How to create a unique RecyclerView for another RecyclerView in a separate activity - android-recyclerview

I have an application in which on the first activity I create an Item in the recyclerView (a section consisting of one or two words), and by clicking on it I go to another activity where the RecyclerView is also located in which I create ordinary notes by filling out the adapter. The problem is that for each Item I need a separate recyclerView, and wherever I clicked, the same recyclerView opensenter image description here
enter image description here

It's the basic data problem I think.
Maybe You're not passing the right data when an item is clicked. Try putting some logs or debug points where you pass the data in the next activity to set it in the recyclerview.


How to make a recyclerview that shows one item and shows another item when it is swiped horizontally?

For example the recyclerview should show one image at the same time and other image should be shown when the recyclerview is swiped horizontally.(
I use Linear Layout as horizontally to show images.
I've found a solution. I wanted to show just one item or image at the same time in a recylerview and when the recyclerview is swiped next item would be shown to the user. That work is just basic as adding that piece of code in the below after making the configuration of your recylerview.

How to save instance of recyclerView after a drag and drop

I want to save the state of recyclerView after the drag and drop is there any way so far I have tried everything like sharedPreference,savedInstance etc.. is there any way to solve this issue. What I want is when I close the app and reopen it the recyclerView shall remain the same way as it was during drag and drop.

recyclerview with both vertical and horizontal scrolling use layoutManager

I want to create a table using RecyclerView that scrolls both horizontally and vertically (without using the HorizontalScrollView)
I used this class
But unfortunately it has a bug and has not been updated since 2016.
For example, I want the page to scroll from right to left when opened activity, but it is not possible
Please help me if anyone knows.

Xamarin.Android Recycler View prevent duplicated items being added

I am using a Recycler View in my app and the user can add items to the list via speech to text or manually via text.
For the speech to text I have set it up so that list items are seperate by the word and.
For example fish and chips adds the items "fish" and "chips" to the recycler view.
But if someone says fish and chips and chips, how can I prevent chips being added twice?
I'm thinking I need to add something in the OnActivityResults method?
The same as if the item is already in the list how can I prevent it being added again?

Adding A View To An Existing View Programatically

How can you add or replace a view within a view with code? I'm programming for OSX, not IOS.
I am using a drawer that utilizes a custom view. In the custom view I have two boxes, one with a custom set of icons that I want to stay static and another box that has the information related to that button. What I want to do is when a user clicks one of the buttons that the 2nd box view changes to reflect the info for that button.
For example, I have five buttons and the default 2nd box is "Info", if the user clicks the 2nd button in the first box view I want to change the 2nd box to be the "List" box instead while the 1st box with the buttons stays intact.
I'm not sure how this would impact constraints since while the first box is a fixed size, the 2nd box needs to be dynamic so that it fills in the "rest of the space" so that when the drawer size changes with the window size that the 2nd box is taking up the remaining real estate.
Thank you!
I have implemented such a scenario in the past using a tabless NSTabView, and an NSSegmentedControl (for the buttons). The NSTabView has it's -takeSelectedTabViewItemFromSender: action connected to the NSSegmentedControl, using Interface Builder.
In the Connections Inspector, this shows up like so:
This has the effect that the index of the selected NSTabViewItem in your NSTabView will correspond to the index of the selected segment in the NSSegmentedControl.