Are async routing functions and asynchronous middleware in Express blocking the execution process (in 2021)? - express

I know that Express allows to execute asynchronous functions in the routes and in the middlewares, but is this correct? I read the documentation and it specifies that NO ROUTES OR ASYNCHRONOUS MIDDLEWARES SHOULD BE ASSIGNED, today, currently, does Express support asynchronous functions? Does it block the execution process? o Currently asynchronous functions DO NOT BLOCK THE EXECUTION PROCESS?,
For example, if I place in an asynchronous route, and if requests are made in that route at the same time, are they resolved in parallel?, that is:
Or when assigning asynchronous routes, will these requests be resolved one after the other ?, that is:
This is what I mean by "blocking the execution process", because if one fails, are the other requests pending? or Am I misunderstanding?
I hope you can help me.

You can use async functions just fine with Express, but whether or not they block has nothing to do with whether they are async, but everything to do with what the code in the function does. If it starts an asynchronous operation and then returns, then it won't block. But, if it executes a bunch of time consuming synchronous code before it returns, that will block.
If getDBInfo() is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves when it completes, then your examples will have the three database operations in flight at the same time. Whether or not they actually run truly in parallel depends entirely upon your database implementation, but the code you show here allows them to run in parallel if the database implements that.
The single thread of Javascript execution will run the first call to getDBInfo(), that DB request will be started and will immediately return a promise. Then, it will hit the await and it will suspend the execution of the containing function. That will allow the event loop to then start processing the second request and it will do the same. When it hits the await, it will suspend execution of the containing function and allow the event loop to process the third request will do likewise. Then, sometime later, one of the DB calls will complete (it could be any one of the three) which will resolve its promise which will unsuspend the function and it will send the response. Then, one after another the other two DB calls will finish and send their responses.


Net core API for spa and async

I am creating a new net core 2.2 API for use with a JavaScript client. Some examples in Microsoft have the controller having all async methods and some examples aren't. Should the methods on my API be async. Will be using IIS if this is a factor. An example method will involve calling another API and returning the result whilst another will be doing a database request using entity Framework.
It is best practice to use async for your controller methods, especially if your services are doing things like accessing a database. Whether or not your controller methods are async or not doesn't matter to IIS, the .net core runtime will be invoking them. Both will work, but you should always try to use async when possible.
First, you need to understand what async does. Simply put, it allows the thread handling the request to be returned to the pool to field other requests, if the thread enters a wait state. This is almost invariably caused by I/O operations, such as querying a database, writing/reading a file, etc. CPU-bound work such as calculations require active use of the thread and therefore cannot be handled asynchronously. As side benefit of async is the ability to "cancel" work. If the client closes the connection prematurely, this will fire a cancellation token which can be used by supported asynchronous methods to cancel work in progress. For example, assuming you passed the cancellation token into a call to something like ToListAsync(), and the client closes the connection, EF will see this an subsequently cancel the query. It's actually a little more complex than that, but you get the idea.
Therefore, you need to simply evaluate whether async is beneficial in a particular scenario. If you're going to be doing I/O and/or want to be able to cancel work in progress, then go async. Otherwise, you can stick with sync, if you like.
That said, while there's a slight performance cost to async, it's usually negligible, and the benefits it provides in terms of scalability are generally worth the trade-off. As such, it's pretty much preferred to just always go async. Additionally, if you're doing anything async, then your action should also be async. For example, everything EF Core does is async. The "sync" methods (ToList rather than ToListAsync) merely block on the async methods. As such, if you're doing a query via EF, use async. The sync methods are only there to support certain limited scenarios where there's no choice but to process sync, and in such cases, you should run in a separate thread (Task.Run) to prevent deadlocks.
I should also mention that things are a little murky with actions and particularly Razor Page handlers. There's an entire request pipeline, of which an action/handler is just a part of. Having a "sync" action does not preclude doing something async in your view, or in some policy handler, view component, etc. The action itself only needs to be async if it itself is doing some sort of asynchronous work.
Razor Page handlers, in particular, will often be sync, because very little processing typically happens in the handler itself; it's all in subordinate processes.
Async is very important concept to understand and Microsoft focus too much on this. But sometimes we don't realise the importance of this. Every time you are not using Async you are blocking the caller thread.
Why Use Async
Even if your API controller is using single operation (Let's say DB fetch) you should be using Async. The reason is your server has limited number of threads to handle client requests. Let's assume your application can handle 20 requests and if you are not using Async you are blocking the handler thread to do the operation (DB operation) which could be done by other thread (Async). In turn your request queue grows because your main thread is busy dealing other things and not able to look after new requests , at some stage your application will stop responding. If you would use Async the Main thread is free to handle more client requests while other operation run in the background.
More Resources
I would recommend definitely watching very informative official video from Microsoft on Performance issues.

Why is async used when using http request?

i can't understand why use Asynchronous and await when fetch data from server
A network request from a client to a server, possibly over a long distance and slow internet can take an eternity in CPU time scales.
If it weren't async, the UI would block until the request is completed.
With async execution the UI thread is free to update a progress bar or render other stuff while the framework or Operating System stack is busy on another thread to send and receive the request your code made.
Most other calls that reach out to the Operating System for files or other resources are async for the same reason, while not all of them are as slow as requests to a remote server, but often you can't know in advance if it will be fast enough to not hurt your frame rate and cause visible disruption or janks in the UI.
await is used to make code after that statement starting with wait is executed only when the async request is completed. async / await is used to make async code look more like sync code to make it easier to write and reason about.
Async helps a lot with scalability and responsiveness.
Using synchronous request blocks the client until a response has been received. As you increase concurrent users you basically have a thread per user. This can create a lot of idle time, and wasted computation. One request gets one response in the order received.
Using asynchronous requests allows the client to receive requests/send responses in any random order of execution, as they are able to be received/sent. This lets your threads work smarter.
Here's a pretty simple and solid resource from Mozilla:

How to create a immediately-completed client response?

I want to stub-out a JAX-RS client request. Instead of making an HTTP call, I want to return an immediately-completed client Response. I tried invoking, unfortunately when the application invokes Response.getEntity() later on it gets this exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method not supported on an outbound message.
at org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.OutboundJaxrsResponse.readEntity(
I dug into Jersey's source-code but couldn't figure out a way to do this. How can one translate a server-side Response to a client-side Response in Jersey (or more generally JAX-RS)?
I want to stub-out the HTTP call in a development environment (not a unit test) in order to prove that the network call is responsible for a performance problem I am seeing. I tried using a profiler to do this, but the call is asynchronous with 500+ threads and some network calls return fast (~100ms) while others return much slower (~1.5 seconds). Profilers do not follow asynchronous workflows well, and even if they did they only display the average time consumed across all invocations. I need to see the timing for each individual call. Stubbing-out the network call allows me to test whether the server is returning calls with such a large delta (100ms to 1.5 seconds) or whether the surrounding code is responsible.

Is the WebSocket returned from HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync thread-safe?

In ASP.NET Core v2, is the WebSocket returned by HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync thread-safe?
More specifically, can I call ReceiveAsync in parallel with a thread that calls SendAsync?
I'd like to be able to have a message loop receiving messages like the close event, while at the same time be able to send messages in response to server-side events (that is, not in response to received events).
I haven't found any documentation specifying what implementation AcceptWebSocketAsync returns, but in practice it appears to consistently return a ManagedWebSocket instance.
I haven't found any API documentation for ManagedWebSocket. Fortunately the source code has been published and it contains this helpful note:
It's acceptable to call ReceiveAsync and SendAsync in parallel. One of each may run concurrently.
It's acceptable to have a pending ReceiveAsync while CloseOutputAsync or CloseAsync is called.
Attemping to invoke any other operations in parallel may corrupt the instance. Attempting to invoke a send operation while another is in progress or a receive operation while another is in progress will result in an exception.
— (source1)
tl;dr: not thread-safe in general, but the read and send in parallel scenario is supported

Unit test on a NSNotification which is sent ansynchronous by a NSTimer

Since a few days I try to figure out how to test my API with GHUnit. Now I came to the problem to test this:
The API gets some several inputs, the CUT does something and starts an NSTimer. After the timer fired, it sends out an NSNotification with some userInfo data. It is clear how to test the userInfo data, but what I want to test is, if the notification is sent only if some certain circumstances are true and if not, it shouldn't be send at all.
How I can test it, is quite clear after reading this:
But now the logical problem streaks in: The asynchronous behaviour of the CUT with sending out the NSNotification after the NSTimer fired. When I wait now in every test for the timer to fire, then my tests will get really slow.
How can I test the behaviour without always waiting for the NSTimer to fire? Do you have any ideas?
I don't know a way to execute synchronous tests concurrently with XCTest from within Xcode. Of course you could define several test projects and run them concurrently from the console. But I guess, this is not what you are looking for.
An asynchronous test would require that the test method returns before the assertions have been tested, but will be tested eventually. A test runner would need to know about asynchronous tests in order to handle them correctly.
With XCTest, it's not possible to have an asynchronous test. There are hints in the source code documentation which makes me believe, that this is likely not possible at all:
In the description to waitForExpectationsWithTimeout it states:
"-waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler: creates a point of synchronization in the flow of a test. Only one -waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler: can be active at any given time, but multiple discrete sequences of { expectations -> wait } can be chained together."
"waitForExpectationsWithTimeoutruns the run loop while handling events until all expectations are fulfilled or the timeout is reached. Clients should not manipulate the run loop while using this API."
So, only one waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler: can be active and we must not modify the underlying run loop -- this quite clearly indicates that we cannot execute tests asynchronously.
Note: you can test asynchronous methods or functions within the test method. However, in XCTest the test method itself is always synchronous - since it waits for the result to become available.