Asynchronous programming for IotHub Device Registration in Java? - azure-iot-hub

I am currently trying to implement the Java web service(Rest API) where the endpoint creates the device in the IoTHub and updates the device twin.
There are two methods available in the azure-iot sdk. One is
addDevice(deviceId, authenticationtype)
and another is to
addDeviceAsync(deviceId, authenticationtype)
I just wanted to figure out which one should I use in the web service(as a best practice). I am not very strong in MultiThreading/Concurrency so was wondering to receive people's expertise on this. Any suggestion/Link related to this is much appreciated

The Async version of AddDevice is basically the same. If you use AddDeviceAsync then a thread is created to run the AddDevice call so you are not blocked on it.
Check the code#L269 of RegistryManager doing exactly that:
public CompletableFuture<Device> addDeviceAsync(Device device) throws IOException, IotHubException
if (device == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("device cannot be null");
final CompletableFuture<Device> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
executor.submit(() ->
Device responseDevice = addDevice(device);
catch (IOException | IotHubException e)
return future;
You can as well build your own async wrapper and call AddDevice() from there.


Is Mono's share().block() non-blocking?

I am in the middle of learning Spring WebFlux. I am using a REST call using below code to parse the response:
private void parseJsonResponse(String folderId) throws IOException {
Mono<ObjectNode> theresponseMono = webClient.get()
ObjectNode node = new ObjectMapper().disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES)
.readValue(theresponseMono.share().block().toString(), ObjectNode.class);
//handle node object here.....
Question: Is theresponseMono.share().block() non-blocking here? If not, what can be done to make is completely non-blocking. I am looking for the relevant documentation on this as I want to learn it and not just looking for a yes or no. To summarize, I need to retrieve theresponseMono as non-blocking. Any guidance or any official documentation/link on this please? Thanks.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Mono<ObjectNode> theresponseMono = webClient.get()
.retrieve().bodyToMono(ObjectNode.class).flatMap(node -> {
if (node.get("list").get("entries").isArray()) {
for (JsonNode jsonNode : node.get("list").get("entries")) {
Somehow I am not able to map using flatMap. What is missing here?
No since here you are blocking it. Right way would be to do
private Mono<ObjectNode> parseJsonResponse(String folderId) {
return webClient.get()
.flatMap(node-> {
// do your logic here
I would say everything what is in mono/flux must stay in mono/flux :) Anytime you call block its blocking your thread.

How can I use Kotlin to handle asynchronous speech recognition?

The Code A is from the artical
It write with Java, I don't think the following code is a good code, it make the app interrupt.
while (!response.isDone()) {
System.out.println("Waiting for response...");
I'm a beginner of Kotlin. How can I use Kotlin to write the better code? maybe using coroutines ?
Code A
public static void asyncRecognizeGcs(String gcsUri) throws Exception {
// Instantiates a client with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
try (SpeechClient speech = SpeechClient.create()) {
// Configure remote file request for FLAC
RecognitionConfig config =
RecognitionAudio audio = RecognitionAudio.newBuilder().setUri(gcsUri).build();
// Use non-blocking call for getting file transcription
OperationFuture<LongRunningRecognizeResponse, LongRunningRecognizeMetadata> response =
speech.longRunningRecognizeAsync(config, audio);
while (!response.isDone()) {
System.out.println("Waiting for response...");
List<SpeechRecognitionResult> results = response.get().getResultsList();
for (SpeechRecognitionResult result : results) {
// There can be several alternative transcripts for a given chunk of speech. Just use the
// first (most likely) one here.
SpeechRecognitionAlternative alternative = result.getAlternativesList().get(0);
System.out.printf("Transcription: %s\n", alternative.getTranscript());
You will have to provide some context to understand what you are trying to achieve, but it looks like coroutine is not really necessary here, as longRunningRecognizeAsync is already non-blocking and returns OperationFuture response object. You just need to decide what to do with that response, or just store Future and check it later. There is nothing implicitly wrong with while (!response.isDone()) {}, that's how Java Futures are supposed to work. Also check OperationFuture, if its normal Java Future, it should implement get() method, that will let you wait for result if necessary, without having to do explicit Thread.sleep().

Message Dialog not displaying on Windows 8 tablet - Caliburn.Micro/C#

Has anyone heard of any issues with MessageDialog's not displaying on Windows 8 tablets? Or more specifically Samsung 700t? It uses a regular intel process and not ARM. I built the app on a laptop and the messagedialog shows when debugging from the laptop, shows on the tablet simulator but doesn't show on the actual tablet.
I'm using the Caliburn.Micro IResult interface to display the messagedialog in the view.
Heres snippits of code that I'm using:
public IEnumerable<IResult> NavExecute(String method)
var conn = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();
if (conn.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() != NetworkConnectivityLevel.InternetAccess)
yield return new MessageDialogResult("Internet Connection Not Detected", "Connection Error");
netOn = false;
the above is in my view model base class, and heres the implementation of the IResult class itself:
public class MessageDialogResult : ResultBase
private readonly string _content;
private readonly string _title;
public MessageDialogResult(string content, string title)
_content = content;
_title = title;
public async override void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
var dialog = new MessageDialog(_content, _title);
await dialog.ShowAsync();
I doub't it's an issue with the code since I'm debugging in x86 mode on both devices (before anyone asks why I'm not debugging for all devices it's because I'm using SQLite which requires a seperate package for each arhitecture.)
I'm not sure if theres a setting somewhere in Windows 8 that disables in app popups, but I couldn't find one.
Any ideas?
Are you handling the callback of Coroutine.Execute?
The callback on Execute might be calling back with an exception thrown by the coroutine - this would silently fail if you weren't explicitly looking for it in the callback
Coroutine.Execute(YourEnumerator(), new ActionExecutionContext { Blah }, (o, e) => {
if(e.Error != null) // Something went wrong
Maybe the async await is throwing or something like that (can't think why!)
Ah additionally stuff in your enumerator could also throw:
var conn = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();
Either one could throw making the outer enumerator swallow an exception if not handled in the callback - or could be a nullref on conn?
The reason why GetInternetConnectionProfile() was returning a null ref was due to the fact that when on a laptop, if you disconnect from a wireless connection the laptop's internet connection profile defaults to ethernet, whereas the tablet (at least the Samsung 700T) doesn't have an ethernet port so it's connection profile doesn't exist if a wireless connection isn't established.
Thanks to Charleh for pointing me in the right direction.

Unity game online beta testing platform

I've googled this but, nothing useful came up. It's really simple, i'm looking for a service that supports Unity games distribution and usage tracking, with crash reports and whatnot, something like TestFlight or HockeyApp but for Unity games!
Thanks in advance !
If you search for "analytics" in the Unity Asset Store there are some systems that support Unity PC. These can be used to track usage, and some track errors too. Usually analytics systems support attaching extra data to an event, and you could use this to send uncaught exceptions to the service.
Application.RegisterLogCallback can be used for this.
void OnEnable() {
void OnDisable() {
void ErrorReporter (string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type) {
if (type == LogType.Assert || type == LogType.Error || type == LogType.Exception) {
// send analytics message with logString and/or stackTrace attached.

What is the proper life-cycle of a WCF service client proxy in Silverlight 3?

I'm finding mixed answers to my question out in the web. To elaborate on the question:
Should I instantiate a service client proxy once per asynchronous invocation, or once per Silverlight app?
Should I close the service client proxy explicitly (as I do in my ASP.NET MVC application calling WCF services synchronously)?
I've found plenty of bloggers and forum posters out contradicting each other. Can anyone point to any definitive sources or evidence to answer this once and for all?
I've been using Silverlight with WCF since V2 (working with V4 now), and here's what I've found. In general, it works very well to open one client and just use that one client for all communications. And if you're not using the DuplexHttBinding, it also works fine to do just the opposite, to open a new connection each time and then close it when you're done. And because of how Microsoft has architected the WCF client in Silverlight, you're not going to see much performance difference between keeping one client open all the time vs. creating a new client with each request. (But if you're creating a new client with each request, make darned sure you're closing it as well.)
Now, if you're using the DuplexHttBinding, i.e., if you want to call methods on the client from the server, it's of course important that you don't close the client with each request. That's just common sense. However, what none of the documentation tells you, but which I've found to be absolutely critical, is that if you're using the DuplexHttBinding, you should only ever have one instance of the client open at once. Otherwise, you're going to run into all sorts of nasty timeout problems that are going to be really, really hard to troubleshoot. Your life will be dramatically easier if you just have one connection.
The way that I've enforced this in my own code is to run all my connections through a single static DataConnectionManager class that throws an Assert if I try to open a second connection before closing the first. A few snippets from that class:
private static int clientsOpen;
public static int ClientsOpen
return clientsOpen;
clientsOpen = value;
Debug.Assert(clientsOpen <= 1, "Bad things seem to happen when there's more than one open client.");
public static RoomServiceClient GetRoomServiceClient()
Logger.LogDebugMessage("Clients created: {0}; Clients open: {1}", ClientsCreated, ClientsOpen);
return new RoomServiceClient(GetDuplexHttpBinding(), GetDuplexHttpEndpoint());
public static void TryClientClose(RoomServiceClient client, bool waitForPendingCalls, Action<Exception> callback)
if (client != null && client.State != CommunicationState.Closed)
client.CloseCompleted += (sender, e) =>
Logger.LogDebugMessage("Clients closed: {0}; Clients open: {1}", ClientsClosed, ClientsOpen);
if (e.Error != null)
closingIntentionally = false;
if (callback != null)
closingIntentionally = true;
if (waitForPendingCalls)
WaitForPendingCalls(() => client.CloseAsync());
if (callback != null)
The annoying part, of course, is if you only have one connection, you need to trap for when that connection closes unintentionally and try to reopen it. And then you need to reinitialize all the callbacks that your different classes were registered to handle. It's not really all that difficult, but it's annoying to make sure it's done right. And of course, automated testing of that part is difficult if not impossible . . .
You should open your client per call and close it immediately after. If you in doubt browse using IE to a SVC file and look at the example they have there.
WCF have configuration settings that tells it how long it should wait for a call to return, my thinking is that when it does not complete in the allowed time the AsyncClose will close it. Therefore call client.AsyncClose().