Edit field name is different from source field name - react-admin

I'm working with a form and I need to submit a field that's called "Lang-en" however the field name in the get request is called "Lang".
Now I need to show the value of the field in the submit form using the "Lang" source however when I submit it, I want it to be submitted as "Lang-en".
Anyway to achieve this?
I realize It's not the best api but that's what I'm working with unfortunately.

Use the transform prop:
export const UserCreate = (props) => {
const transform = data => ({
fullName: `${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}`
return (
<Create {...props} transform={transform}>

use URIEncode before transfer。。。


Why does TextInput try to update value when my onChangeText method has a filter/regex it has to pass?

I'm in the process of creating my own NumberInput component using react-natives TextInput. However I'm having trouble trying to validate the input the user is trying to submit/enter in to the field. I have a regex to check if the value the user is trying to input is a number, if it is we update the state number, if not I dont want the value to update the state. The regex works but when the user tries to enter any other character than an number, say , or ., the input field flickers showing the character but quickly erases it so to say.
I've recorded a gif showing what I mean (https://i.gyazo.com/9f86dbfd7d7cba17c480a7b4c456e004.mp4). Is there any way to prevent the flickering? I am already implementing the onTextChange so I don't see how the value even tries to get updated.
const Container = () => {
const [number, setCurrentNumber] = useState();
const numberRegex = /^\d+$/;
const numberValidation = (updatedValue) => {
if (numberRegex.test(updatedValue)) {
return (
value={number ? number.toString() : undefined}
onChangeText={(value) => numberValidation(value)}

Is it possible to disable expand on certain rows?

I would like to create a DataGrid where only component that have a certain property can be expanded. For example:
comments: [
{ id: 0, author: 'a', text: 'no', responses:[2]},
{ id: 1, author: 'b', text: 'yes' },
{ id: 2, author: 'b', text: 'perhaps' }
I would like to display this array, but only first option would be expandable, since it's the only one that has responses. Is there a way of achieving that without rewriting the DataGrid?
Unfortunately no. I would suggest to display an empty state component instead.
Here is an extract from the documentation:
By default, <Datagrid> renders its body using <DatagridBody>, an internal react-admin component. You can pass a custom component as the body prop to override that default. Besides, <DatagridBody> has a row prop set to <DatagridRow> by default for the same purpose. <DatagridRow> receives the row record, the resource, and a copy of the <Datagrid> children. That means you can create custom datagrid logic without copying several components from the react-admin source.
My suggestion would be to copy the original <DatagridRow> component and add an isExpandable prop accepting a function which will be called with the row record to conditionnaly display the expand button.
You could then use this custom DatagridRow like this:
import MyDatagridRow from './MyDatagridRow`;
const MyDatagridBody = props => <DatagridBody {...props} row={<MyDatagridRow />} />;
const MyDatagrid = props => <Datagrid {...props} body={<MyDatagridBody />} />;
However, as we already have an isSelectable prop, I also suggest to open a new feature request issue on react-admin repository to add an isExpandable prop.

Passing params in React Navigation 5

I'm trying to pass a few params between a Tab Navigator. Below is the structure of my program. In bold are the routes
App(Tab Navigator): { Main(stack) & Filter(screen) }
Main(Stack Navigator): { Home(screen) & MediaDetails(screen) }
I have a button on the screen associated with Filter which has an onPress() function. I'm passing a few params(but let's only consider the param to for the sake of this question).
this.props.navigation.navigate('Home', {
to: this.state.to,
Now in the screen associated with Home, I'm reading the param inside the state like this:
state = {
to: this.props.route.params.to
Inside App.js, I've set the initial value of to to be '2020' like this:
to: '2020'
The initial value is indeed set to 2020. I press the button. Let's say I'm setting to to 1900. Just before this.props.navigation.navigate executes, I console.log(this.state.to) the value and it is indeed updated to 1900. However, as the screen changes to Home, the value reverts back to 2020(observed via console.log)
Could someone point out the cause for this spooky behavior? I've been trying to debug this for many hours with no luck. React Navigation 5 is pretty new as well so couldn't find anything similar online. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading all the way.
Edit: Issue has been resolved and full code has been removed!
/* 1. Navigate to the Details route with params */
onPress={() => {
navigation.navigate('Details', {
itemId: 86,
otherParam: 'anything you want here',
/* 2. Get the param */
const DetailsScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const { itemId } = route.params;
const { otherParam } = route.params;
return (
for more info: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/params/
I solved this problem by updating the state in shouldComponentUpdate().
This bug was due to the state not being updated as the screen remained mounted.
This was possible because of ravirajn22 on GitHub who explained to me the reasoning behind this bug and a possible solution.
Link to the answer: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/6863
As it is stated Here, you can do it like this:
navigation.navigate('otherStackName', {
screen: 'destinationScreenName',
params: { user: 'jane' },
In Functional Component write simple logic like this:-
In the parent component
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>navigation.navigate('childRoute', {data_Pass_to_Child: "Hello I am going to child component"})}>
In the child component
const Chat = ({route}) => {
return(whatever based on your UI)
Replace childRoute with your route name and also replace data {data_Pass_to_Child: "Hello I am going to child component"} with whatever data you want to pass.
props.navigation.navigate('YourScreenName', {
your_key: any_value
receive in YourScreenName.js
var valueReceived = props.navigation.state.params.your_key;

Passing Barcode Scanned Data to Second Screen

I'm trying to pass the data I have received from scanning a barcode. I'm able to print the data using JSON.stringify(data) and the data is being passed but I just can't seem to display it.
Passing the data successfully with:
_handleBarCodeRead = data => {
'Scan successful!',
const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
navigate('KnownProduct', {data})
Attempting to render the data on this page:
const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
<View style={styles.container}>
I know the navigation works correctly because if I hard-code the value the screen does navigate after scanning a barcode and display the hard-coded value. However, I think I'm trying to call the data incorrectly with: this.props.navigation.state.params.data.toString but having no luck figuring out how to display the passed data.
Any react native experts able to help a newbie?
OK.... So I figured it out... thanks to one commenter who pointed out I should pass the data like so:
navigate('KnownProduct', {data: data})
And then what was missing in the redirection page was:
data.data got me!
Try this :
navigate('KnownProduct', {data:JSON.stringify(data)})
try this
navigate('KnownProduct', {data:data.data})

How to set hidden fields in redux form in react native?

How to set hidden fields in redux form in react native ?
i jsut cannot find any way on how to do that . any help?
i ended using this :
after this code runs, the form will create the field if it does not exists
I have faced the same issue.
What I do is to declare a Field like this and set the height to 0.
It is a little bit hacky but it works in my case.
style={{ height: 0 }}
And I change the value like this : this.props.change("departure_city_name", cityData.name);
Hope it helps.
you don't need to dispatch any action just perform this change whenever you need a hidden field in redux form.
this.props.change('Field_name', value)
Technically you don't need to create a type=hidden field because you can call the change function for the 'hidden' field you want to change if the field doesn't exist Redux-form will add it to your form state like an actual field
MyForm = reduxForm({
form: 'myForm'
MyForm = connect(
state => ({
initialValues: { areYouOk: 'no' }
export default MyForm
Whether you've set up initial values or not you'll always be able to call the change function with your new hidden value and it'll work anyway
let MyForm = ({ submitHandler, change }) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={submitHandler}>
onClick={() => {
change('areYouOk', 'yes');