Hangfire job creation throughput performance with Redis RDB - redis

In official documentation, there is a chart, which tells, that creation job throughput with Redis RDB could be around 6 000 jobs per second. I have tried different Hangfire, Redis and HW configurations, but I always get max around 200 jobs per second. I even created simple example that reproduces it (Hangfire configuration, job creation).
Am I doing something wrong? What job creation throughput performance are you getting?
I am using latest versions: Hangfire 1.7.24, Hangfire.Pro 2.3.0, Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.10 and Redis 6.2.1.

The point is that in the referenced sample application, background jobs are being created sequentially, one after another. In this case background jobs aren't created fast enough due to I/O delays (round-trips to the storage), to result in better throughput. And since there's also a call to Hangfire.Console that requires even more I/O, creation process is performed even slower.
Try to create background jobs in a Parallel.For loop to create background job in parallel and amortize the latency. And try to create all the background jobs before starting the server to make a clear distinction between created/sec and performed/sec metrics as shown below, otherwise everything will be mixed up.
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Parallel.For(0, 100000, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount }, i =>
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Empty());
using (new BackgroundJobServer())
On my development machine I've got 7.7 sec to create 100,000 background jobs (~13,000 jobs/sec) and Dashboard UI told me that perform rate is ~3,500 jobs/sec that's a bit lower than displayed on the chart, but that's because there are more extension filters now in Hangfire than 6 years ago when that chart was created. And if we clear them with GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Clear(), we'll get about 4,000 jobs/sec.
To avoid the confusion, I've removed the absolute numbers from those charts today. Absolute numbers are different for different environments, e.g. on-premise (can be faster) and cloud (will be slower). That chart was created to show the relative difference between SQL Server and Redis in different modes, which is approximately the same in different env, not to show the precise numbers that depend on a lot of factors, especially when network is involved.


Matillion: How to identify performance bottleneck

We're running Matillion (v1.54) on an AWS EC2 instance (CentOS), based on Tomcat 8.5.
We have developped a few ETL jobs by now, and their execution takes quite a lot of time (that is, up to hours). We'd like to speed up the execution of our jobs, and I wonder how to identify the bottle neck.
What confuses me is that both the m5.2xlarge EC2 instance (8 vCPU, 32G RAM) and the database (Snowflake) don't get very busy and seem to be sort of idle most of the time (regarding CPU and RAM usage as shown by top).
Our environment is configured to use up to 16 parallel connections.
We also added JVM options -Xms20g -Xmx30g to /etc/sysconfig/tomcat8 to make sure the JVM gets enough RAM allocated.
Our Matillion jobs do transformations and loads into a lot of tables, most of which can (and should) be done in parallel. Still we see, that most of the tasks are processed in sequence.
How can we enhance this?
By default there is only one JDBC connection to Snowflake, so your transformation jobs might be getting forced serial for that reason.
You could try bumping up the number of concurrent connections under the Edit Environment dialog, like this:
There is more information here about concurrent connections.
If you do that, a couple of things to avoid are:
Transactions (begin, commit etc) will force transformation jobs to
run in serial again
If you have a parameterized transformation job,
only one instance of it can ever be running at a time. More information on that subject is here
Because the Matillion server is just generating SQL statements and running them in Snowflake, the Matillion server is not likely to be the bottleneck. You should make sure that your orchestration jobs are submitting everything to Snowflake at the same time and there are no dependencies (unless required) built into your flow.
These steps will be done in sequence:
These steps will be done in parallel (and will depend on Snowflake warehouse size to scale):
Also - try the Alter Warehouse Component with a higher concurrency level

ADF Dataflows; Do I have any control or influence over cluster startup time. (NOT "TTL")

Yes, I know about TTL; Yes, I'm configuring that; No, that's not what I'm asking about here.
Spinning up an initial cluster for a Dataflow takes around 5 minutes.
Starting acquiring compute from an existing "warm" cluster (i.e. one which has been left 'Alive' using TTL), for a new dataflow still appears to take 1-2 minutes.
Those are pretty large numbers, especially if you have a multi-step ETL process, and have broken up your pipeline to separate concerns (or if you're executing the dataflows in a loop, to process data per-source-day)
Controlling the TTL gives me some control over which of those two possibilities I'm triggering, but even 2 minutes can be a quite substantial overhead. (I have a pipeline where fully half the execution time is waiting for those 1-2 minute 'Acquire Compute' startups)
Do I have any control at all, over how long startup takes in each case? Is there anything that I can do to speed up the startup, or anything that I should avoid to prevent making things even worse!
There's a new feature in town, to fix exactly this problem.
Release blog:
ADF has added a new option in the Azure Integration Runtime for data flow TTL: Quick re-use. ... By selecting the re-use option with a TTL setting, you can direct ADF to maintain the Spark cluster for that period of time after your last data flow executes in a pipeline. This will provide much faster sequential executions using that same Azure IR in your data flow activities.

aws ECS- Farget task submition pending time

we have an ECS fargate cluster,that we have just created, and when testing, we noticed, that the submission of a new task takes about 2-3 minutes (PENDING to RUNNING).
since we run there a new task every minute, it's not good enough for us.
is there any way to optimize the PENDING to RUNNING time?
This is largely dependent on the size of your container. For example I use go from scratch containers heavily so they are only about 15MB, and I get launch times from nothing -> running in roughly 15-20 seconds.
The biggest thing you can do right now to increase launch times is to reduce the size of your container.

Is it possible to limit number of oozie workflows running at the same time?

This is not clear to me from the docs. Here's our scenario and why we need this as succinctly as I can:
We have 60 coordinators running, launching workflows usually hourly, some of which have sub-workflows (some multiple in parallel). This works out to around 40 workflows running at any given time. However when cluster is under load or some underlying service is slow (e.g. impala or hbase), workflows will run longer than usual and back up so we can end up with 80+ workflows (including sub-workflows) running.
This sometimes results in ALL workflows hanging indefinitely, because we have only enough memory and cores allocated to this pool that oozie can start the launcher jobs (i.e. oozie:launcher:T=sqoop:W=JobABC:A=sqoop-d596:ID=XYZ), but not their corresponding actions (i.e. oozie:action:T=sqoop:W=JobABC:A=sqoop-d596:ID=XYZ).
We could simply allocate enough resources to the pool to accommodate for these spikes, but that would be a massive waste (hundreds of cores and GBs that other pools/tenants could never use).
So I'm trying to enforce some limit on number of workflows running, even if that means some will be running behind sometimes. BTW all our coordinators are configured with execution=LAST_ONLY, and any delayed workflow will simply catch up fully on the next run. We are on CDH 5.13 with Oozie 4.1; pools are setup with DRF scheduler.
Thanks in advance for your ideas.
AFAIK there is not a configuration parameter that let you control the number of workflows running at a given time.
If your coordinators are scheduled to run approximately in the same time-window, you could think to collapse them in just one coordinator/workflow and use the fork/join control nodes to control the degree of parallelism. Thus you can distribute your actions in a K number of queues in your workflow and this will ensure that you will not have more than K actions running at the same time, limiting the load on the cluster.
We use a script to generate automatically the fork queues inside the workflow and distribute the actions (of course this is only for actions that can run in parallel, i.e. there no data dependencies etc).
Hope this helps

Bigquery streaming inserts taking time

During load testing of our module we found that bigquery insert calls are taking time (3-4 s). I am not sure if this is ok. We are using java biguqery client libarary and on an average we push 500 records per api call. We are expecting a million records per second traffic to our module so bigquery inserts are bottleneck to handle this traffic. Currently it is taking hours to push data.
Let me know if we need more info regarding code or scenario or anything.
Since streaming has a limited payload size, see Quota policy it's easier to talk about times, as the payload is limited in the same way to both of us, but I will mention other side effects too.
We measure between 1200-2500 ms for each streaming request, and this was consistent over the last month as you can see in the chart.
We seen several side effects although:
the request randomly fails with type 'Backend error'
the request randomly fails with type 'Connection error'
the request randomly fails with type 'timeout' (watch out here, as only some rows are failing and not the whole payload)
some other error messages are non descriptive, and they are so vague that they don't help you, just retry.
we see hundreds of such failures each day, so they are pretty much constant, and not related to Cloud health.
For all these we opened cases in paid Google Enterprise Support, but unfortunately they didn't resolved it. It seams the recommended option to take for these is an exponential-backoff with retry, even the support told to do so. Which personally doesn't make me happy.
The approach you've chosen if takes hours that means it does not scale, and won't scale. You need to rethink the approach with async processes. In order to finish sooner, you need to run in parallel multiple workers, the streaming performance will be the same. Just having 10 workers in parallel it means time will be 10 times less.
Processing in background IO bound or cpu bound tasks is now a common practice in most web applications. There's plenty of software to help build background jobs, some based on a messaging system like Beanstalkd.
Basically, you needed to distribute insert jobs across a closed network, to prioritize them, and consume(run) them. Well, that's exactly what Beanstalkd provides.
Beanstalkd gives the possibility to organize jobs in tubes, each tube corresponding to a job type.
You need an API/producer which can put jobs on a tube, let's say a json representation of the row. This was a killer feature for our use case. So we have an API which gets the rows, and places them on tube, this takes just a few milliseconds, so you could achieve fast response time.
On the other part, you have now a bunch of jobs on some tubes. You need an agent. An agent/consumer can reserve a job.
It helps you also with job management and retries: When a job is successfully processed, a consumer can delete the job from the tube. In the case of failure, the consumer can bury the job. This job will not be pushed back to the tube, but will be available for further inspection.
A consumer can release a job, Beanstalkd will push this job back in the tube, and make it available for another client.
Beanstalkd clients can be found in most common languages, a web interface can be useful for debugging.