NiFi: LDAP Authentication Multiple DN Issue - ldap

I Installed nifi-1.13.2
and I need to authenticate with LDAP
but there is some issue
when I want to use multiple account in different "OU"
I get this error
"Unable to validate the supplied credentials. Please contact the system administrator."
this is my login-identity-providers.xml:
this is my LDAP Server table:

I found The Solution
you should change ldap port to 3268
like this
<property name="Url">ldap://</property>
<property name="User Search Base">DC=COM</property>
this port is for Global catalog and mostly use for authentication


ActiveMQ Cached LDAP admin can't read advisory

I'm configuring an activeMQ with cached LDAP authentication.
For the moment, there's an user "cta" that send messages (IoT) to topics and an admin "itopsystem" that read from those topics (App)
the user cta is in a group "users" that has read, write rights to the topics, and itopsystem is in admins group. it works fine for the cta user but with itopsystem i have this error :
Security Error occurred on connection to: tcp://xx.xx.xx.xx:47704, User itopsystem is not authorized to read from: ActiveMQ.Advisory.Connection,>,>,app/motronics/>,app/motronics/#, app/ethairbox/>,app/ethairbox/#,ethairbox/>,ethairbox/#, | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///xx.xx.xx.xx:47704#61616
There's my ldap architecture
XML config
<cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap connectionURL="ldap://localhost:389" connectionUsername="cn=Manager,dc=app,dc=com" connectionPassword="xxxxxxx" queueSearchBase="ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,dc=activemq,dc=app,dc=com" topicSearchBase="ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,dc=activemq,dc=app,dc=com" tempSearchBase="ou=Temp,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,dc=activemq,dc=app,dc=com" refreshInterval="300000" legacyGroupMapping="false"/>
Why is my itopsystem user lack of rights if he's in the admins group ? The members are set like that in the group branch: member: uid=itopsystem

SonarQube authentication with LDAP not working

I'm having a problem getting LDAP authentication to work. Looking at the logs it seems to bind ok, but when i try to login it doesn't look like its hitting ldap at all and i get authentication failed.
In the logs I see:
2017.03.28 17:17:46 INFO web[org.sonar.INFO] Security realm: LDAP
2017.03.28 17:17:46 INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapSettingsManager] User mapping: LdapUserMapping{baseDn=ou=people,o=intra,dc=sears,dc=com, request=(&(objectClass=*searsorgperson)(uid={0})), realNameAttribute=cn, emailAttribute=mail}
2017.03.28 17:17:46 INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapSettingsManager] Groups will not be synchronized, because property '' is empty.
2017.03.28 17:17:46 DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapContextFactory] Initializing LDAP context {java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,o=intra,dc=sears,dc=com, java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory, com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool=true,, java.naming.referral=follow}
2017.03.28 17:17:46 INFO web[o.s.p.l.LdapContextFactory] Test LDAP connection on ldap://,o=intra,dc=sears,dc=com: OK
2017.03.28 17:17:46 INFO web[org.sonar.INFO] Security realm started
My config has the following:
# General Configuration
sonar.authenticator.class: org.sonar.plugins.ldap.LdapAuthenticator
# User Configuration
According to my LDAP admin, it does an anonumous check when it first comes up, but nothing is else done after that. So for some reason it doesn't seem to be hitting the LDAP server when i login. I don't have any local IDs setup besides admin.
You have not configured an authenticated user to do the search.
That is, the first test, anonymous bind tests the connectivity. But to search for the users DN, you need more than anonymous permissions. Then once the DN is found, bind as the logging in user. But first you need to provide the LDAP DN of the user who is the proxy that can search and its password.
Also you have an asterisk (wildcard) in your objectlass search filter:
Or is that formatting symbol? I am not sure ObjectClass can usually be searched that way).

worklight http adapter and NTLM authentication

i'm trying to implement NTLM authentication in a Worklight HTTP Adapter in order to connect to M$ back-end servers, such as Sharepoint Web services.
i've set-up my adapter.xml file with <ntlm>.
The adapter.xml structure first version was:
<ntlm />
My tests are done locally with Worklight studio, i get the following issues:
1) error when invocating WL procedure:
Procedure invocation failed:Could not resolve placeholder 'local.hostname'
where do i have to put this 'local.hostname' setting?
2) i tried to specifiy the hostname property of ntlm tag as given in documentation (IBM infocenter), WL Studio says that the xml is bad formed.
<ntlm hostname=""/>
Where "" is my computer's name within my corporate network.
Attribute 'hostname' is not allowed to appear in element 'ntlm'
Response from IBM Service Request:
The username used to authenticate with NTLM-enabled back-end system must be left padded with the windows domain name followed by a \, and the username.
This works with hard-coded serverIdentity feature.
Due to security governance in my company, there can't be "generic" server identity. So i have to forward the end users' credentials to back-end systems to authenticate.
How to do this with Worklight authentication mecanisms (adapter-based for instance), where can i set the domain for my username?
Can i mix several kinds of security realms depending on adapters?


I'm trying to use SSL with the JMX connector that Active MQ creates, but with no success. I'm able to get SSL working with the JVM platform JMX connector, but that requires storing keystore and truststore passwords plaintext, which is a no-go for our project.
Using the instructions here, I set up managementContext in activemq.xml as follows:
<managementContext createConnector="true">
<property xmlns="" name="environment">
<map xmlns="">
<entry xmlns=""
<entry xmlns=""
<entry xmlns=""
<entry xmlns=""
This section seems to be completely ignored when the connector starts up. I can connect without credentials. I also tried using username and password authentication instead of ssl for JMX, as seen here, and that worked fine.
Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas? Thanks!
Have you enabled jmx ssl in the activemq launch scripts? On windows in the activemq-admin or activemq batch files, uncomment and modify the SUNJMX settings.
JMX authentiation is independent of whether ssl is used. It is controlled by the authenticate attribute. By default it will use the jmx access files in your jre, so re-point them with the system properties shown below. You may get an error message stating that the files themselves must be access controlled, so set them with chmod on unix or cacls on windows. I would suggest even turning off the ssl and getting the authentication to work first. You can test with jconsole with a remote connection to confirm that it wants credentials. Then follow-up with the ssl stuff.
I had the same issue regarding the ActiveMQ SSL configuration (keystore & password) in the XML not working.
My requirement was to enable remote JMX monitoring of ActiveMQ with SSL and authentication through a firewall.
I resolved it using a custom JMX connector (via a Java Agent), rather than using the JMX connector that Active MQ creates.
see: JMX connectivity through a firewall for an example (
The important entries for configuring SSL in the are:
Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SslRMIClientSocketFactory csf = new SslRMIClientSocketFactory();
SslRMIServerSocketFactory ssf = new SslRMIServerSocketFactory();
You can also specify your authentication files in the env Map:
env.put("jmx.remote.x.password.file", System.getProperty("password.file","<default_path>"));
env.put("jmx.remote.x.access.file", System.getProperty("access.file","<default_path>"));
The Java Agent needs to be compiled and put into a jar with a valid manifest file as described here
Add the following to the activemq launch configuration (depending on activemq version/ environment and run ActiveMQ:
-javaagent:<full_path_to_agent_jar_file> \
-Dpassword.file=<full_path_to_jmx.password_file> \
-Daccess.file=<full_path_to_jmx.access_file> \<full_path_to_keystore_file> \<password>
You should then be able to connect through jconsole (with correct security parameters)
The remote JMX connection URL will be something like:
Note - ports can be configured in the Java Agent.

Active directory authentication on tomcat by JNDIRealm referrals problem

I'm trying to look on on the root of a AD server for users with tomcat5.5 and JNDIRealm, but it seems that there are several referrals to other locations in the whole AD structure and one of the referrals give a "connection refused" . With LDAP you can use the option referrals="ignore" but this doesn't work if you use AD so you must use referrals=follow otherwise you get a Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s) exception
Is there a way that I can ignore all referrals to other servers?
current config in a server.xml file:
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
connectionName="CN=root_user,OU= foo,OU= bar ,dc=example,dc=com"
It seems that the active directory was corrupt. There where broken referal links. So be sure that the servers are all up and running