vue3 testing library - How to use globalProperties in tests - vue.js

I am new to Vue and followed the recommendation to use vue testing library. The only issue is I can't seem to find a way to inject my code into globalProperties in render function.
Does anyone know of an example where I can inject or mock it out?
app.config.globalProperties.$globals = globalMethods
const app = createApp(App)
app.config.globalProperties.$globals = globalMethods
app.config.globalProperties.$globalVars = globalVars
app.component("font-awesome-icon", fontawesome)
app.use (Hotjar, hotjarConfig)
From my vue component in create I am able to call
let formatedObj = this.$globals.maskValues(this.inputValue, this.inputType, this);
created() {
let formatedObj = this.$globals.maskValues(this.inputValue, this.inputType, this);
this.myInputValue = formatedObj.formatedString;
this.formatedCharacterCount = formatedObj.formatedCharacterCount;
this.prevValue = this.myInputValue;
import { render } from '#testing-library/vue'
import FormatedNumericInput from '#/components/Component.vue'
import {globalMethods} from'#/config/global-methods'
const label = 'Price'
const initSettings = {
props: {
inputId: 'testInputId1',
labelTxt: label
beforeEach(() => {
test('a simple string that defines your test', () => {
const { getByLabelText } = render(FormatedNumericInput, initSettings)
const input = getByLabelText(label)
// testing logic
expect(input != null).toBe(true)
expect(FormatedNumericInput != null).toBe(true)
** ERROR **
TypeError: Cannot read property 'maskValues' of undefined
85 | },
86 | created() {
> 87 | let formatedObj = this.$globals.maskValues(this.inputValue, this.inputType, this);
| ^
88 | this.myInputValue = formatedObj.formatedString;
89 | this.formatedCharacterCount = formatedObj.formatedCharacterCount;
90 | this.prevValue = this.myInputValue;
at Proxy.created (src/components/FormatedNumericInput.vue:87:37)

The second argument of render() is passed to #vue/test-utils mount(), so you could include the global.mocks mounting option to mock $globals.maskValues:
const { getByLabelText } = render(FormatedNumericInput, {
global: {
mocks: {
$globals: {
maskValues: (inputValue, inputType) => {
const formatedString = globalFormatValue(inputValue) // declared elsewhere
return {
formatedCharacterCount: formatedString.length,

This is my solution in actual Vue3/Vite/Vitest environment, I set some mocks globally, so I don't need to in every test suite.
// vitest.config.ts
import { mergeConfig } from 'vite';
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';
import viteConfig from './vite.config';
export default defineConfig(
mergeConfig(viteConfig, { // extending app vite config
test: {
setupFiles: ['tests/unit.setup.ts'],
environment: 'jsdom',
// tests/unit.setup.ts
import { config } from "#vue/test-utils" = {
$t: tKey => tKey; // just return translation key
so for you it will be something like = {
$globals: {
maskValues: (inputValue, inputType) => {
// ...implementation
return {


Store Nuxt 3 Does not update Store.Variable

I cannot make my store work like I want.
I know how to do a store using vue 3 but with Nuxt 3 my value does not update etc
My Function To add something to the store:
<script setup>
function addWeight() {
setters.setWeights(state(), {weight : weightInput.value, date : new Date().getTime()})
My Store :
export const state = () => ({
weights: []
export const getters = {
return state.weights;
export const setters = {
setWeights(state, {weight , date}) {
weight, date
export const actions = {
async fetchWeights(state) {
const res = { data : [64, 67, 79, 70, 100, 123, 23]};
state.weights =;
state.weight or getters.getWeights(state) always return []
bash npm install pinia #pinia/nuxt --legacy-peer-deps
store/index.ts file:
import {defineStore} from "pinia";
interface weightInterface {
weight: number;
date: string;
export const useStore = defineStore({
id: 'store',
state : () => ({
weights : Array<weightInterface>()
getters : {
getWeights(): weightInterface[]{
return this.weights;
getDateWeights(): weightInterface[] {
//sort by date
this.weights.sort((weight1, weight2) => -;
//from 1238173458 to 09/23/2022
for (let i = 0; i < this.weights.length; i++){
this.weights[i].date = new Date(this.weights[i].date).toLocaleDateString();
return this.weights;
actions : {
addWeight(weight: number, date: string): void {
const newWeight: weightInterface = { weight : weight,date: date};
Works like a charm

Trying to change change page title, using Quasar, meta and vue-i18n

I am using Quasar v2, using the Vue Composition API and vue-i18n, and I would like the site title to change display when the active language changes (via a drop down), but whatever I am trying does not result in the title language being changed. Any ideas?
Below is what I have right now (just the essentials):
import { defineComponent, ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { useMeta } from 'quasar';
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const { t: translate } = useI18n() as any;
const siteTitle = computed(() => translate('') as string);
const pageMetadata = {
title: 'untitled',
titleTemplate: (title: string) => `${title} - ${siteTitle.value}`
The code I am using to switch languages:
async onChangeLanguage () {
try {
let locale = this.language;
if (this.language === 'en') {
locale = 'en-GB';
this.$i18n.locale = locale;
const quasarLang = await import(`quasar/lang/${locale}`);
if (quasarLang) {
} catch (error) {
According to the documentation, useMeta will not be reactive if you pass a simple object to it. Rather, you should pass a function that returns the desired value:
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const { t: translate } = useI18n() as any;
const siteTitle = computed(() => translate('') as string);
useMeta(() => {
const title = 'untitled';
const titleTemplate = `${title} - ${siteTitle.value}`
return { title, titleTemplate }

How to mock vue composable functions with jest

I'm using vue2 with composition Api, vuex and apollo client to request a graphql API and I have problems when mocking composable functions with jest
// store-service.ts
export function apolloQueryService(): {
// do some graphql stuff
return { result, loading, error };
// store-module.ts
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service'
export StoreModule {
state: ()=> ({
result: {}
actions: {
fetchData({commit}) {
const { result, loading, error } = apolloQueryService()
commit('setState', result);
mutations: {
setState(state, result): {
state.result = result
The Test:
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.mock('store-service', () => ({
apolloQueryService: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });
The test fails, because the commit gets called with ('setData', { value: undefined }) which is the result from the original apolloQueryService. My Mock doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Appreciate any help, thanks!
Try this :
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
// first mock the module. use the absolute path to store-service.ts from the project root
// then you import the mocked module.
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service';
// finally, you add the mock return values for the mock module
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
/* if the import order above creates a problem for you,
you can extract the first step (jest.mock) to an external setup file.
You should do this if you are supposed to mock it in all tests anyway. */
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });

Testing NgRx 6 Effects

I am trying to test a ngrx effects in Angular 6 project, I always get error:
Expected $[0].notification.kind = 'C' to equal 'N'.
Expected $[0].notification.hasValue = false to equal true.
I tried this post and the one in the ngrx doc. Is there any requirements to make test on effects with ngrx 6 ? The error is not meaningful enough for me. Maybe someone have a complete example about how to do ?
Here's my effect:
initData$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap((data: any) => {
return any) => {
if (!resolved) {
return this.dataService.getInitData( any) => {
return Observable.from([
new ItemsInitDataAction(response.userItems),
new InitDataResolvedAction(),
} else {
return Observable.from([
new InitDataResolvedAction(),
and my karma test:
it('should be created', () => {
expect(effects).toBeTruthy(); // got success
it('basic test', () => { // got error
const action = new appAction.InitDataAction();
const outcome = new appAction.InitDataResolvedAction(); = hot('a', { a: action });
const expected = hot('a', { b: outcome });
Thanks in advance for helping ;-)
I think you need to insert a mock for the Selector, the next line in the console should be describe something about missing selector data.
let store: Store<any>
class MockStore {
providers: [
provide: Store,
useClass: MockStore
store = TestBed.get(Store);
And in test suite you can use Spy to give you any slice of store that you want:
spyOn(store, 'select').and.returnValue(of(initialState));
There is a Typo in expected. It should be 'b' instead of 'a'
const expected = hot('b', { b: outcome });
I havent been able to get a testing working with marbles yet.
Im using Nrwl nx, so my effects test looks like this:
import { TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { Subject, ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';
import { EffectsModule } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { StoreModule } from '#ngrx/store';
import { provideMockActions } from '#ngrx/effects/testing';
import { NxModule } from '#nrwl/nx';
import { DataPersistence } from '#nrwl/nx';
import { ChangePasswordEffects } from './change-password.effects';
import { ChangePassword, ChangePasswordSuccessful } from './change-password.actions';
import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '#angular/common/http/testing';
describe('ChangePasswordEffects', () => {
let actions: Subject<any>;
let effects: ChangePasswordEffects;
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [NxModule.forRoot(), StoreModule.forRoot({}), EffectsModule.forRoot([]), HttpClientTestingModule],
providers: [ChangePasswordEffects, DataPersistence, provideMockActions(() => actions)]
effects = TestBed.get(ChangePasswordEffects);
describe('loadChangePassword$', () => {
it('should work', () => {
actions = new ReplaySubject(1);;
effects.loadChangePassword$.subscribe(result => {
And my code looks like this:
import { PasswordChangeError } from './../../models/password-change-error';
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Effect, Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { DataPersistence } from '#nrwl/nx';
import { ChangePasswordPartialState } from './change-password.reducer';
import {
} from './change-password.actions';
import { ChangePasswordService } from '../../services/change-password/change-password.service';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
export class ChangePasswordEffects {
#Effect() loadChangePassword$ = this.dataPersistence.fetch(ChangePasswordActionTypes.ChangePassword, {
run: (action: ChangePassword, state: ChangePasswordPartialState) => {
return this.passwordService
.changePassword(action.newPassword, action.userId)
.pipe(map(res => new ChangePasswordSuccessful(res)));
onError: (action: ChangePassword, error: PasswordChangeError) => {
return new ChangePasswordError(error);
private actions$: Actions,
private dataPersistence: DataPersistence<ChangePasswordPartialState>,
private passwordService: ChangePasswordService
) {}

How to correctly test effects in ngrx 4?

There are plenty of tutorials how to test effects in ngrx 3.
However, I've found only 1 or 2 for ngrx4 (where they removed the classical approach via EffectsTestingModule ), e.g. the official tutorial
However, in my case their approach doesn't work.
effects.spec.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
describe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async() => {
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = hot('--a-', { a: new AddItem({ item })});
const expected = cold('--b', { b: new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }) });
// comparing marbles
effects.ts (under src/modules/list/store/list in the link below)
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map<AddItem, {item: Item}>(action => {
return action.payload
.mergeMap<{item: Item}, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item))
.map<any, AddUpdateItemSuccess>(item => {
return new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 1.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 20, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: AddUpdateItemSuccess({ payload: Object({ item: Object({ title: Function }) }), type: 'ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS' }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
at compare (webpack:///node_modules/jasmine-marbles/index.js:82:0 <- karma-test-shim.js:159059:33)
at Object.<anonymous> (webpack:///src/modules/list/store/list/effects.spec.ts:58:31 <- karma-test-shim.js:131230:42)
at step (karma-test-shim.js:131170:23)
NOTE: the effects use a service which involves writing to PouchDB. However, the issue doesn't seem related to that
and also the effects work in the running app.
The full code is a Ionic 3 app and be found here (just clone, npm i and npm run test)
With ReplaySubject it works, but not with hot/cold marbles
const item = makeItem(Faker.random.word);
actions = new ReplaySubject(1) // = Observable + Observer, 1 = buffer size AddItem({ item }));
effects.addItem$.subscribe(result => {
expect(result).toEqual(new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item }));
My question was answered by #phillipzada at the Github issue I posted.
For anyone checking this out later, I report here the answer:
Looks like this is a RxJS issue when using promises using marbles.
I did manage to do a bit of a hack which should work, however, you will need to put a separate test the service is being called unless you can update the service to return an observable instead of a promise.
Essentially what I did was extract the Observable.fromPromise call into its own "internal function" which we can mock to simulate a call to the service, then it looks from there.
This way you can test the internal function _addItem without using marbles.
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Actions, Effect } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Action } from '#ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
export const ADD_ITEM = 'Add Item';
export const ADD_UPDATE_ITEM_SUCCESS = 'Add Item Success';
export class AddItem implements Action {
type: string = ADD_ITEM;
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class AddUpdateItemSuccess implements Action {
constructor(public payload: { item: any }) { }
export class Item {
export class ListingService {
add(item: Item) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(item); });
export class SutEffect {
_addItem(payload: { item: Item }) {
return Observable.fromPromise(this._listService.add(payload.item));
#Effect() addItem$ = this._actions$
.map(action => action.payload)
.mergeMap<{ item: Item }, Observable<Item>>(payload => {
return this._addItem(payload).map(item => new AddUpdateItemSuccess({
private _actions$: Actions,
private _listService: ListingService) {
import { cold, hot, getTestScheduler } from 'jasmine-marbles';
import { async, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '#ngrx/store';
import { getTestActions, TestActions } from 'app/tests/sut.helpers';
import { AddItem, AddUpdateItemSuccess, ListingService, SutEffect } from './sut.effect';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
describe('Effect Tests', () => {
let store: Store<any>;
let storeSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [
providers: [
provide: ListingService,
useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj('ListingService', ['add'])
provide: Actions,
useFactory: getTestActions
store = TestBed.get(Store);
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'dispatch').and.callThrough();
storeSpy = spyOn(store, 'select').and.callThrough();
function setup() {
return {
effects: TestBed.get(SutEffect) as SutEffect,
listingService: TestBed.get(ListingService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ListingService>,
actions$: TestBed.get(Actions) as TestActions
fdescribe('addItem$', () => {
it('should return LoadItemsSuccess action for each item', async () => {
const { effects, listingService, actions$ } = setup();
const action = new AddItem({ item: 'test' });
const completion = new AddUpdateItemSuccess({ item: 'test' });
// mock this function which we can test later on, due to the promise issue
spyOn(effects, '_addItem').and.returnValue(Observable.of('test'));
actions$.stream = hot('-a|', { a: action });
const expected = cold('-b|', { b: completion });
import { Actions } from '#ngrx/effects';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { empty } from 'rxjs/observable/empty';
export class TestActions extends Actions {
constructor() {
set stream(source: Observable<any>) {
this.source = source;
export function getTestActions() {
return new TestActions();