DB2 Stored Procedure IF/ELSE -- What am I missing? - sql

Trying to modify a stored procedure at work and looking to add some conditional logic into the procedure. I created a small test procedure just to try and understand IF/ELSE logic and I keep getting barked at by DBeaver (my SQL UI). I took the example pretty much directly off an IBM documentation web site. Can someone tell me what I'm missing here:
IF rating = 1 THEN
SET res = '2';
-- ELSE IF rating = 2 THEN
-- SET res = 3;
SET res = '4';
It keeps giving me this:
SQL Error [42601]: An unexpected token "END-OF-STATEMENT" was found following "s = '4'". Expected tokens may include: "
END IF".. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=4.26.14

This is a frequently asked question.
First ensure your code is syntactically valid: in your case verify that each conditional statement has its own END IF, or alternatively use ELSEIF (and not ELSE IF) when you want to have a single conditional statement.
Next, verify your compound statement delimiters.
When you have a 'block' (multiple SQL statements) that executes as a single-statement (also known as compound SQL compiled), the Db2 client tool needs to recognize the end of the block.
The SQL standard does not specify how to do this, so different RDBMS tools use different techniques.
Many people who use Db2 will use the # character as the compound SQL block delimiter instead of the default character which is semi-colon. That semi-colon is still required to delimit the statements inside of the block, but the block also needs to have some delimiter, so if you use # then the final character in your stored-procedure should be that # character. You then select the block including this delimiter and ask DBeaver to execute it as a single compound statement.
DBeaver lets you do this configuration via its settings GUI.
Example navigation in DBeaver (depending on your version of DBeaver):
Properties > Editors > SQL Editor > SQL Processing
Statements delimiter: #
Ignore native delimiter (tick)
Blank line is statement delimiter (only use this if you code accordingly)
Remove trailing query delimiter (tick)
When you make these changes, you make need to disconnect the data source, and reconnect before they will be effective.
You can also make these changes in 'Global Settings' if you only use Db2 data sources and want these settings for all databases.
But again, you may need to disconnect and reconnect before the settings become effective.


How PDO prepared statements help to prevent SQL vulnerable statements?

I'm so confused or rather I'm like, soooooooooo confused with pdo prepared statements. I know that prepared statements are the best way to keep data safe from hackers.
From : How can prepared statements protect from SQL injection attacks?
We are sending program to the server first
$db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users where id=?"); where the data is
substituted by some variable called "placeholder".
Note that the very same query being sent to the server, without any
data in it! And then we're sending the data with the second request,
totally separated from the query itself:
$query=$db->prepare("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE username=?");
$tex=blah; DROP TABLE users;--
then it will be like - SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE username=blah; DROP TABLE users;--
how prepare statements will help me with this example above?
I'm really sorry if this question is vague to understand. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The prepared statement handler will make sure the bound value is always used as valid SQL value/literal (ie. an SQL string or a number) and never as 'raw SQL text'1.
This is why placeholders values cannot be used as identifiers such as column or table names or act as other SQL keywords; and cannot generate the vulnerable query hypothesized. Instead it is treated as the following:
WHERE username='blah; DROP TABLE users;--'
--^ placeholder ensures valid SQL string value is used
-- (note automatic/implicit addition of SQL quotes)
And even when binding with 'more tricky' data:
$tex = "blah'; DROP TABLE users;--"; // embedded SQL quote character
It would still be safe:
WHERE username='blah''; DROP TABLE users;--'
--^ placeholder STILL ensures valid SQL string value is used
Thus, when using placeholders, it is impossible to generate the SQL that is vulnerable (in this way).
For SQL Injection the 'shape' of the query (which includes keywords and identifiers, but excludes values) must itself be altered by the input.
1 Technically placeholders values can also be sent through a separate data channel (depending on adapter/driver) and thus might not even appear in the raw SQL query itself.
However a simple way to think about why placeholders are safe, or how they 'work' is:
When using placeholders the adapter ensures that the equivalent of 'sql really safe escape' and applicable quoting is always used for every bound text value - and is thus impossible for accidentally forget.

Is the semicolon necessary in SQL?

Sometimes it works anyway if I forget the ;. But sometimes it doesn't.
And in JDBC and Android SQLite, it seems that I don't need ; at all. I am confused.
When should I use a semicolon?
semicolon indicates end of a statement, so if there are multiple statements then you should use semicolon else it will work fine.
I generally use semicolon as a practice, it can be useful even when you are running queries on sql client e.g. in Sql Developer using semicolon is very helpful if you have multiple statements on worksheet, as you can simply go to that particular statement and use F9 to execute that, without semicolon this is not possible.
It is not mandatory if you run a single query at time, it comes necessary instead if you want to run multiple query with a single command.
However in most of JDBC drivers out there it is not possible to add multiple query separated with semicolon in a single JDBC Command, it exist however the addBatch method that allow you to add multiple statements :
java.sql.Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
stmt.addBatch(insert_query1); //insert_query1
stmt.addBatch(insert_query2); //insert_query2
As a rule of thumb, in JDBC semicolon is not necessary at all, if you need multiple statement use addBatch.
Usually the semicolon is not part of the actual syntax of a statement (as most database internal APIs execute a single statement at a time). Instead the semicolon is an 'end-of-statement' marker or statement separator that is - usually - defined in CLI or scripting tools for the database. This allows that tool to know when a statement ends, so it can send that single statement to the database for execution.
On the other hand, the JDBC API is intended to execute a single(!) statement at a time, therefore you don't need such a separator (the statement is the whole string). This means that a semicolon is not needed, and as it is not part of the actual statement syntax for a lot of database it is also a syntax error to include it. Some JDBC drivers will strip the last ; from a statement to 'fix' that, some drivers don't.
Some drivers allow - contrary to the JDBC specification - multiple statements to be executed as a single string, this usually has to be enabled with a connection property, for example for MySQL it is the option allowMultiQueries (see the MySQL properties for details).
Depends on the DBMS and version number. Semicolons are often optional at the end of a single statement. But if you are going to execute a script with more than one statement, they need to be terminated by a semicolon.
Except maybe the last one. But it seems bad form to be inconsistent.

SQL queries in batch don't execute

My project is in Visual Foxpro and I use MS SQL server 2008. When I fire sql queries in batch, some of the queries don't execute. However, no error is thrown. I haven't used BEGIN TRAN and ROLLBACK yet. What should be done ??
that all depends... You don't have any sample of your queries posted to give us an indication of possible failure. However, one thing I've had good response with from VFP to SQL is to build into a string (I prefer using TEXT/ENDTEXT for readabilty), then send that entire value to SQL. If there are any "parameter" based values that are from VFP locally, you can use "?" to indicate it will come from a variable to SQL. Then you can batch all in a single vs multiple individual queries...
vfpField = 28
vfpString = 'Smith'
text to lcSqlCmd noshow
yourTable YT
YT.SomeKey = ?vfpField
OtherSQLTable ost
join #tempSqlResult t
on ost.Xblah = t.blahKey;
drop table #tempSqlResult;
nHandle = sqlconnect( "your connection string" )
nAns = sqlexec( nHandle, lcSqlCmd, "LocalVFPCursorName" )
No I don't have error trapping in here, just to show principle and readability. I know the sample query could have easily been done via a join, but if you are working with some pre-aggregations and want to put them into temp work areas like Localized VFP cursors from a query to be used as your next step, this would work via #tempSqlResult as "#" indicates temporary table on SQL for whatever the current connection handle is.
If you want to return MULTIPLE RESULT SETs from a single SQL call, you can do that too, just add another query that doesn't have an "into #tmpSQLblah" context. Then, all instances of those result cursors will be brought back down to VFP based on the "LocalVFPCursorName" prefix. If you are returning 3 result sets, then VFP will have 3 cursors open called
and will be based on the sequence of the queries in the SqlExec() call. But if you can provide more on what you ARE trying to do and their samples, we can offer more specific help too.

Adding a quote character in a Delphi String

I am writing a SQL program in Delphi 7 and came across a problem.
If you add an SQL command you have to use ' to indicate it is a Variable or String, but I want to build up my SQL statement because it is coming from different If statements and thus have to build it up. Therefore, I wanted to know if anyone knows a trick to add a ' into a string.
Don't make the same mistake like many before you and lookup parametrized queries or else you will be open for SQL injection attacks. If you need to include string constants in your query then use 2 single quotes ('') or the QuotedStr() function from the SysUtils unit.
Try two quotes to represent one i.e. ''

perl execute sql file (DBI oracle)

I have the following problem, i have a SQL file to execute with DBI CPAN module Perl
I saw two solution on this website to solve my problem.
Read SQL file line by line
Read SQL file in one instruction
So, which one is better, and what the real difference between each solution ?
It's for a library. I need to retrieve output and the return code.
Kind of files passed might be as following:
set serveroutput on;
set pagesize 20000;
spool "&1."
-- Récupération des arguments
-- &2: FLX_REF, &3: SVR_ID, &4: ACQ_STT, &5: ACQ_LOG, &6: FLX_COD_DOC, &7: ACQ_NEL, &8: ACQ_TYP
''VAR_SVR_ID'', sysdate, VAR_ACQ_STT, ''VAR_ACQ_LOG'',
I have another question to ask, again with DBI Oracle module.
May i use the same code for SQL file and for Control file ?
(Example of SQL Control file)
Reading a table one row at a time is more complex, but it can use less memory - provided you structure your code to make use of the data per item and not need it all later.
Often you want to process each item separately (e.g. to do work on the data), in which case you might as well use the read line-by-line approach to define your loop.
I tend to use single-instruction approach by default, but as soon as I am concerned about number of records (especially in long-running batch processes), or need to loop through the data as the first task, then I read records one-by-one.
In fact, the two answers you reference propose the same solution, to read and execute line-by-line (but the first is clearer on the point). The second question has an optional answer, where the file contains a single statement.
If you don't execute the SQL line-by-line, it's very difficult to trap any errors.
"Line by line" only makes sense if each SQL statement is on a single line. You probably mean statement by statement.
Beyond that, it depends on what your SQL file looks like and what you want to do.
How complex is your SQL file? Could it contain things like this?
select foo from table where column1 = 'bar;'; --Get foo; it will be used later.
The simple way to read an SQL file statement by statement is to split by semicolons (or whatever the statement delimiter is). But this method will fail if you might have semicolons in other places, like comments or strings. If you split this statement by semicolons, you would try to execute the following four "commands":
select foo from table where column1 = 'bar;
--Get foo;
it will be used later.
Obviously, none of these are valid. Handling statements like this correctly is no simple matter. You have to completely parse SQL to figure out what the statements are. Unfortunately, there is no ready-made module that can do this for you (SQL::Script is a good start on an SQL file processing module, but according to the documentation it just splits on semicolons at this point).
If your SQL file is simple, not containing any statement delimiters within statements or comments; or if it is predictable in some other way (such as having one statement per line), then it is easy to split the file into statements and execute them one by one. But if you have to handle arbitrary SQL syntax, including cases such as above, this will be a complex task.
What kind of task?
Do you need to retrieve the output?
Is it important to detect errors in any individual statement, or is it just a batch job that you can run and not worry about it?
If this is something that you can just run and forget about, you could just have Perl execute a system command, telling Oracle to process the file. This will be simpler than handling all of the statements yourself. But if you need to process the results or handle errors within Perl, doing it yourself statement by statement will be a necessity.
Update: based on your response, you want to write a library that can handle arbitrary SQL statements. In that case, you definitely need to parse the SQL and execute the statements one at a time. This is do-able, but not simple. The possibility of BEGIN...END blocks means that you have to be able to correctly handle semicolons within a statement.
The SQL::Statement class of modules may be helpful.