Client Credentials grant with Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD - authentication

I am trying to use client credentials grant for a back-end service using Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD. I also need to store access token from external IdP in Keycloak to retrieve group information from MS Graph API. I have this use case working for a confidential client using authorization code flow but I can't get it to work with client credentials grant.
I have created a "confidential" client in Keycloak with "Service Accounts Enabled" enabled. I have a also created an application in Azure AD with client credentials grant enabled and created a external Identity Provider in Keycloak.
I get the access token from Keycloak after authenticating using client_id and client_secret but when I try to retrieve external IdP access token from Keycloak endpoint, I get an error message that says, "User [GUID] is not associated with identity provider". I'd appreciate any suggestions or feedback.

Thank you Sventorben Posting your suggestions as answer to help other community members.
Though is grant on client credential from both side Azure AD and Keycloak it is not possible to store the access token from Azure AD in Keycloak and later retrieve it from Keycloak to make requests to Graph API.
The client credentials grant type is used by clients to obtain an access token. This is totally outside of the context of a user. Keycloak will not forward or redirect requests to AD in this case. Hence, there will never be an AD token. If you need client credentials grant issuing a token from AD, you will need to make the request to AD directly.
From the below document it seems Keyclock is broker it should never send the original access token which is receive from Azure AD to access the Graph API. Only you can read the token using enable StoredTokens Readable switch.


Can I federate Cognito with "client credentials" flow (or other way to trust a server-side application authenticated elsewhere?)

I have an AWS REST API Gateway with Cognito authentication using the client credentials grant.
We have been creating new clients by hand and sharing the ID/secret with people who need to use our API. They send the ID/secret and "grant_type=client_credentials" to Cognito, it gives them a bearer token and they use the API with the token. All fine so far. (It is a CLI tool running on a schedule, not accessed by a browser. I specifically need to avoid any sort of "go to the browser to login".)
Now, we have a new "island" of users who have a local OIDC (Azure AD) provider that can issue them a bearer token from a curl to an endpoint.
Is there a way to make Cognito accept those tokens??
I have tried federating Cognito with a different oidc provider (I don't have AD, but a different provider), getting myself a bearer token from it and sending it to the API GW, and I just get 401'ed. I don't know if there is something I'm doing wrong or if it's not possible.
(Things I might be doing wrong seems to be a long list! I need to create a client in the other provider and add it's ID/secret/URL to Cognito, that works. I used the same client ID/secret to generate my bearer token. But when I'm in client creds flow in Cognito, I need to set a custom scope. Do I need to add that scope to my initial request to the other provider (The API GW doesn't require a scope, it is just a mock endpoint at the moment in testing). The client_id= in the request is for the client in the other provider, not the Cognito client ID. Should I set it to the Cognito client ID?)
OR do I need to write a custom authenticator for the API GW to validate the token? (Decode JWT, Check : issuer is allowed and signature is valid.)
And not use Cognito at all for these other users.
(If it was an HTTP API, I think I can create a JWT authoriser and it does it all for me, but it isn't and there are some features on REST APIs not available on HTTP (like WAF))
Sorry it's a bit short on details. I could spend days copy/pasting all the configs from ID provider/Cognito but if it fundamentally won't work I wasted my time!
(After trying it, I think maybe federation only works for actual users with a browser based login flow, not clients with a CLI flow. I can't find anyone saying client credentials flow does work anyway!)
Cognito is using the authorization server role. So in all cases, the tokens returned to client applications will be issued by Cognito. These apps will never deal with Azure AD tokens. Multiple types of client can coexist together:
Clients who use this flow might represent B2B connections. The business partner must always get Cognito tokens directly, and no federation is used here.
Browser clients will use this flow, and you can configure Cognito to implement authentication by making a second OIDC Connect redirect to Azure AD.
My blog post provides a walkthrough on how settings are configured. Cognito will act as a client of Azure AD and use a scope such as openid profile email.
After a user login, Cognito will receive Azure AD tokens, validate them, then issue its own tokens. Nothing will change in the API gateway, which will continue to verify Cognito tokens.

Need an OAuth2 server that supports "client credentials" grant type

I need to get authenticated using OAuth2 client credentials as the grant type. The app would need to call the OAuth2 server with only the client id and client secret, get authenticated and receive an access token back, then the app can use the access token to obtain the application's data. There is no regular user involved and the data belongs to the app. This is the same concept as your application connects to the database with a user name and user password belong to the application. The user uses the application without any knowledge of backend database accesses.
There are so many OAuth2 servers that support "code" grant type such as Google, Facebook, Github, but I have not found anyone that supports client credentials. Google asks me to set a service account, it is not the same as client credentials. Does anyone know an OAuth2 server that I use to test my client credential grant code? Thanks.
Keycloak has support for client credentials as authentication for the token endpoint.

How would an API call another API with oauth2 if both APIs use different identity providers?

In the past, I have had 2 APIs, both secured with Azure AD. The first API would take the access token and request another access token for the second API with the following param: requested_token_use=on_behalf_of
Info source:
However, this is due to both APIs being on Azure AD. Controlled in the same directory.
If the first API was Azure AD and the second was auth0, how would the second API get an access token without the user being able to login to a authorization screen?
In that case you can use Password Grant Flow or Client Credentials Flow.
You can read more about service to service authentication on Microsoft or Google pages.
Does this give you everything you had with on behalf flow? No. With on behalf flow you had token with user's claims for both systems. This way you access service B with service A credentials and if you have fine-grained per user permissions you need to implement logic in service A.

Can I use OAuth for authentication for trusted client (mobile app)?

I know how OAuth2 and OpenID Connect works. But there is still some confusion bothering me.
We develop our own Auth Server, service API and mobile app. So, the client app is trusted and we use "password" grant type. The app user repository follows the same user database in auth server.
Our customers login to the app by username/password. The app then submits the user credential to the Auth Server token endpoint, which will return the (bearer) access token and ID token (JWT) to the client.
The ID token contains basic user information so that the app can greet user like "Welcome Tony Stark!".
The access token can be used to access API (e.g. update user profile).
OAuth by design is not a tool for authentication. Ref:
My questions are
1) Do we need to verify the signature of the ID token if the client only is only interested to get the user information? Also note that the ID token is coming from the token endpoint via https connection.
2) Let's forget about the ID token. Can we treat the user has passed the authentication check (i.e. login success) if the client obtains an access token from the Auth Server? This flow is very similar to simple password login without OAuth.
3) The client can access protected APIs with the access token. Without access token, the client can only invoke some public APIs. Is it equivalent to what can be done with and without login? It seems the access token can be treated as "login session cookie".
4) There is no 3rd party involvement in my case. Everything (client, auth server, service API) is developed and owned by the same organization. Does it still make sense to use OAuth?
Typically a mobile app is considered a public client. Unless you're limiting who has access to the mobile app, it can't be considered trusted as someone could mess with the app outside of your control even if you developed it.
Also, the resource credentials grant type is generally not a good idea.
One thing is that the OpenID Connect spec requires authorization code, id token, or a hybrid flow:
Authentication can follow one of three paths: the Authorization Code
Flow (response_type=code), the Implicit Flow (response_type=id_token
token or response_type=id_token), or the Hybrid Flow (using other
Response Type values defined in OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type
Encoding Practices [OAuth.Responses]).
Some other reasons:
Why the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type is not Authentication nor Suitable for Modern Applications
The OpenID Connect RFC says you MUST verify the ID token:
When using the Implicit Flow, the contents of the ID Token MUST be validated in the same manner as for the Authorization Code Flow, as defined in Section, with the exception of the differences specified in this section.
Although, you may qualify for this exception from if using TLS:
If the ID Token is received via direct communication between the Client and the Token Endpoint (which it is in this flow), the TLS server validation MAY be used to validate the issuer in place of checking the token signature. The Client MUST validate the signature of all other ID Tokens according to JWS [JWS] using the algorithm specified in the JWT alg Header Parameter. The Client MUST use the keys provided by the Issuer.
If you're able to trust the client, and the user/pass check you've implemented, then you should be able to trust that an access token has been granted to an authenticated identity according to the OAuth 2.0 spec.
The access token in OAuth 2.0 also contains scopes and should limit what can be done with that access token. A login without OAuth doesn't necessarily.
It's a good idea to use OAuth to protect the credentials of the resource owner. If you were to use the resource owner credentials grant type, this still provides some benefits as the user could enter the password only when the client doesn't have a valid access token, ie, the user can enter her password once for an access token and validate the user using that instead of entering the password again or storing it somewhere.
Even though this grant type requires direct client access to the
resource owner credentials, the resource owner credentials are used
for a single request and are exchanged for an access token. This
grant type can eliminate the need for the client to store the
resource owner credentials for future use, by exchanging the
credentials with a long-lived access token or refresh token.
OAuth 2.0 RFC6749
1) Do we need to verify the signature of the ID token if the client
only is only interested to get the user information? Also note that
the ID token is coming from the token endpoint via https connection.
2) Let's forget about the ID token. Can we treat the user has passed
the authentication check (i.e. login success) if the client obtains an
access token from the Auth Server? This flow is very similar to simple
password login without OAuth.
If I understand the premise. Yes..There is no requirement for using the ID Token.
3) The client can access protected APIs with the access token. Without
access token, the client can only invoke some public APIs. Is it
equivalent to what can be done with and without login? It seems the
access token can be treated as "login session cookie".
The access token is a access (like a key) that for the OAuth Client to use that was delegated permissions from the resource owner.
4) There is no 3rd party involvement in my case. Everything (client,
auth server, service API) is developed and owned by the same
organization. Does it still make sense to use OAuth?
Yes. OAuth and OpenID Connect are used by many, many organizations and is a test solution.
You should not try to re-invent the "wheel". Use known trusted libraries for Authentication, Authorization and cryptographic operations. OpenID Connect has some certified Implementations

WSO2 Identity Server: How to authenticate User?

I am using in-memory DB for storing user details in WSO2 Identity server. I create couple of users via UI and now I want to authenticate those user using some external application.
Is there any available WSO2 service which takes User credentials and authenticate based on the details provided? I saw few articles where they mainly talking about User Stores. But there, I think, they directly connect to DB to compare the credentials.
There are multiple ways to authenticate a user from Identity Server. Easiest way is that you can call the admin service (SOAP service) for authentication (RemoteUserStoreManagerService/authenticate). Or you can create a OAuth application inside the IS and use resource owner grant type to pass the credentials and authenticate.
You can find admin service related information from here [1] and password grant related information from here [2]
Is there any available WSO2 service which takes User credentials and
authenticate based on the details provided?
I believe we've misused the Token API service ( /token with password OAuth profile) to request an OAuth code and the WSO2IS effectviely validates the user's credentials.
I suggest your application would stick to some authentication and authorization standards supported by the WSO2IS, such as OAuth 2.0 or SAML.