 0.90, x2 = bar_index + 1, y2 = open * 0.90, extend = extend.right, color =
array.unshift(interval_prices, open * 0.90)
array.unshift(intervals_crossed, false)
size = array.size(intervals_crossed)
if size > 0
if size > 500
for i = size - 1 to 500
size := array.size(intervals_crossed)
for i = 0 to size - 1
price_val = array.get(interval_prices, i)
already_crossed = array.get(intervals_crossed, i)
crossed_price_val = low < price_val and high > price_val
gapped_price_val = (close[1] < price_val and open > price_val) or (close[1] > price_val and open < price_val)
if not already_crossed and (crossed_price_val or gapped_price_val)
array.set(intervals_crossed, i, true)
interval_line = array.get(interval_lines, i)
line.set_extend(interval_line, extend.none)
line.set_x2(interval_line, bar_index)

Getting the charge of a single atom, per loop in MD Analysis

I have been trying to use the partial charge of one particular ion to go through a calculation within mdanalysis.
I have tried(This is just a snippet from the code that I know is throwing the error):
Cl = u.select_atoms('resname CLA and prop z <= 79.14')
Lz = 79.14 #Determined from system set-up
Q_sum = 0
COM = 38.42979431152344 #Determined from VMD
file_object1 = open(fors, 'a')
print(dcd, file = file_object1)
for ts in u.trajectory[200:]:
frame = u.trajectory.frame
time = u.trajectory.time
for coord in Cl.positions:
q= Cl.total_charge(Cl.position[coord][2])
coords = coord - (Lz/COM)
q_prof = q * (coords + (Lz / 2)) / Lz
Q_sum = Q_sum + q_prof
But I keep getting an error associated with this.
How would I go about selecting this particular atom as it goes through the loop to get the charge of it in MD Analysis? Before I was setting q to equal a constant and the code ran fine so I know it is only this line that is throwing the error:
q = Cl.total_charge(Cl.position[coord][2])
Thanks for the help!
I figured it out with:
def Q_code(dcd, topo):
Lz = u.dimensions[2]
Q_sum = 0
count = 0
CLAs = u.select_atoms('segid IONS or segid PROA or segid PROB or segid MEMB')
ini_frames = -200
n_frames = len(u.trajectory[ini_frames:])
for ts in u.trajectory[ini_frames:]:
count += 1
membrane = u.select_atoms('segid PROA or segid PROB or segid MEMB')
COM = membrane.atoms.center_of_mass()[2]
q_prof = CLAs.atoms.charges * (CLAs.positions[:,2] + (Lz/2 - COM))/Lz
Q_instant = np.sum(q_prof)
Q_sum += Q_instant
Q_av = Q_sum / n_frames
with open('Q_av.txt', 'a') as f:
print('The Q_av for {} is {}'.format(s, Q_av), file = f)
return Q_av

Deleting new lines once the price crosses it after the line was created

I have been creating new lines in pinescript that extend and want to delete them when the future price hits or crosses the line price. Any help will be appreciated.
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
study("My RS", overlay=true)
float d = 1.0
t = time("60")
start = na(t[1]) or t > t[1]
ticker = syminfo.ticker
src=input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=open)
float d_r = na
float d_s = na
if (start)
d_r := src + d
d_s := src - d
line lr = na
line ls = na
// drawing r/s lines every hour
if (start)
lr := = bar_index, y1 = d_r, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = d_r, extend = extend.left, color =, width = 2, style = line.style_dashed)
ls := = bar_index, y1 = d_s, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = d_s, extend = extend.left, color = color.lime, width = 2, style = line.style_dashed)
// want to delete lines when the future price crosses the line, which is not working for me
for i = 0 to 100
if not na(lr[i]) and close < high[i]
if not na(ls[i]) and close < low[i]
you need to get the coordinate of the lines, so use inside a loop if line.get_y1(id[i]) < close if it true, line.delete(id[i]).
Is this what're you looking for?

I Keep getting a #value error in Excel VBA

So I wrote a quick function in VBA for Excel, but every time I call it, it gives me a #value error. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Can anyone help?
Function h(UA, k, A, Af_At, Delta, l)
h1 = 0
m = (2 * h1 / k / Delta) ^ 0.5
ml = m * l
Nf = WorksheetFunction.Tanh(ml)
No = 1 - Af_At * (1 - Nf / ml)
UA1 = h1 * A * No / 2
While UA > UA1
UA_old = UA1
h_old = h1
h1 = h1 + 0.5
m = (2 * h1 / k / Delta) ^ 0.5
ml = m * l
Nf = WorksheetFunction.Tanh(ml)
No = 1 - Af_At * (1 - Nf / ml)
UA1 = h1 * A * No / 2
h = h_old + (UA - UA_old) * (h1 - h_old) / (UA1 - UA_old)
End Function
I call it using: =h(10,1,1,1,1,1) in the insert function bar.
Division by zero at
No = 1 - Af_At * (1 - Nf / ml)
m1 is zero because h1 is zero.
You should change:
h1 = 0