Cmake error: could not find MPI (missing: MPI_C_FOUND MPI_CXX_FOUND) - cmake

I'm trying to install a software called relion on a windows pc, but am running into some issues. I try to build relion with <cmake .. -G 'Visual Studio 16 2019'> to set my C compiler, and I am not able to find MPI

MPI, a standard, has several implementations. See this old but good answer covering the options you've got (MS-MPI or Intel-MPI )


Cannot compile PDDL 2.1 Temporal Planner POPF on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

I need a temporal planner that supports durative-actions in PDDL, I was following this youtube guide, but I can't make the popf planner work.
I'm getting this error when making popf:
/home/virginia/Scaricati/popf/src/VALfiles/TimSupport.cpp:1392:36: required from here
/usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_tree.h:1117:16: error: no type named ‘value_type’ in ‘struct std::iterator_traits<TIM::getConditionally<std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<TIM::Property*> > >’
1117 | __enable_if_t<!__same_value_type<_InputIterator>::value>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[2]: *** [src/VALfiles/CMakeFiles/Inst.dir/build.make:154: src/VALfiles/CMakeFiles/Inst.dir/TimSupport.o] Errore 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:213: src/VALfiles/CMakeFiles/Inst.dir/all] Errore 2
I used these commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake path_to_src_folder
After the installation process I expected to have the file 'build/popf/popf-clp' as a binary of popf.
Obviously, since I have an error, I don't have it.
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.
I think this is related to the fact that the VAL code is quite old and incompatible with the newer C++ libraries. Try putting it inside a Singularity file (very similar to Docker, but for some performance reasons AI Planning community prefers Singularity) which uses Ubuntu 16.04 as its base image. Then change your planner invocation scripts to run the singularity image instead (which you could then set in VSCode).
Refer to this very similar issue (SMTPlan and POPF use the same VAL code which is giving you problems):
Further down there is a reference to the Singularity file I had used, but you would need to change it to include your POPF compilation steps instead of SMTPlan.
I think I had the exact same error. And finally, I tried this fork version that compiled on "first try" on my Ubuntu 22.04 (after apt installed dependancies)

Linking Armadillo and OpenBlas on Windows 10

Beginner here so apologies if the question is basic or poorly organized.
I am trying to link Armadillo 10.3.0 to OpenBlas 0.3.13 on Windows 10 using the pre-compiled OpenBlas here and am running into undefined reference issues.
When I compile my C++ using g++ my_script.cpp -o my_script -I "C:/.../armadillo-10.3.0/include" -DARMA_DONT_USE_WRAPPER -L "C:/.../armadillo-10.3.0/examples/lib_win64/libopenblas.dll" -I "C:/.../boost_1_75_0", it works perfectly when my_script.cpp only includes basic Arma operations.
However, if I add certain Arma operations (e.g., chol, mvnrnd) I run into several undefined reference to `xxx' issues (see example below) when I try to compile:
5_S5_S3_S3_S3_S3_]+0x83): undefined reference to `dsyevd'
I have tried:
Playing around with armadillo_bits/config.hpp to adjust flags per here
Checking arma::arma_config to see if .blas and .lapack are true / enabled after compiling the version of my_script.cpp without the troublesome Arma operations (they are true/enabled)
If anyone has any thoughts on this would appreciate any guidance, thanks!

How to get missing modules in Ocaml?

[Solved (at bottom). installed quartz and re-installed with x11 via brew then restarted machine.]
I'm learning Ocaml and am going through these documentations pages and need to install some modules (graphics).
I'm missing a Graphics module in Ocaml. After trying to load it on toplevel (the REPL right?) with:
$ ocaml
OCaml version blahblah
# #load "graphics.cma";;
# open Graphics;;
I get the error message:
Cannot find file graphics.cma.
So I wander over to this question and after not finding the file with the command:
ls `ocamlc -where`/graphics*`
I read that this means that:
Graphics is not installed and you have to reinstall OCaml compiler
enabling Graphics.
Does this mean I have to recompile Ocaml every time I need a new module? I'm not sure what he meant by that.
Then, I tried to install Graphics with: opam install graphics.
I got this error:
This package relies on external (system) dependencies that may be missing. `opam depext lablgl.1.05' may help you find the correct installation for your system.
So I did opam depext lablgl.1.05
After this, I tried opam install graphics again, but it failed with this error:
#=== ERROR while installing graphics.1.0 ======================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os darwin
# command ocamlc -custom graphics.cma -o test
# path /Users/alexanderkleinhans/.opam/system/build/graphics.1.0
# compiler system (4.02.2)
# exit-code 2
# env-file /Users/alexanderkleinhans/.opam/system/build/graphics.1.0/graphics-24451-7afd23.env
# stdout-file /Users/alexanderkleinhans/.opam/system/build/graphics.1.0/graphics-24451-7afd23.out
# stderr-file /Users/alexanderkleinhans/.opam/system/build/graphics.1.0/graphics-24451-7afd23.err
### stderr ###
# File "_none_", line 1:
# Error: Cannot find file graphics.cma
=-=- Error report -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The following actions failed
∗ install graphics 1.0
No changes have been performed
=-=- graphics.1.0 troubleshooting -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
=> This package checks whether the Graphics library was compiled.
This error says Cannot find file graphics.cma which brings me back to this question and what the steps are to get graphics.cma (and other modules as I might need them).
I though opam was a package manager for ocaml (this install modules right?)
I did brew info ocaml and I did install with x11 so I though this meant I should have it...
ocaml: stable 4.04.1 (bottled), devel 4.05.0+beta3, HEAD
General purpose programming language in the ML family
/usr/local/Cellar/ocaml/4.04.1 (1,730 files, 194.4MB) *
Poured from bottle on 2017-06-13 at 15:23:43
==> Requirements
Optional: x11 ✘
==> Options
Install with flambda support
Install with the Graphics module
Install development version 4.05.0+beta3
Install HEAD version
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew reinstall ocaml --with-x11
Allowed me to compile, but running gave me this fatal exception. Seems to be an X11 thing?
Fatal error: exception Graphics.Graphic_failure("Cannot open display ")
So I think the two steps that were necessary were to make sure ocaml was installed with X11. Note that `brew info ocaml` seemed to give wrong information (said it was installed with X11 but reinstall was necessary). On OSX, I also needed to install quarts.
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew reinstall ocaml --with-x11
After this I COULD compile, but got an error on execution. This was simply solved by restarting which I read was necessary after installation of xquartz.
After that I could run fine.
The graphics module is an optional part of the base OCaml install, not an external module. This explains why you can't install it using OPAM. The OPAM module that you show is only testing whether it is installed in the current OCaml system. It can't (and hence doesn't try to) install graphics as a separate module.
For this reason, installing graphics (when it's not already installed) is unusually tricky. There's no need to recompile OCaml for installing most (if not all) other modules.
For what it's worth, I am running macOS 10.12.4, and I used "opam switch" to switch my OCaml system to the 4.03.0 release. In the resulting environment, the Graphics module is installed, and I have no trouble running the examples at the website you mention. (For the first, I see concentric red and yellow circles, for example.)
You might try doing "opam switch" to switch to a recent version of the compiler, and see if this gets things going for you. In the past I have had trouble getting Graphics to work, but it is working great for me now.

JNI - compile dll as 64 bit

I compile my .dll with the following command: gcc -mno-cygwin -I"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_04/include" -I"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_04/include/win32" -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -shared -o CalculatorFunctions.dll CalcFunc.c
I use GlassFish for Eclipse. The whole system is a CORBA client-server. When I start the server from Eclipse - it's fine. But when I try to run the server from the CMD (because I want to set a port and host address for the server) it gives me: Exception: ... .dll: Can't load AI 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform
I searched through other topics and saw that I should try with changing my JDK to 32 bit - didn't work again.
So the other solution I read about is to compile the .DLL as 64 bit. What command I need to use or how I do that at all ?
Thanks in advance! :)
You need not only a command but whole 64-bit MinGW toolchain - a 64bit compiler in the first place. Then the parameters to your gcc invocation should work the same.
Beware that 64bit is not just a matter of compilability. Primitive data types have different sizes, so any code making assumptions without sizeof checking is a potential issue. Most prominently, pointer arithmetic.

Need help to compile an objective c program on windows XP

I am a very new to objective c and start learning I started referring some tutorials and books. One of them is
I installed GNUstep on windows as instructed in the tutorial, but when I tried to compile the first program hello.m, it throws error
sh: gnustep-config --objc-flags: command not found
Sounds like the gnustep-config tool is not in your path. Fix that, and you'll be fine.
To check your path, type env at the shell prompt. (assuming you're using bash or something here, based on "sh:").