React native doesn't start metro bundler on chrome after i try to run npm start on terminal - react-native

metro bundler
I'm trying to run an app published by other programmer but it doesn't run metro bundler on google chrome when I type npm start on terminal.
On the other hand, I created a project and run it and it works
my project

Open new terminal and run below command, It will bring up expo dev client.
expo start --dev-client
Sometimes it might throw an error as below.
Missing package "metro/src/lib/attachWebsocketServer" in the project. This usually means react-native is not installed. Please verify that dependencies in package.json include "react-native" and run yarn or npm install.
To fixing this issue, run the command
npm install -g expo-cli
npm install expo-dev-client
expo start --dev-client

You need to install the dependencies of the other developer's project by running 'npm install' before starting metro bundler.


Expo Web starts Automatically

When I run the command "yarn start", the expo web starts automatically, and even if I open the expo client app on my iPhone the link on my app takes me to Safari and opens up a webpage. How can I open the app on expo CLI and not on my phone's browser (Safari)?
I have also tried the command "expo start --ios" and when I run it I get the error
"Simulator not installed. Please visit to download Xcode and the
iOS simulator. If you already have the latest version of Xcode
installed, you may have to run the command sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/".
I don't want to run the app on a simulator or phone's browser instead on my phone using expo client
I was dealing with this issue also hoping someone would find a solution. However, I have found the solution that worked for me at least. What I did is installed the react-native cli (reinstall if already installed) and then ran npm install in my project and it went back to normal and stopped going on my phones browser. Search documentation regarding this to install those things. I installed them in the order stated and it worked.
try update your expo-cli version and see if it helps. npm install -g expo-cli
Below is my situation,
By default Expo uses yarn. I installed any new dependencies using npm, then by default expo is built with web.
use yarn always to install new dependencies or
use npm install once to install and now expo will build project with android or ios
On Linux try with sudo:
sudo npm install -g expo-cli
Then install packages and run:
Then run the following to clear cache and start expo:
expo start -c
This issue usually happens when you install a new npm package. You can either uninstall/reinstall the package or run the above three steps and solve your problem.

RN Expo issue - Something when wrong installing JavaScript dependencies. Check your npm logs. Continuing to initialize the app

I am using react native and Expo. I am unable to build new app because after I use expo init appName it shows the following error.
Heres the full message:
📦 Using npm to install packages. You can pass --yarn to use Yarn instead.
√ Downloaded and extracted project files.
× Something when wrong installing JavaScript dependencies. Check your npm logs. Continuing to initialize the app.
✅ Your project is ready!
To run your project, navigate to the directory and run one of the following npm commands.
- cd Scanner
- npm start # you can open iOS, Android, or web from here, or run them directly with the commands below.
- npm run android
- npm run ios # requires an iOS device or macOS for access to an iOS simulator
- npm run web
I tried multiple times to create a blank project, also tried npm install to install failed/not downloaded libraries and continue after failure but it showed another error:
npm ERR! code Z_BUF_ERROR
npm ERR! errno -5
npm ERR! zlib: unexpected end of file
also tried npm cache verify that showed cache is ok Content verified: 3562 (252580364 bytes).
So, How can I solve this issue?
Problems related to npm installation are very common If you do any mistake in early installation, but is avoided. Learn more about npm tree.
Steps worked for me are :
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save
npm install expo-cli --global
expo init app-name
cd app-name
npm start
Always run as administrator if working on Windows and in root directory.
The solutions above didn't work for me but if you use 'npm install' in the directory of the app you get a clue that you shuold try 'npm install --force'
err message
You should have all these files folders and files at the start of the project otherwise not all the dependencies have been installed which is why we were getting the problem.folder structure
After you have added --force to npm install you have all the dependencies installed. Now you can run the app with npm start.
Unfortunately, all the solutions described above didn't work on my machine...
Here is my latest solution for this problem...
This worked 100% on my machine...
Use npm i -g expo-cli
This will automatically add the required packages and also remove the unnecessary ones.
Yes, surely, you don't need to uninstall and re-install it again.
Just follow my steps.
And, you can create your expo project using expo init.
I hope my solution will help you out from this annoying problem....
I just did npm install and it worked for me, but I had do that every time I create a new expo project.
I also encountered this problem, and finally found that it was the problem of react native cli,I installed the latest version of react native cli,Expo is back to normal
This Error is regarding to the git account. expos need a git account to setup react native project
If you are using windows you need to install git in your local PC
after that open your Terminal and type this command
git config --global "your_username"
git config --global ""
after that clone any github project to your local computer. it will ask to login to Github
after all these steps try expo init <projectname>
The simple way to settle that error is by using "expo-cli init app-name" instead of "expo init app-name".
I tried and worked perfectly for me. Hope it will help you guys.
i have faced a similar problem and running yarn set version 1.22.1 fix it
Run the Command Prompt as an administrator. And run the following command:
npx create-expo-app AwesomeProject

Why sould one init a react-native project with npx?

Today I tried to do things differently, and launched a react-native project with npx, and went into troubleshooting issues like react-native command not found, are you sure this is an android project, etc. while things were easier with expo and react-native init.
So I'm wondering, according to you, what are the advantages, what does npx more ?
npm create-react-app my-app executes the local create-react-app package from your machine, so you first have to install it globally on your system with npm install -g create-react-app.
If you run npx create-react-app my-app and don’t have create-react-app globally on your system, it will get downloaded and not installed globally.
As you are getting "react-native command not found", first make sure to have react-native cli installed globally. For that,
npm i -g react-native-cli
Then create your react-native project.

Cannot run program "npx": error=2, No such file or directory when running React Native app

I have been working with react-native project in another pc and it has been working correctly. Now I cloned project to another device where I have react-native installed since I work with other project and I cannot run it.
When I run react-native run-android I get this error:
Cannot run program "npx": error=2, No such file or directory
I'm using Android Studio 4 on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6.
I solved the problem by running Android Studio with bellow command on console.
$ open -a "Android"
Simple steps you need to go through to make it work with npx
sudo npm uninstall -g react-native-cli
sudo npm i -g npx
npx react-native run-android
More detailed explanation why this is happenig
Issue was that Facebook is not using anymore react-native-cli as they are using npx.
As stated in Facebook page:
If you previously installed a global react-native-cli package, please remove it as it may cause unexpected issues.
So i had to run sudo npm uninstall -g react-native-cli to remove react-native-cli
They also say that npx is shipped with nodejs but that wasn't my case.
React Native has a built-in command line interface, which you can use to generate a new project. You can access it without installing anything globally using npx, which ships with Node.js.
So I had to install it using sudo npm i -g npx
After installing npx then just need to run npx react-native run-android.
Be aware of npx before react-native run-android
Now you don't have any command react-native now we only have 'npx' and react-native run-android is just a parameter for npx. For ex. to start metro we should run npx react-native start
I had the same issues, so I followed these steps:
Start by installing the latest version of Android Studio (Don't delete the old version, just copy paste that to another directory or in my case I just added the Android Studio 3.2.1 that I had to a folder called olderAndroidStudio, on mac).
Make sure you don't click on import settings from Existing.
Follow along the installation, and complete it.
Build and Run, app runs without any problems.
I additionally uninstalled react-native-cli using the method given in the accepted answer.
In my case, I just quit Android Studio and reopened, and the error was gone.
Maybe throw in a ./gradlew clean for goo measure.
I solved it by finding the command that was throwing error and ran it directly
node -e "console.log(require('react-native/cli').bin)"
which outputs a path, something like
then I pasted that path in android/app/build.gradle
project.ext.react = [
entryFile: "index.js",
enableHermes: true, // clean and rebuild if changing
cliPath: "$HOME/my-app/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/bin.js" // <--- add this

Expo fails to build, Request failed with status code 400

I'm trying to build a project in expo react native project.
My expo version is 3.2.2, sdkVersion is 35.
When I ran in cmd (on Windows 10)
set EXPO_DEBUG=true
expo build:android -c
I got:
Request failed with status code 400
Error: Request failed with status code 400
at createError (C:\Users\Jonny\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\axios\lib\core\createError.js:16:15)
at settle (C:\Users\Jonny\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\axios\lib\core\settle.js:17:12)
at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (C:\Users\Jonny\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\axios\lib\adapters\http.js:237:11)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:203:15)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
I'm tried to update expo version, sdkVersion, the version in react, check for internet connection.
Expo login and logout works fine. I don't have any proxy in my network.
I don't have any clues for what search or how to fix this problem.
Seems was a error in expo-cli version 3.2.2.
The update 3.2.3 fixed for me.
I have fixed the issue by using this command
Move to your root folder then type this command in your terminal
npm install -g expo-cli
I had two versions of expo-cli installed (one via yarn global install expo-cli and one as a dev dependency in project yarn add -D expo-cli). This started working for me after I removed the global expo-cli:
yarn global remove expo-cli
and used the local version in my project instead:
yarn run expo-cli start
Run those following command, then we are good to go.
$ yarn global remove expo-cli && yarn global add expo-cli
$ rm -rf node_modules/ yarn.lock && yarn install
$ yarn run start