WAMP SSL - LOCALHOST and connection problem from another VM - apache

I set up 2 VMS connected to each others , ping is working on both machine.
After that , I set up a WAMP serveur on machine 1 and managed to configure SSL on it. It's working on local host as described on this tutorial.
Now my problem is i need to be able to connect from the browser of VM 2 on the wamp server with SSL.
That's where i have a problem.
From Vm2 when i connect to VM 1 ( it's working
when i connect to i have a bad request.
I am missing something .. can someone point me out where to look ?
thank you very much
enter image description here


Connect host ldap server to local VM

I have a server installed on VM and a LDAP(opendj) server created using Apache Directory Studio on my host computer. Now, I would like to connect that LDAP server to local VM so that the VM server can pull user's information from LDAP server. is it possible to do that? I could not understand how to establish a communication between these two server.
Remote Port Forwarding actually does work here.
my ldap server port was 10389.
I have created a tunnel from host to vm:
ssh -R 10389:localhost:10389 root#
after then, vm can reach to the host through this port (10389).
Sorry, I don't have that much knowledge on ssh. But this one worked for me.

Not able to connect ESXi host remotely via a Secure Shell client

I have installed a CentOS in VMware server and if I open the VMware console then I am able to connect to the server but if I use putty in my desktop then I am not able to connect to the host.
1) Started SSH service in the VMware host configuration.
2) Added IP and hostname in the /etc/hosts file
Thanks #Kyle Ruddy. I fixed this issue by allowing certain IP in the Firewall settings. Its working now.

localhost is not working on browser but i can ping it

am using debian , and am working on a php laravel project
so first thing to do is
sudo service apache2 start
sudo service mysql start
every thing working fine , the project is working great my sql is working ,
the problem is in the browser i when i go to localhost or or localhost/phpmyadmin
it gives me Unable to connect
How ever i can ping localhost it give me this result
64 bytes from localhost (::1): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
and ping result :
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms
so i assumed that the problem in hosts file that the domains is not resolving for a reason ,
am not sure what happend , last thing i was doing i was trying to install tor service and browser
please help me , all my work is on hold , and i tried many things .
i also thinking that it might be a DNS problem.
This means that your application is running under a different port. When not specifying a port, your browser will assume 80 for http and 443 for https traffic.
Try other commonly used ports like 8080 or 8000:
ping has nothing to do with your web server, by using it you can check if a host is reachable.

Install Apache server on 4G Network

I have installed XAMPP to run Apache server on windows,So the Apache server run great on LAN (Local Area Network ).
But i need to run the server ,so the public can access it from WAN
(Wide Area Network) .
I have forward HTTP port 80 on 4G portable router ,but no device can access the Apache server from Public (WAN)
** I have tried DDNS solutions also with no success.
The issue is most likely the 4g network itself. It seems they don't allow servers to wait on their network.

Apache home server connects to domain inside network and not out

Hello i have an old windows xp pc im trying to turn into a server for hobbyist purposes. I downloaded and installed the apache xampp 1.8 distribution. Once installed and tested that the localhost worked, I connected my domain to my servers ip. So my problem is when i tried to connect to my site on my pc on the same network, they all were able to load the domain/site inside the network successfully but when i have a pc thats outside the network try it fails. Any ideas?. thanks.
You have used a private IP instead of public IP so it does not get resolved to your server. You have to use a public IP (if you have a static IP from your provider you have to setup port forwarding on your router.) If you get the IP from DHCPD server you will need to use dynamic DNS and port forwarding.
More info on private networks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network