Nuxt don't see a authenticated user - vue.js

I am doing user authentication, but I ran into a problem. First, when loading, the middleware is loaded, it does not see the authorized user through $fire.auth.onAuthStateChanged. And if you go to another page (without reloading page), user is appear. How to make him see it at the first boot?
Here is my middleware
export default function ({app, route, redirect}) {
app.$fire.auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
if (route.path === perm.signin || route.path === perm.signup) {
return redirect('/')
} else {
if (route.path !== perm.signin || route.path !== perm.signup) {
return redirect(perm.signin)
and what I received (1st pic) when first enter to app in console.log(middleware, user-). But if I go to another page I receive middleware, user+.
I need user + to be on the first start

onAuthStateChanged fires the callback you provided as argument after the middleware has run.
In other words the callback's return statements are not being run when the middleware runs.
You could either ensure the middleware is called after the first authentication attempt, but this would slow down the initial startup of the application. So you could expose the nuxt router to the onAuthStateChanged handler and router.push('/login') or router.push('/somewhere') from there.


res locals being wiped from _app.tsx in NextJS

I am working on a NextJS app that integrates with passport for authentication. I have it configured so that on login it links to a 3rd party auth service (keycloak - shouldn't be important) and then on success back to a callback url.
The session exists on req.session and I have a root level middleware ('/') to append the req.session.user to res.locals.user
In the custom _app.tsx file I have a getInitialProps that I can extract out ctx.res.locals.user and logging it to console all data is as expected.
The problem is when I pass it as part of pageProps returned from getInitialProps, the same user data is undefined when console logged within JSX.
Here's how the code looks:
function MyApp({Component, pageProps}: AppProps<{user: any}>) {
const { user } = pageProps;
return (
{console.log(user)} // this is 'undefined' in browser console
{/* ... */}
MyApp.getInitialProps = async (appContext: AppContext) => {
const pageProps = await App.getInitialProps(appContext);
const user = appContext.ctx.res.locals.user;
console.log(user) // logs the correct user information in the terminal
return {
pageProps: {
I am checking the logs on the home-page of app (pages/index.tsx), which has its own getServerSideProps call so I am wondering if this is the point where the res.locals is being cleared?
Should I be able to pass res.locals from server to client like this?
If yes, can you see what I'm doing wrong
If not, how should user data returned in req.session be made available from server to client in NextJS?

Running Nuxt middleware client side after static rendering

We're switching from SPA to statically generated, and are running into a problem with middleware.
Basically, when Nuxt is statically rendered, middleware is run on the build server first, and then is run after each page navigation client side. The important point is that middleware is not run client side on first page load. This is discussed here
We work around this for some use cases by creating a plugin that uses the same code, since plugins are run on the first client load.
However, this pattern doesn't work well for this use case. The following is an example of the middleware that we want to use:
// middleware/authenticated.js
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
// If the user is not authenticated
if (!store.state.authenticated) {
return redirect('/login')
// Inside a component
<h1>Secret page</h1>
export default {
middleware: 'authenticated'
This example is taken directly from the Nuxt docs.
When rendered statically, this middleware is not called on first page load, so a user might end up hitting their dashboard before they've logged in, which causes problems.
To add this to a plugin, the only way I can think to do this is by adding a list of authenticated_routes, which the plugin could compare to and see if the user needs to be authed.
The problem with that solution though is that we'd then need to maintain a relatively complex list of authed pages, and it's made worse by having dynamic routes, which you'd need to match a regex to.
So my question is: How can we run our authenticated middleware, which is page specific, without needing to maintain some list of routes that need to be authenticated? Is there a way to actually get the middleware associated to a route inside a plugin?
To me it is not clear how to solve it the right way. We are just using the static site generation approach. We are not able to run a nuxt middleware for the moment. If we detect further issues with the following approach we have to switch.
One challenge is to login the user on hot reload for protected and unprotected routes. As well as checking the login state when the user switches the tabs. Maybe session has expired while he was on another tab.
We are using two plugins for that. Please, let me know what you think.
The plugin handles the initial page load for protected routes and checks if the user can access a specific route while navigating around.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes"
export default ({ app, store }) => {
app.router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
if( === 'logout'){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown', {userLogout:true})
return next('/')
if(document.cookie.indexOf('PHPSESSID') === -1){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown')
await store.dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {msg: 'from before enter plugin'})
console.log('user is logged 2nd try: ' + store.getters['user/isLoggedIn'])
return next()
else {
* All fine, let him enter
return next()
return next()
This plugin ment for auto login the user on unprotected routes on initial page load dnd check if there is another authRequest required to the backend.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes";
export default function ({ app, store }) {
app.router.onReady(async (route) => {
// Let authRouterBeforeEnter.js do the job
// to avoid two isAuthorized requests to the backend
await store.dispatch('app/createVisibilityChangedEvent')
else {
// If this route is public do the full init process
await store.dispatch('app/init')
Additionally i have added an app module to the store. It does a full init process with auth request and adding a visibility changed event or just adds the event.
export default {
async init({ dispatch }) {
dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})
async shutdown({ dispatch }, {userLogout}) {
dispatch('user/logout', {userLogout}, {root:true})
async createVisibilityChangedEvent({ dispatch }) {
window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', async () => {
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
console.log('visible changed');
await dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})

Checking auth token valid before route enter in Vue router

I have a simple use case, where my application is using vue-router and vuex. Then store contains a user object which is null in the beginning. After the user is validated from the server it sends back an user object which contains a JWT auth token which is assigned to the user object in the store. Now lets assume that the user came back after 3 hours and tried to visit a route or perform any other action, considering that the auth token has expired by then, what would be the best way to check that(need to call axios post to check it) and redirect user to the login page. My app will have loads of components so I know I can write logic to check the token valid in the mounted hook of each component but that would mean repeating it all of the components. Also I don't want to use the beforeEach navigation guard because I cannot show any visual feedback to the user like checking... or loading....
I do something similar in one of my projects, it's actually deceptively difficult to handle these types of situations, but you can add a beforeEnter guard to your protected routes, then redirect if the authentication failed.
const guard = function(to, from, next) {
// check for valid auth token
axios.get('/api/checkAuthToken').then(response => {
// Token is valid, so continue
}).catch(error => {
// There was an error so redirect
window.location.href = "/login";
Then on your route you can do:
path: '/dashboard',
component: Dashboard,
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
guard(to, from, next);
You may notice I've used location.href rather than router.push. I do that because my login form is csrf protected, so I need a new csrf_token.
Your other issue is going to be if the user tries to interact with your page without changing the route (i.e. they click a button and get a 401 response). For this I find it easiest to check authentication on each axios request and redirect to login when I receive a 401 response.
In terms of adding a loading spinner during the guard check you can simply add a loading flag to your vuex store then import your store into your router. Honestly though I wouldn't bother, on a decent production server the check will be done so quickly that the user is unlikely to ever see it.
Try Vue.JS Mixins
You can define a Global Mixin and use it via Vue.use(myMixin) - then all Components will inherit this mixin. If you define a mounted or probably better activated hook on the mixin, it will be called on every component.
There you can use everything a component can do - this will point to your component. And if the component also defines a hook itself, the mixin hook of the same type will run before the components own hook.
Or try a single top-level login component
We used a little different solution - we have a single component which handles everything login-related, which exists outside of the router-view in the parent index.html. This component is always active and can hide the div router-view and overlay a loading message or a login-screen. For an intranet-application this component will also use polling to keep the session alive as long as the browser stays open.
You can load of your router-navigation to this component. - So a child-component which wants to trigger a router-navigation just sets a global reactive property navigateTo which is watched by the top level authentication component. This will trigger an authentication check, possibly a login-workflow and after that the top-level component will call $router.push() With this approach you have complete control over any navigation.
You can use interceptors to silently get the auth token when some request happens.
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (error) {
const originalRequest = error.config;
if (error.response.status === 401 && !originalRequest._retry) {
originalRequest._retry = true;
const rToken = window.localStorage.getItem('rToken');
return'url/to/get/refresh/token', { rToken })
.then(({data}) => {
window.localStorage.setItem('token', data.token);
window.localStorage.setItem('rToken', data.refreshToken);
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + data.token;
originalRequest.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + data.token;
return axios(originalRequest);
return Promise.reject(error);
Because you use vuex, you can add some state like isLoading or isChecking.
And in your router.beforeEach, you can check and set isLoading or isChecking follow your current checking state. Then you can show loading message follow this state.
In our route.js we check in beforeEnter hooks the user has token or
path: '/dashboard',
name: dashboard,
meta: {
layout: 'home-layout'
components: {
default: Dashboard,
header: UserHeader
beforeEnter: ifAuthenticated,
const ifAuthenticated = (to, from, next) => {
if (localStorage.getItem(token)) {
name: 'login',
params: {
returnTo: to.path,
query: to.query,

Refresh MVC view after logging in using Angular

Working with the Breeze Angular SPA template found here,, I'm trying to update a menu that changes after user authenticates.
My example is slightly different from the default template in that I've moved the Login and Register views into modal windows. When the modal closes after a successful login, the menu, which is in the MVC View (and not the Angular View) does not update as a complete page refresh does not occur.
In the SPA template, authentication is required before entering the SPA, then a hard redirect/refresh occurs and the SPA is loaded. In my case, you could be browsing views/pages in the SPA before authenticating.
MVC View Code Snippet (Views/Home/Index.cshtml)
#if (#User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
User Logged In: #User.Identity.Name
User Logged In: Annon
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-view></div>
I have working the root redirect, after login, the page hard refreshes if json.redirect is set to '/'. However, if its set to the current page, i.e. '#/about', Angular handles the routing and therefore no hard refresh occurs, thus the menu is not updated.
Ajax Login Code Snippet (App/ajaxlogin.js)
... part of login/register function
if (json.success) {
window.location = json.redirect || location.href;
} else if (json.errors) {
displayErrors($form, json.errors);
Is this possible to do using my current setup? Or do I need to move the menu somewhere inside the SPA and use Angular to determine what menu to show? If the latter, direction in how to best do this? I'm new to both Angular and Breeze.
The TempHire sample in Breeze has a really good way of handling authentication for a SPA (in my opinion at least!) Granted this is using Durandal so you will need to adapt it to Angular, but they are both frameworks doing the same basic principles so good luck! -
Basically, the Controller action has an annotation [Authorize] on the action that the prepare method is calling on the entitymanagerprovider. If a 401 is returned (not authorized) the SPA takes the bootPublic path and only exposes a login route to the user. When the login is successful, the login method tells the window to reload everything, at which time the authorization passes, and the bootPrivate method is called -
shell.js (Durandal, but should be adaptable)
//#region Internal Methods
function activate() {
return entitymanagerprovider
.fail(function (e) {
if (e.status === 401) {
return bootPublic();
} else {
return false;
function bootPrivate() {
router.mapNav('resourcemgt', 'viewmodels/resourcemgt', 'Resource Management');
//router.mapRoute('resourcemgt/:id', 'viewmodels/resourcemgt', 'Resource Management', false);
log('TempHire Loaded!', null, true);
return router.activate('home');
function bootPublic() {
return router.activate('login');
login.js -
function loginUser() {
if (!self.isValid()) return Q.resolve(false);
return account.loginUser(self.username(), self.password())
.then(function() {
window.location = '/';
return true;
The account.loginUser function is basically just an ajax call that passes credentials to the account controller and returns a success or failure. On success you can see the callback is fired for window.location = '/' which does a full reload. On failure simply show an alert or something.

Check each node.js request for authentication credentials

I'm using node.js with Express and connect-auth to authenticate users.
This is the verification when requesting /index:
if(req.isAuthenticated()) {
} else {
res.render('index', { layout: 'nonav' });
However, after logging out and going back to f.e. '/dashboard', I can see the dashboard.
How can I put the authentication check to every request to make sure there's a valid user at all times?
I don't have any problems with the authentication, everything works fine! I need a solution which checks every route/request if there's a valid user, without putting a function or if-statement in the route-implementation, as the whole App needs a valid user anyway. The Express-Authentication-Example uses "restrict" in the route-definition, which is close, but with many routes it can easily be forgotten.
next(new Error(401)); // 401 Not Authorized
// NOTE: depending on your version of express,
// you may need to use app.error here, rather
// than app.use.
// Just basic, should be filled out to next()
// or respond on all possible code paths
if(err instanceof Error){
if(err.message === '401'){
If you define the all route before routes which require authentication and after routes which do not (such as the home page, login, etc) then it should only affect the routes that need it. Alternatively you could use a RegExp instead of '*', which would include a subpath or list of paths that require authentication.
Another option would be to create a function to include in each route that requires auth:
function IsAuthenticated(req,res,next){
next(new Error(401));
You can use sessions mechanism provided by connect. Put this code in app.configure() to enable it:
secret: 'some string used for calculating hash'
After that, you′ll be able to use req.session object (different for each request) to store your authentication data (or anything else). So, your example code will look something like this:
if (req.session && req.session.authorized) {
else {
res.render('index', {layout: 'nonav'});
And authentication will look like this:
req.session.authorized = checkPassword(login, passw);
More info can be found here.
Another way is to app.use a middleware function. (Example in CoffeeScript.)
# middleware
authKick = (req, res, next) ->
if not do req.isAuthenticated then return res.redirect '/login'
return do next
# apply
app.use authKick
This will work on each request without having to touch the routes.