Count if matched 2 criteria Google Sheets - spreadsheet

I have question about how to count if matched 2 criteria
This is my sample file : SAMPLE FILE COUNTIF
I also put my expectation result in my file, maybe you'll easily understand after open my file.
Thank You!


read_excel only read cells formated as table

This is the way I am currently importing the information from an excel file where all rows that contains information are formatted as a table. Row number 13 is the header.
df = pd.read_excel('path_to_file', skiprows=12, usecols="C:T", na_values='N/A')
My question is, considering that I have skipped the rows(skiprows) and columns(usecols) without information, is pandas only reading down to the end of the cells that contain values? Currently 65.500 but increasing everyday, or always read a fix amount(e.g. 1M)
Is there any way that I can improve the performance/only read the necessary rows(cells with values)?
Thank you!

Reading xlsx into R and creating new header

I'm a newbie to R.
I read in an Excel file for a survey, but I started reading observations from the 3rd row of the excel file, as the survey download creates a first two rows of the question string (first row for all questions) followed by a second row of multiple choice questions (each option gets its own column except the first option, which is listed in the same column in the second row as the question in the first row).
So now, my dataframe starts with Row 3.
But now I need to create custom variable names - ie. new variable names for each column before I manipulate further. I'm looking for tips on how to best accomplish this.
What I am thinking:
Create an Excel file with the variable names, and then use this is as the header. I'm not quite sure which code I would use to do this.
Code the names as an empty dataframe, and then somehow merge this so the empty dataframe column names are the column names for the file I imported.
I would appreciate some suggestions on how best to do this!

How to write an excel index match formula with varying criteria?

Good day,
I have this index/match formula constructed based on a csv table i donwloaded from our office system and it's working fine:
IFERROR(INDEX('2nd'!$A$1:$D$100,MATCH("Enter BIN 1 Quantity",'2nd'!$B$1:$B$100,0),4),0)
However, I noticed that some tables i donwloaded showed different search patterns . Sometimes it's
"Enter Bin1 Qty"(no space) and there are times its just "Bin 1 Qty" or Bin1 Quantity". How can I make my formula adapt to this varying search criteria?. Your kind help will be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
On this Final Table i will be displaying all the data from index matches formula. Got 2 other sheets, 1st and 2nd where I will paste the downloaded csv tables. 2nd sheet displays the 1st table image i posted here (w/c include the varying description and its equivalent value).
Hi #OverflowStacker, I tried your solution below but its throwing number error. Based on the above tables, here is the formula based on your solution, kindly check any problem in referencing, thanks, appreciate the help in advance (i entered it as an array as you mentioned below)
INDEX('2nd'!$D$2:$D$100,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(INDEX($T$2:$T$5,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($T$2:$T$5,SUBSTITUTE('2nd'!B2," ",""))),ROW($T$2:$T$5)),1)),SUBSTITUTE('2nd'!$B$2:$B$100," ",""))),ROW('2nd'!$B$2:$B$100)),1))
This is where i placed the possible search strings.
This is rather complicated :). It's an Array-formula CTRLSHIFTENTER
=INDEX($G$1:$G$4,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(INDEX($D$1:$D$4,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1:$D$4,SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))),ROW($D$1:$D$4)),1)),SUBSTITUTE($F$1:$F$4," ",""))),ROW($F$1:$F$4)),1))
You can create a list with search terms (here in column D) to get right keyword which is searched for in table 2 (columns F:G).

Find number combination in every row in excel

I have ten column and multiple rows in one Excel sheet with numbers in it. How could I let VBA find all the combination in every row and add the number for all rows.
For example, there is A2:100 and D2:7; C9:7 and F9:100 then it will output a format like 100+7:2
These steps should help get started. Unless you are talking about every possible combination of the number, which is a far more complex topic. You should try to write something and then edit your question to include your code.
Loop the columns For i = 1 to 10
Range(Cells(1, i),Cells(10,i)).Address(False,False) : e.g. A1:A10
WorkSheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(1, i),Cells(10,i)).Address(False,False)): 100

How can i merge header cells in Excel writer in pentaho?

I am trying to merge header cells columns into one cell but when i do that my data also comes in one column. I want my resulting output as per this screenshot attached. Kindly help me for this.
Are your columns variable? Or you always have the same output schema?
If it's fixed then, I would use a template where the headers are fixed and I start populating from row 5.
Google Spreadsheet input
If you are using the Spreadsheet input that is not possible on the step.
What I usually do in that kind of situation is to create a row with my headers and hide it so the user don't get confused with two headers. Them the Step will get the result perfectly using the column names provided on first row. (you can use a formula like =b3 there so it changes with the real header. No problem.)
Excel input
If you are using the Excel input step you can set the sheet to be read from row 2, column 0 and should work fine. =)