Blender Show Solid Color Instead of Texture - blender

I'm very new to Blender (I use Blender 2.8.3). I give my objects some texture but I don't know why the texture won't show up both in the viewport and when I render it.. How ever, the other texture () has no problem. I've tried this way from But I think already have my (or haven't I?). Thank you in advanced.
The most common problem is that we can't see a texture or color that we added to our shader. This is most often because we are still stuck in solid viewport mode.
To resolve it, just change from solid viewport mode to material preview mode in the top right corner of the 3D viewport.
Material viewport mode will set up a default lighting with no shadows so that you can see your materials in full. There are a few settings related to this viewport mode as well that we will cover later.


Blender border render internals

I would like to know how Blender's border render works internally. How can Blender compute lights if it has not information about the lights in the tiles he won't render? I have not found any reference (source code excluded) on how this feature of blender works. Can somebody explain it (or give me some reference)?
The render border setting only alters what part of the image is rendered, it does not alter what data is sent to the render engine to generate the image.
You can test this by placing an object with a reflective surface in front of the camera and another object behind the camera, the object behind the camera will show in the reflection. The border setting doesn't change the reflection in the object, it only changes what part of the image is rendered.
Rendering an image starts at the pixel that will be visible in the final image and sends a "ray" into the scene to determine what colour the specific pixel will be. Each ray will bounce around in the scene from object to object to light source based on render settings to calculate the final result. While the render border will reduce the pixels used as the starting point for each ray, it does not reduce the objects or lights in the scene that each ray may come into contact with. Each ray going through the scene will see every visible object and light in the scene that can influence the final result for each pixel.
This conference video explains ray types and might give you a better grasp of how a ray goes through a scene to get the final image.

GIMP & Photoshop Gaussian Blur issue?

I'm trying hard to nicely blur a red circle but everytime i get gradient levels of red and the image looks choppy.
How i can acheive a smooth blur ?
If you are referring to the visible circles that separate the gradation levels, that is called banding Here are some ways to fix that:
Increase your document's bit level from 8-bit to 16-bit
This will increase the amount of colors your file can represent, creating more colors that can be used to represent the gradient, making it smoother in appearance.
In Photoshop navigate to Image>Mode>16-Bits/Channel
In GIMP 2.10 (or higher?), navigate to Image>Precision>16 bit..
Display or system settings might be unable to display enough colors
If changing the bit depth does not fix the issue then you might have a hardware or system settings issue.
If it's a hardware issue, your monitor might not have the capability to display enough colors to render the gradient smooth
If it's system settings you will need to go to your operating systems color depth setting, usually located under the system's display settings. It could say something like Millions of Colors, or True Color (32-bit).
The last thing related to settings is that you have a bad color profile set in your system or in your image editing software. It's beyond the scope of this answer. If you don't know how to color calibrate your monitor, then it most likely isn't this and you can skip this.
If you have to have 8-bits
If you absolutely have to keep your document in 8-bit color space then you will have to use dithering or add some noise to your image to confuse the viewers brain into seeing a smooth gradient.
Noise or dithering will confuse the viewers brain into seeing a smoother gradient by setting some focus on the imperfections of the noise/grain/dithering. This doesn't exactly answer your question, but it is about the only option you have if you keep your ultra smooth gradient in 8-bit mode.
Good Luck!
I think you are applying the Gussain-Blur to the entire image try to Select the red circle and apply the Gussain-Blur filter to it

OpenGL ES 2.0: attach smaller texture to framebuffer

I have implemented bloom post process effect in my game for Android using render to texture and proper shaders. It works, but the performance hit is unacceptable. So I thought that I could render the scene to smaller texture and then stretch the texture to fullscreen. The trouble is that when I attach a texture that is smaller than the viewport to the off screen framebuffer, the scene is cropped. The image below illustrates the issue:
Is there any way I could "map" the attached texture to the framebuffer somehow, so the whole viewport gets rendered to it? I could probably modify the projection matrix to achieve the goal, but that would complicate my code and I would rather avoid it.
I think you can do that by simply changing the Viewport to match the texture dimensions before you do the render to texture, then set the viewport back to the dimensions of the View before you render to the framebuffer. There should be no significant performance loss because you will be calling glViewport() twice as often.
Your suggestion about scaling the projection matrix should also work.

Blender's Render mode displays walls as invisible; opaque in Solid & Wireframe Modes

I have a model designed in Blender of a spaceship hallway. In all modes except for Render it appears as designed. However when I switch to Render mode the walls vanish.
Wireframe view:
Solid view:
Rendered View:
More unusual, when I rotate the image while in Rendered mode, I can see the walls but only if they are exactly between the camera and the rear of the object. It's hard to explain, but I uploaded a short video of the phenomenon:
I'm uncertain what I did to cause the render mode to appear so incorrectly.
The issue was being caused by the Bevel modifier. Removing it caused the Render mode to display properly. Possibly a bug, but that fixed the issue.

What's hardware-accelerated besides -webkit-transform on mobile safari (webkit)?

I'm building an application using Sencha Touch that's targeting iPads. The only way to achieve a smooth animation that I know is to use -webkit-transform css property. That works for moving things around with translate3d and scaling them, however I'm looking to change elements' dimensions (width and height). Imagine an element that grows in size to accomodate for a new child - that's what I'm after
You won't have any luck with width and height, as any transitions for these properties won't be hardware accelerated. What you'll get instead in Safari is a jerky animation that isn't even scaled properly. In my tests, the browser would first transition the height, then the width would snap into place abruptly, or vice versa. If all you want to do is scale an element (change its dimensions) then you should us -webkit-transform: scale(x, y).