Gitlab Pipeline shows wrong status - gitlab-ci

in .gitlab-ci.yml I am using trigger to use different CI configurations.
When running a pipeline, it shows the status as passed even that the downstream pipeline failed.
How can I make the pipeline status to display failed when the downstream pipeline is failing?


Fail GitLab CI pipeline if any of the stage jobs are failed

I want a pipeline to fail if any job of the build stage are failed. In fact, it already works in that way but I have to wait all other jobs of the same stage to finish.
Only then the pipeline will fail.
Each job has allow_failure set to false so I have no idea how to fail pipeline immediately if one of the stage jobs fails. Any ideas?

Is there a better way to disable/skip a job in a GitLab CI pipeline than commenting everything out?

I have a job in a GitLab CI pipeline that I want to temporarily disable because it is not working. My test suites are running locally but not inside docker, so until I figure that out I want to skip the test job or the test stage.
I tried commenting out the stage, but then I get an error message from the CI validation: test job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, deploy, .post
So I can simply comment out the entire job, but I was wondering if there was a better way?
Turns out, there is! It's quite at the end of the very thorough documentation of GitLab CI:
Instead of using comments on the job or stage, simply prefix the job name with a dot ..
Example from the official documentation:
- run test

gitlab: Is there a way to http access an artifact during a job, rather than after?

I'm trying to run a pipeline with two stages. The first stage creates a zip file and the second stage executes a http curl POST for that file. If the curl succeeds, the pipeline is completed.
The problem is that gitlab only exposes the zip file AFTER the pipeline has completed - which means the zip file from the previous pipeline gets sent instead.
I've tried using artifacts and dependencies, but it seems the http url is only exposed for completed pipelines. I tried using the url of the specific job that executed the build stage, but it didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to access an artifact by URL, before pipeline completion?
i was unable to find a way to access the artifact remotely before the pipeline had completed. sad face.
i have a workaround though - i moved the deploy stage to a separate pipeline. so the first pipeline just executes the build (generating the artifacts) and then triggers the second pipeline. the second pipeline is then able to access the artifacts of the first pipeline and it just executes a deploy stage. happy face.

I want to run a specific drone pipeline in series

I have a drone.yml running 3 pipelines on my github repo. One for pullrequests that get run as soon as some one submits a pull request, a pipeline for releases that makes docker containers and outputs a docker-compose, and now I'm making a pipeline that runs integration tests after a merge into master.
One of the steps is that it updates a test server, which is making the task challenging. Is there a way to force this specific drone pipeline to only run if there isn't any other of this pipeline running?
You can used depends_on to force the order of the pipelines execution.
Pipeline: Graph Execution

Is there a way to run command lines asynchronously in Azure-DevOps Build Pipeline?

I'm setting up an Azure-DevOps pipeline in which I want to include automated tests via the Newman CLI.
Imagine a pipeline like this.
Build Project
Copy build to test folder
Run the application => (API-Server)
Run Newman
Kill API Server Process
On Success Copy Build to another folder.
My Problem is that my server application is in a waiting state after it's initialization.
The next Task in my build pipeline won't start.
Is there a way to run multiple command lines asynchronously in Azure-DevOps?
Starting the process in via "start" won't work since it throws me an
ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.
start "%TESTDIR%\foo\bar.exe"
timeout 10