Npm workspaces: Different "main" property for development and publishing? - npm

I've created an npm workspace with two packages "foo" and "bar".
Furthermore, I'm using typescript so both packages contain a src/index.ts.
During development, I want to have the "main" property of both packages to be src/index.ts.
But after building and publishing the packages the "main" entry has to point to the built dist/index.js.
How can I accomplish that or is my assumption wrong, that I can point to the typescript file during development?
But then I would have to rebuild the packages during development all the time.
I hope that's not necessary.
Thank you for your help in advance
To be more precise, I need to have "main" point to the Typescript file src/index.ts because otherwise, I can't reference "foo" inside of "foo" itself:
// foo/src/index.ts
import { something } from 'foo';
This error is thrown:
[vite:resolve] Failed to resolve entry for package "foo". The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its package.json.
The above import only works, If "main" points to src/index.ts.
Otherwise I would have to use relative paths to the imported file of the same project, for example
// foo/src/index.ts
import { something } from './someotherfile.ts';

I found out, that vite needs the plugin vite-tsconfig-paths to find my main tsconfig.json to properly resolve the project:
// vite.config.ts
import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";
plugins: [
root: "../../",


Issues with installing and using Vue-Social

I was trying to import Vue-Socials into my project so I could use social media logos.
However, even when I've downloaded the package through npm multiple times, it's throwing me this error:
Internal server error: Failed to resolve entry for package "vue-socials".
The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its package.json: Failed to resolve entry for package "vue-socials".
The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its package.json.
I tried to look around in the package.json, but I understood nothing (I could attach the package.json of the library here and I might possibly need to).
That error occurs when one of the package's entries points to a non-existent file (as seen in this Vite issue).
Looking at vue-socials's package.json, notice the browser entry is ./dist/vue-socials.esm.js, but the file under dist is actually named (without the m).
A workaround is to alias vue-socials to the correct path:
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {
'vue-socials': 'vue-socials/dist/', 👈

vitetest: Failed to resolve import "$lib/stores/store"

tried running tests with vitest and it can seem to resolve dependencies from $lib/* and $app/* this is the error, Failed to resolve import "$lib/stores/store" from "src/lib/components/Hello.svelte". Does the file exist? here is the link to the playground
It seems Vitest is NOT automatically picking up your Vite config, since it's "hidden" in svelte.config.js and I'm sure there's tons of magic stuff SvelteKit adds, such as the resolve.alias paths for things like the $lib and $app imports to work.
I don't know if Vitest core would do something automatically in the future, but now there's the vitest-svelte-kit package you can use:
Install the package:
npm i -D vitest-svelte-kit
Create a file vitest.config.js and put inside the method that magically extracts the correct vite config for you, according to your settings in svelte.config.js:
// vitest.config.js
import { extractFromSvelteConfig } from "vitest-svelte-kit"
export default extractFromSvelteConfig()
Worked for me!

Webpack: module build failed

I am running npm run dev with this simple app.js:
//import {JetApp, EmptyRouter, HashRouter } from "webix-jet";
import {JetApp} from "webix-jet/dist/es6/jet";
I am getting this error - not sure what i'm missing.
Module build failed: Module not found:
"./assets/app.js" contains a reference to the file "webix-jet/dist/es6/jet".
This file can not be found, please check it for typos or update it if the file got moved.
I've added webix and webix-jet via npm and I can see their sources/dist under node_modules
First, normally you code must look like
import {JetApp} from "webix-jet";
so you need to import just from webix-jet module, there is no need to define exact file ( be sure that you have webix-jet as dependency in the package.json )
Also, this line ./assets/app.js" looks strange as well, as app.js is expected to be in the "src" folder, not in the "assets"

Bundling a plugin with Rollup but having duplicate Vue.js package imported in the client app's bundle (Nuxt)

Dear Stack Overflow / Vue.js / Rollup community
This could be a noob question for the master plugin developers working with Vue and Rollup. I will write the question very explicitly hoping that it could help other noobs like me in the future.
I have simple plugin that helps with form validation. One of the components in this plugin imports Vue in order to programatically create a component and append to DOM on mount like below:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Notification from './Notification.vue' /* a very simple Vue component */
mounted() {
const NotificationClass = Vue.extend(Notification)
const notificationInstance = new NotificationClass({ propsData: { name: 'ABC' } })
This works as expected, and this plugin is bundled using Rollup with a config like this:
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue'
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser'
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
name: 'forms',
globals: {
vue: 'Vue'
plugins: [
external: ['vue']
As you can see, Vue.js is getting externalised in this bundle. The aim (and the assumption) is that the client app that imports this plugin will be running on Vue, therefore there's no need to bundle it here (assumption).
The very simple src/index.js that the bundler uses is below:
import Form from './Form.vue'
export default {
install(Vue, _) {
Vue.component('bs-form', Form)
Rollup creates 2 files (one esm and one umd) and references them in in the plugins package.json file like below:
"name": "bs-forms",
"main": "./dist/umd.js",
"module": "./dist/esm.js",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run build:umd & npm run build:es",
"build:es": "rollup --config rollup.config.js --format es --file dist/esm.js",
"build:umd": "rollup --config rollup.config.js --format umd --file dist/umd.js"
Everything works as expected up to this point and the bundles are generated nicely.
The client app (Nuxt SSR) imports this plugin (using npm-link since it's in development) with a very simple import in a plugin file:
/* main.js*/
import Vue from 'vue'
import bsForms from 'bs-forms'
This plugin file (main.js) is added to nuxt.config.js as a plugin:
// Nuxt Plugins
plugins: [{src: '~/plugins/main'}]
Everything still works as expected but here comes the problem:
Since the clients is a Nuxt app, the Vue is imported by default of course but the externalised Vue module (by the forms plugin) is also imported in the client. Therefore there is a duplication of this package in the client bundle.
I guess the client app can configure its webpack config in order to remove this duplicated module. Perhaps by using something like a Dedupe plugin or something? Can someone suggests how to best handle situation like these?
But what I really want to learn, is the best practice of bundling the plugin at the first place, so that the client doesn't have to change anything in its config and simply imports this plugin and move on.
I know that importing the Vue.js in the plugin may not be a great thing to do at the first place. But there could be other reasons for an import like this as well, for example imagine that the plugin could be written in Typescript and Vue.js / Typescript is written by using Vue.extend statements (see below) which also imports Vue (in order to enable type interface):
import Vue from 'vue'
const Component = Vue.extend({
// type inference enabled
So here's the long question. Please masters of Rollup, help me and the community out by suggesting best practice approaches (or your approaches) to handle situations like these.
Thank you!!!!
I had the same problem and I found this answer of #vatson very helpful
Your problem is the combination of "npm link", the nature of nodejs module loading and the vue intolerance to multiple instances from different places.
Short introduction how import in nodejs works. If your script has some kind of library import, then nodejs initially looks in the local node_modules folder, if local node_modules doesn't contain required dependency then nodejs goes to the folder above to find node_modules and your imported dependency there.
You do not need to publish your package on NPM. It is enough if you generate your package locally using npm pack and then install it in your other project npm install /absolute_path_to_your_local_package/your_package_name.tgz. If you update something in your package, you can reinstall it in your other project and everything should work.
Here is the source about the difference between npm pack and npm link
I have sorted this problem with an interesting caveat:
The duplicate Vue package doesn't get imported when the plugin is used via an NPM package (installed by npm install -save <plugin-name> )
However, during development, if you use the package vie npm link (like npm link <plugin-name>) then Vue gets imported twice, like shown in that image in the original question.
People who encounter similar problems in the future, please try to publish and import your package and see if it makes any difference.
Thank you!

"Unable to resolve module path" in React Native

After adding a new dependency, I get the error message "Unable to resolve module path" in a red screen in my React Native app. I've tried clearing the cache as the screen instructs.
(question is brief as I'm answering it myself)
The error message:
Unable to resolve module path
Should really be:
Unable to resolve module "path"
path is the name of the module it can't load! I was reading the error message as "can't resolve a path to the module".
So the root cause is, the file it lists in the error message is importing the native Node module path, which isn't available on React Native.
The solution is to npm install -D path, which is a replica implementation.
Any imports from #babel/core package is causing this error.
Some code editors are inserting the import line automatically.
For example, import { types } from '#babel/core' is inserted by Visual Studio Code when you enter types.
If you remove the imports from #babel/core in the codes, it will be fixed.
Quote from chronikum on react-native github issues for future readers
Just check if you somewhere accidentally imported something from
Here is the original link
None of the answers are really helpful, I found that the problem in my case was that the macros plugin was missing in my babel configuration file.
This is what I had in my babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"],
After adding the macros plugin
module.exports = {
plugins: ["macros"],
presets: ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"],
If you get this error, most like you are missing a plugin in your babel config.
I have solved my issue by the below steps.
Read the error message carefully, the error is node modules path(mentioned as NO: 1 in below image). In my case, I have the "just-cli/" module (Mentioned NO: 2).
search the module (just-cli) you have imported somewhere in your project and just Remove it. The problem will be solved.