Calculating daily average transaction balance of IDs - sql

need to calculate daily average balance of ids. firstdate is when the ID was generated, currentdate is the dates with balance shown for the IDs.
I am expecting something like this [image 2](manually calculated) for each IDs. So basically need to calculate numbers of days between the firstdate when the id was generated and the last currentdate and the balance should be filled in the blank (between dates) to accurately calculating the daily average.
I created the calender table but not sure how I can get the balance for everyday in order to calculate the average.
[CalendarDate] DATE
SET #StartDate = '20000101'
SET #EndDate = GETDATE()
WHILE #StartDate <= #EndDate
SET #StartDate = DATEADD(day, 1, #StartDate)
Thanks for any help.

Assuming the last observation is weighted to getdate()
There is no need for a calendar table, you can use the window function lead() over() to determine the number of days.
Select ID
,ADB = sum(Balance*Days)/sum(Days)
From (
Select *
,Days = datediff(Day,CurrentDate,lead(CurrentDate,1,getdate() ) over (partition by ID order by CurrentDate ) )
from YourTable
) A
Group By ID
110 109.5597
I should add that the window functions can invaluable. They are well worth your time getting comfortable with them.


Generate List of dates between 2 dates for each Id

I have a table with PersonId's that each have a FirstSubscription date and LastSubscriptionDate.
What I need to do is between those 2 dates, generate 1 date for each month. This is for reporting purposes on the front end, as this data will end up inside PowerBI and I need these dates to join to a ReportingCalendar.
This Calendar is accessible by SQL so it can be used in this calculation. I am using it to generate the dates (using first of the month) between the First and LastSubDate but I need to find a way to join this with the rest of the ID's that way I get a list of date for each ID.
Here is my code to generate the dates.
SET #MinDate = '2020-08-31'
SET #MaxDate = '2022-08-30'
SELECT DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, date), 0)
FROM dbo.ReportingCalendar
WHERE Date >= #MinDate
AND Date < #MaxDate
DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, date), 0)
My PersonSubscription table looks like this
|1186 |8/31/2020 |8/30/2022 |
|2189 |7/30/2019 |7/31/2021 |
So I would want to end up with an output where each PersonId has 1 entry for each month between those 2 dates. So PersonId has 25 entries from 8/2020 until 8/2022. We don't care about the actual date of the sub since this data is looked at monthly and will primarily be looked at using a Distinct Count each month, so we only care if they were subbed at any time in that month.
I just needed to do a Cross Apply.
I took my code that got me all of the PersonId's and their FirstSubDate and LastSubDate and then did a cross apply to the code I listed above, referencing the MinDate and MaxDate with the FirstSubDate and LastSubDate.

Include zero counts for grouping date ranged based SQL query

I'm trying to group and order the number of sales made in each day from a single 'sales' table with a created_at column and an id column. Each of the records might be created through out the day at any time. I've managed to do this with the following query:
SELECT date_trunc('day', created_at::date) AS period, COUNT(id)
FROM sales
GROUP BY period
ORDER BY period
However, the days with 0 sales are not shown up. Any ideas?
Most of the answers I've found use LEFT JOIN but I can't seem to get it to work, so I might seem to be misunderstanding how to use it. :(
Thank you in advance!
Create a temporary table that returns the required dates and then join to it
SET #StartDateTime = '2015-01-01'
SET #EndDateTime = '2015-01-12';
WITH DateRange(DateData) AS
SELECT #StartDateTime as Date
FROM DateRange
WHERE DateData < #EndDateTime
SELECT DateRange.DateData, Count(
FROM sales
right join DateRange on = DateRange.DateData
group by DateRange.DateData

Count # of Saturdays given a date range

I have a datetime field and a net field. The Sat Count field is done by =IIf(DatePart("w",Fields!DespatchDate.Value)=7,1,0)
I want to total the count of the Saturdays given a starting date and end date (typically a month).
I tried =Sum(IIf(DatePart("w",Fields!DespatchDate.Value)=7,1,0) but the total is wrong.
I also want to count Saturdays for rest of the month, e.g there's a missing 3rd Saturday in the picture.
I also want to do a total of the Net for Saturdays.
Can you point me in the direction. I can do it in SQL or in SSRS
Considering that we do not have any Input or desired output provided, I am assuming that You just want to count Saturdays in a given range:
Select COUNT(*), SUM(Net)
FROM table
WHERE Day# = 7 AND Date BETWEEN '2021-02-16' AND '2021-02-23'
Assuming you want to count saturdays even if it is not part of your dataset, what you need to do is pad out all your dates for the given range and then join it to your base data set.
This would ensure that it accounts for ALL days of the week regardless of a dispatch event occuring on that date / day.
Below is some SQL code that might help you make a start.
declare #startdate date = '2021-02-01'
declare #enddate date = '2021-02-28'
if OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#dates') is not null
drop table #dates
;WITH mycte AS
SELECT CAST(#startdate AS DATETIME) DateValue
SELECT DateValue + 1
FROM mycte
WHERE DateValue + 1 < #enddate
SELECT DateValue into #dates
FROM mycte
, datepart(weekday,d.DateValue) as day_no
,case when datepart(weekday,d.DateValue) = 7 then isnull(,0) else 0 end as sat_net
,case when datepart(weekday,d.DateValue) = 1 then isnull(,0) else 0 end as sun_net
from #dates d
left join your_table t
on d.DateValue = t.some_date
drop table #dates
Since I don't know what your required output is, I cannot summarise this any further. But you get the idea!

Select Start date that is 60 business days old

I need the ability to select a start date that is 60business days prior to the current date. I have a calendar built with dates and business dates, etc. My current (and unsuccessful) method is below:
DECLARE #Mode int
SET #Mode = 0
SET #StartDate = CASE WHEN #Mode = 0
THEN (SELECT BusDate FROM Leads.dbo.Calendar
WHEN #Mode = 1
This method goes back 60 calendar days, not 60 business days. I'm having a challenge with getting this down to Business days. Disregard the Mode = 1 portion (this calculates by month).
Any help would be appreciated.
The Calendar table has the following fields:
BusDay is the business day for a month (1, 2, 3, etc). There currently is no column that says 1 for yes and 0 for No to indicate it is a business day, although I could add that. The NonBus and Holiday fields operate that way: 1 is Holiday or Non-business day (holidays and weekends) and 0 is not.
We don't know much about your calendar table but you could do something like this. Use a derived table that only consists of business days that are less than today's date and give each a row number ordered by date desc. Then select the date from 60th row.
select busdate
select *,
row_number() over (order by date desc) as dayNo
from leads.dbo.calendar
where nonBus = 0 -- Only business days
and date < cast(getdate() as date)
) busDays
where dayno = 60

SQL Query to check ALL days exist between a date range

I have a table of Prices with a start date, end date and price. I want a search to pass in a date range and return whether a price exists for all days in that range. The date range can span multiple prices, just not have any gaps in between.
Is this possible?
startDate datetime
endDate datetime
DECLARE #startDate datetime = '2010-04-01',
#endDate datetime = '2010-04-30'
SELECT * FROM Prices WHERE #startDate BETWEEN startDate AND endDate...
Add a grouping to your query with a having statement :
HAVING COUNT(*) = DATEDIFF(DAY,#StartDate,#EndDae)+1