VBA Userform button image quality is poor - vba

I have a VBA userform with images on all the buttons but for whatever reason the quality of the image on the buttons is terrible. In the attached image you can see the image that is being used on the left is nice and clear but once it gets put onto the button it gets all blurry and pixelated. Is there a setting that can be changed to fix this?
Button comparison


Background image gets cut off, even though form and image size match

I am trying to create a Ludo game using Windows Forms.
I have set the background to be the image of a ludo board, where both the image and the window have the same size (960x960). I cannot use the image stretch feature, as it will mess with the button positions on my Form.
The Form has the bottom and the right side of the background image trimmed off, even though the Form matches the size of the background image.
The Size of the form is the outer dimensions. You should set the ClientSize of your form to the Size of the Image, which you can do in code. That way, the image and form will look correct no matter what window chrome is or isn't present.

Fit picture to user form layout

I'm having a hard time tring to fit the picture into the userform background when I change the layout.
The picture just minimized and not filling the userform.

Powerpoint VBA Positioning listview

I am trying to get 2 listview objects to work on a powerpoint slide. I can place them anywhere on the slide, but when I start the slideshow, 2 smaller copies appear in the upper-left corner. Text added to the listview appear in the upper-left boxes. I can't select the original listview either.
How can I prevent the 2 copies from showing up so I can work with the listviews I positioned on the slide?
The slide
The Slideshow
I looked into it a bit, and I think it's just a glitch with the Listview control.
From my tests, the actual Listview control was smaller then the original, but the top left position was correct (after the first time in reading/presentation view). I assume the they are smaller because it doesn't have a zoom property, and the slide is stretched to fit the window.
If you really want a Listview...which I hate to call into question, but think is warranted...then you can just Insert a Rectangle without a border over the Listview control to hide the original placeholder. The real Listview will still get drawn on top.
I think this is just the beginning of your troubles with a Listview control in PowerPoint...are you sure that you need it. Maybe linking to an Excel file with the Listview would be better, or some use of animation.

In VC++ 2013, dialog boxes damage PictureBox contents (drawing)

I cannot find how to protect a drawing in a PictureBox control from being corrupted (wiped out) when I call a dialog to save the form or print it out. The form is saved or printed out OK, but the dialogs wipe out most of the PictureBox drawing after they leave. Yet the buttons and progress bar on the form are restored OK -- so there must be a way to 'protect' the PictureBox drawing as well. How is it done?
The reason is that you need to repaint the picture box after the dialog has gone away.
Your picture box will get a Paint event, that will tell you that you need to do some re-drawing.
In there, use the supplied graphics contexts etc to draw on the picture box again. Probably you will want to write a separate method that does drawing, and call it for an initial view, and also during that paint. But that's up to you.
If you will always have olny one picture in your PictureBox, or you will be always using pictures with of same size you can just override OnEraseBkgnd function for this control and return TRUE on exit of this function.
This way content of your will not be altered by unplanned OnPaint or OnEraseBkgnd calls.

Want To Create A Floating Speech Bubble Form

Wondering if someone could help me....
I have a small .NET application where I have an Edit button on a main form. When the user clicks the Edit button, I want to popup a small form right next to it (on top of the main form) with a speech balloon tail attached on the side of the form pointing to the Edit button. So it gives the effect of a floating form pushed out from the Edit button.
I don't want the appearance of a normal speech bubble, I want it to look like an actual borderless form (with square corners). It could be a custom control or anything (however, I am not yet familiar with creating my own custom controls), but I need to add Text Controls, Pictures, Label Controls, etc. to this floating form.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to create something to this affect:
So imagine the ? being the Edit button and the other being a form with custom controls.
Like this?
To get this behavior:
Select an image which will represent your speech bubble. Put a PictureBox on the form, make it use this image. Place two labels, as above, adjust the font.
Pick your transparency key (color). Your image background and form background need to be set to that. I used black for demo purposes, which is a bad choice if you plan to have any black or text in your speech bubble. Set form's TransparencyKey property to this color in designer. More about TransparencyKey on MSDN.
(final step, not shown on the screenshot). Set FormBorderStyle = None.
Also make sure you have other ways to close your bubble, because X will be unavailable.
The final result may look something like the following:
Note: You may notice some drawing artifacts, most images on the internet have smooth borders, and transparency key does not support shades, has to be exact color. If you are fine with these minor artifacts, feel free to leave it at that. Or, edit it to get rough borders. Or find another one that better suits your needs.