get checked values in a pdf file - pdf

I am having some troubles extracting some informations from pdf files with checkboxes.
I would like to get the value next to checked box.
Do anyone have an idea how I can solve this problem please ? enter image description here


Where do I find the field that determines whether a PDF has or is a fillable form or a scanned image?

A very quick question but I am at wits end trying to find it so I hope someone might have crossed this path. I have thousands of PDF's and need to know which of them are fillable forms or scanned images. I know I have seen a field that shows form : Acroform or something to that effect. Might this be in the info dictionary or do I need to go the XMP route? Is this the same location I might be able to tell if a PDF was a scanned image or page (I recognize that might have to be split into a separate question.
The goal is to loop through a series of pdfs and extract that data for a table.
Thank you

Extracting Adobe PDF Form Properties

I have searched for an answer to this question but perhaps I am searching with the incorrect terminology as I have found nothing so far. Any help would be great!
I would like to extract the positions of text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes, etc. from an Adobe PDF file. Is there a way to do this? Is there a way to do this with Python?
Thanks for your help!
Does this post help? It runs through extracting text from a pdf and has a line of code commented out which will show the coordinates of text. Finding and extracting specific text from URL PDF files, without downloading or writing (solution)

Is there a way to set a file name when jspdf output()

My site draws a column chart. I have a button to save it as a PDF file showing it before saving.
The way it works now is this.
google.visualization draws the chart.
html2canvas takes a screenshot of the chart.
jsPDF inserts the screenshot in a PDF file and shows it to the user.
The problem is the name of the PDF file. It is something like 5d78c1eb-0829-4e7e-8ffc-71cf1f102f56.pdf and the url is blob:
When user sees the PDF and clicks save he receives this awful file name.
Now I show the PDF this way:'bloburl'), '_blank');
I can set desired file name if I change this line to this:'sample-file.pdf');
But in such a case the file just downloads but I need to show it first.
Is there a way to show the PDF and give it a desirable name? I tried this:'bloburl', {filename: 'myFileName.pdf'}), '_blank');
But it did not help.
Another way I see is not showing the PDF from jsPDF, but sending images to the server and making a PDF file there using TCPDF. The files made with TCPDF can have a name I give it, but I think it is dumb to send the images there and back.
So the question is how can I make a PDF and show it to the user with the name I want?
At the moment the answer is no. You can download it directly, as mentioned in the accepted answer of this question: Download with filename
But you create an objectUrl and therefore the filename is always the url.
Maybe you could create an browser-extension for this...but I haven't had the time to try yet. Furthermore, you can't expect your visitors to have the extension installed.

MVC4 having trouble formatting text from database

I am having trouble with showing my formatted SQL text.I have a form and Textarea where I put down comments. I wrote the following comment below that you see on the picture. I had a simple numbered list with no HTML I simply went from 1-5 pressed enter and it saved in the database just how I wrote it.
once I show that text on my page it looks like this
As you can see the text is mangled and it is not showing how I saved it in the database. How can I correct this? I have tried
#Model.comment and #Html.Raw(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Model.comment))
but it's not working any help would be great
Use HtmlEncode. This will make the correct encoding.

is it possible to select ,copy a text in pdf?

i want to create a pdf page where i want to copy some text and paste in other document. i have gone through many pdf examples but i havent seen any app with selecting text in i want to know whether it is possible or do i need to try with some other formats other than pdf
For this you need CGPDF class for this purpose here is link this might help you