Mocking a return value for a Subject - Unit Testing with Jasmine - testing

I'm unit testing and part of the testing has a Subject. I'm new to Subjects and get the general gist of how they work but am struggling to mock a return value on one. I've tried various ways in the hopes of stumbling on the correct way like using a spy and returnvalue to return the number 3.
In the component:
private searchEvent: Subject<string> = new Subject<string>();
this.searchEvent.pipe(debounceTime(500)).subscribe(value => {
if (value.length >= 3) {
In my spec file I basically have:
component['searchStockEvent'].subscribe(x=> of(3));
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

searchEvent being private will make it difficult to call next directly on the subject so you have to find a way of what makes searchEvent emit a value of greater than 3 and go that route.
For this demo, we will make it public:
public searchEvent: Subject<string> = new Subject<string>();
this.searchEvent.pipe(debounceTime(500)).subscribe(value => {
if (value.length >= 3) {
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '#angular/core/testing';
it('should call retrieve assets', fakeAsync(() => {;
// we need to pass 501ms in a fake way


Cypress test for element existence conditionally with retry

I read the caveats in the docs on Cypress conditional testing, but nevertheless need to apply it to a particular test for certain reasons.
I have a function to do it, but there are certain selectors that do not work due to lack of retry in this function.
How can I implement retry in conditional testing and avoid flaky tests?
Is it even possible, or does one thing cancel out the other?
export function elementExists(selector: string): boolean {
try {
return Cypress.$(selector).length > 0;
} catch (error) {
return false;
The "standard" way to test existence of an element is pretty simple, but it does not return true/false. It fails the test if element is not found.
Internally the .should() retries the element until command timeout is finished - then fails the test.
If you make your function recursive, you can do the same but instead of failing, return true/false.
function elementExists(selector, attempt = 0) {
const interval = 100; // 100ms between tries
if (attempt * interval > Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout')) {
cy.log(selector, 'not found')
return cy.wrap(false, {log:false})
return cy.get('body', {log:false}).then(($body) => {
const element = $body.find(selector)
if (element.length) {
cy.log(selector, 'found')
return cy.wrap(true, {log:false})
} else {
cy.wait(interval, {log:false})
return elementExists(selector, ++attempt)
elementExists(selector).then(exists => {
if (exists) {
It's even easier now with the cypress-if package.
But retry is implemented asynchronously, so you will have to return a Chainable.
export function elementExists(selector: string): Chainable<boolean> {
return cy.get(selector)
elementExists('span#123').then((result: boolean) =>
if (result) {
The above uses the full API and is very readable, but this should also work for you
export function elementExists(selector: string): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>|undefined> {
return cy.get(selector).if()
elementExists('span#123').then((result: JQuery<HTMLElement>|undefined) =>
if(result.length) {

I can't select an element after calling cy.get('body')

cy.get('body'). then(body => {
cypress doesn't find the class 'layout-header'. when I do like that then it works:
cy.get('body'). then(body => {
I need this because I want to use conditional testing like this:
cy.get('body').then(($body) => {
// synchronously ask for the body's text
// and do something based on whether it includes
// another string
if ($body.text().includes('some string')) {
// yup found it
} else {
// nope not here
could you tell me why?, thanks
The first part of your test cy.wrap(body).should('have.class', '.layout-header') is looking for a class called .layout-header to exist on the body element, not a child element within the body element.
I'm sure you've already read how conditional testing in Cypress is not advised, but with that in mind, this should put you on the right path to conditionally check for an elements' existence:
// This will perform a document query on your body element and
// give you a static node list of child elements have the class '.layout-header'
const hasClass = body[0].querySelectorAll(".layout-header")
if(hasClass.length > 0)
//Code to execute if the class exists in the body
//Code to execute if the class DOES NOT exist in the body
Working example against a demo test site:
describe("working example", ()=>{
it("check body for elements with class name 'custom-control-label'", ()=>{
const hasClass = body[0].querySelectorAll(".custom-control-label")
if(hasClass.length > 0)
cy.log(`The class 'custom-control-label' was found in the body ${hasClass.length} times.`)
cy.log("The class 'custom-control-label' was NOT found in the body.")

Fetching data as reaction to observable array change in MobX

Suppose we have an observable main object array, and observable data about that array (e.g. suppose we have selectedReports and reportParameters) . Now suppose we emit action to either add report to the array or remove report from that array. How do we run an action to fetch the data for reportParameters, as reaction?
Thus far, my attempt, which isn't working, looks like this:
// report parameters stuff
async fetchAllReportParameters() {
() => this.selectedReports,
async (reports) => {
// reset the report parameters
this.reportParameters = {}
// fetch the parameters for all the reports
await reports
.forEach((report) => {
* fetches report parameters for a reportId
* #param {number} reportId
fetchReportParameters = (reportId) => {
this.reportParameters[reportId] = []
const onSuccess = (reportParameters) => {
this.reportParameters[reportId] = reportParameters
.then(onSuccess, this.fetchReportParametersError)
fetchReportParametersError = (error) => {
// TODO: output some error here
Are you ever actually calling fetchAllReportParameters? If you don't, the reaction will never be created. You may instead like to create the reaction from the constructor, assuming you always want it to be run. One example:
class SomeStore {
constructor() {
this.disposeReportsReaction = reaction(
() => this.selectedReports.slice(),
reports => {
// ...
Call storeInstanceName.disposeReaction() whenever you're done with the reaction.
Notice that I've used .slice() here. This is because if you simply pass the array reference, the reaction will never be called. See reaction docs: you have to actually use the value in some way.
You also need to tweak the async code a bit. This:
async (reports) => {
await reports.forEach((report) => {
// ...
won't do what you hope, because forEach returns undefined. Even if you shift the async keyword to the forEach callback, all the API requests will be sent in quick succession. Consider using something like this instead, depending on whether you want to wait for the preceding request before sending the next one:
try {
for (const report of reports) {
await this.fetchReportParameters(
} catch (e) {
// handle error
This isn't always the right answer: sometimes it's fine to send a bunch of requests in quick succession (perhaps especially if it's a small batch, and/or in the context of HTTP/2). If that's ok with you, you could use:
reports => {
// ...
reports.forEach(report => this.fetchReportParameters(

Sinon stub withArgs ignores extra arguments

My production code looks like:
exports.convertWord = number => { /* some logic here */ }
exports.methodUnderTest = () => {
return exports.convertWord(1);
Test code:
const mockConvertToWord = sinon.stub();
fileUnderTest.convertWord = mockConvertToWord;
const result = fileUnderTest.methodUnderTest();
Test above is green. I expect my test will break if I change prod code to this:
exports.convertWord = number => { /* some logic here */ }
exports.methodUnderTest = () => {
return exports.convertWord(1, 'another arg');
but it's not. Sinon works fine even when I pass extra params which I didn't point in withArgs method. How can I tell sinon to return value only when method has been called with exact number of params?
One way to do this is to use stub.callsFake(fakeFunction):
mockConvertToWord.callsFake((...args) => args.length === 1 && args[0] === 1 ? 'one' : undefined);
An alternative approach with a stub is to use a sinon.assert to make sure the stub was called with the epected arguments as noted by #deerawan.
Another approach is to use a mock:
const mock = sinon.mock(fileUnderTest);
const result = fileUnderTest.methodUnderTest();
Another alternative, perhaps you can try to check the call of convertToWord like
// check the function
sinon.assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(mockConvertToWord, '1');
Hope it helps

Vue. Where does this code go?

We jumped into Vue, and totally loved the idea of a store, separating page state from presentation. We wrote a zippy alert component, that displayed whatever alert string was in store.pageError.
Then we wanted to add confirm(), so we gave our component a ref, and a popConfirm() method that returned a promise, and whenever we wanted to confirm something, we called...
vm.$refs.alertConfirm.confirm("Are you sure?")
.then(function(conf){if(conf) /* do it */ })
...and the component became responsible for managing its own visibility, without anything happening in the store.
This worked so well that soon lots of components started sprouting refs, so they could be called directly as methods. In the latest incarnation, we implemented a tunnel with six steps, with api calls and user actions called in parallel with Promise.all(), and it works great, but the store has taken a big step back, and more and more state is being managed directly in Vue components. These components are no longer dumb representations of store state, but increasingly little functional sequences with state managed internally.
How do we reassert the idea of a store, while keeping the convenience of calling these short functional sequences as methods?
Here is our tunnel code. This currently lives in the methods of a Vue component, where markup, state, and sequential logic are joyously mixed. This can't be good?
startTunnel(idNote) {
var rslt = {
idNote: idNote,
photoJustif: null,
date: null,
currency: "",
montant: null
//---------------Step 1: photo et count notes in parallel
//---------------Step 2: Choose note if > 1
.then(function (results) {
rslt.photoJustif = results[0];
// if we already know the note, go straight to Step 3.
if (rslt.idNote)
return true;
// if no idNote supplied, and only one returned from server, assign it.
if (results[1].notes.length === 1 && !rslt.idNote) {
rslt.idNote = results[1].notes[0].idNote;
return true;
else {
return me.$refs.chooseNote.choose(results[1].notes)
// combine photoJustif from Step 1 with idNote chosen just above.
.then(function (idNoteChosen) { rslt.idNote = idNoteChosen; return true })
//--------------Step 3: OCR
.then(() => me.doOcr(rslt))
//--------------Step 4: Choose nature and retrieve card statement from server in parallel
.then(function (ocrResult) {
if (ocrResult != null) { //Si ocr n'a pas échoué =;
rslt.montant = ocrResult.montant;
rslt.currency = ocrResult.currency;
return Promise.all([
me.$refs.chooseNature.init(rslt.idNote, ocrResult.grpNatures),
getUrlAsJson("api/expense/relevecarte/filterpers", { IdPerson: 1, montant: ocrResult.montant })
else return null;
//--------------Step 5: Choose card transaction
.then(function (natureAndFraisCartes) {
if (natureAndFraisCartes != null) {
rslt.idNature = natureAndFraisCartes[0].id;
if (rslt.montant != null && natureAndFraisCartes[1].length > 1)
return me.$refs.choixFraisCarte.init(rslt, natureAndFraisCartes[1]);
return null;
else return null;
//------------- Step 6: End tunnel
.then(function (fraisCarte) {
me.$refs.form.idNote.value = rslt.idNote;
var jsonObject;
if (fraisCarte != null) {
me.$refs.form.action.value = 15;
jsonObject = {
"IdNature": rslt.idNature,
"MontantTicket": rslt.montant,
"Justificatif": rslt.photoJustif,
else {
me.$refs.form.action.value = 14;
jsonObject = {
"IdNature": rslt.idNature,
"MontantTicket": rslt.montant,
"Justificatif": rslt.photoJustif,
"idCarte": 0
me.$refs.form.obj.value = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
.catch(function (error) {
me.$refs.loader.hide(); = false;
me.rslt = {
idNote: idNote,
photoJustif: null,
date: null,
montant: null
vueStore.pageError = me.allStrings.tunnelPhoto.erreurTunnel;
It looks like the problem is that you got away from thinking declaratively and went to thinking imperatively. When you want to confirm something, you should set a confirmPrompt data item, and the component should be watching it in much the same way it watches the alert string.
There should be a data item for the confirmation response to indicate whether you're waiting for a response, or it was confirmed or it was canceled. It's all program state.
Using $refs is a code smell. It's not always wrong, but you should always think about why you're doing it. Things like me.$refs.loader.hide(); suggest program state changes that should be controlled by setting a loaderIsVisible data item, for example.