Why does insertion command is giving an error about new operator? [closed] - sql

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am bit new this, can someone please help me to rectify this error. I am using sqllite:

The table name in the INSERT is wrong. And the column list must match the values list.
Try INSERT correct table name (target columns) Values (vales for each column).
Additionally if you omit any columns the insert will fail unless they have defaults.


Comparison with '{0}' in SQL SELECT [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I have to take over old colleague's code and trying to understand this one SQL statement like below:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date_key = '{0}'
Column date_keycontains int values such as 20220712, 20220120, etc.
The first guess is that SELECT statement filters for rows with 0 value in column date_key. However, when running that line of code, I receive this error :
SQL Error [100038] [22018]: Numeric value '{0}' is not recognized
What exactly does that line of code do?
That looks like a placeholder, replaced with an actual value in code when calling the query.
See similar What is {0},{1},{2},{3} in the SQL query

Postgres column doesn't exist error on update [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to run the query below but I am getting an error ERROR: column "test.pdf" does not exist . I dont know why I am getting this error. I search for various links on stackover but none solved my problem like this PostgreSQL query -- column does not exist, Postgres error updating column data. Please help me find the problem.
bill is a type string field in bills table.
update bills
set bill = "test.pdf"
where id=3;
Change the double quotes you have around test.pdf to single quotes.

SQL Server column select query behaving strangely [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 5 years ago.
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When I do a select * over the table, the column Qty & QtyPending show a value of 6. However explicitly selecting the column names shows different values. Can anyone shed some light as to why this behavior is occurring?
This is a legacy system and database used is SQL Server 2000. The column data types are smallint.
So I have explicitly updated QtyPending to 6 using an Update query. This column now shows correct value.
Also added locstockid to the query, column Qty still shows different values.
Whatever I see in the image provided both the query have different LocStockId which means they can have different values
First :
LocStockId = 152319
Second :
LocStockId = 153219
I think you have mistyped.

Select and append rows with null value (SQL/VBA) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can someone help in coding a Access SQL statement/Query where I have a table with columns as shown with Ident No not primary
Looking for result as shown below in the query result or a new table.
Please Help Thanks in advance
You need to use group by and get the MAX() value for each column like
select `Ident_No`, max(`Data1`), max(`Data2`),
max(`Data3`), max(`Data4`), max(`Data5`), max(`Data6`)
from tbl9999
group by Ident_No
See live here http://rextester.com/CIHY78216

Wrong Number of Arguments Used With Function in Query Expression [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an SQL in Access 2010 that was written by someone else that gives a Wrong Number of Arguments error when I try and run it. It's supposed to filter a report from a search page.
SELECT Activity.[ProjNo], Activity.[Code], Activity.[Type], Activity.[ProjNoStatus],
Activity.[Preliminary], Activity.[Planner], Activity.[Designer],
Activity.[Officer], Activity.[Manager], Activity.[Staff], Activity.[Analyst],
Activity.[Manager], Activity.[DeptHead], Activity.[ContractNumber],
FROM Activity
WHERE Activity.ProjNo=Index.ProjNo AND (((IIf([Forms]![SearchForm]![txtCode]="",
AND ((IIf([Forms]![SearchForm]![txtType]="","*",[Activity].[ Type]="",
"*", [Activity].[Type]=[Forms]![SearchForm]![txtType]))<>False) AND
I'm not very experienced with SQL and, like I said, I didn't write this code (the person who did has long since retired) so any help would be great.
That query defines just one data source (table or query):
FROM Activity
But then the WHERE clause appears to reference another data source named Index:
WHERE Activity.ProjNo=Index.ProjNo
Since Index is not included in the FROM clause, Access will object when you try to use it in the WHERE clause.
However, I'm not sure that is the cause of the first error Access complains about. It may help to show us the full text of that error message.