Unable to add Event Grid System-assigned Managed Identity to Storage Account Role - azure-storage

I'm unable to search for and assign an Event Grid SAMI to a Storage Account. It doesn't appear when searched for unless I select Users instead of Managed Identity.
1. Azure Storage account (ADLS Gen2 w/ hierarchical namespaces)
2. Create a new Queue
3. Create New Event and Subscription
Source: stgstackoverflowtest
Trigger: When blob created
Destination: stgqueue
4. Enable System Assigned Managed Identity (SAMI) for EventGrid system topic
5. Add SAMI as Owner to Storage Account
Herein lies the problem(?). I can't select the SAMI because there is no option for "Event Grid"
If instead of "Managed Identity", I select "Users" I'm able to locate the Event Grid system topic and add as owner

You can do it from within the Event Grid Topic resource. Go to the blade Identity and then click the button Azure role assigments. From there it will show the way itself.
Alternatively Powershell and the Azure CLI commands would also work. An example using the CLI:
az role assignment create `
--assignee <GUID of the managed identity> `
--role 'Storage Queue Data Contributor' `
--scope /subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroup>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage>


why this role does not have permission for this action in QNA Maker

I receive this role does not have permission for this action. WHen I try to add a Azure QnA Service.Not sure how to get around it
Go to access control (IAM) blade of your qnamaker service in azure portal
Add role assignment
Select Cognitive Service QnA Maker Editor Role
Select the identity you are using to log on to qnamaker.ai
This will resolve the issue and you should be able to select your qnamaker service.
Recreate one from the QnAMaker page, then once you created it, refresh the whole page (not by clicking Refresh Button on the current QnAMaker.ai/Create page).
If that doesn't work, delete the current QnAMaker service, recreate it, and do the above process.
It worked for me.
You must go to access control (IAM) and add a role assigment.
First you need to select owner and your assignemt access (Azure AD user, group, or application. Then, the identity that you are using to log on to qnamaker.ai and save.
By the end, repeat all the before process, but instead of owner you must select contributor and save. Refresh the page and Voil`a ;)

Sitefinity Sync - Restrict to some content type only by role

I'm using Sitefinity v11.2. I have created a new role "App Editor". This is a very restrictive role:
Access to a specific content type (i.e. ContentType1) for view, update, add, delete
SiteSync only ContentType1
When logged in using that role, the SiteSync proposes everything to sync (from pages to all content types). I want to restrict that role to SiteSync ContentType1 only.
Does SF v11.2 enable that restriction?
If yes, how can I achieve it?

Is there a tool that will tell me what permissions will be required to create a Cloudformation template?

My team is attempting to move towards templatization of our services and their infrastructure.
We have found it to be extremely time-consuming to determine the set of permissions required to execute or update a given Cloudformation template. Our process is:
Create a user with permissions cloudformation:CreateStack and/or cloudformation:UpdateStack
Have that user attempt to create/update the specified stack
Observe which missing permission caused the stack operation to fail
Add that permission to the user
Go to 2.
The alternative to this would be to create a "God User" who has unlimited permissions and have that user execute the create/update - which seems to violate the Principle Of Least Privilege
Alternatively, is there a tool that can list "what permissions have been exercised by a given user in the past N minutes?". If such a tool existed, we could create the "God User", have them execute the template, and then create a more limited-scope user that has precisely the permissions that the God User had used.
There is no simple way/tool to do this.
Here are a couple of approaches you can try-
Using an User that has Admin priviledges, create the Stack. Once done, wait for 15-20 minutes for CloudTrail to populate. Now in CloudTrail list the API calls made by the 'Event Source' - 'cloudformation.amazonaws.com'. That should be roughly all the API calls required. There can be a few more calls required, for other operations as you keep on adding functionalities to the Resources. Again, you would need to figure that out this way.
Create a CFN service role , and add admin privileges to this Role. Use this Role to create/update/delete the Stacks. Allow the IAM users only iam:PassRole and cloudformation:* . However, users will be able to create different resources using CFN.
Use Service Catalog and create Products. Service Catalog Products are CFN Templates which can be launched by a specific user/Role/Group. The user does not need permission to create/modify the Resources in a Stack/Product. Also the end user cannot change the Product to add more Resources. Here's a great video that explains this stuff : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9kKy6WhqVA
Hope this helps...

WSO2 Identity Server - Adding a Corporate LDAP as Secondary User Store - Field Layout Mapping?

I like to request an advice about the configuration options in the WSO2 Identity Server to adjust the layout of a corporate LDAP directory and reuse it as a Secondary Read Only User store in the IdP. Is there a mapping function available that correlates the WSO2 field terminology to the context of the corporate directory, mapping the mandatory WSO2 identity fields like [ First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone Number and others]?
This question is complementary to my previous question about the access locking.
WSO2 Admin Secondary User Store - Delete Icon is not Working
Thanks in advance for your advice how to integrate an external LDAP repository.
You can use claim management in WSO2 identity server. In the Identity Server, each user store attribute can be mapped as a claim. Therefore, you can use the claim management functionality available in the Identity Server and properly map your LDAP/AD/JDBC user store attributes with the claim URIs defined by the Identity Server. You can also add different claim URIs and manage them using claim management.
Please refer the below links to find how to do user attribute mapping.
You can add your corporate LDAP directory as secondary user store.
You can follow the below steps to configure secondary user stores manually or using the management console:
configure the [IS_HOME]\repository\conf\user-mgt.xml file as given below.
Using management console:
Log in to the management console and click User Store Management sub menu under Configure menu.
List item
The User Store Management page opens
Click Add Secondary User Store.
In the User Store Manager Class list, select the type of user store you are creating (in here u can populate this drop-down list with custom user store manager implementations by adding them to the server.)
Enter a unique domain name with no underscore (_) characters, and optionally enter a description for this user store.
Enter values for the properties, using the descriptions in the Descriptions column for guidance. The properties that appear vary based on the user store manager class you selected, and there may be additional properties in an Optional or Advanced section at the bottom of the screen.
Ensure that all the mandatory fields are filled and a valid domain name is given and click Add.
A message appears saying that the user stores are being added. (The message does not imply that the user store is added successfully. It simply means that the server is attempting to add the new user store to the end of the available chain of stores.)
Refresh the page after a few seconds to check the status.
If the new user store is successfully added, it will appear in the User Store Management page.
After adding to the server, you can edit the properties of the new secondary user store and enable/disable it in a dynamic manner.
Using manually:
You can find the primary user store configuration in [IS_HOME]\repository\conf\ the user-mgt.xml file. When you create a secondary user store using the management console, its configuration is saved to an XML file with the same name as the domain name you specify. Alternatively, you can create this XML file manually and save it as follows:
When you configure multiple user stores, you must give a unique domain name to each user store in the <domainname> element. If you configure a user store without specifying a domain name, the server throws an exception at start up.
If it is the configuration of a super tenant, save the secondary user store definitions in <product_home>/repository/deployment/server/userstores directory.
If it is a general tenant, save the configuration in <product_home>/repository/tenants/<tenantid>/userstores directory.
The secondary user store configuration file must have the same name as the domain with an underscore (_) in place of the period. For example, if the domain is wso2.com, name the file as wso2_com.xml.
One file only contains the definition for one user store domain.
You can follow the below steps:

app inventor 2 using a private fusiontable

I am creating an app in ai2 that connects to one of my fusion tables as a high score datastore.
If I use traditional Oauth2 flow then each user would be presented with an oauth login for their fusiontable, which is not what I want.
I have set up a
Client ID for Android application
in the google developer console which gave me
Client ID xxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
Redirect URIs
Package name appinventor.ai_xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1) 12:34:56 etc
Deep linking Disabled
What I want is for my app to connect to my fusiontable using my credentials regardless of which device or which user. How do I do that?
This document is a very simple and straight-forward guide to creating a fusion table for your app.
First, you have to create a project at console.developers.google.com.
Then go to the API manager in the menu. Search for and enable the fusion tables API.
Now create a service account key. You may have to look in the credentials menu for this setting. Choose "enable Google apps-wide delegation". A service account is a localized email address that your app can use when you share the fusion table with that account. It provides more security than the anyone with the link can edit setting.
Now go to New Credentials > Service account key. Select P12, and the file will automatically download. If the name of the file has spaces, remove them.
Next, create a google fusion table.
Now share the table with the service email you created. Set the permission to Can Edit. Uncheck the notify box and hit Share.
Now, go to App Inventor. You need:
Your Service Account Email address (also called service account ID)
Service Account key file (.p12)
Fusion Table ID code (don't worry about this yet)
First, upload the key file.
In the fusion tables component property menu, set the KeyFile property to the key file. Copy the email address you created earlier and paste it in the ServiceAccountEmail property. Check the Use Service Authentication box.
Last thing: In the fusion table, go to File > About This Table. Copy the table Id. When you do operations with the table, you will need this id. You can store it in a variable if you want.
This property means that you can share and use multiple different tables with the same service account. Just share the other table(s) you will use with the service account and use that table's id when you do operations with that table.