How to access the field of top-level object? - kotlin

When I do this
val data = object {
val field = 5
fun main(){
println(data.field) // throws
It throws Unresolved reference: field.
But all of this is ok:
val field = 6
class Data(val field: Int = 7)
val data7 = Data()
fun main(){
val data4 = object {
val field = 4
println(field) // ok
println(data4.field) // ok
println(data7.field) // ok
I do not get it, why Kotlin does not let me use properties from top-level objects? I thought that object is just like class object, but anonymous (without class) and there should be no difference between data and data7 in examples above. But it seems that there is difference.

This is documented in the "Object Literals" section of the Language Specification, about the difference between object declarations and anonymous objects (the things that object literals create).
The main difference between a regular object declaration and an anonymous object is its type. The type of an anonymous object is a special kind of type which is usable (and visible) only in the scope where it is declared. It is similar to a type of a regular object declaration, but, as it cannot be used outside the declaring scope, has some interesting effects.
Your data here is considered to have escaped the declaring scope of "the top level of the file", because it is public. You can access it from the top level scopes of other files.
Note: in this context “escaping current scope” is performed immediately if the corresponding value is declared as a non-private global- or classifier-scope property, as those are parts of an externally accessible interface.
Marking it private would have fixed it. The reason for the error is that:
When a value of an anonymous object type escapes current scope:
If the type has only one declared supertype, it is implicitly downcasted to this declared supertype;
If the type has several declared supertypes, there must be an implicit or explicit cast to any suitable type visible outside the scope, otherwise it is a compile-time error.
Here, the super type is implicitly Any, so the type of data is Any, and obviously there is no field on the type Any.
On the other hand, data4 have not escaped the current scope, because it is local to the main function's statement scope. You can't access it from another scope.
See also the great example from the spec.


Kotlin error Smart cast to 'X' is impossible, because 'state' is a property that has open or custom getter when trying to observe state

I'm try to observe state as you see but when i use when and try to get data, compiler says Smart cast is impossible by casting it solves the problem but It felt like i'm doing it in wrong way, i want to know there is any other solution to fix this error.
sealed class Response<out T : Any> {
object Loading : Response<Nothing>()
data class Success<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Response<T>()
data class Error(val error: ResultError, val message: String? = null) : Response<Nothing>()
val userState by userViewModel.userState.collectAsState()
is Response.Error -> userState.error // Smart cast to 'Response.Error' is impossible, because 'userState' is a property that has open or custom getter
Response.Loading -> Unit
is Response.Success -> // Smart cast to 'Response.Success<User>' is impossible, because 'userState' is a property that has open or custom getter
This line:
val userState by userViewModel.userState.collectAsState()
Defines userState through a delegate, so the compiler cannot guarantee that subsequent reads of the property's value will give the same value. In particular here, it means the access in the when() condition and the access within the when's branches might not return the same value from the compiler's point of view, thus it cannot smart cast.
You could use an intermediate variable here:
val userState by userViewModel.userState.collectAsState()
when(val s = userState){
is Response.Error -> s.error
Response.Loading -> Unit
is Response.Success ->
Now since s is a local val the compiler can guarantee it will have the same value in the condition and in the when branches, and smart casting works
Compiler can only perform smart casts when it can guarantee that the value won't change with time. Otherwise, we might get into the situation where after the type check the variable changed to another value and does no longer satisfy the previous constraint.
Delegated properties (ones declared with by keyword) are much different than "normal" variables. They don't really hold any value, but each time we access them, we actually invoke getValue() (or setValue()) on their delegate. With each access the delegate may provide a different value. Compiler can't guarantee immutability of the value and therefore smart casts are disallowed.
To fix this problem, we need to create a local copy of the data that is delegated. This is like invoking getValue() and storing the result as a local variable, so it can no longer change. Then we can perform smart casts on this local data copy. It can be understood better with the following example:
fun main() {
val delegated by Delegate()
println(delegated) // 0
println(delegated) // 1
println(delegated) // 2
val local = delegated // `local` set to 3
println(local) // 3
println(delegated) // 4
println(local) // 3
class Delegate {
var i = 0
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Int {
return i++
Each time we access delegated it returns a different value. It may change between null and not null or even change the type entirely. When we assign it to local we take "current" value of delegated and store its copy locally. Then delegated still changes with each access, but local is constant, so we can perform smart casts on it.
Depending on your case, if there is a way to acquire "current" or "direct" value of userViewModel.userState.collectAsState() then you can use it when assigning to userState - then it should work as you expect. If there is no such function, then I think the easiest is to use another variable to store a local copy, like this:
val _userState by userViewModel.userState.collectAsState() // delegated
val userState = _userState // local copy, immutable
is Response.Error -> userState.error // Smart cast to 'Response.Error' is impossible, because 'userState' is a property that has open or custom getter
Response.Loading -> Unit
is Response.Success -> // Smart cast to 'Response.Success<User>' is impossible, because 'userState' is a property that has open or custom getter

Exposing an object variable as public makes its members unresolvable

I have a Kotlin class with a member object:
private var strings = object { var foo = ""; var bar = "" }
Inside my class's functions, I can reference and
But when I make strings a public var, suddenly all of its members become "unresolved references". Why?
class Foo {
// Making this `private` fixes the errors below for some reason
public var strings = object {
var foo = ""
var bar = ""
fun initialize() { = getFoo() // "Unresolved reference: foo" = getBar() // "Unresolved reference: bar"
(What I'm trying to do here is expose a whole bunch of string resources as constants so I don't have to use the literal string values throughout my code. I'm actually using lateinit var for each member but that doesn't change the result here.)
strings is defined with an object literal. You probably want to use an regular object declaration instead:
object Strings {...}
strings = Strings()
With the object literal, strings is an anonymous object whose type is "usable (and visible) only in the scope where it is declared".
without any explicitly declared supertype, menaing Any is implicit super type of this object.
When you make strings a public var, it escapes the current scope and is implicitly downcasted to its supertype; without any explicitly declared supertype, the supertype is Any, so of course you get errors trying to reference the properties foo and bar.
From Kotlin spec
The main difference between a regular object declaration and an anonymous object is its type. The type of an anonymous object is a special kind of type which is usable (and visible) only in the scope where it is declared. It is similar to a type of a regular object declaration, but, as it cannot be used outside the declaring scope, has some interesting effects.
When a value of an anonymous object type escapes current scope:
If the type has only one declared supertype, it is implicitly downcasted to this declared supertype;
If the type has several declared supertypes, there must be an implicit or explicit cast to any suitable type visible outside the scope, otherwise it is a compile-time error.
Note: an implicit cast may arise, for example, from the results of type inference.
Note: in this context “escaping current scope” is performed immediately if the corresponding value is declared as a non-private global- or classifier-scope property, as those are parts of an externally accessible interface.
You could also use a Companion object:
companion object Strings {
var foo = ""
var bar = ""
fun init(){
foo = getFoo()
bar = getBar()

Collection<KProperty1<I,*>> How to get the property instance

I'm currently using Reflection to inspect an element at runtime using the class.memberProperties function. The type of properties is collection<KProperty1<I, *>> so I run through each of the KProperty objects to find the one that I want by checking if the name is equal to "nameIWant", though I would much rather be able to get the instance of the property from the KProperty by using the .get() method on the property, so that then I could do a check such as:
if (property.get(receiver) is ClassIWant) {
//Do something
My code looks like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
run {
if ("nameIWant")) {
So far I've been trying to use the .get() method on the KProperty1 type but it takes an argument receiver of type Nothing. I'm not able to work out what I need to pass in order to call the .get() method and get the particular instance of the property. I've also checked the documentation here: but it hasn't really helped at all.
justPassingBy is right. but the more simple way is to use:
myObj.javaClass.kotlin.memberProperties.foreach { property ->
If you want to get the value of the property, cast the class into invariant type.
instance::class.memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<out Instance, *>
(instance::class as KClass<Instance>).memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<Instance, *>
If your KClass<Instance> is KClass<*>, use Any as Instance.
Why did the take Nothing as receiver?
Because instance::class returns KClass<out Instance>, which propagates the covariant type argument down to the property, which it becomes KProperty<out Instance, *>, which narrows down the possible method receiver to any subtype of Instance, but because we do not know which, we can not safely supply any instance of Instance, as show by the rules of variance, which here limit the generic type argument to Nothing, which means it is impossible to call the method at all.
Why is ::class designed to be covariant?
To guarantee safety. This has been an issue of great debates as it seems somewhat illogical.
If you want to know the type of the value that the property can return, use
It returns a KType, wich is Kotlin's version of Java's Type, which is a more generic concept of a Class (which is one of the implementations of Type).
If you need to 'convert' the KType to a KClass, you need to do the same as if you needed to convert Type to a Class, which is get the raw type of the type. Raw type is type stripped of the any generic information, yes, an erased type. The way to do this is (seemingly) more complicated (involves handling each possible KType/Type implementation) and I recommend checking for answer to this problem separately.
You will be able to reuse Java implementation (that you will surely find on your own) using:
kType.javaType.covertJavaTypeToJavaClass().kotlin // returns KClass<*>
Corrections in your question. I recommend using the proper terms if you wish to receive proper answers:
* I in your question is type of the method receiver, not the value of the property
* collection is not a type, Collection is
* property is ClassIWantis ambiguous as property.type is type of the value in the property and property::class is simply the property implementation, is is also an instanceof check, but in reflection, you need to use KClass.isSubclassOf, or what is known in Java as type.isAssignableFrom (watch the call order), which then makes your condition to be ClassIWant.isSuperclassOf(property.type.getRawType())
* instance of the property properties have values, not instances. Only classes have instances. Instances are values and values are instances (of some class), but you must still say instance representing the value of the property
You can create a KType for your ClassIWant and then check the property's returnType. It will be something like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
val desiredType = ClassIWant::class.createType()
properties.forEach { property ->
if ( == "nameIWant" && property.returnType == desiredType) {
btw you can cast your property variable to correct type and use get
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
val value = (property as KProperty1<Payload, *>).get(request.payload)
if ( == "nameIWant" && value is ClassIWant) {
} as String?

Expression 'classLevel' of type 'Any' cannot be invoked as a function. The function 'invoke()' is not found

Consider the following class:
class Test {
val classLevel = object {
operator fun invoke() = println("test class level property invocaton")
fun foo() {
val functionLevel = object {
operator fun invoke() = println("test invocation")
functionLevel() // no problem
classLevel() // Expression 'classLevel' of type 'Any' cannot be invoked as a function. The function 'invoke()' is not found
Why does the second invoke, the one to the class property, not compile? It is declared the same way as in the function.
I think this is about types.
The classLevel field is of an anonymous type (a subtype of Any, created by the object expression). That type has an invoke() method.
However, that type isn't visible outside the class. So if the property has a getter (i.e. it isn't private), the getter can't return the anonymous type; it has to return the closest named type, which is Any. And Any doesn't have an invoke() method.
I'm not certain whether the code within the class will use the getter method if available, or whether the underlying field's type must exactly match that of the getter if present. But either way, the upshot is clearly that if there's a getter, referring to classLevel within the class gets you an Any reference, and so you can't call invoke() on it. (And you can't down-cast the reference to your object type, which does have invoke(), because that type doesn't have a name.)
One solution, as you found, is to make the field private; that removes the getter, and allows its underlying type to be the actual object type, which is why invoke() is then available to be called.
Another would probably be to define a named type for the object to implement.

Property initialization using "by lazy" vs. "lateinit"

In Kotlin, if you don't want to initialize a class property inside the constructor or in the top of the class body, you have basically these two options (from the language reference):
Lazy Initialization
lazy() is a function that takes a lambda and returns an instance of Lazy<T> which can serve as a delegate for implementing a lazy property: the first call to get() executes the lambda passed to lazy() and remembers the result, subsequent calls to get() simply return the remembered result.
public class Hello {
val myLazyString: String by lazy { "Hello" }
So, the first call and the subsequential calls, wherever it is, to myLazyString will return Hello
Late Initialization
Normally, properties declared as having a non-null type must be initialized in the constructor. However, fairly often this is not convenient. For example, properties can be initialized through dependency injection, or in the setup method of a unit test. In this case, you cannot supply a non-null initializer in the constructor, but you still want to avoid null checks when referencing the property inside the body of a class.
To handle this case, you can mark the property with the lateinit modifier:
public class MyTest {
lateinit var subject: TestSubject
#SetUp fun setup() { subject = TestSubject() }
#Test fun test() { subject.method() }
The modifier can only be used on var properties declared inside the body of a class (not in the primary constructor), and only when the property does not have a custom getter or setter. The type of the property must be non-null, and it must not be a primitive type.
So, how to choose correctly between these two options, since both of them can solve the same problem?
Here are the significant differences between lateinit var and by lazy { ... } delegated property:
lazy { ... } delegate can only be used for val properties, whereas lateinit can only be applied to vars, because it can't be compiled to a final field, thus no immutability can be guaranteed;
lateinit var has a backing field which stores the value, and by lazy { ... } creates a delegate object in which the value is stored once calculated, stores the reference to the delegate instance in the class object and generates the getter for the property that works with the delegate instance. So if you need the backing field present in the class, use lateinit;
In addition to vals, lateinit cannot be used for nullable properties or Java primitive types (this is because of null used for uninitialized value);
lateinit var can be initialized from anywhere the object is seen from, e.g. from inside a framework code, and multiple initialization scenarios are possible for different objects of a single class. by lazy { ... }, in turn, defines the only initializer for the property, which can be altered only by overriding the property in a subclass. If you want your property to be initialized from outside in a way probably unknown beforehand, use lateinit.
Initialization by lazy { ... } is thread-safe by default and guarantees that the initializer is invoked at most once (but this can be altered by using another lazy overload). In the case of lateinit var, it's up to the user's code to initialize the property correctly in multi-threaded environments.
A Lazy instance can be saved, passed around and even used for multiple properties. On contrary, lateinit vars do not store any additional runtime state (only null in the field for uninitialized value).
If you hold a reference to an instance of Lazy, isInitialized() allows you to check whether it has already been initialized (and you can obtain such instance with reflection from a delegated property). To check whether a lateinit property has been initialized, you can use property::isInitialized since Kotlin 1.2.
A lambda passed to by lazy { ... } may capture references from the context where it is used into its closure.. It will then store the references and release them only once the property has been initialized. This may lead to object hierarchies, such as Android activities, not being released for too long (or ever, if the property remains accessible and is never accessed), so you should be careful about what you use inside the initializer lambda.
Also, there's another way not mentioned in the question: Delegates.notNull(), which is suitable for deferred initialization of non-null properties, including those of Java primitive types.
lateinit vs lazy
i) Use it with mutable variable[var]
lateinit var name: String //Allowed
lateinit val name: String //Not Allowed
ii) Allowed with only non-nullable data types
lateinit var name: String //Allowed
lateinit var name: String? //Not Allowed
iii) It is a promise to compiler that the value will be initialized in future.
NOTE: If you try to access lateinit variable without initializing it then it throws UnInitializedPropertyAccessException.
i) Lazy initialization was designed to prevent unnecessary initialization of objects.
ii) Your property will not be initialized unless you use it.
iii) It is initialized only once. Next time when you use it, you get the value from cache memory.
iv) It is thread safe(It is initialized in the thread where it is used for the first time. Other threads use the same value stored in the cache).
v) The property can only be val.
vi) The property can be of any type (including primitives and nullables, which are not allowed with lateinit).
Very Short and concise Answer
lateinit: It initialize non-null properties lately
Unlike lazy initialization, lateinit allows the compiler to recognize that the value of the non-null property is not stored in the constructor stage to compile normally.
lazy Initialization
by lazy may be very useful when implementing read-only(val) properties that perform lazy-initialization in Kotlin.
by lazy { ... } performs its initializer where the defined property is first used, not its declaration.
Additionnally to hotkey's good answer, here is how I choose among the two in practice:
lateinit is for external initialisation: when you need external stuff to initialise your value by calling a method.
e.g. by calling:
private lateinit var value: MyClass
fun init(externalProperties: Any) {
value = somethingThatDependsOn(externalProperties)
While lazy is when it only uses dependencies internal to your object.
In addition to all of the great answers, there is a concept called lazy loading:
Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.
Using it properly, you can reduce the loading time of your application. And Kotlin way of it's implementation is by lazy() which loads the needed value to your variable whenever it's needed.
But lateinit is used when you are sure a variable won't be null or empty and will be initialized before you use it -e.g. in onResume() method for android- and so you don't want to declare it as a nullable type.
Everything is correct above, but one of facts simple explanation LAZY----There are cases when you want to delay the creation of an instance of your object until its
first usage. This technique is known as lazy initialization or lazy instantiation. The main
purpose of lazy initialization is to boost performance and reduce your memory footprint. If
instantiating an instance of your type carries a large computational cost and the program
might end up not actually using it, you would want to delay or even avoid wasting CPU
Diff btw lateinit and lazy
Use only with mutable variable i.e. var and non-nullable data types
lateinit var name: String //Allowed with non-nullable
You are telling the compiler that the value will be initialized in future.
NOTE: If you try to access lateinit variable without initializing it then it throws UnInitializedPropertyAccessException.
Lazy initialization was designed to prevent unnecessary initialization of objects.
Your variable will not be initialized unless you use it.
It is initialized only once. Next time when you use it, you get the value from cache memory.
It is thread safe.
The variable can only be val and non-nullable.
Cheers :)
If you are using Spring container and you want to initialize non-nullable bean field, lateinit is better suited.
lateinit var myBean: MyBean
If you use an unchangable variable, then it is better to initialize with by lazy { ... } or val. In this case you can be sure that it will always be initialized when needed and at most 1 time.
If you want a non-null variable, that can change it's value, use lateinit var. In Android development you can later initialize it in such events like onCreate, onResume. Be aware, that if you call REST request and access this variable, it may lead to an exception UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property yourVariable has not been initialized, because the request can execute faster than that variable could initialize.