PDDL planner does not recognize types - pddl

I wrote a pddl code in a domain file that describes kitchen environment (eggs, coffee, receptacles, surfaces etc.) thus types were defined in hierarchical manner.
(define (domain robochef)
(:requirements :adl :strips :fluents :typing)
locatable surface - object
cookable receptacle - locatable
food liquid - cookable
mug pan plate coffeeMachine - receptacle
egg - food
coffee water - liquid
table - surface
The predicates of this domain may be dependent on some of the types:
(is-at ?y ?x) ;true iff an object ?y is in front of an object ?x
(is-visible ?x ?r - ROBOT) ;true iff the object visible by the robot
(is-held ?x ?r - ROBOT) ;true iff the robot holds ?x
(contains ?y - receptacle ?x) ;true iff ?x is contained in ?y
(on ?y - surface ?x - locatable) ;true iff ?x is on top of ?y
(is-cooked ?x - cookable) ;true iff ?x is cooked
(is-egg-cracked ?e - egg) ;true iff ?x is cracked
(is-coffeMachine-available ?cm - coffeeMachine) ;true iff the coffee machine is free use
Running solver.planning.domains planner on this code resulted in errors of the format "predicate [X] is declared to use unknown or empty type [Y]".
More in detail - the output was:
predicate IS-COFFEMACHINE-AVAILABLE is declared to use unknown or empty type COFFEEMACHINE
predicate IS-EGG-CRACKED is declared to use unknown or empty type EGG
predicate IS-COOKED is declared to use unknown or empty type COOKABLE
predicate ON is declared to use unknown or empty type SURFACE
predicate OCCUPIED is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate CONTAINS is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate IS-HELD is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
predicate IS-VISIBLE is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
Failed to parse the problem -- The types found in the problem file must be a subset of the types listed in the domain file
Domain types: set(['plate', 'coffee', 'coffeemachine', 'liquid', 'food', 'receptacle', 'object', 'locatable', 'surface', 'water', 'mug', 'table', 'cookable', 'egg', 'pan'])
Problem types: set(['default_object'])
predicate IS-COFFEMACHINE-AVAILABLE is declared to use unknown or empty type COFFEEMACHINE
predicate IS-EGG-CRACKED is declared to use unknown or empty type EGG
predicate IS-COOKED is declared to use unknown or empty type COOKABLE
predicate ON is declared to use unknown or empty type SURFACE
predicate OCCUPIED is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate CONTAINS is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate IS-HELD is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
predicate IS-VISIBLE is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
How come the types are explicitly written but not recognized?

You are missing the type ROBOT.
Instead, you have defined a constant named ROBOT with no type specification; it is therefore defaulted to object.
Try with:
locatable surface ROBOT - object
cookable receptacle - locatable
food liquid - cookable
mug pan plate coffeeMachine - receptacle
egg - food
coffee water - liquid
table - surface
self - ROBOT
And make sure that if ROBOT is used elsewhere in your domain to refer to the constant (and not the type), you replace it with self.


SPARQL - Returning label when object is URI or string when object is Literal

I would like to get the labels (rdfs:label) of objects when the object is a URI. But I would also like to get the string values when the object is a literal string. The issue is, I do not know beforehand if the object is storing a literal or a URI, and in some cases I see a mix of both literals and URIs, like in the image attached.
Any suggestions on how I can return the strings, and if there's an object, return the rdfs:label?
Thanks for your help!
First, this problem shouldn't occur in an ideal world because a property is supposed to be either an object property or a datatype property.
However, when dealing with low quality data where this does occur, I suggest the following workaround:
SELECT ?x ?desc
?x dbp:keyPeople ?y.
{?y rdfs:label ?desc. FILTER(isIRI(?y))} UNION
{BIND(STR(?y) AS ?desc). FILTER(!isIRI(?y))}
This is not thoroughly tested. I could only verify that it works correctly on DBpedia Live, which uses Virtuoso 08.03.3319. On the default DBpedia endpoint https://dbpedia.org/sparql on Virtuoso version 07.20.3235 it seems to not work correctly. Also, you need to uncheck both "Strict checking of void variables" and
"Strict checking of variable names used in multiple clauses but not logically connected to each other".

Makes using a URI as predicate them to a property?

I have only the following Turtle statement:
x isAuthorOf y
If I have only this statement where isAuthorOf is used as a predicate, means this that I can conclude that isAuthorOf is also a Property without instanciation (isAuthorOf rdf:type rdfs:Property)?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, an IRI used ad a property implies it is a property. However, without declaration you won't know if it's a datatype or an object property.

How do I retrieve variables from an OPTIONAL statement in SPARQL?

If I give my SPARQL query a known item which could be a number of different types. Depending on which type I'm currently interested in I want to get a certain property from this type (the way to do this will be different for each type) but once I have found this property I want to perform the same operation.
currently I have the following pseudocode:
?object rdf:hasProperty "known Property Type"
?object rdf:hasProperty "property type 1"
#do this thing and store thing of interest in ?variableOfInterest
?object rdf:hasProperty "property type 2"
#do different thing and store thing of interest in ?variableOfInterest
?thingIAmActuallyInterestedIn rdf:has type ?variableOfInterest
#now do long query
My problem is that outside of the OPTIONAL statement ?variableOfInterest does not get passed out, instead ?thingIAmActuallyInterestedIn is just a list off all objects.
I could put the 'long query' in both of the optional blocks but that would be a huge amount of code replication.
Is there a way to output the ?variableOfInterest from the optional statement rather than it being a dummy variable?
Ensure that ?variableOfInterest is in the SELECT clause, or it's *
?variableOfInterest will be bound in result rows when the OPTIONAL matched, and unbound when the OPTIONAL did not match.
How that gets reflected to your code depends on the API of your SPARQL engine.

why this variable is never have a value

I am checking that if an instance has a value for a specific predicate, bound that value to a specific variable, otherwise, bound that variable to the value 1 of type integer. this is my code
select ?boosted where {
:r1 a ?x
?item rs:boostedBy ?boostedOptional
bind (if(bound(?boostedOptional), ?boostedOptional, "1"^^xsd:integer) as ?boosted)
the value of ?boosted is always empty, look please
why please?
I think you don't need data to test why my code is not working, because for me it sounds like a general mistake about using the bound. however, if you want data, i give you data.
there is no rs:boostedBy predicate from the first place, so i was looking to have the default value always , which is 1 of type integer in this case.
The IF needs to be outside of the optional graph pattern:
SELECT ?boosted WHERE {
:r1 a ?x
OPTIONAL{ ?item rs:boostedBy ?boostedOptional . }
BIND (IF(bound(?boostedOptional), ?boostedOptional, "1"^^xsd:integer) as ?boosted)
Secondly, I don't see the relationship between the rs:boostedBy property and the {:r1 a ?x} triple pattern. I.e. are you trying to see if the subject has a boostedBy property? In that case :r1 and ?item should be the same, i.e. both should be :r1 or both should be ?item, if I'm understanding your intent here.

What kind of meta argument is the first argument of predicate_property/2?

In other words, should it be 0 or : or something else? The Prolog systems SICStus, YAP, and SWI all indicate this as :. Is this appropriate? Shouldn't it be rather a 0 which means a term that can be called by call/1?
To check your system type:
| ?- predicate_property(predicate_property(_,_),P).
P = (meta_predicate predicate_property(:,?)) ? ;
P = built_in ? ;
P = jitted ? ;
I should add that meta-arguments — at least as in the form used here — cannot guarantee the same algebraic properties we expect from pure relations:
?- S=user:false, predicate_property(S,built_in).
S = user:false.
?- predicate_property(S,built_in), S=user:false.
Here is the relevant part from ISO/IEC 13211-2:
7.2.2 predicate_property/2 Description
predicate_property(Prototype, Property) is true in the calling context of a module M iff the procedure
associated with the argument Prototype has predicate property
... Template and modes
predicate_property(+prototype, ?predicate_property) Errors
a) Prototype is a variable — instantiation_error.
c) Prototype is neither a variable nor a callable term —
type_error(callable, Prototype).
... Examples
Goals attempted in the context of the module
predicate_property(q(X), exported).
succeeds, X is not instantiated.
Thats an interesting question. First I think there are two
kinds of predicate_property/2 predicates. The first kind
takes a callable and is intended to work smoothly with
for example vanilla interpreters and built-ins such as
write/1, nl/0, etc.., i.e.:
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- predicate_property(A, built_in), !, A.
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
For the first kind, I guess the 0 meta argument specifier
would work fine. The second kind of predicate_property/2
predicates works with predicate indicators. Callable
and predicate indicators are both notions already defined
in the ISO core standard.
A predicate indicator has the form F/N, where F is an atom
and N is an integer. Matters get a little bit more complicated
if modules are present, especially because of the operator
precedence of (:)/2 versus (/)/2. If predicate property works
with predicate indicators, we can still code the vanilla
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :- functor(A,F,N), predicate_property(F/N, built_in), !, A.
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
Here we loose the connection of a possible meta argument
0, for example of solve/1, with predicate property. Because
functor/3 has usually no meta predicate declaration. Also
to transfer module information via functor/3 to
predicate_property/2 is impossible, since functor/3 is agnostic to
modules, it usually has no realization that can deal with
arguments that contain module qualification.
There are now two issues:
1) Can we give typing and/or should we give typing to predicates
such as functor/3.
2) Can we extend functor/3 so that it can convey module
Here are my thoughts:
1) Would need a more elaborate type system. One that would
allow overloading of predicates with multiple types. For
example functor/3 could have two types:
:- meta_predicate functor(?,?,?).
:- meta_predicate functor(0,?,?).
The real power of overloading multiple types would only
shine in predicates such as (=)/2. Here we would have:
:- meta_predicate =(?,?).
:- meta_predicate =(0,0).
Thus allowing for more type inference, if one side of
(=)/2 is a goal we could deduced that the other side
is also a goal.
But matter are not so simple, it would possibly make
sense to have also a form of type cast, or some other
mechanism to restrict the overloading. Something which
is not covered by introducing just a meta predicate
directive. This would require further constructs inside
the terms and goals.
Learning form lambda Prolog or some dependent type
system, could be advantageous. For example (=)/2 can
be viewed as parametrized by a type A, i.e.:
:- meta_predicate =(A,A).
2) For Jekejeke Prolog I have provided an alternative
functor/3 realization. The predicate is sys_modfunc_site/2.
And it works bidirectionally like functor/3, but returns
and accepts the predicate indicator as one whole thing.
Here are some example runs:
?- sys_modfunc_site(a:b(x,y), X).
X = a:b/2
?- sys_modfunc_site(X, a:b/2).
X = a:b(_A,_B)
The result of the predicate could be called a generalized
predicate indicator. It is what SWI-Prolog already understands
for example in listing/1. So it could have the same meta argument
specification as listing/1 has. Which is current : in SWI-Prolog.
So we would have, and subsequently predicate_property/2 would
take the : in its first argument:
:- meta_predicate sys_modfunc_site(?,?).
:- meta_predicate sys_modfunc_site(0,:).
The vanilla interpreter, that can also deal with modules, then
reads as follows. Unfortunately a further predicate is needed,
sys_indicator_colon/2, which compresses a qualified predicate
indicator into an ordinary predicate indicator, since our
predicate_property/2 does not understand generalized predicate
indicators for efficiency reasons:
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(A) :-
predicate_property(J, built_in), !, A.
solve(A) :- clause(A,B), solve(B).
The above implements a local semantic of the colon (:)/2,
compared to the rather far reaching semantic of the colon
(:)/2 as described in the ISO module standard. The far
reaching semantic imputes a module name on all the literals
of a query. The local semantic only expects a qualified
literal and just applies the module name to that literal.
Jekejeke only implements local semantic with the further
provision that call-site is not changed. So under the hood
sys_modfunc_site/2 and sys_indicator_colon/2 have also to
transfer the call-site so that predicate_property/2 makes
the right decision for unqualified predicates, i.e. resolving
the predicate name by respecting imports etc..
Finally a little epilog:
The call-site transfer of Jekejeke Prolog is a pure runtime
thing, and doesn't need some compile time manipulation, especially
no ad hoc adding of module qualifiers at compile time. As a result
certain algebraic properties are preserved. For example assume
we have the following clause:
?- [user].
Then the following things work fine, since not only sys_modfunc_site/2
is bidirectional, but also sys_indicator_colon/2:
?- S = foo:bar/0, sys_indicator_colon(R,S), predicate_property(R,static).
S = foo:bar/0,
R = 'foo%bar'/0
?- predicate_property(R,static), sys_indicator_colon(R,S), S = foo:bar/0.
R = 'foo%bar'/0,
S = foo:bar/0
And of course predicate_property/2 works with different input and
output modes. But I guess the SWI-Prolog phaenomenom has first an
issue that a bare bone variable is prefixed with the current module. And
since false is not in user, but in system, it will not show false.
In output mode it will not show predicates which are equal by resolution.
Check out in SWI-Prolog:
?- predicate_property(X, built_in), write(X), nl, fail; true.
?- predicate_property(user:X, built_in), write(X), nl, fail; true.
?- predicate_property(system:X, built_in), write(X), nl, fail; true.
But even if the SWI-Prolog predicate_property/2 predicate would
allow bar bone variables, i.e. output goals, we would see less
commutativity in the far reaching semantic than in the local
semantic. In the far reaching semantic M:G means interpreting G
inside the module M, i.e. respecting the imports of the module M,
which might transpose the functor considerable.
The far reaching semantic is the cause that user:false means
system:false. On the other hand, in the local semantics, where M:G
means M:G and nothing else, we have the algebraic property more often.
In the local semantics user:false would never mean system:false.