Pandas how to get row number from datetime index and back again? - pandas

I have great difficulties. I have read a csv files, and set the index on "Timestamp" column like this
# df = pd.read_csv (csv_file, quotechar = "'", decimal = ".", delimiter=";", parse_dates = True, index_col="Timestamp")
# df
XYZ PRICE position nrLots posText
2014-10-14 10:00:29 30 140 -1.0 -1.0 buy
2014-10-14 10:00:30 21 90 -1.0 -5.0 buy
2014-10-14 10:00:31 3 110 1.0 2.0 sell
2014-10-14 10:00:32 31 120 1.0 1.0 sell
2014-10-14 10:00:33 4 70 -1.0 -5.0 buy
So if I want to get the price of 2nd row, I want to do like this:
df.loc [2,"PRICE"]
But that does not work. If I want to use df.loc[] operator, I need to insert a Timestamp, like this:
df.loc["2014-10-14 10:00:31", "PRICE"]
If I want to use row numbers, I need to do like this instead:
which sucks. The syntax is ugly. However, it works. I can get the value, and I can set the value - which is what I want.
If I want to find the Timestamp from a row, I can do like this:
Question) Is there a more elegant syntax to get and set the value, when you always work with a row number? I always iterate over the row numbers, never iterate over Timestamps. I never use the Timestamp to access values, I always use row numbers.
Bonusquestion) If I have a Timestamp, how can I find the corresponding row number?

There is way to do this .
First use df = df.reset_index() .
"Timestamp" will be new column added to df , now you get new index as integer.
And you access any row element with df.loc[] or df.iat[] and you can find any row with specific element .


How do you iterate through a data frame based on the value in a row

I have a data frame which I am trying to iterate through, however not based on time, but on an increase of 10 for example
Column A
Column B
so in this case it would return a new data frame with the rows with 1 and 11. How am I able to do this? The different methods that I have tried such as asfreq resample etc. don't seem to work. They say invalid frequency. The reason I think about this is that it is not time based. What is the function that allows me to do this that isn't time based but based on a numerical value such as 10 or 7. I don't want the every nth number, but every time the column value changes by 10 from the last selected value. ex 1 to 11 then if the next values were 12 15 17 21, it would be 21.
here is one way to do it
# do a remainder division, and choose rows where remainder is zero
# offset by the first value, to make calculation simpler
first_val = df.loc[0]['Column B']
df.loc[((df['Column B'] - first_val) % 10).eq(0)]
Column A Column B
0 12:05 1
2 14:05 11

Finding the mean of a column; but excluding a singular value

Imagine I have a dataset that is like so:
ID birthyear weight
0 619040 1962 0.1231231
1 600161 1963 0.981742
2 25602033 1963 1.3123124
3 624870 1987 10,000
and I want to get the mean of the column weight, but the obvious 10,000 is hindering the actual mean. In this situation I cannot change the value but must work around it, this is what I've got so far, but obviously it's including that last value.
avg_num_items = df_cleaned['trans_quantity'].mean()
translist = df_cleaned['trans_quantity'].tolist()
my dataframe is df_cleaned and the column I'm actually working with is 'trans_quantity' so how do I go about the mean while working around that value?
Since you added SQL in your tags, In SQL you'd want to exclude it in the WHERE clause:
SELECT AVG(trans_quantity)
FROM your_data_base
WHERE trans_quantity <> 10,000
In Pandas:
avg_num_items = df_cleaned[df_cleaned["trans_quantity"] != 10000]["trans_quantity"].mean()
You can also replace your value with a NAN and skip it in the mean:
avg_num_items = df_cleaned["trans_quantity"].replace(10000, np.nan).mean(skipna=True)
With pandas, ensure you have numeric data (10,000 is a string), filter the values above threshold and use the mean:
(pd.to_numeric(df['weight'], errors='coerce')
.loc[lambda x: x<10000]
output: 0.8057258333333334

Collapse pandas DataFrame based on daily column value

I have a pandas DataFrame with multiple measurements per day (for example hourly measurements, but that is not necessarily the case), but I want to keep only the hour for which a certain column is the daily minimum.
My one day in my data frame looks somewhat like this
DATE Value Distance
17 1979-1-2T00:00:00.0 15.5669870447436 34.87
18 1979-1-2T01:00:00.0 81.6306803714536 31.342
19 1979-1-2T02:00:00.0 83.1854759740486 33.264
20 1979-1-2T03:00:00.0 23.8659679630303 32.34
21 1979-1-2T04:00:00.0 63.2755504429306 31.973
22 1979-1-2T05:00:00.0 91.2129044773733 34.091
23 1979-1-2T06:00:00.0 76.493130052689 36.837
24 1979-1-2T07:00:00.0 63.5443183375785 34.383
25 1979-1-2T08:00:00.0 40.9255407683688 35.275
26 1979-1-2T09:00:00.0 54.5583051827551 32.152
27 1979-1-2T10:00:00.0 26.2690011881422 35.104
28 1979-1-2T11:00:00.0 71.3059740399097 37.28
29 1979-1-2T12:00:00.0 54.0111262724049 38.963
30 1979-1-2T13:00:00.0 91.3518048568241 36.696
31 1979-1-2T14:00:00.0 81.7651763485069 34.832
32 1979-1-2T15:00:00.0 90.5695814525067 35.473
33 1979-1-2T16:00:00.0 88.4550315358515 30.998
34 1979-1-2T17:00:00.0 41.6276969038137 32.353
35 1979-1-2T18:00:00.0 79.3818377264749 30.15
36 1979-1-2T19:00:00.0 79.1672568582629 37.07
37 1979-1-2T20:00:00.0 1.48337999844262 28.525
38 1979-1-2T21:00:00.0 87.9110385474789 38.323
39 1979-1-2T22:00:00.0 38.6646421460678 23.251
40 1979-1-2T23:00:00.0 88.4920153764757 31.236
I would like to keep all rows that have the minimum "distance" per day, so for the one day shown above, one would have only one row left (the one with index value 39). I know how to collapse the data frame so that I only have the Distance column left. I can do that - if I first set the DATE as index - with
df_short = df.groupby(df.index.floor('D'))["Distance"].min()
But I also want the Value column in my final result. How do I keep all columns?
It doesn't seem to work if I do
df_short = df.groupby(df.index.floor('D')).min(["Distance"])
This does keep all the columns in the final result, but it seems like the outcome is wrong, so I'm not sure what this does.
Maybe this is already posted somewhere, but I have trouble finding it.
You can use aggregate
df_short = df.groupby(df.index.floor('D')).agg({'Distance': min, 'Value': max})
If you want the kept Value column is the same with minimum of Distance column:
df_short = df.loc[df.groupby(df.index.floor('D'))['Distance'].idxmin(), :]
Make a datetime Index:
df.DATE = pd.to_datetime(df.DATE) # If not already datetime.
df.set_index('DATE', inplace=True)
Resample and find the min Distance's location:
Value Distance
1979-01-02 22:00:00 38.664642 23.251

Converting Negative Number in String Format to Numeric when Sign as at the end

I have certain numbers within a column of my dataframe that have negative numbers in a string format like this: "500.00-" I need to convert every negative number within the column to numeric format. I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, but I have struggled finding one specific to pandas dataframe. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have tried the basic to_numeric function as shown below, but it doesn't read it in correctly. Also, only some of the numbers within the column are negative, therefore I can't simply remove all the negative signs and multiply the column by 1.
Q1['Credit'] = pd.to_numeric(Q1['Credit'])
Sample data:
0 50.00
1 60.00-
2 70.00+
3 -80.00
Using series str accessor to check last digit. If it is '-' or '+', swap it to front. Use df.mask to apply it only to rows having -/+ as suffix. Finally, astype column to float
df.num.mask(df.num.str[-1].isin(['-','+']), df.num.str[-1][:-1])).astype('float')
0 50.0
1 -60.0
2 70.0
3 -80.0
Name: num, dtype: float64
Possibly a bit explicit but would work
# build a mask of negative numbers
m_neg = Q1["Credit"].str.endswith("-")
# remove - signs
Q1["Credit"] = Q1["Credit"].str.rstrip("-")
# convert to number
Q1["Credit"] = pd.to_numeric(Q1["Credit"])
# Apply the mask to create the negatives
Q1.loc[m_neg, "Credit"] *= -1
Let us consider the following example dataframe:
Q1 = pd.DataFrame({'Credit':['500.00-', '100.00', '300.00-']})
0 500.00-
1 100.00
2 300.00-
We can use str.endswith to create a mask which indicates the negative numbers. Then we use np.where to conditionally convert the numbers to negative:
m1 = Q1['Credit'].str.endswith('-')
m2 = Q1['Credit'].str[:-1].astype(float)
Q1['Credit'] = np.where(m1, -m2, m2)
0 -500.0
1 100.0
2 -300.0

Using value_counts in pandas with conditions

I have a column with around 20k values. I've used the following function in pandas to display their counts:
weather_data is the dataframe and snowfall is the column.
My results are:
0.0 12683
M 7224
T 311
0.2 32
0.1 31
0.5 20
0.3 18
1.0 14
0.4 13
Is there a way to:
Display the counts of only a single variable or number
Use an if condition to display the counts of only those values which satisfy the condition?
I'll be as clear as possible without having a full example as piRSquared suggested you to provide.
value_counts' output is a Series, therefore the values in your originale Series can be retrieved from the value_counts' index. Displaying only the result of one of the variables then is exactly slicing your series:
my_value_count = weather_data["snowfall"].value_counts()
0.0 12683
If you want to display only for a list of variables:
0.0 12683
0.2 32
0.1 31
As you have M and T in your values, I suspect the other values will be treated as strings and not float. Otherwise you could use:
my_value_count.loc[my_value_count.index < 0.4]
0.0 12683
0.2 32
0.1 31
0.3 18
Use an if condition to display the counts of only those values which satisfy the condition?
First create a new column based on the condition you want. Then you can use groupby and sum.
For example, if you want to count the frequency only if a column has a non-null value. In my case, if there is an actual completion_date non-null value:
dataset['Has_actual_completion_date'] = np.where(dataset['ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE'].isnull(), 0, 1)
dataset['Mitigation_Plans_in_progress'] = dataset['Has_actual_completion_date'].groupby(dataset['HAZARD_ID']).transform('sum')